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an owl seen from ground level standing in a dry grassy field Yellow and brown patterned bird with a longish, sharp, open bill, flying. Close up of a bright red bird with a naked, pale-pink face, rainbow wing feathers and a short, but large and formidable pale beak, grooms its chest feathers.
Bird ID Skills
Illustrations of different species of ducks with white patches on them. Sharp-shinned and Cooper's hawks perch side-by-side for ID comparison a group of small binoculars arranged against a white background White-throated Sparrow by Kevin Pero/Macaulay Library.
Feeding Birds
common feeder birds and their favorite foods. Illustration by Justine Lee Hirten. Common Feeder Birds: Quick Info on Food Preferences Project FeederwatchA blue/purple bird at a suet feeder. A blue, gray and black bird sits on a peanut-filled bird feeder and holds a peanut in its beak. gray, white and yellow birds at a feeder
FAQs & Common Problems
A group of American Robins in the winter. Photo by hpaich via Birdshare. A grayish hummingbird with a few pink throat feathers hovers at a bird feeder with some snow on it. A blue, white and black bird perches on a tree with snowy coming down horizontally.
Bird-Friendly Homes
eastern screech owl roosting in a box A small bird with a brilliant orange iridescent neck splashes in a birdbath. 7 simple things to help birds, graphic by Sarah Seroussi. Wood Thrush by John Petruzzi/Macaulay Library.
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Yellow bird with gray wings perches in foliage with red flowers. Bird with black cap and chin, chestnut back and sides, gray wings, and white underside, perches on a branch, Yellow, green, blue and black bird
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Close up of a pale pink bird with a long neck and large hooked, pink bill with a black tip, surrounded of a background of pink. Close up of a bright red bird with a naked, pale-pink face, rainbow wing feathers and a short, but large and formidable pale beak, grooms its chest feathers. A yellow, grey, and beige bird in flight with other birds in background.
Explore All About Birds Species
Cooper’s Hawk by Evan Lipton / Macaulay Library.
Rock Ptarmigan by Don-Jean Léandri-Breton / Macaulay Library.
European Starling by Dan Vickers / Macaulay Library.
Brewer’s Blackbird by Curtis Mahon / Macaulay Library.
American Robin by Mason Maron / Macaulay Library.
Graylag Goose by Volker Hesse / Macaulay Library.
Eurasian Wren by Natalya Ostapova / Macaulay Library.
House Finch by Martina Nordstrand / Macaulay Library.
Eurasian Blue Tit by Santiago Caballero Carrera / Macaulay Library.
American Goldfinch by Philip Mitchell / Macaulay Library.
Red-tailed Hawk by Cyrus Allen / Macaulay Library.
Eurasian Jackdaw by David Irving / Macaulay Library.
Mourning Dove by Matt Felperin / Macaulay Library.
Black-capped Chickadee by Nick Park / Macaulay Library.
Bald Eagle by Keith Williams.
Barn Owl by Matt Davis / Macaulay Library.
Long-billed Curlew by Ian Davies / Macaulay Library.
Baltimore Oriole by Bryan Hix.
Blackburnian Warbler by Corey Hayes.
Dark-eyed Junco by Bob Vuxinic.
Eastern Bluebird by Lindell Dillon.
Heermann’s Gull by Andrew Johnson.
Hooded Oriole by Barron B.
House Sparrow by Miguel de la Bastide.
Laysan Albatross by Jason Crotty.
Marbled Godwit by Ray Hennessy.
Northern Flicker by Todd Steckel.
Pacific Loon by Dan Behm.
Pygmy Nuthatch by Stephen Parsons.
Reddish Egret by Corey Hayes.
Red-winged Blackbird by Tim Hopwood.
Sandhill Crane by scotthelfrichphotography.
Steller’s Jay by John Fox.
Western Tanager by Garret Burton.
Snowy Owl by Ryan Schain / Macaulay Library.
Calliope Hummingbird by Marya Moosman / Macaulay Library.
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American Kestrel by Blair Dudeck / Macaulay Library