Date | Age | Event | Title |
25 Mar 1855 | Born | ||
8 Mar 1879 | 23.9 | Ordained Deacon | Deacon of La Soci騁? des Missions Etrang鑽es |
20 Sep 1879 | 24.4 | Ordained Priest | Priest of La Soci騁? des Missions Etrang鑽es |
15 Sep 1910 | 55.4 | Appointed | Archbishop of Tōkyō, Japan |
1 May 1911 | 56.1 | Ordained Bishop | Archbishop of Tōkyō, Japan |
11 Jan 1912 | 56.7 | Died | Archbishop of Tōkyō, Japan |
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============ ✠
(WikiData: Q15579247)
(born , died )
of Tōkyō
Event Place
Birth Place Saint-Christophe-la-Grotte, Archdiocese of Chamb駻y, France Ordained Deacon Foreign Missions of Paris, Church, Paris, Archdiocese of Paris, France Ordained Priest Foreign Missions of Paris, Church, Paris, Archdiocese of Paris, France Ordained Bishop Our Lady of Martyrs, Church, Nagasaki, Diocese of Nagasaki Death Place Tōkyō, Archdiocese of Tōkyō
Titular Archbishop of Bostra
Archbishop of Montr饌l, Qu饕ec
Bishop of Nagasaki
Bishop of Hakodate
Titular Bishop of Zela
Episcopal Lineage / Apostolic Succession:
Bishop of Nagasaki
Titular Bishop of Arsino? in Arcadia
Archbishop of Aix (-Arles-Embrun)
Titular Bishop of Arad
Titular Bishop of Euroea in Epiro
Bishop of Nanking [Nanjing]
Bishop of Peking [Beijing]
Archbishop of Goa
Archbishop of ノvora
Patriarch of Lisboa {Lisbon}
Titular Bishop of Targa
Bishop of Leiria
Bishop of Porto
Archbishop Emeritus of Braga
Titular Bishop of Sidon
Cardinal-Priest of Santi Nereo ed Achilleo
Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria del Popolo
Bishop of Malta
Cardinal-Priest of Santi XII Apostoli
Cardinal-Priest of San Pancrazio
Cardinal-Priest of Sant’Onofrio
Titular Patriarch of Jerusalem {Gerusalemme}
Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria del Popolo
Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Lucina
(St. Antonio (Michele) Ghislieri, O.P. †)
Cardinal-Priest of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli
Archbishop of Taranto
(Giulio de’ Medici †)
(Giovanni de’ Medici †)
Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
(Giuliano della Rovere †)
(Francesco della Rovere, O.F.M. †)
Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia (e Velletri)
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Code: web_b, v3.3.5, 31 Dec 2023; Data: 25 Feb 2024