The Barbadian Community in Toronto
According to Statistics Canada's 2016 Census report, 37,735 Barbadians reside in Canada, 0f which 26,630 or 70.5% reside in Ontario, with 18,395 or 48.7% in the Greater Toronto Area. However it is believed that these numbers are higher as not all Census respondents declare their ethnicity. It should also be noted that of the 37,735 Barbadians residing in Canada, 26,170 declared multi-ethnicity. The census provides social, economic and demographic information that government, educational institutions, business and independent organizations use in making decisions on the services each provides to the public. All information collected by Statistics Canada is confidential.
In the community of Canadians of Caribbean origin, Barbadians represent less than 1/6 of the largest group - Canadians of Jamaican origin. However, many Barbadians have made their mark in Canada in a broad range of professions. You will find a list of such persons in the sub-page "Bajan Luminaries".
Alike many other Caribbean immigrants, the Barbadian community in Toronto has established alumni and other associations through which they connect socially and maintain ties with Barbados. A list of these associations and calendar of their events is included in this site.