DOS 2.5 And The 1050 Drive
The latest version of DOS (Disk Operating System) for the XL and XE computers is 2.5. It offers several advantages over the earlier ver- sions (including the ill-received DOS 3.0), including dual-density formatting, new XIO formatting commands available from BASIC, a RAMDISK program for the 130XE, and greater compatibility with DOS 2.0. If you use DOS 3.0, I suggest you get a copy of 2.5 as soon as you can. DOS 2.5 formats a track with 26 sectors instead of the 18 DOS 2.0 han- dles; this means a disk with 1010 sectors free instead of 707 (leaving 931 free sectors with DOS and DUP.SYS files on a disk). The 1050 (not the 810) drive can automatically sense which density the disk in the drive is using. DOS 2.0 can read a 2.5 disk but the additional sectors are invisible to it.New BASIC Commands for DOS 2.5
When you OPEN a disk from BASIC to get a directory read (see loca- tion 1792; 700ドル in the Addenda section), you normally use OPEN #1,6,0,"D:*.*." Now, if you use OPEN #1,7,0,"D:*.*," DOS will specify files which occupy disk sectors that can't be accessed by 2.0 with angle brackets, like. These files are invisible to DOS 2.0 when reading a directory; they can't be loaded, nor do they show up in the directory. Formatting the disk by the XIO command is enhanced. The usual method is XIO 254, #1,0,0,"D1:." This will format the disk, trying first for dual density, and if the drive doesn't support it, formatting in single (2.0) density. XIO 253, #1,0,0,"D1:" formats a disk with single density only (a new option--P--has been added to the DOS menu to format in single density as well). XIO 253, #1,34,0,"D1:" will format a disk in dual density only. RAMdisk for the 130XE
DOS 2.5 includes a special program called RAMDISK.SYS. This loads up when the disk is booted and determines if your computer is a 130XE. If so, it runs a small program which creates a "disk drive" out of the 64K extended memory bank. The RAMdisk acts just like a real disk, except that it's faster. It is formatted into 499 sectors and a direc- tory and has the drive number D8:. DOS 2.5 supports drives 1-8, but is initialized to drives 1, 2, and 8, so if you have other drives, change location 1802 (70ドルA); that is, if you have three drives and the RAMdisk, POKE 1802, 135. All bits in location 1802 now represent pos- sible drives. When it runs, RAMDISK.SYS copies MEM.SAV and DUPSYS to the RAMdisk, then modifies a location so that you call up DUP.SYS from the RAMdisk rather than D1:. This brings up DOS almost immediately when you leave BASIC. However, if you want to delete DUP.SYS from the memory drive and call it up from drive 1 as usual, type POKE 5439, ASC("1"), this points DOS back to the original drive. You can also delete MEM.SAV from D8: if you don't need it.DOS 2.5 Boot Sector and Memory Map
Locations 1792-1812 (700ドル-714ドル) are loaded directly into RAM from the boot sector (sector 1) on a disk. Refer back to the section in the 400/800 memory map tar more explanation. These are from an article by Neil Harris in the Atari Explorer; they are locations Atari promises to support in the future:
1792 700 BFLG
- Boot flag; always equals 0.
1793 701 BRCNT
- Number of sectors in the disk boot; three--the first three on the disk.
1794,1795 702,703 BLDADDR
- Boot load address; where DOS is loaded into memory; always 1792 (700ドル).
1796,1797 704,705 BINTAD
- DOS initialization address; always 5440 (1540ドル).
1798-1800 706-708 BCONT
- JMP instruction to jump to the address where the boot program continues execution; 1812 (714ドル).
1801 709 SABYTE
- Maximum number of concurrently open files--usually three.
1802 70A DRVBYT
- Drive allocation byte; one bit per drive.
1803 70B SAFBFW
- Unused.
1804,1805 70C,70D SASA
- Buffer allocation address for drives and files.
1806 70E DFSFLG
- Reads zero if there is no DOS.SYS on disk, nonzero if present.
1807,1808 70F,710 DFLINK
- Points to first sector of the DOS.SYS file.
1809 711 BLDISP
- Number of displacement bytes to sector link bytes (last three); always 125 (7ドルD).
1810,1811 712,713 DFLADDR
- Address of the FMS (D:) handler table; 1995 (7ドルCB).
1812 714 XBCONT
- Boot program begins here.
1900 76C BSIO
- BASIC SIO routines.
1906 772 BSIOR
- FMS disk handler routines.
1913 779 ....
- Write verify flag; 80 (50ドル) turns it off, 87 (57ドル) turns it on.
- FMS handler table. Has data in it different from 2.0 handler.
2016 7E0 DINIT
- DOS initialization routine.
4993 1381 FBC
- Start of the FMS file control blocks; first of eight.
5121 1401 FILDIR
- 128-byte buffer for a disk directory sector.
5439 153F ....
- POKE with 49 (ASC("1")) to reroute DOS to call DUP.SYS from D1: rather than D8: when using the RAMdisk--you can then delete DUP.SYS and MEM.SAV from the RAMdisk for extra space. See location 1923 (783ドル) in the Addenda.
5440 1540 MINIDUP
- Start of permanently resident portion of DUP.SYS.
5540 154A SFLOAD
- Entry to DUP.SYS's routine to load binary files.
5542 15A6 STLOAD
- Used with SFLOAD.
5545 15A9 LOAD
- Used with SFLOAD.
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