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9780710605009 : Friedman, Norman,
The US maritime strategy / Norman Friedman Friedman, Norman, Book/pamphlet 1988
9780710605269 : Breemer, Jan S
Soviet submarines : design, development and tactics / Jan Breemer Breemer, Jan S Book/pamphlet 1989
9780710605276 : Beaver, Paul
World naval aviation / Paul Beaver Beaver, Paul Book/pamphlet c1989
Jane's major warships 96-97 Book/pamphlet 1996
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9780710800053 : Boden, Margaret A.
Minds and mechanisms : philosophical psychology and computational models / Margaret A. Boden Boden, Margaret A. Book/pamphlet 1981
9780710800183harvester : Boumelha, Penny
Thomas Hardy and women : sexual ideology and narrative form / Penny Boumelha Boumelha, Penny Book/pamphlet 1982
9780710800312 : Davies, Alistair
An annotated critical bibliography of modernism / Alistair Davies Davies, Alistair Book/pamphlet 1982
Victorian women : a documentary account of women's lives in nineteenth-century England, France, and t Book/pamphlet 1981
9780710800893 : Harwit, Martin,
Cosmic discovery : the search, scope and heritage of astronomy / Martin Harwit Harwit, Martin, Book/pamphlet 1981
9780710800947 : Briggs, Asa,
The collected essays of Asa Briggs. Vol.1., Words, numbers, places, people Briggs, Asa, Book/pamphlet 1985
9780710800978uk : Lerner, Laurence
The literary imagination : essays on literature and society / Laurence Lerner Lerner, Laurence Book/pamphlet 1982
9780710800992 : Hallam, H. E.
Rural England : 1066-1348 / H.E. Hallam Hallam, H. E. Book/pamphlet 1981
9780710801104 : Fender, John
Understanding Keynes : an analysis of "The general theory" / John Fender Fender, John Book/pamphlet 1981
9780710801111cased : Foreman-Peck, James
A history of the world economy : international economic relations since 1850 / James Foreman-Peck Foreman-Peck, James Book/pamphlet 1983
9780710801166pbk : Foreman-Peck, James
A history of the world economy : international economic relations since 1850 / James Foreman-Peck Foreman-Peck, James Book/pamphlet 1983
9780710801210 : Burkitt, Brian
Radical political economy : an introduction to the alternative economics / Brian Burkitt Burkitt, Brian Book/pamphlet 1984
Who's who in economics : a biographical dictionary of major economists 1700-1981 / edited by Mark Bla Book/pamphlet 1983
9780710801265pbk : Burkitt, Brian
Radical political economy : an introduction to the alternative economics / Brian Burkitt Burkitt, Brian Book/pamphlet 1984
9780710801326v1 : Banks, Olive,
Biographical dictionary of British feminists / Olive Banks Banks, Olive, Book/pamphlet 1990
9780710801760uk : MacPherson, Stewart
Five hundred million children : poverty and child welfare in the Third World / Stewart MacPherson MacPherson, Stewart Book/pamphlet c1987
9780710801821 : Stewart, Michael,
Controlling the economic future : policy dilemmas in a shrinking world / Michael Stewart Stewart, Michael, Book/pamphlet 1983
9780710801869cased : Lewis, Jane
Women in England 1870-1950 : sexual divisions and social change / Jane Lewis Lewis, Jane Book/pamphlet 1984
9780710801876pbk : Stewart, Michael,
Controlling the economic future : policy dilemmas in a shrinking world / Michael Stewart Stewart, Michael, Book/pamphlet 1983
9780710801913pbk : Lewis, Jane
Women in England 1870-1950 : sexual divisions and social change / Jane Lewis Lewis, Jane Book/pamphlet 1984
9780710801951 : MacPherson, Stewart
Social policy in the Third World : the social dilemmas of underdevelopment / Stewart MacPherson MacPherson, Stewart Book/pamphlet 1982
9780710802118 : Page, Edward,
Political authority and bureaucratic power : a comparative analysis / Edward C. Page Page, Edward, Book/pamphlet 1985
Revolutionary socialist development in the Third World / editors Gordon White, Robin Murray and Chris Book/pamphlet 1983
Revolutionary socialist development in the Third World / editors Gordon White, Robin Murray and Chris Book/pamphlet 1983
9780710802309 : Bottomore, T. B.
Sociology and socialism / Tom Bottomore Bottomore, T. B. Book/pamphlet 1984
9780710802354pbk : Bottomore, T. B.
Sociology and socialism / Tom Bottomore Bottomore, T. B. Book/pamphlet 1984
9780710802385 : Gilbert, Michael
Inflation and social conflict : a sociology of economic life in advanced societies / Michael Gilbert Gilbert, Michael Book/pamphlet 1986
9780710802408ukpbk : MacPherson, Stewart
Five hundred million children : poverty and child welfare in the Third World / Stewart MacPherson MacPherson, Stewart Book/pamphlet c1987
9780710802583 : Wagg, Stephen
The football world : a contemporary social history / Stephen Wagg Wagg, Stephen Book/pamphlet 1984
9780710802613 : Banks, Olive,
Becoming a feminist : the social origins of "first wave" feminism / Olive Banks Banks, Olive, Book/pamphlet 1986
9780710802750 : Dex, Shirley
The sexual division of work : conceptual revolutions in the social sciences / Shirley Dex Dex, Shirley Book/pamphlet 1985
9780710802767wheatsheaf : Earl, Peter E
The corporate imagination : how big companies make mistakes / Peter E. Earl Earl, Peter E Book/pamphlet 1984
9780710802811wheatsheafpbk : Earl, Peter E
The corporate imagination : how big companies make mistakes / Peter E. Earl Earl, Peter E Book/pamphlet 1984
9780710802934 : Aldcroft, Derek Howard
Full employment, the elusive goal / Derek H. Aldcroft Aldcroft, Derek Howard Book/pamphlet 1984
9780710802989pbk : Aldcroft, Derek Howard
Full employment, the elusive goal / Derek H. Aldcroft Aldcroft, Derek Howard Book/pamphlet 1984
9780710803108harvester : Walbank, F. W.
The Hellenistic world / F.W. Walbank Walbank, F. W. Book/pamphlet 1981
9780710803122 : Palmer, Alan,
Who's who in Bloomsbury / Alan & Veronica Palmer Palmer, Alan, Book/pamphlet 1987
9780710803139 : Ascher, Carol,
Simone de Beauvoir : a life of freedom / Carol Ascher Ascher, Carol, Book/pamphlet 1981
A History of British industrial relations, 1875-1914 / edited by Chris Wrigley Book/pamphlet 1982
9780710803474pbk : Pelton, Joseph N
Global talk : the marriage of the computer, world communications and man / by Joseph N. Pelton Pelton, Joseph N Book/pamphlet 1981
9780710803481 : Lucas, Angela M
Women in the Middle Ages : religion, marriage and letters / Angela M. Lucas Lucas, Angela M Book/pamphlet 1983
9780710803719 : Pelton, Joseph N
Global talk : the marriage of the computer, world communications and man / by Joseph N. Pelton Pelton, Joseph N Book/pamphlet 1981
9780710803825 : Royle, Edward
English radicals and reformers 1760-1848 / Edward Royle and James Walvin Royle, Edward Book/pamphlet 1982
Divisions of labour : skilled workers and technological change in nineteenth century Britain / edited Book/pamphlet 1985
9780710804228 : Rao, V. K. R. V.
Food, nutrition & poverty in India / V.K.R.V. Rao Rao, V. K. R. V. Book/pamphlet 1982
9780710804365 : Jardine, Lisa
Still harping on daughters : women and drama in the Age of Shakespeare / Lisa Jardine Jardine, Lisa Book/pamphlet 1983
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