Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | Born | Marcantonio Agazzi † | Bishop of Ceneda, Italy |
Born | Alvaro Benavente, O.E.S.A. † | Vicar Apostolic of Kiam-Si {Kiangsi}, China |
Born | Hippolyte de B騁hune † | Bishop of Verdun, France |
Born | Giuseppe Maria Bottari, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Pula (Pola), Croatia |
Born | Johann Brunetti † | Auxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Breslau), Poland |
Born | Jean-Baltazar de Cabanes de Viens † | Bishop of Vence, France |
Born | Francisco de Carvajal y Luna, O.S. † | Titular Bishop of Caffa |
Born | Valeriano Chierichelli † | Bishop Emeritus of Ferentino, Italy |
Born | Pierre Cl駑ent † | Bishop of P駻igueux (Vesuna), France |
Died | Franciscus Cruta † | Bishop of Shkodrë (Scutari), Albania |
Died | Gaspar Gajosa † | Bishop of L’Aquila, Italy |
Born | Andrew Giffard † | Priest |
Born | Andras J?zsef Illy駸 † | Bishop of Transilvania, Erd駘y, Siebenb?rgen, Romania |
56.0 | Died | Gaspard Karas † | Auxiliary Bishop of Olomouc (Olm?tz), Czechia |
Born | Henri-Guillaume Le Jay † | Bishop of Cahors, France |
Died | Francesco Leonardi † | Archbishop of Bar (Antivari), Montenegro |
31.0 | Ordained Priest | John Leyburn † | Priest | Vicar Apostolic of England (and Wales), Great Britain |
Born | Dominic Maguire, O.P. † | Archbishop of Armagh, Ireland |
Died | Giovanni Mascardi † | Bishop of Nebbio, France |
Born | Francesco Masones y Nin † | Archbishop of Oristano, Italy |
Born | Ladislav Maťašovsk? † | Bishop of Nitra, Slovakia |
Born | Benito de Oma?a † | Bishop of Ja駭, Spain |
Born | Juan P駻ez Carpintero, O. Praem. † | Bishop of Comayagua, Honduras |
Born | Franciszek Mikołaj Prażmowski † | Bishop of Lutsk (Łuck), Ukraine |
Born | Giovanni Rasponi † | Bishop of Forli, Italy |
Born | Bernard (Bertrand) de S駭aux † | Bishop of Autun, France |
57.0 | Died | Francesco Sperelli † | Bishop of San Severino (Marche), Italy |
Born | Miguel Juan de Taverner y Rub? † | Archbishop of Tarragona, Spain |
Born | Jean-Baptiste de Verthamon † | Bishop of Pamiers, France |
Born | Ercole Visconti † | Apostolic Nuncio |
Died | Nicol疽 de Zald?var y Zapata, O.S.A. † | Bishop-Elect of Nueva Caceres, Philippines |
Ordained Bishop | Mart?n de Zelaya (Celaya) y Ol疵iz † | Bishop of Santiago de Cuba | Bishop Emeritus of Santiago de Cuba |
4 Jan | Born | Giovanbattista Caracciolo, C.R.S. † | Bishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy |
8 Jan | Appointed | Pier Luigi Carafa, C.R. † | Bishop of Tricarico, Italy |
64.4 | Resigned | Pier Luigi Carafa (Sr.) † | Bishop of Tricarico, Italy | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus |
51.0 | Appointed | Pomponio Spreti † | Bishop of Cervia, Italy |
9 Jan | Born | Peter Anton Gaus von Homberg † | Bishop of Pedena, Austria |
11 Jan | Born | Konstantyn J?zef Zieliński † | Archbishop of Lviv, Ukraine |
12 Jan | 77.2 | Died | Juan (de la Serna) S疣chez Alonso de Guevara, O.S.H. † | Bishop of Lugo, Spain |
13 Jan | Died | Fabrice de La Bourdaisi鑽e † | Bishop of Cavaillon, France |
14 Jan | Ordained Bishop | Pier Luigi Carafa, C.R. † | Bishop of Tricarico, Italy |
51.0 | Ordained Bishop | Pomponio Spreti † | Bishop of Cervia, Italy |
18 Jan | Appointed | George Bielavich, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Knin (Tinin), Croatia |
52.0 | Died | Bernard Pinelli, C.R. † | Archbishop of Avignon, France |
20 Jan | 53.9 | Died | Nicolas de Netz † | Bishop of Orl饌ns, France |
Feb | 64.0 | Died | Francesco Vitelli † | Archbishop of Urbino, Italy |
5 Feb | 69.0 | Appointed | Wojciech Lipnicki † | Auxiliary Bishop of Krak?w, Poland |
69.0 | Appointed | Wojciech Lipnicki † | Titular Bishop of Laodicea in Phrygia | Auxiliary Bishop of Krak?w, Poland |
Appointed | Fernando Montero Espinosa † | Archbishop of Manila, Philippines |
60.0 | Appointed | Luis Venegas Figueroa † | Bishop of Almer?a, Spain |
Appointed | Maffeo Vitale, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Mantova, Italy |
6 Feb | 33.0 | Confirmed | Gilbert de Choiseul du Plessis Praslin † | Bishop of (Saint-Bertrand de) Comminges, France | Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium |
9 Feb | Born | Orazio Minimi † | Bishop of Segni, Italy |
11 Feb | 42.1 | Ordained Bishop | Cristofor Segni † | Titular Archbishop of Thessalonica |
Ordained Bishop | Maffeo Vitale, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Mantova, Italy |
19 Feb | 36.1 | Appointed | Domenico Carnevale † | Bishop of Isola, Italy |
59.1 | Appointed | Marco Antonio Coccini † | Bishop of Imola, Italy |
60.0 | Appointed | Marzio Ginetti † | Cardinal-Priest of San Pietro in Vincoli | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
41.1 | Appointed | Stefano Martini † | Bishop of Noli, Italy |
51.8 | Appointed | Bernardino Spada † | Cardinal-Bishop of Albano | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina |
50.1 | Resigned | Mario Theodoli † | Bishop of Imola, Italy | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus |
59.1 | Appointed | Francisco Villaguti駻rez Chumacero, O.S.A. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo, Spain |
59.1 | Appointed | Francisco Villaguti駻rez Chumacero, O.S.A. † | Titular Bishop of Troas | Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo, Spain |
22 Feb | Selected | Balthasar Grangier de Liverdis † | Bishop of Tr馮uier, France |
24 Feb | 23.5 | Ordained Priest | Diego Lozano Gonz疝ez, O. Carm. † | Priest of Order of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel | Bishop of Potenza, Italy |
1 Mar | Died | F駘ix Guzm疣, O.P. † | Bishop of Orihuela, Spain |
2 Mar | Born | Johann Kasimir R?ls † | Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg, Germany |
11 Mar | 36.1 | Ordained Bishop | Domenico Carnevale † | Bishop of Isola, Italy |
41.1 | Ordained Bishop | Stefano Martini † | Bishop of Noli, Italy |
14 Mar | 65.2 | Died | Pompeo Coronini † | Bishop of Trieste, Italy |
18 Mar | 64.2 | Died | William Therry † | Bishop of Cork and Cloyne, Ireland |
19 Mar | 49.2 | Died | Kasper Działyński † | Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland |
24 Mar | 70.2 | Died | Carlo Bovi † | Bishop of Sarsina, Italy |
62.7 | Selected | Juan Merino L?pez, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Valladolid, Spain |
25 Mar | Born | Marco Battista Battaglini † | Bishop of Cesena, Italy |
Born | Domenico Diez de Aux † | Bishop of Gerace, Italy |
31 Mar | 33.2 | Ordained Priest | Johann Bischopinck † | Priest of Osnabr?ck, Germany | Auxiliary Bishop |
3 Apr | 58.2 | Selected | Ladislas Hosszutotky † | Bishop of V當, Hungary | Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv疵ad}, Romania |
6 Apr | 59.4 | Died | Jean Bernard d’Angeloch † | Auxiliary Bishop of Basel, Switzerland |
7 Apr | 68.2 | Died | Biagio Proto de Rossi † | Archbishop of Messina, Italy |
8 Apr | 33.2 | Ordained Bishop | Gilbert de Choiseul du Plessis Praslin † | Bishop of (Saint-Bertrand de) Comminges, France | Bishop of Tournai {Doornik}, Belgium |
9 Apr | 44.2 | Appointed | Gabriel Haug † | Auxiliary Bishop of Strasbourg, France |
44.2 | Appointed | Gabriel Haug † | Titular Bishop of Tripolis in Phoenicia | Auxiliary Bishop of Strasbourg, France |
Appointed | Donato Pascasio, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Trevico, Italy |
12 Apr | 63.7 | Died | Jean (Michel) d’Estress † | Bishop of Lectoure, France |
16 Apr | Born | Benito de Sala y de Caramany, O.S.B. † | Cardinal, Bishop of Barcelona, Spain |
22 Apr | Ordained Bishop | Donato Pascasio, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Trevico, Italy |
23 Apr | 45.9 | Appointed | Ulrich Grappler von Trappenburg † | Auxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany |
45.9 | Appointed | Ulrich Grappler von Trappenburg † | Titular Bishop of Lampsacus | Auxiliary Bishop of Passau, Germany |
Appointed | Samuel Martineau de Tur? † | Bishop of Bazas, France |
Appointed | Stanisław Zaremba, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Kyiv and Chernihiv (Kij?w and Czernihow), Ukraine |
24 Apr | 65.3 | Died | Juan Ortiz de Z疵ate † | Bishop of Salamanca, Spain |
26 Apr | 49.5 | Selected | Antonio Marenzi † | Bishop of Trieste, Italy |
27 Apr | Died | Basile Cacace, C.R. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Ravenna, Italy |
May | 60.3 | Died | Cristoforo Memmolo, C.R. † | Bishop of Ruvo (Ruo)(di Puglia), Italy |
4 May | 38.3 | Selected | Andrzej Leszczyński † | Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland | Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland |
6 May | 30.3 | Selected | Louis de La Rochefoucauld † | Bishop of Lectoure, France |
8 May | 40.3 | Selected | Bonaventura Claverio, O.F.M. Conv. † | Bishop of Potenza, Italy |
75.2 | Died | Philippe Cosp饌n † | Bishop of Lisieux, France |
12 May | Appointed | Alessandro Salzilla † | Bishop of Sant’Angelo dei Lombardi e Bisaccia, Italy |
Born | Giovanni Uva, O.F.M. † | Archbishop of Lanciano, Italy |
14 May | Born | Antonio della Marra, C.R. † | Bishop of Carinola (Calina), Italy |
90.3 | Died | Fran輟is de La B駻audi鑽e † | Bishop of P駻igueux (Vesuna), France |
17 May | Born | ノtienne de Champflour † | Bishop of La Rochelle, France |
23 May | 86.3 | Died | Richard Arthur † | Bishop of Limerick, Ireland |
Succeeded | Edmund O’Dwyer † | Bishop of Limerick, Ireland |
28 May | 58.0 | Appointed | Joseph de Bergaigne, O.F.M. Obs. † | Archbishop of Cambrai, France |
57.2 | Appointed | Baltasar Moscoso y Sandoval † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain |
37.0 | Elevated to Cardinal | Jan Kazimierz Waza, S.J. † |
31 May | 64.4 | Died | Benedetto Mandina, C.R. † | Bishop of Tropea, Italy |
Jun | Ordained Priest | Giacomo Carafa † | Priest | Archbishop of Rossano, Italy |
9 Jun | 28.4 | Ordained Deacon | Louis de Fortia-Montr饌l † | Deacon | Bishop of Carpentras, France |
14 Jun | 47.4 | Died | Ottavio Branciforte † | Bishop of Catania, Italy |
17 Jun | Ordained Bishop | Samuel Martineau de Tur? † | Bishop of Bazas, France |
20 Jun | Died | Arnauld de Maytie † | Bishop of Oloron (Oloron-Sainte-Marie), France |
25 Jun | 37.7 | Appointed | Niccol? Albergati-Ludovisi † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria degli Angeli | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
32.7 | Appointed | Simeone Difnico † | Bishop of Nona (Nin), Croatia | Bishop of Feltre, Italy |
68.4 | Selected | Juan Guti駻rez † | Bishop of Vigevano, Italy |
40.4 | Appointed | Petar Kačić, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Makarska, Croatia |
76.3 | Died | Heinrich von Kn?ringen † | Bishop of Augsburg, Germany |
Appointed | Ascanio Maffei † | Archbishop of Urbino, Italy |
Appointed | Mario Montani † | Bishop of Nocera Umbra, Italy |
15.5 | Succeeded | Sigmund Franz von ヨsterreich † | Bishop of Augsburg, Germany |
50.4 | Appointed | Juan Ruiz de Colmenero † | Bishop of Guadalajara, Jalisco, M騙ico |
50.4 | Appointed | Alessandro Tassi † | Bishop of Terracina, Priverno e Sezze, Italy |
41.4 | Appointed | Kaspar Zeiler † | Apostolic Administrator of Augsburg, Germany | Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus |
27 Jun | 52.9 | Died | Achille d’Estampes de Valan軋y † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Sant’Adriano al Foro |