Christian S疣chez




Passengers of the Piri疳olis

and other ships that arrived in the port of Buenos Aires

Player Age MS Occupation Religion Birthplace Nationality Ship Point of Departure Entry
Alekhine, Alexandre 46 M Lawyer Orthodox Moscow Russian Alc疣tara Rio de Janeiro 12/07/1939 - Buenos Aires
Alekhine, Grace 50 M None Orthodox New Jersey American Alc疣tara Rio de Janeiro 12/07/1939 - Buenos Aires
Alexander, Conel 30 M Businessman Protestant Cork Irish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Andersson, Ingeborg 33 M Employee Protestant Stockholm Swedish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Andrasiunas, Ksaveras 37 S Farmer Catholic Ukmerge Lithuanian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Apsenieks, Fricis 45 S Journalist Protestant Tetele Latvian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Arnlaugsson, Gudmundur 25 S Student Protestant Reykjavik Icelandic Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Asgeirsson, Asmundur Kr. 33 M Sailor Protestant Reykjavik Icelandic Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Austbo, Johannes (misspelled as Austb) 49 M Professor Protestant Rennesy Norwegian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Becker, Albert 43 M Professor Catholic Vienna German Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Bergquist, Nils (sic: Bergqvist) 38 S Journalist Protestant Sodertalje Swedish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Bloch Nakkerud, Ruth 28 S Modiste Protestant Giuik Norwegian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Capablanca y Graupera, Jos? Ra?l 40 M Diplomat Catholic Havana Cuban Neptunia Naples 20/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Chagodaev Capablanca, Olga (misspelled as Chagodael) 35 M Housewife Catholic Tiflis Cuban Neptunia Naples 20/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Christensen, Alfred 34 S Journalist Protestant Rakkeby Danish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Cortlever, Nicolaas 24 S Employee Dissident Amsterdam Dutch Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Cruz Filho, Oswaldo (misspelled as Flho) 36 M Doctor Catholic Rio de Janeiro Brazilian General Artigas Rio de Janeiro 24/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Cruz, Walter Oswaldo 29 M Doctor Catholic Rio de Janeiro Brazilian General Artigas Rio de Janeiro 24/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Czerniak, Moizes (=Moshe) 29 S Employee Israelite Warsaw Polish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Danielsson, Gosta 27 S Student Protestant Hagalund Swedish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
De Groot, Adrianus 24 M Student Dissident Velsen Dutch Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
De Ronde, Christiaan 26 S None Dissident Schiedam Dutch Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Dez, Edmond Henri 68 D Capitain Dissident Paris French Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Ekenberg, Bengt 27 S Doctor Protestant Gothenburg Swedish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Eliskases, Erich 26 S Chess player Catholic Innsbruck German Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Endzelins, Lucijs 30 S Student Protestant Tartu Estonian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Enevoldsen Elsing, Jens Evald (misspelled as Elsinge) 32 D Employee Protestant Copenhaguen Danish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Engels, Ludwig 33 S Chess player Catholic Dusseldorf German Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Feigins, Movsa 31 S Chess player Israelite Griva Latvian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Figueira Trompowsky De Almeida, Octavio 41 M Bank clerk Catholic Rio de Janeiro Brazilian General Artigas Rio de Janeiro 24/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Foerder, Heinz 30 M Worker Israelite Breslau German Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Foltys, Jan 31 M Chess player Catholic Svinov Czechoslovakian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Friedemann, Gunnar 30 S Employee Protestant Tallinn Estonian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Frydman, Paulin 34 S Employee Israelite Warsaw Polish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Glimmerveen de Roodzant, Cath. (sic: Catharina) 42 M None Dissident Rotterdam Dutch Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Golombek, Harry 28 S Businessman Israelite London English Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Graf, Sussanna (sic: Susanna; =Sonja) 30 S Chess player Catholic Munich German Highland Patriot London 19/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Gromer, Aristide 31 S Chess player Dissident Dunkirk French Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Gudmundsson, Jon 34 S Printer Protestant Reykjavik Icelandic Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Hellman, Abraham (sic: Helman) 32 S Businessman Jewish Zitormin (sic: Zhitomir) Russian Argentina New York 16/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Holowach, Walter 29 S Musician Protestant Edmonton Canadian Argentina New York 16/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Janeckova, Blazena 28 S Employee Catholic Prague Czechoslovakian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Kahn, Victor 50 D None Israelite Moscow Russian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Kantardjiev, Michail (=Kantardzhiev) 28 S Civil servant Orthodox Lom Bulgarian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Karastoyanov, Emile (=Karastoichev) 23 S Student Orthodox Shumen Bulgarian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Keres, Paul 23 S Diplomat Protestant Narva Estonian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Kerlin, Gerard Jos. (sic: Joseph) 29 S Employee Catholic Dublin Irish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Kiprov, Alexandre 22 S Student Orthodox Sofia Bulgarian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Kleinsteins, Zalamans (=Zelman Kleinstein) 27 S Student Israelite Daugavpils Latvian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Larsen, Alfred 35 S Employee Protestant Bergen Norwegian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Larsen, Ingrid Kirstine 30 M None Protestant Foulum Danish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Larsen, Jens Peter (=Ojvind?) 57 M Businessman Hebrew Asko Danish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Lauberte, Milda Modrite (misspelled as Lauberts) 20 S Student Protestant Vildogas Pagasts Latvian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Lougheed, Annabelle 40 S Teacher Protestant Clarksburg Canadian Argentina New York 16/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Luckis, Markas 34 M Businessman Israelite Pskow Russian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Lundin, Erik 35 M Journalist Protestant Stockholm Swedish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Melngailis, Tenis Vitauts 26 M Employee Protestant Tashkent Russian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Michel, Paul 33 S Chess player Catholic Alzenau German Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Mikenas, Vladas 29 M Employee Catholic Kaunas Lithuanian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Milner Barry, Philip 32 S Journalist Protestant Mill Hill English Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Minnis, William 37 S Employee Protestant Belfast Irish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Moller, Baldur 24 S Student Protestant Reykjavik Icelandic Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Morrison, John Stuart 40 S Artist Protestant Toronto Canadian Argentina New York 16/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Najdorf, Mojsze Mendel (=Miguel) 29 M Businessman Israelite Warsaw Polish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Nash, Warwick 32 S Farmer Catholic Athlone Irish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Neykirch, Olek (=Neikirch) 25 S Student Orthodox Tiflis Russian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
O'Donovan, John Francis 21 S Student Unknown Queenstown Irish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
O'Hanlon, John James 63 M Businessman Catholic Ulster Irish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Opocensky, Karel 47 M Journalist Catholic Most Czechoslovakian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Opsahl, Haakon 34 S Worker Protestant Elverum Norwegian Argentina New York 16/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Pelikan, Jiri 33 S Employee Catholic Castolovice Czechoslovakian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Petrovs, Vladimirs 31 M Employee Orthodox Riga Latvian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Ponce, Luis Neftal? (=Neptal?) 31 S Diplomat Catholic Quito Ecuadorian Northern Prince New York 22/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Poulson, Kristian (sic: Poulsen, Christian) 26 M Worker Protestant Rind Danish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Prins, Lodewijk 26 M Journalist Dissident Amsterdam Dutch Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Raclauskiene, Elena 30 M Employee Catholic Kaunas Lithuanian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Rauch, Meyer (=Meir) 29 S Worker Israelite Zolnis Polish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Raud, Ilmar 26 S Student Protestant Viljandi Estonian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Rebnord, Sverre 35 S Businessman Protestant Bergen Norwegian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Regedzynsky, Teodor (sic: Regedziński) 45 M Employee Arabian Lodz Polish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Reinhardt, Heinrich 36 M Employee Protestant Zabelsdorf German Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Reischer, Sura Sara (sic: Salome) 40 M None Israelite Brzezinca Russian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Rinder, Frieda 33 M None Catholic Schrobenhausen German Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Rojahn, Ernest (sic: Ernst) 29 S Student Protestant Tonsberg Norwegian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Rometti, Barbato Nicolas (misspelled as Barrato) 44 S Architect Catholic Umbertide Italian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Schmidt, Paul 22 S Student Protestant Narva Estonian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Schwartzmann, Paula (=Paulette) 45 S Dentist Israelite Kamenetz Russian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Seitz, Jakob Adolf 41 S Journalist Lutheran Meitingen German Almanzora Rio de Janeiro 16/6/1939 - Buenos Aires
Silva De Oliveira Rocha, Adhemar 31 S Accountant Catholic Rio de Janeiro Brazilian General Artigas Rio de Janeiro 24/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Skalicka, Karel 42 S Lawyer Catholic Prague Czechoslovakian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Souza Mendes Junior, Joao De 47 D Doctor Catholic Ilha Terceira Portuguese General Artigas Rio de Janeiro 24/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Sorensen, Ernst Karl (misspelled as Srensen) 31 S Employee Protestant Hamburg German Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Stahlberg, Gideon (misspelled as Gidlon) 31 S Journalist Protestant Surte Swedish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Stevenson, Vera (=Menchik, Vera) 33 M None Protestant Moscow Russian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Stoffels de Wagemans, Marianne 38 M Employee Catholic Antwerp Belgian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Sulik, Franciszek 30 S Civil servant Catholic Gliniany Polish Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Tartakower, Savielly 52 S Lawyer Protestant Rostoff Russian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Tautvaisaz, Povilas (sic: Tautvaisas) 23 S Student Catholic Mazeikiai Lithuanian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Thomas, George Alan 58 S None Protestant Constantinople Turkish Almanzora Southampton 11/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Torvaldsson, Einar (=Thorvaldsson) 37 S Mason Protestant Reykjavik Icelandic Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Turn, Johannes 40 M Diplomat Protestant Tartu Estonian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Tzvetcov, Alexandre (=Tsvetkov) 24 S Civil servant Orthodox Topolevgrad Bulgarian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Vaitonis, Povilas 27 S Student Catholic Kaunas Lithuanian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Van Scheltinga, Tjeerd Daniel 25 S Carpenter Dissident Amsterdam Dutch Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Winz, Viktor (=Victor) 37 S Publisher Israelite Berlin German Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Wood, Baruch Harold 30 M Businessman Protestant Sheffield English Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Yanofsky, Abraham (misspelled as Yanopsky) 15 S Student Jewish Brody Polish Argentina Nueva York 16/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Zita, Frantisek 30 M Employee Catholic Prague Czechoslovakian Piri疳olis Antwerp 21/08/1939 - Buenos Aires
Alekhine, Alexandre (misspelled as Alexandra) 34 M Author Orthodox Moscow Russian Massilia Bordeaux 07/09/1927 - Buenos Aires
Alekhine, Alexandre 33 M Chess player Orthodox Moscow Russian Lutetia Bordeaux 01/08/1926 - Buenos Aires
Alekhine, Nadejda (misspelled as Hadeida) 43 M None Orthodox Odessa Russian Massilia Bordeaux 07/09/1927 - Buenos Aires
Tartakower, Savielly 43 S Chess player Evangelical Rostov on Don Polish Massilia Vigo 27/02/1931 - Buenos Aires
Lasker, Emanuel 41 M Author Catholic Unknown German Vasari New York 01/06/1910 - Buenos Aires
Capablanca, Jose R. 25 S Landowner Catholic Unknown Cuban Amazon Rio de Janeiro 01/08/1914 - Buenos Aires
Capablanca, Jose Raul 38 M Diplomat Catholic Havana Cuban American Legion Santos 03/08/1927 - Buenos Aires
Grau, Roberto 27 S Journalist Unknown Unknown Argentine La Coru?a Hamburg 08/09/1927 - Buenos Aires
Grau, Roberto 28 M Journalist Unknown Unknown Argentine Werra Bremen 02/09/1928 - Buenos Aires
Grau, Roberto 30 M Journalist Unknown Unknown Argentine Mendoza Marseille 01/03/1930 - Buenos Aires
Grau, Roberto Gabriel 38 M Journalist Unknown Unknown Argentine Belle Isle Rio de Janeiro 21/12/1938 - Buenos Aires
Illa, Rolando 31 M Assistant Catholic Unknown American Verdi New York 13/11/1911 - Buenos Aires
Illa, Rolando 40 M
Catholic Unknown American Almanzora Montevideo 01/08/1921 - Buenos Aires
Kostic, Boris 27 S Businessman Orthodox Unknown Serbian Ortega Callao 03/05/1914 - Buenos Aires
Lipinics, Leonhard (=Lipiniks, Leonardo) 4 S
Protestant Riga
Sierra Ventana Bremen 01/09/1928 - Buenos Aires
Pilnik, Germ疣 31 M Business agent Jewish Stuttgart German R?o Jachal Baltimore 10/11/1945 - Buenos Aires
Pilnik, Hermann 16 S Student Mosaic Stuttgart German Sierra Ventana Bremen 02/04/1930 - Buenos Aires
Seitz, Jacobo Adolfo 56 S Journalist Unknown
Argentine Charles Tellier Havre 27/12/1954 - Buenos Aires


MS: Marital Status. S: Single. M: Married. D: Divorced.

When the names are misspelled, the correct form appears after the word "sic", unless the error is obvious, when the incorrect form appears after the words "misspelled as". The "=" sign indicates a variant.


CEMLA: Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos. Base de datos del arribo de inmigrantes y pasajeros al puerto de Buenos Aires, entre 1882 y 1950.


Copyright Christian S疣chez All rights reserved -

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