Tenant: Montreal Expos (NL; 1977-2004); Montreal Alouettes (CFL; 1976-1997)
Opened: Summer 1976
First Expos game: April 15, 1977
Last Expos game: September 29, 2004
Current status: Still in use
Style: Retractable roof (inoperable)
Surface: Artificial (1977); Astroturf (1989); AstroGrass (2002); FieldTurf (2004).
Capacity: 43,739 (baseball); 56,245 (football)
Architect: Roger Taillibert (Paris, France)
Construction: Lavalin Inc. (Montreal, Quebec; 1988 retractable membrane roof); Birdair, Inc. (Amherst, New York; 1998 non-retractable membrane roof)
Owner: R馮ie des Installations Olympiques (Government of Quebec)
Cost: Over 1ドル billion (Canadian; includes 170ドル million for original 1988 retractable roof system, and 37ドル million for 1998 replacement roof)
Washington Nationals tickets:
Location: Left field (NW), Rue Sherbrooke; third base (SW), Boulevard Pie IX; first base (SE), Avenue Pierre-de-Coubertin; right field (NE), Boulevard Viau.
Dimensions: Foul lines: 325 (1977), 330 (1981), 325 (1983); power alleys: 375; center field: 404 (1977), 405 (1979), 404 (1980), 400 (1981), 404 (1983); apex of dome: 180; backstop: 62 (1977), 65 (1983), 53 (1989); foul territory: large.
Fences: 12 (wood, 1977), 12 (foam, 1989).
Designed for the 1976 Olympic Games, Olympic Stadium was not completed on time due to a strike by construction workers. The (556-foot-high) leaning tower used to retract the roof stood half finished until 1987 when the roof was finally completed. It took another 2 years before the roof, made from 60,696 square feet of Kevlar weighing 50 tons, became retractable.
The Stadium was remodeled in 1991, with 12,000 seats being removed for Expos games. In September of that year, one of the stadium's 55-ton concrete beams fell, forcing the Expos to play a handful of home games on the road. Problems with opening and closing the roof led to its permanent closure in 1992. The roof was removed in May of 1998, turning the park into an outdoor stadium for the season. In the spring of 1998, the orange Kevlar roof was removed and a 26ドル million opaque blue roof replaced it later in the year. The new roof does not open. The stadium痴 total cost has exceeded 1ドル billion.
The Expos played some of their home games during the 2003 and 2004 seasons at Hiram Bithorn Stadium in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The team announced they were moving to Washington, DC on September 29, 2004. A move had been in the works since the team was bought by the other 29 Major League Baseball team owners in 2002.
Trivia:More on Olympic Stadium:
Recommended Reading (bibliography):
Montreal Expos
4549 Pierre de Coubertin
Montreal, Quebec H1V 3N7
(514) 253-3434
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View inside Olympic Stadium © 1999 by Ira Rosen.
View of Olympic Stadium and Montreal by Munsey & Suppes. Special thanks to Mario Perrazzino.
Updated April 2005
Tickets to NCAA Basketball Tournament, College Football Bowl, NCAA Football, Paul McCartney and Washington Nationals provided by Ticket Triangle.
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