Last Updated: Mon Jan 27 11:18:09 UTC 2014

KBP 2K22/2K22M/M1 Tunguska SA-19 Grison /
96K6 Pantsir S1 / SA-22 Greyhound SPAAGM
Cамоходный Зенитный Ракетно-Пушечный Комплекс
КБП 2К22М/М1 Тунгуска-М/М1 / 96К6 Панцирь-С1

Technical Report APA-TR-2009-0703

by Dr Carlo Kopp, AFAIAA, SMIEEE, PEng
July 2009
Updated August, 2010
Updated May, 2011
Updated April, 2012
Text © 2009-2012 Carlo Kopp

Fully deployed 72V6 SPAAGM prototype on BAZ-6909 chassis. This variant incorporates a new VNIIRT designed 1RS2-1E agile beam phased array engagement radar. The primary design aim for this system was the interception of PGMs, especially the AGM-88 HARM and GBUs (Sergei Kuznetsov via

2S6M Tunguska M at the Berezina 2002 exercise. Most of the Soviet inventory of these capable SPAAGMs ended up in the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarus Army inventories. The most notable export client has been India (© Miroslav Gyűrösi ).


The 2K22 Tunguska / 96K6 Pantsir / SA-19 Grison / SA-22 Greyhound family of SPAAGMs owes its earliest origins to a 1970 directive for the replacement of the ubiquitous ZSU-23-4P SPAAG. The ZSU-23-4P was considered both lethal and effective by its Western opponents, but Soviet analysts were unimpressed with the lethality and the engagement envelope of the 23 mm weapons. Analysis indicated that a 30 mm gun would be much more lethal. Soviet operational analysis also indicated that the performance of the acquisition radar on the SPAAG was critical to combat effectiveness. The defeat of anti-tank helicopters in pop-up engagement geometries became an additional requirement after the 1972 debut of these weapons in Vietnam. Trials of the prototype 2S6 / 2K22 Tunguska SPAAGM commenced in 1980. The prototypes introduced several innovations, including a 30 mm gun derivative aircraft cannon, the 9K311 missile and a digital computer for controlling the system.

The earliest production variant, the 2K22 / 2S6 Tunguska / SA-19 Grison, achieved IOC in 1982.

The immediate operational imperative for the PVO-SV was to defeat the then new A-10A Thunderbolt, and US Army helicopters firing anti-armour missiles, such as the TOW equipped AH-1S and Hellfire equipped AH-64A Apache. From the Soviet perspective, both of these threats would pop up briefly above the radar/visual horizon, fire at Soviet tanks or SPAAGs, and then disappear below the horizon before the ZSU-23-4P or 9K33 Osa / SA-8 systems could respond with defensive weapon fire.

The Soviets needed a weapon system which could win in a 'high noon' shootout with the A-10 or a nap-of-ther-earth pop-up rotary wing threat. This drove the design requirements for the Tunguska, and led to the development of the high speed 9M311 SAM, intended to cross the distance between the Tunguska and the target before the latter could hide below the horizon line. This capability would be supplemented by a 30 mm gun system, the Soviets clearly coveting the BundesWehr's Krauss-Maffei Wegmann FLAKPanzer Gepard SPAAG.

The missile requirement led to the unusual two stage 9M311 design, in which the first stage boosted the round to 900 m/s at burnout, the sustainer in the terminal stage burning to impact and maintaining a 600 m/s velocity. The missile employs command link guidance, with an automatic Command to Line Of Sight (CLOS) control loop for the terminal phase to impact, with an 18G capability. The engagement radar component of the 1RL144M Hot Shot system is claimed to operate in the millimetric band, using jam resistant monopulse angle tracking; a 1A29M optical sight is boresighted with the radar. A 1RL138 IFF system is included. Conceptually the 2S6 missile package has its closest Western equivalents in the Franco-German Roland system, and the UK Rapier Blindfire and Seawold systems.

The gun requirement led to the adaptation of the 30 mm GSh-30 aircraft cannon, carried by Russian fighters: the 2A38 series liquid cooled 30 mm gun delivers a rate of fire of 1950-2500 rds/min, a muzzle velocity of 960 m/s, using the 2A42 cartridge and 0.39 kg projectile.

The initial 1982 2K22 2S6 Tunguska variant was superceded by the 2K22M/2S6M Tunguska M in 1990, and the 2K22M1/2S6M1 Tunguska M1 in 2003. The product line has been further developed as the Pantsir S, primarily in a road mobile configuration.

The 9M113-M1 SAM has a higher impulse booster, and radio rather than laser fusing to improve effect against cruise missiles and Precision Guided Munitions. Defeating the latter has become one of the primary requirements for late variants of the 2S6 and the newer Pantsir S/S1 series.

Early configuration 2S6M1 Tunguska M1 system, note the Hot Shot radar system with the paraboloid section search antenna and gimballed monopulse tracking antenna (© Miroslav Gyűrösi ).

2S6M Tunguska M SPAAGM, stowed, at MAKS 1993 (
© Miroslav Gyűrösi ).

Late configuration 2S6M1 Tunguska M1 (Said Aminov, Vestnik PVO).

A BundesWehr Gepard SPAAG. The Gepard was a German response to the highly effective ZSU-23-4P SPAAG, and clearly became a major influence on the design of the Tunguska system, intended to replace the ZSU-23-4P.

Tunguska batteries are typically deployed with the PU-12M, PPRU-1M or Ranzhir series of battery command posts.

The operational requirement for the weapon system which became the 96K6 Pantsir system was fundamentally different to that defined by the PVO-SV for the 2K22 / 2S6 Tunguska - the PVO required a point defence weapon system to protect its S-300P / SA-10A/B Grumble fixed and self-propelled SAM batteries from attack by defence suppression aircraft, and to protect airfields and other critical strategic or industrial facilities from massed guided weapon attack. Development was launched in 1990, the intent being an adaptation of the PVO-SV system for carriage on a wheeled vehicle compatible with the transit speeds of the PVO's S-300P / SA-10A/B Grumble missile batteries.

This new V-PVO operational requirement partly arose due to the different regime in which the new S-300PS/PM / SA-10/20 batteries were deployed, as these replaced the semi-mobile S-25 / SA-1 Guild, S-75 / SA2 Guideline, and the S-200 / SA-5 Gammon. All of these legacy systems were built for redeployment, but mostly operated as static batteries, more than often from well hardened sites with bunkers and revetments for most battery components. The move to "shoot and scoot" operations improved survivability of the S-300P series batteries by reducing opportunities for attacking aircraft to target the site, but once found, the highly mobile SAM battery was usually well exposed and thus susceptible to attack by smart munitions. The use of hardened static sites was not possible for Army PVO-SV systems, which by then had evolved a large number of highly mobile point defence weapons to protect their longer ranging SAM batteries. The evolution of the Tunguska into the Pantsir thus reflects the convergence of the V-PVO SAM battery deployment regime with that of the PVO-SV's SAM regiments.

The effectiveness of the US AGM-88 HARM and UK ALARM in 1991, deployed against Iraq's legacy Soviet PVO SAM systems added urgency to the requirement. Iraq's SAM batteries collapsed in the first few days of Desert Storm under a rain of anti-radiation missiles, which destroyed their engagement radars without hindrance. If the anti-radiation missile armed fighter could get close enough to take a shot, the SAM battery was likely to be lost.

Left: CONOPS diagram for the Pantsir S system. Right: early Pantsir S demonstrator on the 8 x 8 Ural-5323.4 vehicle.

Early Pantsir S1 / SA-22 demonstrator on the 8 x 8 Ural-5323.4 vehicle. Note the configuration of the search and engagement radar antennas. This design used the earlier 9M335 missile round and the 1L36-1 Roman engagement radar (KBP).

Above: Detail of Pantsir S demonstrator turret, showing the dual band Phazotron 1L36 Roman engagement radar and early Russian designed electro-optical suite, early 9M335 missile launchers and early 30 mm guns (image © Miroslav Gyűrösi); Below: detail of 9M335 missile launch tubes and 30 mm gun (via Russkaya Sila).

A configuration of the Pantsir S1 which remains on offer uses the 8 x 8 MZKT-7930 chassis, providing much better cross country mobility than the lighter KAMAZ chassis, at a cost. It is not known whether this image using a stretched chassis represents a mockup or prototype (KBP).

The production Pantsir S1 configuration at MAKS-2007, carried by an 8 x 8 KAMAZ-6560 chassis.

The tracked chassis used with the 2S6 Tunguska was not well suited to V-PVO needs, as it had a slower road speed than the wheeled S-300P SAM systems, was less reliable and more expensive to maintain than a wheeled system, and the chassis dimensions limited the number of ready rounds and reloads, and carried 30 mm gun ammunition. The light tank style of tracked chassis was well hardened, in excess of V-PVO needs, being built for a battlefield environment. The V-PVO needed a design with more firepower, faster transit speeds to permit co-deployment with S-300P series SAM batteries, and a low procurement and operating cost. This dictated a wheeled host vehicle, much larger than the light tank sized tracked chassis of 2S6 Tunguska series, and new turret design to accommodate more launch tubes and newer and larger radar equipment.

The first prototype of the Pantsir S was displayed in 1995, using an enlarged derivative of the Tunguska's 9K311 missile, the 9K335. Twelve of these missiles were carried in elevating launch tubes. A pair of liquid cooled 2A72 30 mm guns were used, the 2A72 providing 300 - 450 rds/min, with a 970 m/s muzzle velocity and an effective range of 3,000 - 4,000 metres.

The Pantsir S system was equipped with the NIIR Phazotron 1L36-01 Roman / Hot Shot which used an S-band search component with a folding paraboloid section antenna, and a dual band X/MMW band engagement component, under a characteristic conical radome. Performance requirements included tracking 0.1 m2 targets at 15 km range. Typically two targets could be concurrently engaged using the radar, and two using the adjunct electro-optical tracking system. This radar package was later supplanted by the dual band 1RS-2E Shlem, which remains on offer for some variants.

The system ran into development problems, and limitations such as the inability to fire while on the move were considered unacceptable, resulting in a collapse of funding during this period. KBP continued experimenting with the design, using company funding.

The result of this was a deep redesign of the Pantsir S, discarding more of the legacy components and features inherited from the 2S6 series. In particular, the radar package was completely revised, and the turret redesigned.

VNIIRT were engaged to develop a new PESA technology acquisition radar, the 2L80/2L80E, using a mechanically rotated 1776x940 mm sized 760 kg passive phased array.

During the 2005-2006 period, KBP shifted development effort to a new passive phased array design engagement radar, with the capability to track multiple targets and missiles concurrently.

Several chassis were trialled during the development of the 96K6 Pantsir S1 system. Initially the 8 x 8 Ural-5323.4 was used, powered by a 260 SHP KAMAZ-7406 engine, then the 8 x 8 MZKT-7930 was trialled, with the KAMAZ-6530 used for production systems in Russian, and an EU supplied MAN chassis used for systems supplied to the United Arab Emirates. the GM-352 tracked series, common to the Tunguska, remains on offer, but using a reduced missile loadout.

Production Pantsir S1 systems combine the liquid cooled 2A38M 30 mm automatic cannon system with the high velocity 57E6E two stage CLOS missile, based on the Tunguska's 9M311 series. The revised gun design delivers a rate of fire of 1950-2500 rds / min, with a muzzle velocity of 960 metres/s, and the turret magazine capacity was increased to 1400 rounds.

The 57E6E series SAM is unusual in it class as it is a two stage weapon, designed for exceptionally high acceleration to effect snapshots against fleeting targets such as helicopters. Compared to the earlier 9M311 variants, the higher impulse booster stage pushes the second stage to 1,100 m/s. KBP are marketing the system as a capability to engage and destroy the full spectrum of airborne targets, comprising aircraft, UAVs, cruise missiles, precision guided weapons, ballistic missiles and soft skinned surface targets.

KBP define the basic capabilities of the Pantsir series thus (cite):
  • High jamming immunity in intensive ECM environment;
  • High survivability in massive employment of HARM-type antiradar missiles;
  • A capability of destroying high precision weapons, such as Tomahawk cruise missile, Walleye 2 guided air bomb, Maverick guided missile etc;
  • A capability of engaging fixed- and rotary- wing aircraft, RPVs, etc.;
  • Effectiveness at any time of night and day, in good and adverse weather;
  • High mobility, specifically for protecting motorized and armor units;
  • High availability and reliability.
The Pantsir S introduced a 12 round missile capability, a thermal imaging system to complement the optical tracker, and revised engagement radar component.

The Pantsir S1 series has been primarily marketed in the road mobile configuration, which is less costly to acquire and maintain, and trades away off-road mobility for much higher 90 km/h road speed.

The Pantsir S1 introduces a number of important improvements over the baseline Pantsir S. The new 57E6 missile replaces the established 9M331 series, this weapon provides 20 km range, 70% more than the 9M331M1, a significantly higher maximum target altitude, challenging many area defence missiles, a larger 20 kg warhead, and more thrust to accelerate the missile to 1,300 m/s in 2 seconds.

96K6 Pantsir S1 power generator module (KBP).

The layout of the current Pantsir S1 wheeled configuration is highly modular. The weapon system is packaged in a standard 10 tonne container, with three crew stations in the front module, followed by an ECS module, the turret module, with the power generation package in the aft module. The turret cavity contains the 1,400 round magazine for the guns, weapon system computers, mission recorders and other hardware.
An opto-electronic search and tracking function is provided, in the midwave and shortwave infrared bands. The missiles can be alternately tracked by the engagement radar or the OE system. A digital datalink is provide to permit networking of multiple Pantsir S1 systems in a battery.

Early configuration of operator stations using CRT displays.

Crew stations in the recent Pantsir S1E hosted on the GM-352M1E chassis (image © Miroslav Gyűrösi).

96K6 Pantsir S1 turret assembly being outfitted (KBP).

A more detailed analysis of the Ranzhir Command Post can be found under Warsaw Pact / Russian Air Defence Command Posts, and the tracked chassis under Russian and PLA Point Defence System Vehicles.

Engagement and Acquisition Radars

The Tunguska/Pantsir family of the SPAAGMs has seen a range of different radar packages installed since the initial IOC in 1983. All follow the model established by the 1960s 9K33 / SA-8 Gecko, with a 360o search radar for acquisition and coarse tracking, and narrow beam precision tracking radar on the front of the system turret, used for target and missile beacon tracking.

The earliest 2K22/2S6 Tunguska variants employed a radar package, which used a 1RL144 search radar with a singly curved cylindrical parabolic section reflector, and a Cassegrain monopulse tracking antenna. This design has been designated the Hot Shot in Western literature. It was supplemented by a 1RL138 IFF interrogator. Russian references list no less than four variants of of the search radar as 1RL144 for the Tunguska, 1RL144M for the Tunguska M, and the 1RL144M-VA/VS.

The progressive iterations in the development of the Pantsir series resulted in a more complex evolution, both in the acquisition and engagement radar components for the new system.

The development of the Pantsir S/S1 saw the introduction, initially, of a search radar with a doubly curved parabolic surface and eliptical shape. This was supplanted in production variants with a VNIIRT developed phased array. The latter design has since appeared on 2K22M1 Tunguska M1 demonstrators, as well as tracked and wheeled 96K6 Pantsir S1 demonstrators and production systems.

The VNIIRT developed PESA technology acquisition radar on the Pantsir S1, the 2RL80/2RL80E, uses a mechanically rotated 1776 x 940 mm sized 760 kg passive S-band phased array. The design provides elevation coverage between 0° and 60°, range coverage between 1 and 50 km, and performs a circular scan in 2 or 4 seconds. The radar can initiate tracking in 2 seconds. Cited detection range performance for a 1 m2 target is 47 km, for a 0.1 m2 target is 26 km. Cited clutter rejection is 55 dB. Accuracy figures cited are 50 metres in range, 15 - 18 min of arc in azimuth, and 25 - 30 min of arc in elevation.

Elevation coverage is selectable in increments of 0° - 60°, 0° - 30°, 40° - 80° and 0 - 25°, and the radar can search a 360° circle at 15 or 30 RPM. Range coverage can be selected in several modes, at 1-30 km, 1-50 km, 1-25 km and 3-80 km.

Acquisition performance for various target types has also been cited, with notable inconsistencies:
  • 36 km for a small fighter with a 2 m2 RCS;
  • 20 km for a manoeuvring cruise missile with a 0.1 m2 RCS;
  • 16 km for a glidebomb with a 0.2 m2 RCS;
  • 12 km for an AGM-88 HARM anti-radiation missile with a 0.1 m2 RCS;
  • 32 km for an AH-64 Apache attack helicopter.
The evolution of engagement radars in the Pantsir series has seen three distinct designs.

Early Pantsir S1 demonstrators initially used an MMW band monopulse tracking antenna, with a characteristic conical radome, with the Russians claiming two discrete Phazotron designs in this configuration, the 1L36-01 Roman and later 1RS2-E Shlem.

This pulse Doppler radar is designated the 1RS2/1RS2-E Shlem or SSTsR (Stantsiya Slezheniya Tsel'a i Rakety - Target and Missile Tracking Station), initially designated the 1RS1 and 1RS1-E for export. Cited tracking range performance for a 2 m2 target is 30 km. Cited RMS angular errors for X-band operation are 0.3-0.8 milliradians, for Ku-band operation 0.2-0.4 milliradians, with a 5 metre range error.

The X-band component of the SSTsR is used for target tracking, and uplink of missile steering commands., the Ku-band component for target and missile beacon tracking. The system typically guides one or two missile rounds against a single target.

This design has since appeared on the 2K22M1 Tunguska M1 demonstrators, various repackaged Pantsir variants on smaller chassis, usually with the 2RL80E acquisition radar.

In 2004 the requirement for the PVO engagement radar changed, when it was expected that the program would be cancelled. A new requirement was issued to increase the number of concurrent targets to be tracked and engaged, and engagement range was increased. This likely reflects the success of the US GBU-31/32/35/38 JDAM and emergence of analogues globally, where more than two weapons would be released from an aircraft concurrently. With the GBU-39/B Small Diameter Bomb intended to be released eight at a time, the Roman and Shlem would be saturated in a single aircraft attack.

This resulted in the development of an entirely new PESA based radar, curiously designated the 1RS2-1 / 1RS2-1E, but also incorrectly labelled by a Russian source as the 1RL123-E. VNIIRT has been credited with the development of this design. To date all imagery has excluded views of the PESA antenna without the protective radome, so the following description is based on recent public disclosures and is yet to be validated [1][2]:
  • Operating centre wavelength claimed by KBP to be "8 mm in the K-band" - antenna geometry suggests 15 mm (20 GHz) to 18 mm (16.7 GHz);
  • Beamsteering angles of up to ±45° of arc;
  • Mechanical PESA boresight steering in elevation between -5° and 82°;
  • Track while scan of nine separate targets;
  • 90% probability of initial target acquisition within 1 second of coordinate transfer from the 2RL80 with errors of ±2.5° in azimuth, ±2.5° in elevation, ±200 m in range and ±60 metres / sec in radial velocity;
  • Tracking errors of 0.2 milliradians in azimuth, 0.3 milliradians in elevation, 5 metres in range and 2 metres / sec in velocity;
  • Ability to track airborne targets at velocities between 10 to 1,100 metres / sec;
  • Ability to capture 4 missiles after launch;
  • Ability to track 3 to 4 outbound missiles at velocities between 30 to 2,100 metres / sec;
  • Detection range of 24 km against a 2.0 m2 RCS airborne target; 21 km against a 1 m2 RCS airborne target; 16 km against a 0.5 m2 RCS airborne target; 10 km against a 0.1 m2 RCS airborne target; 7 km against a 0.03 m2 RCS airborne target;
High countermeasures resistance is claimed for the 1RS2-1 and 2RL80, but not detailed beyond the standard descriptions found in brochures.

The primary antenna is used for target and missile tracking, it is supplemented by a command link antenna which is part of the APKNR (Apparatura Peredachi Komand i Naprovadzaniya Raket) subsystem for datalink control of the missiles.

A more detailed discussion can be found under Engagement and Fire Control Radars.

In July, 2011, Russian target drone manufacturer ENIKS published an image of a Pantsir S1 system equipped with a new acquisition radar design. The radar is a Janus-faced ESA, evidently intended to generate track outputs at a significantly higher rate than the VNIIRT 2RL80/2RL80E on early production systems for the Russian PVO and export clients. The system is claimed to be for an export client, not disclosed, who may be Middle Eastern given the desert camouflage on the prototype vehicle. A higher tracking rate would provide a better capability to track PGM targets, especially variants of the AGM-88 HARM/AARGM.

96K6 Pantsir S1 system with revised acquisition radar (ENIKS).

Electro-optical tracking turret on Pantsir S1. The optics indicate a three field of view stabilised TV system and a single field of view thermal imaging sensor (image © Miroslav Gyűrösi).

Optical Sensors

Early variants of the Tunguska series introduced an electroptical tracker to provide silent angle tracking in jamming environments. The electro-optical tracking system includes a longwave (8 - 14 μm band) thermal imager for target acquisition and tracking, and a dual band short (3 - 5 μm) / midwave (0.6 -1.1. μm) IR tracker for angular measurement of the missile beacon.

In the Pantsir S1 the AOP (Avtonomniy Opticheskiy Post) is cued by the radar system, and provides angle tracking of the target and missiles. The cited system specifications are [1][2]:
  • Azimuth coverage of ± 90 °;
  • Elevation coverage from -5 ° to 82°;
  • Angular tracking rate of 100° / sec;
  • Angular acceleration of 170° / sec;
  • French Sagem MATIS LR midwave thermal imager with WFOV of 4.17° x 6.25°, and NFOV of 0.87° x 1.3°, with a 0.05 mrad angular track error;
  • Acquisition performance: F-16 at 17 to 26 km; AGM-88 HARM at 13 to 15 km; cruise missiles at 11 to 14 km, and glidebombs at ~10 km;
The infrared missile flare tracker operates in the 0.77-0.91 μm band, with a WFOV mode of ± 2.5° in azimuth and -1° to 4° in elevation, and an NFOV of is ± 0.4° in azimuth and -0.3° to 0.6° in elevation. The system can track a laser spot with an error of 2 milliradians.

Terminal stage cutaway: 1 - proximity fuse; 2 - contact fuse; 3 - warhead; 4 - explosive filler; 5 - canard actuators; 6 - electronics module; 7 - gyro package; 9 - RF transponder beacon; 10 - optical beacon (Images via KBP, Russkaya Sila, Vestnik PVO)

9M311 and 57E6 Surface to Air Missiles and 2A38 Gun

The 2K22 / 96K6 / SA-19 / SA-22 systems use variants of one basic missile and one basic gun design.

The missile designs are all derivatives of the two stage command link guided 9M311 weapon. This is a 42 kg launch weight missile, with a low smoke motor intended to avoid problems with optical/infrared tracking of targets and laser rangefinding. The second terminal kill stage is unpowered and relies on kinetic energy imparted by the boost stage, the design strategy intended to minimise the dead weight and drag of the kill stage. Average missile speed is cited at 600 m/s (~Mach 2), and the weapon has a cited capability to engage targets manoevring at 5-7G, although this is not consistent with the cited 18G capability of the missile.

Early variants of the missile use a laser proximity fuse, later variants a radio proximity fuse, with a blast fragmentation warhead. The fuse is triggered ~5 metres from the target. An impact fuse is also provided, with the proximity fuse disabled for shots against surface targets.

The principal differences between the production 57E6 missile, and earlier 9M311 and 9M335, are the use of a larger booster and filament wound composite casings replacing light metal alloys, and the introduction of a larger and more lethal expanding rod warhead. The higher impulse of the propulsion system, and lighter missile structure, result in greater range and velocity compared to the 2K22 / SA-19 missile system.

All missiles are ejected from the launch tube / storage container by a gas generator cartridge, with the booster ignited once the missile has cleared a safe distance. Aerodynamic canard controls are employed for the second stage. Russian sources claim the use of a ram air generator to power the missile electronics, but there is not visible evidence of conventionl vanes for this purpose.

The 57E6 missile weighs 71 kg at launch, of which 20 kg is the warhead section. Booster burn duration is 1.5 seconds, accelerating the missile to 1220 metres/s. The cited velocity profile for the 57E6-E export variant is 900 metres/s at 12 km and 700 metres/s at 18 km range.

The 90 mm diameter expanding rod warhead uses 5 kg of explosive filler, and employs 47 rods of 5 mm diameter and 770 mm length. This is intended to provide a 100 percent probability of hitting a coplanar target at a range of up to 6 metres, and a 65 percent probability of hitting a coplanar target at a range of 9 metres. The warhead is designed to produce ~700 2.8 gram fragments, and ~2,260 0.9 gram fragments. The radar proximity fuse range is cited at 9 metres.

Export 57E6-E missile rounds employ a longer burn duration booster which has raised the peak velocity to 1,300 metres/s. These rounds have a launch weight of 75.7 kg.

Missile rounds for domestic Russian PVO use are designated the 95Ya6 series, with the current block designated the 95Ya6.04. These missiles are cited to have an effective range of 20 km and ceiling of 15 km, making them highly competitive against legacy area defence SAMs.

An improved SAM round for PVO use, believed to be the 23Ya6, is expected to soon be introduced. This weapon would appear to use the same terminal stage as the current 57E6/95Ya6 series, but introduces a longer and larger 210 mm diameter booster stage, versus the 170 mm diameter booster in current rounds. Russian sources suggest an ability to engage targets travelling at 1,850 metres/sec, against 1,000 metres/sec cited for the existing round. With higher kinetic energy the improved missile would reduce engagement times, and provide more G capability for endgame manoeuvres - otherwise a traditional weakness of command link and beam rising SAMs.

The 2A38 series 30 mm gun is a twin barrel revolver design with a belt feed and an electrical drive. The barrels are cooled using water or an anti-freeze fluid. The barrels can be elevated to +85o and depressed to -9o relative to the turret base. Cited total rate of fire for the 2K22 variant of the gun is 4060-4810 rds/min with a muzzle velocity of 960-980 m/sec. A range of shell types are available including tracers, HEI and fragmentation.

Pantsyr S1 launching a missile at the Kapustin Yar test range (KBP).

Operational 96K6 Pantsir S1 on parade (© 2010 Evgeniy Yerokhin,

Production and Exports

Due to its late deployment during the Cold War, the 2K22/2S6 Tunguska was never exported in the vast quantities seen with the ZSU-23-4. Most former Soviet 2S6 and 2S6M systems were claimed by Russia, Belarus and the Ukraine upon the breakup of the USSR. Known export clients include India (M and M1) and Morocco (M1).

The Pantsir has been ordered by the UAE, Syria and Algeria, and Iran is also claimed as a client. European sources claim the PLA and Greece were negotiating for the system. The system is offered on the 8 x 8 KAMAZ-6560, a specially stretched 8 x 8 MZKT-7930, the tracked GM 352M1E chassis (with a reduced missile loadout and more basic radar), or an EU sourced MAN SX 45 8 x 8 truck.

At least one prototype Pantsir S1 system has been recently built on the BAZ 6909 "Voshchina" series 8 x 8 chassis, common to the S-300PMU2 / S-400 5P85TE2 TEL, NNIIRT Nebo M radar system, and initially developed as a heavy artillery tractor for offroad use. This 41,300 kg gross weight vehicle is powered by a YaMZ-8431.10-200 or YaMZ-8942.10-033 turbocharged diesel, rated at 347.8 kW/475 SHP. It can climb obstacles of up to 1.4 metres in height, and the 550/75R21 tyres are connected to a central air pressure control system, similar to many armoured vehicles, to maintain inflation when perforated, and control traction in very soft terrain. To date all operational systems with Russian military units have been observed on the KAMAZ-6560. The larger BAZ-6909 would offer better cross country performance and potentially more reload rounds in storage. It is likely this will become the standard production configuration for the Russian PVO.

Russian media reports in 2010 indicated that operational 96K6 / SA-22 batteries were being assigned to protect S-400 / SA-21 strategic SAM system batteries from Precision Guided Munition (PGM) attacks. This is consistent with previously published and planned air defence doctrine.

2K22/96K6 Technical Data


ЗРПК «Тунгуска»
Tunguska SPAAG
ЗРПК «Тунгуска-М»
Tunguska M SPAAG
ЗРПК «Тунгуска-М1»
Tunguska M1 SPAAG

ЗРПК «Роман» (ранний «Панцирь»)
(Early Pantsir)
ЗРПК «Панцирь-С1»
Pantsir S1
Год принятия на вооружение
IOC Year
Не принят
В конце 2007- начале 2008
Ракетное вооружение
Missile Armament
Боекомплект, ракет
Missile Loadout
Артиллерийское вооружение
Gun Armament

2х2А38 (два 30-мм двухствольных автомата)
(two 30 mm twin barrel guns)
2х2А38М (два 30-мм двухствольных автомата)
(two 30 mm twin barrel guns)
2х2А38М (два 30-мм двухствольных автомата)
(two 30 mm twin barrel guns)
2х2А72 (две 30-мм одноствольные пушки)
(two 30 mm single barrel guns)
2х2А38М (два 30-мм двухствольных автомата)
(two 30 mm twin barrel guns)
Боекомплект, выстрелы
Gun Ammo [rds]
Vehicle Chassis
Гусеничное ГМ-352
Tracked GM-352
Гусеничное ГМ-352
Tracked GM-352
Гусеничное ГМ-5975
Tracked GM-5975
Автомобильное КамАЗ-7406 или УралАЗ 745.10
KamAZ 7406 or
UralAZ 745.10
Автомобильное КАМАЗ-6350, МЗКТ, MAN, гусеничное ГМ-352М1Е
MAN, Tracked GM-352M1E
Зона поражения самолета
Engagement Evelope Aircraft Targets
Ракетным вооружением
Using Missiles
По дальности
По высоте
Артиллерийским вооружением
Using guns
По дальности
По высоте
Темп стрельбы, выстр./мин/ствол
Rate of Fire/BBL
Число одновременно поражаемых целей ракетным оружием
Concurrently Engaged Targets by Missile
Table Source: Said Aminov @ Vestnik PVO

2K22/96K6 Battery Components

2K22/2K22M Battery Components
8 Round SPAAGM
8 Round Missile Transporter/Transloader
9S737MK Ranzhir
Mobile Command Post
Engineering Repair/Test Station
Missile Preparation/Assembly Station
Engineering Repair Station
Engineering Repair/Test Station GAZ-66
Mobile Workshop

96K6 Battery Components1
96K6 Combat Vehicle
12 Round SPAAGM
KAMAZ 6530
8 Round Missile Transporter/Transloader
9S737MK Ranzhir
Mobile Command Post
MZKT Volat
Engineering Repair/Test Station
Missile Preparation/Assembly Station
Engineering Repair Station
Engineering Repair/Test Station GAZ-66
Mobile Workshop

Battery Support Components
P-15M/Kasta 2E2
1 UHF-Band Low Level Acquisition Radar
P-15/Kasta 2E1
1 UHF-Band Acquisition Radar
1 - Support vehicle types for the 96K6 Pantsir S1 have yet to appear in public documents, reflecting the 2008 - 2009 IOC of this recent design. Vehicle types for the 2K22M1 have been listed as a substitute. Differences will arise in the support systems for the different radar packages, and some newer truck types may be used.

96K6 Pantsir S1 72V6 SPAAGM (KAMAZ 6530)

Operational 96K6 systems on parade in Russia, April-May 2011 (© 2011 Vitaliy V. Kuzmin).

Operational 96K6 systems on parade in Russia, April-May 2011 (© 2011 Vitaliy V. Kuzmin).

Stowed configuration for transit. The SA-22 provides very high mobility. The most recent Pantsir S1 variant has a PESA engagement radar and a planar array search radar antenna, with much better sidelobe performance compared to the concave reflective design in the Pantsir S. This example is painted in desert sand camouflage for demonstration to Middle Eastern customers - export systems have been supplied on European MAN chassis.

Detail of 30 mm gun system, derived from the GSh-30 aircraft cannon.

Detail of new Pantsir S1 Phazotron X-band phased array engagement radar.

Crew stations in the recent Pantsir S1E configuration (image © Miroslav Gyűrösi).

96K6 Pantsir S1 72V6 SPAAGM (MAN Cat SX 45)

Pantsir S1E exported to the UAE on a MAN Cat SX 45 8 x 8 chassis (KBP via Miroslav Gyűrösi ).

Pantsir S1E exported to the UAE on a MAN Cat SX A1 8 x 8 chassis (Sergei Kuznetsov via

96K6 Pantsir S1 72V6 SPAAGM (BAZ 6909)

Fully deployed 72V6 SPAAGM prototype on BAZ-6909 chassis (Sergei Kuznetsov via

Partly deployed 72V6 SPAAGM prototype on BAZ-6909 chassis. The system components are in original production colours (Sergei Kuznetsov via

Technical Analysis BAZ-6909 Voshchina Series Chassis

96K6 Pantsir S1 72V6 SPAAGM (MZKT-7930)

The Belarus built MZKT-7930 continues to be offered as the host platform for the 96K6 Pantsir S1 SPAAGM, as evidenced by this display model at a 2009 arms display (© 2009, Vitaliy Kuzmin).

96K6 Pantsir S1 Hybrid Tracked SPAAGM (GM-352M1E)

The Pantsir S1 weapon system is being offered as a new build substitute for the less capable2K22M1/2S6M1 Tunguska M/M1 SPAAGM, hosted on the GM-352M1/M1E tracked chassis. This design is essentially a hybrid of components, mixing the earlier 1RS2-1/1E engagement radar, the 2RL80E acquisition radar, and a reduced 8 round payload of the 57E6 -E missile (via Russian Internet).

2K22M1/2S6M1 Tunguska M/M1 SPAAGM

Early configuration 2S6M1 Tunguska M1 system, note the Hot Shot radar system with the cylindrical paraboloid section search antenna and gimballed monopulse tracking antenna (© Miroslav Gyűrösi ).

2S6M Tunguska M at the Berezina 2002 exercise. The system is stowed and no missiles are loaded (© Miroslav Gyűrösi ).

2S6M Tunguska M at the Berezina 2002 exercise (© Miroslav Gyűrösi ).

2S6M Tunguska M at the Berezina 2002 exercise (© Miroslav Gyűrösi ).

2F77M Transporter/Transloader

The 2F77M is a 6 x 6 KamAZ-43101B series flatbed with a missile loading crane (KamAZ image).

Battery Engineering Vehicles

Most 2K22M/M1 / SA-19 battery support vehicles are variants of the Ural 4320 series flatbed (Ural).

9S737/MP-22 Ranzhir E Battery Mobile Command Post

The Ranzhir E/M is available in a lower cost truck variant, intended for applications where high road mobility is important. For instance a wheeled Pantsir S1 battery would use the wheeled variant to match the high road speed of the SPAAGMs (Agat).

The tracked variant of the
Ranzhir series is based on a modified MT-LBu chassis and is typically used with the 2S6M Tunguska.

51U6/39N6E Kasta 2E1 / 2E2 Flat Face / Squat Eye Acquisition Radar

Kasta 2E1 Flat Face E UHF Band Acquisition Radar. This is a modern digital replacement for the P-19 Flat Face.

Kasta 2E2 Squat Eye E deployed.


  1. Miroslav Gyűrösi, Hybrydowy zestaw przeciwlotniczy Pancyr-S1 Cz.1, NTW - Technika Wojskowa, 6/2010.
  2. Miroslav Gyűrösi, Hybrydowy zestaw przeciwlotniczy Pancyr-S1 Cz.2, NTW - Technika Wojskowa, 8/2010.
  3. Said Aminov, Vestnik PVO, URL:;
  4. Pantsir-S1 Air Defense Missile/Gun System, KBP Instrument Design Bureau,59 Shcheglovskaya Zaseka St., 300001 Tula, Russia.
  5. Tunguska-M1 Air Defense Missile/Gun System, KBP Instrument Design Bureau,59 Shcheglovskaya Zaseka St., 300001 Tula, Russia.
  6. 30 mm 2A38M Automatic Anti-Aircraft Gun, KBP Instrument Design Bureau,59 Shcheglovskaya Zaseka St., 300001 Tula, Russia.
  7. Phazotron Shlem air defence radar system, Phazotron NIIR.
  8. Martin Rosenkranz, MAKS 2007 Spezial: Pantsir-S1 (SA-22), Russlands neuestes Flugabwehrsystem.

Technical Report APA-TR-2009-0703

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