Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | Resigned | Jo縊 de Azevedo † | Bishop of Porto, Portugal | Bishop Emeritus |
Died | Benedetto Bernardus, O.P. † | Bishop of Vieste, Italy |
Appointed | Udalric de Blamont † | Bishop of Toul, France |
Died | Gian Andrea Bocciacci † | Bishop of Modena, Italy |
70.0 | Died | Roberto Caracciolo, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Aquino, Italy |
Died | Tommaso de Cassini † | Bishop of Kisamos (Cisamo), Greece |
Died | Angelo Catone (de Supino de Benevento) † | Archbishop of Vienne, France |
Born | Cesare Cibo (Cybo) † | Archbishop of Torino {Turin}, Italy |
Died | Antonio de Clemente † | Bishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy |
Appointed | Antoine de Clermont † | Archbishop of Vienne, France | Former Archbishop-Elect |
Died | Robert Colquhoun † | Bishop of Argyll (Lismore), Scotland, Great Britain |
Born | Antoine d’Acqs (Dax) † | Bishop of Alet, France |
19.3 | Appointed | C駸ar de Borja (Borgia) † | Administrator of Coria, Spain | Former Archbishop-Elect of Valencia, Spain |
Born | Girolamo Doria † | Cardinal, Administrator of Tarragona, Spain |
Appointed | Thomas Ford, C.R.S.A. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, England, Great Britain | Bishop of Achonry, Ireland |
Died | Francesco Contarini † | Bishop of Novigrad (Cittanova), Croatia |
Died | Galcerandus Galba † | Bishop of Bosa, Italy |
Born | Giovanni Matteo Giberti † | Bishop of Verona, Italy |
Died | Matteo Giudici † | Bishop of Penne e Atri, Italy |
Died | Pedro Xim駭ez de Pr騙amo (Jimenez de Prexamo) † | Bishop of Coria, Spain |
Died | Alonso Enr?quez de Lemos, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Lugo, Spain |
Died | Michael de Leopoli, O.P. † | Bishop of Kyiv (Kij?w), Ukraine |
Died | Raimundo de Loaria † | Bishop of Dolia (Doglia), Italy |
Died | Bassino Malabaila † | Bishop Emeritus of Asti, Italy |
Born | Pietro de’ Marchesi † | Bishop of Massa Lubrense, Italy |
Died | Andr駸 Mart?nez Ferriz † | Bishop of Tarazona, Spain |
20.0 | Professed | Johannes Mensing, O.P. † | Member of Order of Friars Preachers | Auxiliary Bishop of Halberstadt, Germany |
55.0 | Appointed | Johannes Meppen, O.S.A. † | Auxiliary Bishop of M?nster, Germany |
Died | Marco Miroldi, O.P. † | Archbishop of Reggio Calabria, Italy |
Died | Nicola † | Bishop of Civitate (Citt? or Civita), Italy |
Died | Nils Olovsson † | Bishop of V艀j? (Wexioe), Sweden |
Died | Giovanni Francesco de Orsini (Luna) † | Bishop of Cefal?, Italy |
Died | Bartolomeo Pathos † | Bishop of Ploaghe, Italy |
Died | Paulus † | Bishop of Ardjisch (Argeș; Argesch), Romania |
Appointed | Ingemar Petersson † | Bishop of V艀j? (Wexioe), Sweden |
Died | Philip Stack † | Bishop of Kerry (o Ardfert) e Aghadoe, Ireland |
Died | Agostino Patrizi de Piccolomini † | Bishop of Pienza e Montalcino, Italy |
Died | Battista Pinelli † | Archbishop of Cosenza, Italy |
Born | Charles de Pisseleu † | Bishop of Condom, France |
Appointed | Francesco Quirini † | Archbishop of Craina, Albania | Archbishop of Durr?s (Durazzo), Albania |
Born | Mikolaj Radziwiłł, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Žemaičiai (Samogizia o Tels; Żmudź), Lithuania |
Born | Peter Rauch, O.P. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Bamberg, Germany |
Born | Raimondo Sanilio (Senilis) † | Bishop of Rapolla, Italy |
Died | Benedetto Superanzio † | Archbishop of Nicosia, Cyprus |
Died | Ursus de Ursini † | Bishop of Teano, Italy |
Born | Antonio de Valdivieso, O.P. † | Bishop of Nicaragua |
Died | Valentin Vlk (Farkas) † | Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv疵ad}, Romania |
6 Jan | 64.8 | Appointed | Oliviero Carafa † | Administrator of C疆iz, Spain | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
11 Jan | 66.6 | Died | Pedro Gonz疝ez de Mendoza † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain |
16 Jan | 50.0 | Elevated to Cardinal | Guillaume Bri輟nnet † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Narbonne, France |
19 Jan | 50.0 | Installed | Guillaume Bri輟nnet † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Pudenziana | Cardinal, Archbishop of Narbonne, France |
20 Jan | 19.3 | Appointed | C駸ar de Borja (Borgia) † | Administrator of Elne, France | Former Archbishop-Elect of Valencia, Spain |
Appointed | Ottaviano Fornari † | Bishop of Mariana, France |
Appointed | Charles de Martigny † | Bishop of Castres, France |
21 Jan | 50.0 | Elevated to Cardinal | Philippe de Luxembourg † | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Le Mans, France |
31 Jan | 39.9 | Appointed | Ascanio Maria Sforza † | Cardinal-Deacon of Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia | Cardinal, Administrator of Pavia, Italy |
2 Feb | 50.0 | Installed | Philippe de Luxembourg † | Cardinal-Priest of Santi Marcellino e Pietro | Cardinal, Bishop Emeritus of Le Mans, France |
38.4 | Appointed | Bernardino L?pez de Carvajal y Sande † | Cardinal-Priest of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
4 Feb | Appointed | Suero de Oca, O.S.B. † | Titular Archbishop of Tarsus |
Appointed | Antonio Guerra † | Bishop of Umbriatico (Umbriaticum), Italy |
8 Feb | Ordained Bishop | Sigmund von Hollenegg † | Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria |
13 Feb | Appointed | Giovanni Cardona, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Ploaghe, Italy |
Appointed | Josse de Valle de Mechlinia (Dale), O.P. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Utrecht, Netherlands |
Appointed | Josse de Valle de Mechlinia (Dale), O.P. † | Titular Bishop of Sebaste in Palaestina | Auxiliary Bishop of Utrecht, Netherlands |
67.1 | Resigned | Paolo Fregoso (Campofregoso) † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Genova, Italy |
Born | Giacomo Puteo (del Pozzo) † | Cardinal, Archbishop Emeritus of Bari (-Canosa), Italy |
15 Feb | 39.1 | Appointed | Niccol? Fieschi † | Bishop of Fr駛us, France | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
20 Feb | 59.1 | Appointed | Francisco Jim駭ez de Cisneros, O.F.M. Obs. † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain |
38.4 | Appointed | Bernardino L?pez de Carvajal y Sande † | Bishop of Sig?enza, Spain | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
44.1 | Appointed | Juan Rodr?guez de Fonseca † | Bishop of Badajoz, Spain | Archbishop of Rossano, Italy |
Appointed | Juan Ruiz de Medina † | Bishop of Cartagena (en Espa?a) | Bishop of Segovia, Spain |
25 Feb | Appointed | Jean de Vesc † | Bishop of Agde, France |
Appointed | Aymard de Vesco † | Bishop of Vence, France |
28 Feb | Died | Antoine de Ch穰eauneuf † | Bishop of Toul, France |
9 Mar | Appointed | Cl駑ent de Brillac † | Bishop of Tulle, France |
Appointed | Denis de Bar † | Bishop of Saint-Papoul, France | Bishop Emeritus |
12 Mar | Appointed | Johann Wilde, O.S.A. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Kammin (Camin), Germany |
Appointed | Johann Wilde, O.S.A. † | Titular Bishop of Symbalia (Cembalo, Balaclawa) | Auxiliary Bishop of Kammin (Camin), Germany |
Ordained Bishop | Johann Wilde, O.S.A. † | Titular Bishop of Symbalia (Cembalo, Balaclawa) | Auxiliary Bishop of Kammin (Camin), Germany |
19 Mar | 53.2 | Selected | Hermann von Hessen † | Coadjutor Bishop of Paderborn, Germany | Archbishop of K?ln {Cologne}, Germany |
22 Mar | Ordained Bishop | Suero de Oca, O.S.B. † | Titular Archbishop of Tarsus |
23 Mar | Appointed | Giulio Galardo † | Titular Bishop of Salona |
30 Mar | Appointed | Paolo Della Cavalleria, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Cefal?, Italy |
Appointed | Giacomo Valguarneri (Vualguera) † | Bishop of Malta |
2 Apr | Appointed | Andre † | Bishop of Ardjisch (Argeș; Argesch), Romania |
26 Apr | Ordained Bishop | Ottaviano Fornari † | Bishop of Mariana, France |
Appointed | Geronimo Porcari † | Bishop of Andria, Italy |
29 Apr | 94.3 | Died | Rudolf von Scherenberg † | Bishop of W?rzburg, Germany |
May | 40.1 | Resigned | Ascanio Maria Sforza † | Administrator of Elne, France | Cardinal, Administrator of Pavia, Italy |
2 May | 58.3 | Died | Georg Altdorfer † | Bishop of Chiemsee, Germany |
4 May | Appointed | Ludwig Ebmer (Ebner) † | Bishop of Chiemsee, Germany | Bishop Emeritus |
Appointed | Giovanni Lunari † | Bishop of Tinos and Mykonos, Greece |
Appointed | Felino Sandei † | Bishop of Penne e Atri, Italy | Bishop of Lucca, Italy |
12 May | 36.3 | Selected | Lorenz von Bibra † | Bishop of W?rzburg, Germany |
20 May | Died | Stefan z Niborka (Neydemborg) † | Bishop of Chelmno (Culma, Kulm), Poland |
25 May | Appointed | Bernardino Ilcino, O.S.A. † | Bishop of Bobbio, Italy |
Appointed | Bartolomaeus Solozuyky † | Bishop of Kyiv (Kij?w), Ukraine |
16 Jun | Ordained Bishop | Erhard von Redwitz, O. Cist. † | Titular Bishop of Venecompensis | Auxiliary Bishop of Mainz, Germany |
3 Jul | Appointed | Jean de Barrere † | Bishop of Bayonne, France |
Appointed | Giacomo de Cadapesario † | Bishop of Paphos, Cyprus |
34.3 | Appointed | Domenico Grimani † | Administrator of Nicosia, Cyprus | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
Died | Sigmund von Hollenegg † | Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria |
4 Jul | 55.5 | Confirmed | Henry Deane † | Bishop of Bangor, Wales, Great Britain | Archbishop of Canterbury, England, Great Britain |
7 Jul | 53.5 | Selected | Leonhard von Keutschach, C.R.S.A. † | Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria |
10 Jul | 36.5 | Confirmed | Lorenz von Bibra † | Bishop of W?rzburg, Germany |
Appointed | Francesco Erulli † | Coadjutor Bishop of Spoleto, Italy | Bishop |
43.5 | Appointed | Bernardino Lunati † | Administrator of Aquino, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of San Ciriaco alle Terme Diocleziane |
14 Jul | Died | Sixtus von Tannberg † | Bishop of Freising, Germany |
15 Jul | Died | Olafur R?gnvaldsson † | Bishop of H?lar, Iceland |
24 Jul | Appointed | Maurilio Giannotti † | Bishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy |
Died | Augustin Kiebinger, C.R.S.A. † | Bishop of Wiener Neustadt, Austria |
Appointed | Angelus Marotti (Marote) † | Bishop of Calvi Risorta, Italy |
25 Jul | Appointed | Pietro Ferritz (Ferrer), O.S.A. † | Bishop of Dolia (Doglia), Italy |
26 Jul | Appointed | Gudiel de Cervatos † | Bishop of Civitate (Citt? or Civita), Italy |
Ordained Bishop | Ludwig Ebmer (Ebner) † | Bishop of Chiemsee, Germany | Bishop Emeritus |
29 Jul | 70.5 | Died | Antoine Champion † | Bishop of Gen钁e {Geneva}, Switzerland |
Appointed | Bartolomeo de Luna † | Bishop of Nicastro, Italy |
Aug | Died | Angelo Florio † | Bishop of Andria, Italy |
1 Aug | 14.2 | Selected | Ruprecht von Bayern (Rhein) † | Bishop of Freising, Germany | Former Bishop-Elect |
5 Aug | Appointed | Bartolomeo Bonini † | Bishop of Šibenik (Knin), Croatia |
Appointed | Francesco da Cascia † | Bishop of Nepi e Sutri, Italy |
Appointed | Bartolomeo Flores † | Archbishop of Cosenza, Italy | Archbishop Emeritus |
9 Aug | Ordained Bishop | Giacomo Valguarneri (Vualguera) † | Bishop of Malta |
19 Aug | Born | Juan Bernal D?az de Luco † | Bishop of Calahorra y La Calzada, Spain |
54.6 | Appointed | Francisco de Borja † | Bishop of Teano, Italy | Cardinal, Archbishop of Cosenza, Italy |
Appointed | Marcantonio Foscarini † | Bishop of Novigrad (Cittanova), Croatia |
Sep | Died | Giacomo Passarella † | Bishop of Rimini, Italy |
4 Sep | Resigned | Richard Bell, O.S.B. † | Bishop of Carlisle, England, Great Britain | Bishop Emeritus |
34.5 | Resigned | Domenico Grimani † | Administrator of Nicosia, Cyprus | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
Appointed | Sebastiano Priuli † | Archbishop of Nicosia, Cyprus |
Appointed | Sebastiano Priuli † | Titular Patriarch of Antiochia {Antioch} | Archbishop of Nicosia, Cyprus |
Appointed | William Sever (Siveyer, Senhouse), O.S.B. † | Bishop of Carlisle, England, Great Britain | Bishop of Durham, England, Great Britain |
11 Sep | 45.6 | Appointed | Giovanni Battista Ferrari † | Bishop of Modena, Italy | Cardinal, Archbishop of Capua, Italy |
14 Sep | Died | Luis de Acu?a y Osorio † | Bishop of Burgos, Spain |
21 Sep | Died | Antoine de Croy † | Bishop of Th駻ouanne, France |
25 Sep | Appointed | Felino Sandei † | Coadjutor Bishop of Lucca, Italy | Bishop |
11 Oct | 36.7 | Ordained Bishop | Lorenz von Bibra † | Bishop of W?rzburg, Germany |
59.7 | Ordained Bishop | Francisco Jim駭ez de Cisneros, O.F.M. Obs. † | Cardinal, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain |
16 Oct | Appointed | Domonkos K疝m疣csehi † | Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv疵ad}, Romania | Bishop of Transilvania, Erd駘y, Siebenb?rgen, Romania |
23 Oct | Appointed | Carlo Bocconi † | Bishop of Vieste, Italy |
34.8 | Appointed | Diego de Souza † | Bishop of Porto, Portugal | Archbishop of Braga, Portugal |
31 Oct | 65.6 | Appointed | Oliviero Carafa † | Administrator of Rimini, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri) |
56.4 | Appointed | Francesco Todeschini-Piccolomini † | Administrator of Pienza e Montalcino, Italy | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
6 Nov | Appointed | Michael Deacon † | Bishop of Saint Asaph, Wales, Great Britain |
63.8 | Appointed | Oliver King † | Bishop of Bath and Wells, England, Great Britain |
Appointed | Richard Redman, O. Praem. † | Bishop of Exeter, England, Great Britain | Bishop of Ely, England, Great Britain |
35.8 | Appointed | William Smyth (Smith) † | Bishop of Lincoln, England, Great Britain |
13 Nov | Appointed | Battista Del Bufalo † | Bishop of Aquino, Italy |
53.8 | Confirmed | Leonhard von Keutschach, C.R.S.A. † | Archbishop of Salzburg, Austria |
43.8 | Resigned | Bernardino Lunati † | Administrator of Aquino, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of San Ciriaco alle Terme Diocleziane |
19 Nov | Appointed | Mathias Schach, O. Cart. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Freising, Germany |
Appointed | Mathias Schach, O. Cart. † | Titular Bishop of Salona | Auxiliary Bishop of Freising, Germany |
20 Nov | 55.8 | Ordained Bishop | Henry Deane † | Bishop of Bangor, Wales, Great Britain | Archbishop of Canterbury, England, Great Britain |
Appointed | John Fitzgerald † | Bishop of Kerry (o Ardfert) e Aghadoe, Ireland |
21 Nov | Born | John Balgus, O. Carm. † | Bishop of Ossory, Ireland |
Appointed | Silvestro de Benedictis, O.S.B. † | Auxiliary Bishop of Bergamo, Italy |
Appointed | Silvestro de Benedictis, O.S.B. † | Titular Bishop of Castoria | Auxiliary Bishop of Bergamo, Italy |
4 Dec | Appointed | Alonso Su疵ez de la Fuente del Sauce † | Bishop of Lugo, Spain | Bishop of Ja駭, Spain |
Appointed | Pietro de Sorra † | Bishop of Bosa, Italy |
10 Dec | Died | Francesco Insegna, O.F.M. † | Bishop of Assisi, Italy |
12 Dec | Ordained Bishop | John Fitzgerald † | Bishop of Kerry (o Ardfert) e Aghadoe, Ireland |