Catholic-Hierarchy DC (追記) (追記ここまで)

The Year of Our Lord 1317

Bishop Events

January to June

See Also: July to December | Overview | Diocese Events | Necrology | Previous Year (1316) | Next Year (1318)

DateAgeEventBishopTitleCurrent Title
unknownDiedAimone , O.S.B. †Bishop of Arbe (Rab), Croatia
DiedPons Auger de LaneisBishop of Cavaillon, France
ResignedBenedetto Administrator of Bosnia (Bosna, Diacovar, Diakovar), Croatia Archbishop of Dubrovnik (Ragusa), Croatia
AppointedBetrand Bishop of Senez, France
DiedGiacomo Boncorvo (Bonocore)Bishop of Bitetto, Italy
DiedBoninsegna Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy
Ordained BishopBorzysław Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland
DiedGuillermo de Castillon, O.S.B. †Bishop of Elne, France
AppointedTommaso ContariniBishop of Capodistria (Capo d’Istria)(Koper), Slovenia
DiedBertrand d’AiminiBishop of Fr駛us, France
73.0AppointedJacques d’EuseAdministrator of Avignon, France Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
AppointedStephen de DunnideerBishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain
DiedMarcus della VignaPatriarch of Grado, Italy
DiedEmmerich Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv疵ad}, Romania
RemovedHugues G駻audBishop of Cahors, France Bishop Emeritus
AppointedGiovanni , O.F.M. †Bishop of Nepi, Italy
AppointedGuglielmo , O.F.M. †Archbishop of Patrae Veteres (Patras), Greece
DiedJean , O.S.B. †Bishop of Fossombrone, Italy
DiedKetil Bishop of Stavanger, Norway
ResignedFlorent de la Boissi鑽Bishop of Noyon, France Bishop Emeritus
DiedBriand de Lagnieu (Lavieu)Archbishop of Vienne, France
BornGuillaume de La Jugi?Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of San Clemente
AppointedFederico MaggiBishop of Piacenza, Italy Former Bishop-Elect
AppointedPedro M駭dez Sotomayor y MeirasBishop of Coria, Spain
AppointedOttonello , O.P. †Bishop of Chioggia, Italy
AppointedPellegrino de Pactis, O.P. †Bishop of Mazara del Vallo, Italy
DiedPaolo , O.F.M. †Bishop of Nepi, Italy
AppointedPetar , O.P. †Bishop of Bosnia (Bosna, Diacovar, Diakovar), Croatia
AppointedPietro , O.F.M. †Bishop of Pesaro, Italy
AppointedGuglielmo da Sallone, O.F.M. †Bishop of Pozzuoli, Italy Bishop of Aversa, Italy
AppointedFrederik de SierckBishop of Utrecht, Netherlands
SelectedStephan Bishop of Lebus, Germany
AppointedBengt Tunesson (Johansson)Bishop of Skara, Sweden
DiedHenryk WachholzBishop of Kammin (Camin), Germany
BornWalter WardlawBishop of Glasgow, Scotland, Great Britain
DiedWerner Bishop of Lavant, Slovenia
AppointedDietrich WolfhauerBishop of Lavant, Slovenia
DiedAndrzej ZarembaBishop of Poznań, Poland
3 JanOrdained BishopGuglielmo , O.F.M. †Archbishop of Patrae Veteres (Patras), Greece
7 JanOrdained BishopOttonello , O.P. †Bishop of Chioggia, Italy
10 JanAppointedCastone Torriani (della Torre)Patriarch of Aquileia, Italy
12 JanAppointedMatteo Orsini, O.P. †Bishop of Chiusi, Italy
AppointedGerard RogerBishop of Limoges, France
AppointedRaimbaud RomandiolaBishop of Imola, Italy
13 JanDiedJean d’AuxoisBishop of Troyes, France
27 JanSelectedRichard NewportBishop of London, England, Great Britain
2 FebAppointedCostantino de RegioBishop of Melfi, Italy
6 FebDiedSt. Brynolf AlgotssonBishop of Skara, Sweden
AppointedTommaso Bishop of Veroli, Italy
8 FebAppointedGuillaume de MelunArchbishop of Sens, France
9 FebAppointedLewis de BeaumontBishop of Durham, England, Great Britain
AppointedBiagio Bishop of Fondi (Fundi), Italy
13 FebOrdained BishopPietro , O.F.M. †Bishop of Pesaro, Italy
Ordained BishopGerard RogerBishop of Limoges, France
AppointedGutierre Ruiz de Mesa (T駘lez)Bishop of Ja駭, Spain Bishop of C?rdoba, Spain
21 FebAppointedJean Rigaud, O.F.M. †Bishop of Tr馮uier, France
26 FebOrdained BishopLewis de BeaumontBishop of Durham, England, Great Britain
28 FebOrdained BishopGiovanni , O.F.M. †Bishop of Nepi, Italy
DiedThomas of Wouldham, O.S.B. †Bishop of Rochester, England, Great Britain
MarAppointedHeinrich BochholtBishop of L?beck, Germany
2 MarAppointedAlain GonthierBishop of Saint-Malo, France Bishop of Quimper, France
AppointedGuillaume M馗hinBishop of Troyes, France Bishop of Dol, France
AppointedRaoul RousseletBishop of Pamplona, Spain Bishop of Laon, France
4 MarAppointedFederico CiboBishop of Savona, Italy
DiedUgo Pelosi, O.S.B. †Bishop of Piacenza, Italy
13 MarDiedPierre GantelmiBishop of Riez, France
81.1DiedBurkhard von SerkemBishop of L?beck, Germany
14 MarAppointedGaillard (Galhard) de SaumateBishop of Riez, France Archbishop of Arles, France
15 MarDiedRichard SwinfieldBishop of Hereford, England, Great Britain
16 MarAppointedPilfort de Rabastens, O.S.B. †Bishop of Le?n, Spain Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Anastasia
17 MarAppointedAlessandro GuidiBishop of Urbino, Italy
18 MarSelectedHaymo Hethe, O.S.B. †Bishop of Rochester, England, Great Britain
19 Mar37.2AppointedJacques Fournier, O. Cist. †Bishop of Pamiers, France Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
37.2Ordained BishopJacques Fournier, O. Cist. †Bishop of Pamiers, France Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy)
21 MarAppointedPasquale BrigantinoBishop of Monopoli, Italy
26 MarAppointedWilliam FitzjohnArchbishop of Cashel, Ireland
AppointedPedro Lopez de LunaBishop of Zaragoza, Spain Archbishop of Zaragoza, Spain
AppointedJimeno de LunaArchbishop of Tarragona, Spain Archbishop of Toledo, Spain
28 MarDiedWalter MaidstoneBishop of Worcester, England, Great Britain
31 MarAppointedThomas CobhamBishop of Worcester, England, Great Britain
16 AprAppointedFoucaud de RochechouartBishop of Noyon, France Archbishop of Bourges, France
24 AprAppointedPietro de’ GabrielliBishop of Fossombrone, Italy Bishop of Gubbio, Italy
AppointedGuillaume , O.F.M. †Bishop of Nice, France
AppointedRichard Ledred (Ledrede), O.F.M. †Bishop of Ossory, Ireland
Ordained BishopRichard Ledred (Ledrede), O.F.M. †Bishop of Ossory, Ireland
15 MayOrdained BishopRichard NewportBishop of London, England, Great Britain
AppointedAdam Orlton (Orleton)Bishop of Hereford, England, Great Britain Bishop of Winchester, England, Great Britain
16 May61.3DiedFrancesco CaetaniCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Cosmedin
22 MayOrdained BishopThomas CobhamBishop of Worcester, England, Great Britain
Ordained BishopAdam Orlton (Orleton)Bishop of Hereford, England, Great Britain Bishop of Winchester, England, Great Britain
23 MayAppointedDonusdeo di MalavoltiBishop of Siena, Italy
28 MayAppointedBernard de La Tour, O.S.B. †Bishop of Saint-Papoul, France
29 May64.4DiedGuido d’AvesnesBishop of Utrecht, Netherlands
1 JunOrdained BishopAlain GonthierBishop of Saint-Malo, France Bishop of Quimper, France
3 Jun21.4AppointedHenri de La Tour-du-PinBishop of Passau, Germany Former Bishop-Elect of Metz, France
Ordained BishopPetar , O.P. †Bishop of Bosnia (Bosna, Diacovar, Diakovar), Croatia
12 JunAppointedPedro Arnau de TorresBishop of Tarazona, Spain
AppointedGalgano Bishop of Salpi (Salapia), Italy
13 JunDiedJacques de ViaCardinal, Administrator of Avignon, France
18 JunAppointedRaoul RousseletBishop of Laon, France
20 JunAppointedGottfried von HohenloheBishop of W?rzburg, Germany
AppointedArnaud de ViaCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Sant’Eustachio
Elevated to CardinalArnaud de ViaCardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Sant’Eustachio
25 JunAppointedBertrand Dupuy, O.S.B. †Bishop of Montauban, France
ResignedGaillard de PreyssacArchbishop of Toulouse, France Archbishop Emeritus
AppointedRinaldo Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, Italy
27 JunAppointedNiccol? degli ArcioniBishop of Teramo, Italy
30 JunDiedBorzysław Archbishop of Gniezno, Poland
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