Date | Age | Event | Bishop | Title | Current Title |
unknown | Appointed | Bal痙s † | Bishop of Csan疆, Hungary |
Died | Bergsven † | Bishop of Far?e Islands, Denmark |
26.0 | Professed | St. Bonaventura (Giovanni) , O.F.M. † | Member of Order of Friars Minor | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Albano |
63.0 | Appointed | Raniero Capocci, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Viterbo e Tuscania, Italy | Cardinal, Cardinal-Deacon of Santa Maria in Cosmedin |
Resigned | Uguccione Caqualoro † | Bishop of Torino, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
Appointed | Guillaume Centullion † | Bishop of Apt, France |
Born | Gilles Colonna, O.E.S.A. † | Archbishop of Bourges, France |
Appointed | Bonifacio de Cocconato † | Bishop of Asti, Italy |
Died | Baudoin d’Aulne, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Semgallen (Semigallen, Selburg), Latvia |
Appointed | Etienne † | Bishop of Dol, France |
Appointed | Lampert Hont-P痙m疣y † | Bishop of Eger, Hungary |
Died | Niccol? Maltraversi † | Bishop of Reggio Emilia, Italy |
Appointed | Berardo Merganti † | Bishop of Foligno, Italy | Administrator |
Died | Andre de Moray † | Bishop of Moray, Scotland, Great Britain |
Appointed | Heinrich von Raron (Rarogne) † | Bishop of Sion {Sitten}, Switzerland |
Appointed | Alberto Sanvitale † | Bishop of Parma, Italy |
Appointed | Geoffrey Saint John † | Bishop of Ferns, Ireland |
Died | John Saint John † | Bishop of Ferns, Ireland |
Died | Ottobello Soffientino † | Bishop of Lodi, Italy |
Appointed | Vincent † | Bishop of Oradea Mare {Gran Varadino, Nagyv疵ad}, Romania |
18 Jan | Died | Raoul de Cierrey † | Bishop of ノvreux, France |
31 Jan | Died | Boson de Gradetsch (Grange) † | Bishop of Sion {Sitten}, Switzerland |
8 Feb | Died | Juan Gonz疝ez † | Bishop of Oviedo, Spain |
20 Feb | Died | Romano Bonaventura † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina |
25 Apr | Died | Bl. Bonifacio di Valperga † | Bishop of Aosta, Italy |
30 Apr | Died | Ferrer de Pallar駸 o de San Mart?n † | Bishop of Valencia, Spain |
1 Jun | Appointed | Arnaldo de Peralta † | Bishop of Valencia, Spain | Bishop of Zaragoza, Spain |
25 Jun | 48.4 | Elected | Sinibaldo Fieschi † | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
28 Jun | 48.4 | Ordained Bishop | Sinibaldo Fieschi † | Pope (Roma {Rome}, Italy) |
4 Jul | Appointed | Pedro Centelles, O.P. † | Bishop of Barcelona, Spain |
7 Jul | Appointed | Istv疣 B疣sca † | Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary | Cardinal, Cardinal-Bishop of Palestrina |
Removed | Bernardo Vizio de’ Scotti † | Bishop of Parma, Italy | Bishop Emeritus |
11 Jul | Appointed | Benedikt † | Bishop of Győr (Raab), Hungary |
15 Jul | Confirmed | Benedek † | Archbishop of Kalocsa, Hungary | Archbishop of Esztergom, Hungary |
22 Aug | Died | Tommaso da Capua † | Cardinal, Cardinal-Priest of Santa Sabina |
13 Sep | Confirmed | William de Raley † | Bishop of Winchester, England, Great Britain |
17 Sep | Appointed | Rodrigo D?az † | Bishop of Oviedo, Spain |
Appointed | Boniface of Savoy † | Archbishop of Canterbury, England, Great Britain |
28 Sep | Died | Oberto † | Bishop of Asti, Italy |
7 Oct | Died | Heinrich von Mariasall † | Bishop of Seckau, Austria |
18 Oct | Died | Aubry Cornut † | Bishop of Chartres, France |
21 Oct | Appointed | Guarnerio da Polcenigo † | Bishop of Ceneda, Italy | Bishop of Concordia (Sagittaria), Italy |
26 Oct | 63.8 | Died | St. Bernardo Calvo, O. Cist. † | Bishop of Vic, Spain |
15 Nov | Ordained Bishop | Pedro Centelles, O.P. † | Bishop of Barcelona, Spain |
5 Dec | Died | Walter Brackley † | Bishop of Ossory, Ireland |
8 Dec | Confirmed | Bernat de Mur † | Bishop of Vic, Spain |
12 Dec | Appointed | William † | Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, England, Great Britain | Priest |
18 Dec | Appointed | Egidio degli Atti † | Bishop of Nocera Umbra, Italy | Administrator |
Appointed | Rodolfo Grossi du Chastelar † | Bishop of Aosta, Italy | Archbishop of Tarentaise (Mo?tiers-en-Tarentaise), France |