

The title 'Professor' was originally of more general application, applying to any Doctor teaching in the university. A reminder of this is provided by the old title for the Doctor of Divinity: Sacrae Theologiae Professor -- teacher of holy theology. From the sixteenth century, however, it was applied to those holding posts -- 'chairs' -- some endowed by benefactions, often of land, others established by the University, in specific subjects. Many of the regulations governing Professorships were drawn together in 1861 under Statute B, with, of course, subsequent amendments. Within Statute B, chapter ix dealt with regulations for election, chapter xi with the residence and duties of Professors, and chapter vi with the University's powers to create professorships and with stipends. The statutes of 1926, which dealt with professorships under Statute D, chapters xiii to xv, standardised the stipends of professors elected after that date. Since about 1974, the university has, as the result of an annual exercise, appointed a number of its most distinguished academical officers to 'personal professorships' in their particular field of expertise (these may be distinguished in the list below by their carrying no details of establishment), but several of the established university professorships, like that of chemistry, had their origins in a personal professorship which was then continued.

The first five Regius (i.e. Royal) Professorships, in Divinity, Hebrew, Greek, Physic and Civil Law, were founded by Henry VIII in 1504; the sixth, in Modern History, by George I in 1724, and the seventh, in English Literature, in the name of Edward VII in 1910. On the initiative, and probably at the expense, of Thomas Lorkyn, Regius Professor of Physic, the Henrician Regius Professors were granted official arms and crests in 1590.

Aerial Photographic Studies, Professorship of

Established by grace of 13 June 1973 for Dr St Joseph, for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Geography and Geology.

1973 (retired 1980)

Aeronautical Engineering, Francis Mond Professorship of

Established by Grace of 16 May 1919 from a benefaction of 20,000ドル by Mr Emile Mond as a memorial to his son, Francis Mond, of Peterhouse, killed in action flying on the Western Front, 15 May 1918. The electors are the Vice-Chancellor, the Master of Peterhouse, and eight persons elected by the Senate in accordance with Statute B.xi. Originally attached to the Special Board for Mathematics, the professorship was assigned on its creation in 1923 to the Special Board for Engineering Studies, and in 1927 to the Faculty of Engineering.

1919 Sir (knighted 1942)
1952 (retired 1983)

Aerothermal Technology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 26 July 1989 for Dr Cumpsty. Lapsed in 1999 on the retirement of Professor Cumpsty in December. Re-established by Grace 3 of 22 March 2000.


African History, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1990 for Dr Iliffe.


Agricultural Botany, Professorship of

Established by grace of 13 February 1908. In 1915 the University had the option of discontinuing the chair after Easter Term 1919, or earlier if the first holder were to vacate the office. It was renewed for ten years in 1919 and by grace of 15 June 1929 the regulation that the professorship should cease at the end of the Easter Term 1929 was rescinded. The original electors were the Council of the Senate. By grace of 4 June 1921 the professorship was transferred from the Special Board for Physics and Chemistry to the Special Board for Agriculture and Forestry.

1908 (retired 1931)

Agriculture, Drapers' Professorship of

Established by grace of 11 May 1899 from a benefaction provided by the Worshipful Company of Drapers. The original electors in were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Biology and Geology. In 1915 the University had the option of discontinuing the chair after Easter Term 1919. By grace of 15 June 1929 the regulation that the professorship should cease at the end of the Easter Term 1929 was rescinded. By grace of 4 June 1921 the professorship was transferred from the Special Board for Physics and Chemistry to the Special Board for Agriculture and Forestry and by grace of 28 May 1969 primarily to the Faculty of Biology 'A' with effect from 1 January 1970. The professorship was terminated by grace of 28 February with effect from 9 March 1990.

1930 Sir
1957 Sir
1969 (retired 1989)

Algebraic Geometry, Professorship of


American History and Institutions, (Pitt) Professorship of

Established by grace of 5 February 1944 from a sum of 44,000ドル accepted from the Syndics of the Press in 1943. This sum was increased by a further 5000ドル from the Press in 1946. Tenure is for one year and the professorship is placed in Schedule B of the Statutes, but it is not governed by Statute G.i.5, relating to the quota of Professorial Fellowships of a College. By grace of 9 June 1951 the title of the chair was changed to the 'Pitt Professorship ....'.

1992 (Professor in the Harvard Graduate School of Education; assigned to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences)
1993 (Langbourne M. Williams Professor of American History, University of Virginia; assigned to the Faculty of History)
1994 (Professor of Economics, Stanford University; assigned to the Faculty of Economics and Politics)
1995 (William Rand Kenan Professor, Emory University; assigned to the Faculty of History)
1996 (Professor of Sociology, University of North Carolina; assigned to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences)
1997 (Professor of History, Tulane University; assigned to the Faculty of History)
1998 (John H. Munro Professor of Economics, and of History, University of Rochester; assigned to the Faculty of Economics and Politics)
1999 (Fellow of Caius; assigned to the Faculty of History)

American History, Paul Mellon Professorship of

Established by grace of 3 December 1980 from a gift of 1,000,000ドル from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (with a further 250,000ドル to provide post-graduate fellowships in the subject). The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of History.

1982 (retired 1990)
1992 (previously Senior Lecturer in History, University of Newcastle)

Anaesthesia, Professorship of

Established by grace of 23 May 1990 with effect from October 1990. Re-established by Grace 8 of 27 Oct. 1999.

1991 (Professor of Anaesthesia, University of Leeds; retired 1999)

Anatomy, Professorship of

Founded by the University in 1707. The stipend in 1915 was 600ドル per annum (or 400ドル if the professor holds a headship or a fellowship). The electors from the 1880s were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Medicine. By graces of 12 March 1920 the subjects assigned to the Professor were extended to include Vertebrate Anatomy and Embryology, in addition to Human Anatomy. Assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'A'; by grace of 22 April 1927.

1785 Sir
1866 Sir
1968 (retired 1982)
1984 (died 1989)
1992 (Professor and Chairman of the Department of Neurobiology, Anatomy, and Cell Science, University of Pittsburgh; resigned 1995)
1997 (Professor of Biology, University of California at San Diego)

Ancient History, Professorship of

Established by grace of 27 October 1898. The original electors were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Classics.

1970 Sir
1979 (retired 1984)
1996 (Laurence Professor, 2000)

Ancient Philosophy and Science, Professorship of

Established by grace of 18 May 1983 for Dr Lloyd; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Classics.

1983 (retired 2000)

Ancient Philosophy, Laurence Professorship of

Established by grace of 5 December 1930 as one of the offices endowed by the bequest of Sir Perceval Maitland Laurence. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Classics.

1973 (died 1982)
1984 (resigned 1996)
1997 (George Martin Lane Professor of Philosophy and of the Classics, Harvard University; resigned 2000)

Anglo-Saxon, Elrington and Bosworth Professorship of

Funded by the gift of Joseph Bosworth, Rawlinsonian Professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford, of the sum of 10,000ドル which was to accumulate until sufficiently large to yield a stipend of at least 500ドル a year. The chair was duly founded in 1878 and named for the donor and his wife, Anne Margaret Elliot, an enthusiastic promoter of the scheme, previously married to Col. Hamilton Elrington. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor, the Rawlinsonian Professor, the Masters of Trinity, Caius and Corpus Christi, the Regius Professors of Greek and Modern History, and the Professor of Sanskrit. Assigned by grace of 22 April 1927 to the Faculty of English, but transferred on 15 June 1927 to the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology. By grace of 27 April 1945 the Board of Electors were discharged and replaced by a Board constituted in Statute D.xiv.2.

1912 (retired 1941)
1969 (retired 1982)
1991 (resigned, 31 December 1998)

Animal Ecology, Professorship of


Animal Embryology, Charles Darwin Professorship of

Established by grace of 16 November 1966 for Dr Austin and limited to one tenure. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'B'. Re-established by grace of 3 June 1982 for Dr Lasky, for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'A'.

1967 (retired 1981)

Animal Ethology

Established by grace of 1 December 1965 for Dr Thorpe and limited to one tenure. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'A'.


Animal Mechanics, Professorship of


Animal Morphology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 11 May 1882 for the tenure of the first holder, who died in the year of his election. (The University did not exercise its option to continue the chair at this time.)


Animal Pathology, Professorship of

Founded with a grant of 30,000ドル from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries as a first step towards the creation of an Institute for Research in the Pathology of Animal Diseases. The Professor was elected for five years in the first instance, and Buxton was re-appointed in 1928. The regulation that the tenure be for five years in the first instance was rescinded by grace of 20 February 1937. The chair was assigned to the Special Board for Agriculture and Forestry, then, by grace of 19 March 1969, primarily to the Faculty of Medicine. On 1 January 1975 transferred to the Department of Veterinary Clinical Studies. Temporarily discontinued on 1 October 1975 with the retirement of Professor Beveridge. Lapsed on the retirement of Professor Soulsby.

1923 (resigned 1936)
1937 (resigned 1942)
1947 (retired 1975)
1978 (retired (as Lord Soulsby) 1993)

Animal Welfare, Colleen Macleod Professorship of

Established by grace of 26 February 1986.


Anthropological Science, Professorship of


Applied Economics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 30 July 1980 for Hon. W. A. H. Godley; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Department of Applied Economics.

1980 Hon. (retired 1993)

Applied Mathematics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 20 May 1964. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned to the Faculty of Mathematics.

1964 (retired 1983)
1986 (died, 2000)

Applied Numerical Analysis, John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of

Established by grace of 23 October 1974; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Mathamatics.


Applied Physics, Professorship of


Applied Thermodynamics, (2000) Professorship of


Applied Thermodynamics, Hopkinson and Imperial Chemical Industries Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 February 1950, largely from a the endowment fund of the proposed Hopkinson Professorship in Thermodynamics and a gift from ICI Ltd of 50,000,ドル less tax, spread over the seven years 1949 to 1955. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Engineering.

1951 Sir
1980 (died 1983)
1985 (retired 1997)

Arabic, Sir Thomas Adams' Professorship of

Founded in 1632 by Mr, later Sir, Thomas Adams at a stipend of 40ドル payable by the Drapers' Company, and augmented by the bequest of the Rev. John Palmer, B.D., Professor 1804-19, of 1000ドル. The Professorship was, for most of the eighteenth century, held in conjunction with the Lord Almoner's Readership/Professorship, the stipend of neither being held to be singly adequate. Temporarily discontinued by grace of 17 February 1982.

1720 (Lord Almoner's Reader, 1729)
1768 (Lord Almoner's Reader, 1768)
1770 (Lord Almoner's Reader, 1770)
1947 (died 1969)
1970 (retired 1982)
1996 (previously Professor of History, American University of Beirut)

Arabic, The Lord Almoner's Professorship/Readership of

Instituted in 1724. The Professor, or Reader, was appointed by the Lord Almoner and paid out of Almonry bounty. He was obliged to give at least one public lecture a year. On the death of A. A. Bevan in 1933 the professorship lapsed in accordance with a recommendation to that effect approved by the King in Council on 20 November 1904.

1886 Hon.
1893 (d. 1933)

Archaeological Science, George Pitt-Rivers Professorship of

Established by grace of 21 June 1989.


Archaeology, (1996) Professorship of


Archaeology, Disney Professorship of

Founded in 1851 by John Disney, who also presented a valuable collection of marbles. The appointment rested with the founder during his lifetime, and in 1915 was vested in the Vice-Chancellor and the Heads of Houses. It was for a period of five years, renewable. The Professorship was assigned to the Special Board for History and Archaeology. By grace of 4 June 1927 the professorship was brought within the general regulations for professorships (Statute D) and was assigned principally to the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology.

1892 Sir (d. 1926)
1927 Sir
1939 (first woman professor at Cambridge)
1981 (Lord Renfrew)

Architecture, (1995) Professorship of

1995 (previously of the London Division of English Heritage)

Architecture, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 December 1955 for one tenure. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Fine Arts (re-named by grace of 11 February 1970 the Faculty of Architecture and History of Art). By grace of 3 December 1969 the professorship was established on a permanent basis with effect from 1 January 1970.

1956 Sir
1989 (retired 2000)

Asian Anthropology, Professorship of


Assyriology, Professorship of


Astronomy (and Experimental Philosophy), Plumian Professorship of

Founded in 1704 in pursuance of the will of Thomas Plume, D.D., and endowed with the rent of an estate at Balsham, Cambs. The bequest was to cover the cost of the erection of an observatory, and the stipend, residence and instruments of the professor. The stipend was increased in 1768 by the bequest of Robert Smith, second holder of the chair, conditional on the professor assisting in the examinations for the annual Smith prizes founded at the same time. By a statute of 7 March 1860 the stipend was augmented by one eighth of the net annual income of Lady Sadleir's foundation for algebra lectures (for which see under Pure Mathematics, Sadleirian Professorships). The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Mathematics. By a Statute approved in 1934 the title of the chair was changed from 'Astronomy' to 'Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy'. By grace of 27 October 1971 assigned primarily to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry.

1828 Sir
1883 Sir
1913 Sir (died 1944)
1946 Sir
1958 Sir
1973 Sir (resigned as from 31 Dec. 1991)
1993 (previously Professor of Astronomy, University of Durham. Resigned as from 31 Dec. 1999)

Astronomy and Geometry, Lowndean Professorship of

Founded in 1740 by Thomas Lowndes of Overton in Cheshire, and endowed with estates in that area. Under the original will the electors were the Lord Chancellor, the Lord President of the Privy Council, and Lord Privy Seal, the Lord High Treasurer of the First Lord of the Treasury (should it be in Commission) and the Lord Steward of the Household. The original statutes required the professor to reside for the major part of each term, or for two whole terms in each academical year, and to give two courses of twenty lectures each, one in astronomy and one in geometry. He was also to make astronomical observations for six weeks in every year. In 1915 the stipend was 800ドル a year, abating 200ドル for Heads and Fellows. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor, the Presidents of the Royal Society and of the Royal Astronomical Society, the Astronomer Royal and the Lucasian, Plumian and Sadleirian Professors; if there were no clear majority the election rested with the Chancellor supported by the concurrence of any three of the electors. By grace of 3 March 1928 the electors were constituted in accordance with Statute D.xiv.2.

1892 Sir
1936 Sir
1970 (with leave to defer taking up his duties until Oct. 1971) (died 1989)
1990 (resigned 1999)

Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, Professorship of


Astrophysics and Cosmology, Professorship of


Astrophysics, (1996) Professorship of


Astrophysics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 13 May 1909 but attracting no stipend for the tenure of the first holder, Hugh Frank Newall, whose father presented the university with a large equatorial telescope. An anonymous benefaction, adopted by grace of 7 March 1913, provided a stipend of 800ドル a year, with the usual abatement of 200ドル for Fellows or Heads of Houses. The donor, in the event, paying a sum of 12,000ドル to the University in 1928, which was invested to provide an income for the Professor not exceeding 1320ドル a year. The Professor is ex officio Director of the Solar Physics Observatory.

1972 (appointed to a Professorship of Astrophysics (1996))
1997 (previously Savilian Professor of Astronomy, University of Oxford)

Atmospheric Dynamics, Professorship of


Atmospheric Science, Professorship of


Auditory Perception, Professorship of


BBV Foundation Visiting Professorship

Established by grace of 7 May 1992 from a benefaction by the Bank of BilbaoVizcaya. Elections to BBV Foundation Visiting Fellowships for 'younger academics' were announced from time to time in Reporter.

1993 (Professor in the Institute of Applied Magnetism, Complutensian University of Madrid; assigned to Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy)
1994 (Director of the Museum of Natural History, Madrid)
1995 (Professor of Spanish Literature in the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid; assigned to Department of Spanish and Portuguese)
1995 (Professor of Physical Chemistry in the Complutensian University of Madrid; assigned to Department of Chemistry)
1996 (Professor of Architectural History, University of Barcelona; assigned to Department of Architecture)
1996 (Professor of Physics in the University of Madrid; assigned to Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics)
1997 (Professor of Greek Philology, University of Madrid; assigned to the Faculty of Classics)
2000 (Professor of Architectural History, University of Barcelona; assigned to Department of Architecture)
2000 (Professor of Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela; assigned to the Department of Physics)

Behavioural Ecology, Professorship of


Behavioural Neuroscience, Professorship of


Biochemical Engineering, Professorship of


Biochemistry, Professorship of (Sir William Dunn)

Established by grace of 6 November 1914 in accordance with the provisions of Statute B.VI.3, and suppressed on the endowment of the Sir William Dunn Professorship from a benefaction of 165,000ドル from the Dunn Trustees in 1921. The professorship was originally assigned to the Special Board for Biology and Geology, and from 22 April 1927 to the Faculty of Biology 'B'. Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, was the first Sir William Dunn Professor.

1914 Sir
1949 Sir
1995 Sir (previously Director of the International School of Crystallography, Birkbeck College, London, and Chief Executive of the Biotechnology and Biology Research Council)

Biological Chemistry, Professorship of


Biology, Professorship of


Biology, Quick Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1906 in pursuance of the will of Frederick James Quick. One tenth of the sum bequeathed was to establish a research fund. Elections to the chair were to be held every three years, the holder being permitted to be a candidate. The Professor was, during the university's pleasure, to devote himself principally to the study of Protozoa; he was not obliged to lecture in more than one term of the year, but was to present annually, to a Board of Managers, a report on the work achieved in his laboratory. Election rested with the Board of Managers, comprising the Vice-Chancellor and six persons elected by the Senate, three being nominated by the Council of the Senate and three by the Special Board for Biology and Geology. The chair was assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'A' by grace of 22 April 1927. By grace of 22 May 1931 the words 'biology of the cell' were substituted for the word 'parasitology' in regulation 8 for the professorship, and there were further amendments by grace 11 of 10 February 1934. By grace of 22 July 1964 the limitation of tenure to three years was rescinded, and the election transferred from the Managers of the Quick Fund to the Council of the Senate and the General Board. By grace of 16 February 1966 the professorship was assigned, for Professor Coombs' tenure, to the Faculty of Biology 'B'.

1952 Sir
1988 (resigned 1994)

Biometry, Professorship of


Bioorganic Chemistry, Professorship of


Biophysics, John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of

By grace of 5 June 1968 the Professorship of Colloid Science was continued in the subject of Biophysics, and, by grace of 3 December 1969, assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'B'. On Professor Hodgkin's retirement the professorship lapsed, and was replaced on the Plummer foundation by the professorship of Cell Biology.

1970 Sir (retired 1981)

Biotechnology, Professorship of

1999 (Director of the Institute of Biotechnology)

Botany, Professorship of

Founded by the University on 10 November 1724. In 1793 the Professor received a patent from George III, with a stipend of 200ドル a year, and this was continued for his successors. In 1857 the obligation was taken over by the University. The stipend in 1915 was 700,ドル bating 200ドル for Heads and Fellows. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Biology and Geology. The chair was assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'A' by grace of 22 April 1927.

1906 Sir
1960 Sir
1991 (died, Oct. 1996)
1998 (previously Head of the Biochemistry and Physiology Department, Institute of Arable Crop Research, Rothamsted)

British and Irish History, Professorship of


Cancer Research, Ursula Zoellner Professorship of

Established by grace of 29 January 1997 from a benefaction

1998 (previously Research Group Leader at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology)

Cardiovascular Medicine, British Heart Foundation Professorship of

Establsined by grace of 20 July 1994


Cell Biology, John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of

Established by grace of 3 June 1982 for Dr Gurdon, as from 1 October 1983; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'A'.


Cell Physiology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1978 for Lord Adrian; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Biology 'B'.

1978 Lord Adrian (retired 1992)

Cellular Pathology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 13 June 1973 for Dr Dixon, for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'B'.

1973 (retired 1978)

Chemical Biology, Professorship of


Chemical Engineering Science, Professorship of


Chemical Engineering, (1999) Professorship of

Established by grace of 6 May 1999

2000 (previously Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Aston)

Chemical Engineering, Professorship of

Established by grace of 4 June 1975 for Dr Davidson; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Department of Chemical Engineering.

1975 (elected to the Shell Professorship in 1978)

Chemical Engineering, Shell Professorship of

Established by grace of 8 June 1945 from a sum of 62,200ドル accepted from the Shell Group of Oil Companies by grace of 2 March of that year. The initial establishment was for seven years. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes.

1959 (retired 1977)
1993 (previously Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of Birmingham)

Chemical Microbiology, Professorship of

Established for Dr E. F. Gale by grace of 30 July 1960, for one tenure. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'B'.

1960 (retired 1981)

Chemical Physics, Professorship of


Chemistry, Alexander Todd Visiting Professorship of

Established by grace of 26 July 1972 and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry.

1981 (25 May -- 15 June)
1981 (4-24 May)
1985:6 (1 Oct. -- 15 Nov. 1985 and 1 May -- 14 June 1986)
1994 (Professor of Chemistry, University of California at Irvine)
1996-97 (Arthur Amos Noyes Professor of Chemistry, University of North Carolina)
1999 (Professor of Chemistry at Pennsylvania State University)
1999-2000 (R. K. Mellon Professor of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh)

Chemistry, Professorship of (1702)

Founded by the University in 1702 partly in recognition of the teaching which had been given privately in Cambridge by Vigani since 1683. There was, however, initially no stipend; one of 100ドル was provided by the Crown from 1766 to 1856 when the obligation was finally shouldered by the University. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Physics and Chemistry. By grace of 26 February 1943 the title of the chair was changed to 'Organic Chemistry', q.v.

1764 T
1773-93 Sir
1908 Sir (d. 1939)

Chemistry, Professorship of (1968)

Established by grace 5 of 15 May 1968, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes, and primarily assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry.

1997 (previously Professor and Director of the Laboratoire de Physique, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon)

Chemistry, Professorship of (1970)

Also by grace 5 of 15 May 1968 the professorship of Inorganic Chemistry, established for one tenure in 1946, was replaced, with effect from 1 October 1970, with a professorship of Chemistry. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry.

1995 (previously Crum Brown Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Edinburgh)

Chemotherapy, Professorship of


Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Professorship of

Established by grace of 26 February 1992


Chinese (Language and History), Professorship of

Established by grace of 24 February 1933 (thus replacing the Professorship of Chinese) for a single tenure, unless the University should in the meantime decide otherwise. About three-quarters of the stipend was contributed by the Universities' China Committee in London. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Oriental Languages. By grace of 13 May 1938 it was decided that the professorship should terminate with the tenure of the second holder, unless the University should determine otherwise during his term of office or within six months of a casual vacancy. By grace of 8 November 1952 the professorship was continued for one further tenure and the title changed to the Professorship of Chinese. The professorship was established on a permanent basis by grace of 27 July 1966 with effect from 1 October 1966.

1938 (died 1951)
1953 (resigned 1966)
1968 (resigned 1981)

Chinese Management, Sinyi Professorship of

Established by grace of 12 March 1997 from a benefaction.


Chinese, Professorship of

Established by grace of 9 February 1888 for the sole tenure of Sir Thomas Wade (d. 1895), who was willing to serve without stipend, but re-established in 1897. Discontinued by grace of 24 February 1933.

1888 Sir
1897 (retired 6 December 1932)

Christian Advocate

1803 Sir

Civil Law, Regius Professor of

Founded by Henry VIII in 1540 with a stipend of 40ドル per annum. Appointment is by the Crown.

1542 Sir
1570? (perhaps)
1847-54 Sir
1993 (resigned 1999)

Classical Archaeology, Laurence Professorship of

Established by grace of 5 December 1930, as one of the offices endowed by the bequest of Sir Perceval Maitland Laurence, placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Classics.


Classics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 14 June 1967 for Mr Sandbach and limited to one tenure. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Classics.


Clinical Biochemistry, Professorship of

Established by grace of 14 June 1967 for Dr Lehmann, to be held concurrently with the office of University Biochemist to Addenbrooke's Hospital. The professorship was limited to one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'B'.


Clinical Biochemistry, Professorship of

Established by grace of 21 July 1976, with effect from 1 October 1977. The Professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.


Clinical Criminology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1979 for Dr West; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Law.

1979 (retired 1984)

Clinical Gerontology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 4 June 1986 with effect from January 1987.


Clinical Oncology, Cancer Research Campaign Professorship of

Established by grace of 20 November 1974 for Professor Bleehen, for one tenure (the starting date deferred by grace of 23 April 1975 from 1 May to 1 August 1975); placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine. Re-established by grace, 1995, following the retirement of Professor Bleehen.


Clinical Pharmacology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 24 October 19984; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.


Cognitive Neuroscience, Professorship of


Colloid Science, John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of

Established by grace of 7 November 1931 from the bequest of John Humphrey Plummer (q.v.). The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. By grace of 5 June 1968 the professorship was continued in the subject of Biophysics.

1931 (resigned 1946)
1947 (retired 1966)

Colloidal Physics, Professorship of

Established by the University by grace of 13 June 1930 for three years from 25 June 1930, to be held in the first instance by E. K. Rideal, and assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. Suppressed on Rideal's appointment to the John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of Colloid Science.


Combustion Science, Professorship of


Commercial Contract Law, Professorship of


Commonwealth History, Smuts Professorship of

Until 1994 known as the Smuts Professorship of the History of the British Commonwealth, q.v.; re-titled, from 1994, by grace 5 of 4 March 1992.

1994 (previously Professor of International History, University of Geneva)

Communications, Professorship of

Established by grace of 5 February 1997


Community Medicine, Professorship of

Established by grace of 27 November 1974 with effect from January 1975; placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine. Re-titled 'Public Health' on the retirement of Professor Acheson in 1988.

1976 (retired 1988)

Comparative Law, Professorship of

Established by grace of 5 May 1976 for Mr Jolowicz; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Law.

1976 (retired 1993)

Comparative Law, Professorship of

Established for one tenure by grace of 3 November 1934. The Professor was not bound to reside further than was necessary for the delivery of not less than eight lectures or classes in each of the Michaelmas and Lent Terms and being available to students for two hours in each of six weeks in those terms. The professorship lapsed on the retirement of Professor Gutteridge and was re-established for one tenure by grace of 16 December 1944. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Law. It again lapsed on the resignation of Sir Arnold McNair, and was again re-established, by grace of 14 November 1953, for C. J. Hamson. By grace of 21 July 1971 the chair was established on a permanent basis, with effect from 1 October 1973, as a Professorship of Law.

1934 (retired 1941)
1945 Sir (resigned 1946)
1953 (retired 1973)

Comparative Philology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 May 1937. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Classics.

1955 (retired 1982)

Comparative Physiology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 28 May 1969 for Dr Ramsay. The professorship was limited to one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'A'.

1969 (retired 1976)

Comparative Psychology, Professorship of


Complex Physical Systems, Schlumberger Professorship of

Established by grace of 27 January 1999 from a benefaction

2001 (previously Van Tassle Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, M.I.T.)

Computational Physics, Professorship of


Computer Assisted Reasoning, Professorship of


Computer Science (Teaching and Research), Professorship of

Established by grace 6 of 23 July 1997. Re-titled Robert Sansom Professorship of Computer Science by Grace 10 of 27 October 1999 in recognition of a benefaction.


Computer Science, Professorship of

(1) Established by grace of 11 May 1977 for Dr Wheeler; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Computer Laboratory. (2) Established by grace of 6 May 1993.

1977 (retired 1994)
1995 (resigned 1999)
2000 (previously Professor of Computer Science in the University of Aarhus)

Computer Systems, Professorship of

Established by grace of 7 May 1981 for Dr Needham; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Computer Laboratory.

1981 (retired 31 Dec. 1998)

Computer Technology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 16 June 1965 for Dr M. V. Wilkes. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned to the Faculty of Mathematics. Assigned by grace of 26 November 1969 primarily to the Computer Laboratory, with effect from 1 August 1970.

1965 (retired 1980)

Computers and Information, Professorship of


Condensed Matter Physics, Professorship of


Corporate Law, S. J. Berwin Professorship of

Established by Grace 2 of 9 May 1991 from the endowment of S. J. Berwin and Co.

1991 (retired 1997)
1998 (previously Associate Professor in the University of British Columbia)

Criminal and Public Laws, Professorship of


Criminology, Wolfson Professorship of

By grace of 31 October 1959 an offer from the Trustees of the Isaac Wolfson Foundation of 150,000ドル for the endowment of the chair was accepted, the professorship established, and Dr Radzinowicz appointed. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Law.

1959 Sir

Cultural History, Professorship of


Developmental Neurobiology, Professorship of


Device Materials, Professorship of

1998 ????

Divinity, Ely Professorship of

Originally funded from the canonry of Ely, originally attached to the Regius Professorship of Greek and detached therefrom in 1889 under the terms of the Universities Act of 1877. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Divinity. The holder was obliged to be in priest's orders. By grace of 21 March 1979 it was determined that the professorship should terminate with the tenure of the then holder; it accordingly lapsed on the retirement of Professor Stead.

1971 (retired 1980)

Divinity, Lady Margaret's Professorship of

Founded in 1502 by the Lady Margaret Beaufort, mother of Henry VII at a stipend of 20 marks (13ドル 6s 8d) per annum, the first occupant of the chair having been financed from the Lady Margaret's household expenditure. The stipend was augmented in 1605 by James I with the rectorial tithes of Terrington, Norfolk (of which a portion was later assigned to the endowment of the Norrisian Professor of Divinity), and in 1625 by Mrs Alice Davers with a small garden in Cambridge. The electors were the Vice-Chancellor, together with members of the Senate who were Doctors and Bachelors of Divinity. Precise details of this earlier mode of election are to be found in the Historical Register (p. 72). Election is now by an appointed Board of Electors. By grace of 3 November 1956 and Order in Council dated 5 April 1956 the restriction of candidature to those in Priest's Orders in the Church of England was removed. The early entries in the following list are based on a simplification Richard Rex's revision of that in the Historical Register, printed as Appendix II to Patrick Collinson, Richard Rex and Graham Stanton: Lady Margaret Beaufort and her Professors of Divinity at Cambridge, 1502 to 1649 (Cambridge, 2003), which see for details.

1504 undocumented
1506 for an uncertain period
1546 again, resigned 1549
1549 Sir
1550 (fled the country c. Jan. 1554)
1660-61 appointed Regius Professor later that year
1907 Very Rev.
1998 (previously Professor of New Testament Studies, King's College, London)

Divinity, Norris-Hulse Professorship of

Formed by the amalgamation of the Norrisian and Hulsean Professorships, the 'surviving' Norrisian Professor being the first holder.

1999 (previously H. G. Wood Professor of Theology, Birmingham University)

Divinity, Norrisian Professorship of

Founded by the bequest of John Norris (d. 1777) of an annuity of 105ドル. The original directions were that the professor should hold tenure for five years only, that he be aged between thirty and sixty years, and that he forfeit 21 shillings from his salary for any student attending his lecture who was not provided with an Old and a New Testament and with Pearson on the Creed. The endowment was augmented in 1852 by the bequest of Benedict Chapman, Master of Gonville and Caius, of 1000ドル; by a further sum of £ 120, being the stipend of George Elwes Corrie for the year 1850-51 when his tenure of the Vice-Chancellorship prevented him from lecturing and the stipend reverted to Lord Wodehouse, owner of the Norrisian estate, who donated the sum to the university; and, by Statute of 1860, by the rectorial tithe rent-charge of Terrington St John's and a portion of the rent-charge of Terrington St Clement's. The original electors were the Heads of Houses, eleven of whom must be present and vote. In the case of equality of votes after three scrutinies, the casting vote lay with the Master of Trinity, or, in his absence, the Provost of King's, or, in the absence of both, with the Master of Caius. In 1934 the Norrisian and Hulsean chairs were merged to form the Norris-Hulse Professorship, F. C. Burkitt being the first holder.


Divinity, Regius Professorship of

Founded by Henry VIII in 1504 with a stipend of 40ドル per annum, augmented in 1605 by James I with the rectory of Somersham, Hunts, and in 1878 by a bequest of 1000ドル from George Jeremy. By an Act of 1882 the Rectory of Somersham was severed from the Professorship, the Professor receiving one half of the net income of the benefice. The original electors were the Vice-Chancellor, the Master and two most senior Fellows of Trinity, the Provost of King's, and the Masters of St John's and Christ's, with the President of Queens' in the event of any of the above Heads being Vice-Chancellor. From 1860 the Professor was elected by the Council of the Senate. From 1926 the election has come under Statute D. In 1940 the Ely Cathedral Canonries Act disannexed the Ely canonry from the chair as from 25 March 1940, giving instead the obligation for the Chapter to pay 600ドル annually towards the stipend of the professor, for so long as election to the Regius professorship was limited to those, who at the time of their election, were in priest's orders in the Church of England.

1771 T
1964 (resigned 1969)
1979 (retired 1982)
1985 (resigned 1990 on appointment as Bishop of Ely)
1991 (previously Senior Lecturer, Birmingham University)

Drama, Professorship of

Established by grace of 16 May 1974 for Dr Williams, and for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of English.

1974 (retired 1983)
1997 (Professor of Medieval History, 1999)

Earth Science, Professorship of

Established by grace of 18 May 1985 for Dr McKenzie; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Earth Sciences.


Ecclesiastical History, Dixie Professorship of

Sir Wolstan Dixie, Lord Mayor of London, d. 1594, endowed fellowships and scholarships at Emmanuel. In 1878 the fellowships were abolished and a statute of 1882, approved by the Queen in Council for both the University and the College, established the professorship. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor, the Master of Emmanuel and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for History and Archaeology. The Professorship now comes under statute D with the addition of the Master of Emmanuel (or, if the Master be a candidate, the senior fellow of Emmanuel not being a candidate) to the Board of Electors (Statute E.XXXIV.4). The statute for the professorship, which is common to Emmanuel College and the University, was revised by grace 1 of 18 March 1998, to remove gender-specific language and a few obsolete provisions.

1891 (d. 1916)
1919 (d. 19390
1958 Sir
1994 (previously Professor of History, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, London University)

Econometrics, Professorship of

1996 (previously Professor of Econometrics at LSE)

Economic and Social History, Professorship of


Economic Geography, Professorship of


Economic History, Professorship of

Established for one tenure by grace of 16 June 1928 and assigned to the Faculty of History. The Professor is also a member of the Faculty Board of Economics and Politics. By grace of 31 October 1936 the professorship was made permanent.

1928 Sir
1965 (died 1970)
1981 (retired 1993)
1994 Sir (previously Senior Research Fellow, All Souls, Oxford. Resigned 1997)
1997 (previously Astor Professor of British History and University College London)

Economic History, Professorship of (1981)

Established by grace of 7 May 1981 for Miss Deane; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Economics and Politics.

1981-82 (retired 1982)

Economics and Statistics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 11 March for Mr Champerowne, limited to one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and primarily assigned to the Faculty of Economics and Politics.

1970 (retired 1978)

Economics, Professorship of (1965)

Established by grace of 11 June 1949 for one tenure. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Economics and Politics. By grace of 3 June 1964 the professorship was re-established on a permanent basis with effect from 1 October 1965 and entitled the 'Professorship of Economics (1965)'. Re-titled the Frank Ramsey Professorship of Economics for the remainder of Professor Dasgupta's tenure by grace 13 of 27 April 1994. (Frank Plumpton Ramsey, d. January 1930, was a Fellow of King's and University Lecturer in the Faculty of Mathematics.)

1971 (retired 1984)

Economics, Professorship of (1966)

Established by grace of 1 December 1965 for N. Kaldor. The professorship was limited to one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Economics and Politics. Lapsed on Professor Kaldor's retirement.

1966 (retired 1975).

Economics, Professorship of (1970)

Established by grace of 28 October 1950 for one tenure. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Economics and Politics. Established on a permanent basis by grace of 25 February 1970, with effect from 1 October 1 970.

1951 (Lord Kahn, 1965)
1972 (retired 1992)
1995 (previously Lecturer in Public Economics, Oxford University

Economics, Professorship of (1988)

Established by grace of 5 May 1988 for Dr Pesaran.


Economics, Professorship of (1991)


Economics, Professorship of (1995)


Education, Professorship of (1938)

Established as from 1 October 1938 by grace of 11 March 1938 and placed in Schedule B of the Statutes. On the establishment of the Department of Education in 1939 the Professor was made head of Department (grace 36 of 9 June 1919). By grace of 20 November 1968 primarily assigned to the Faculty of Education.

1988 (resigned 2000)

Education, Professorship of (1996)

1996 (previously Reader in Educational Studies, Oxford University)

Educational Leadership, Professorship of

Established by grace 5 of 27 October 1999.

2000 (previously Professor and Director of the Quality in Education Centre, Strathclyde University)

Egyptology, Herbert Thompson Professorship of

Established for one tenure and with a named incumbent by grace of 16 March 1946 from a bequest, accepted by grace of 29 July 1944 by Sir Henry Francis Herbert Thompson, Bart. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Oriental Languages. The professorship lapsed on the death of Professor Glanville in 1956 but by grace of 1 June 1957 was re-established for Mr Plumley, limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Oriental Studies.

1946 (died 1956)
1957 (retired 1977)

Electrical Engineering, Professorship of

Established by grace of 4 November 1944, by which the university also accepted the offer of the Institution of Electrical Engineers to provide the stipend of a professor for a limited period, pending the completion of arrangements for a more permanent endowment. By the same grace the professorship was placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Engineering. In 1951 the British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers' Association gave 71,000ドル for the permanent endowment of the professorship.

1984 Sir (resigned on appointment as Vice-Chancellor, 1996)

Electromagnetism, Professorship of


Endocrinology, Professorship of

Established by grace 1 of 22 October 1997

1998 (previously Wellcome Trust Senior Fellow Consultant in the Department of Medicine)

Energy Studies, Professorship of

Established by grace of 3 November 1982 for Dr Eden; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Department of Physics.

1982 (retired 1989)

Engineering, Professorship of

Established by grace of 11 May 1977 for K. L. Johnson; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Engineering.

1977 (retired 1992)

Engineering, Professorship of

Established by grace of 17 March 1971 for Dr Heyman, for one tenure. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned primarily to the Faculty of Engineering.

1971 (retired 1992)

Engineering, Professorship of (1875)

Previously the professorship of Mechanical Sciences.

1970 (died 26 Nov. 1974

Engineering, Professorship of (1966, grace 4 of 1 Dec. 1965)

One of the three professorships established by consecutive graces of 1 December 1965, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Engineering.


Engineering, Professorship of (1966, grace 5 of 1 Dec. 1965)

One of the three professorships established by consecutive graces of 1 December 1965, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Engineering.

1968 (died 1970)
1989 (resigned 1997)
1998 (previously Professor of Electrical Engineering, Liverpool University)

Engineering, Professorship of (1966, grace 6 of 1 Dec. 1965)

One of the three professorships established by consecutive graces of 1 December 1965, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Engineering.

1998 (previously Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor, and Director of the Geotechnical Consulting Group, London)

Engineering, Professorship of (1974)

Established by grace of 20 March 1965 for J. F. Coales, for one tenure. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned to the Faculty of Engineering. Re-established on a permanent basis with effect from 1 October 1974 by grace of 1 November 1972.

1974 (retired 31 Dec. 1988)

Engineering, Rank Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 March 1971 as from 1 October 1971; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Engineering.


English and American Literature, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1989 for Dr Tanner.

1989 (died 1998)

English as an International Language, Professorship of

Established 1988 and assigned to the Faculty of English.


English Constitutional History, Professorship of

Established by grace of 14 June 1967 for Dr Elton, limited to one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of History.

1967 Sir (elected to the Regius Professorship of Modern History, 1983)

English Law, Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 December 1965 for Dr Williams and for one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Law. Lapsed on Professor Williams' appointment to the Rouse Ball Professorship in 1968.


English Law, Rouse Ball Professorship of

Founded from a sum received from the trustees of the late Walter William Rouse Ball, Fellow of Trinity, and assigned to the Faculty of Law.

1978 (retired 1982)
1984 Sir
1993 (previously University Lecturer in Law, Oxford University, and Law Commissioner for England and Wales)

English Legal History, Professorship of

Established by grace of 5 May 1988 for Dr Baker.

1988 (Downing Professor, 1998)

English Literature, King Edward VII Professorship of

Founded by a benefaction of 20,000ドル from Sir Harold Harmsworth in memory of Edward VII, in the year of whose death the benefaction was accepted by the University. Appointment is by the Crown, the residence and duties of the Professor being governed by Statute B.XI. The Professor was attached to the Special Board for Medieval and Modern Languages until 1927 when it was transferred to the Faculty of English.

1912 Sir (died 1944)
1986 (resigned 31 Dec. 1993)
1994 Dame

English Literature, Professorship of

Established by grace of 7 May 1987 for Dr Beer.

1987 (retired 1993)

English, Professorship of

Established by grace of 18 May 1983 for Dr Brewer; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of English.

1983 (retired 1990)

English, Professorship of (1966, grace 1 of 1 Dec. 1965)

One of the two professorships established by consecutive graces on 1 December 1965, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of English.

1989 Dame (King Edward VII Professor of Enlgish Literature, 1994)
1995 (previously Regius Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature, Edinburgh University)

English, Professorship of (1966, grace 2 of 1 Dec. 1965)

One of the two professorships established by consecutive graces on 1 December 1965, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of English.

1975 (elected to the King Edward VII Professorship 1982)
2000 (previously Professor of English at Cornell University)

Enterprise Studies, Margaret Thatcher Professorship of

Established by Grace 1 of 25 February 1998 from a benefaction


Enzyme Biochemistry, Professorship of

Established with effect from 1 January 1966, by grace of 1 December 1965, for Dr Dixon, and for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'B'.

1965 (retired 30 September 1966)

Equine Reproduction, Jim Joel Professorship of

Established by Grace 1 of 1 November 1995

1995 (previously Director of the Thoroughbred Breeders' Association Equine Fertility Unit at Newmarket)

Ethology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 23 May 1874 for Dr Bateson; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Department of Zoology.


European History, Professorship of


European Law, Professorship of

Established by Grace 7 of 26 January 1994

1995 (previously Director in the Legal Service of the Council of the European Union)

European Prehistory, Professorship of

Established by grace of 30 July 1980 for Dr Coles; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Department of Archaeology.

1980 (retired 1986)

Evolutionary Palaeobiology, Professorship of


Experimental Medicine, Professorship of

Established by grace of 19 May 1945, for one tenure, from funds provided by the Medical Research Council. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Medicine. Lapsed on the retirement of Professor McCance.

1945 (retired 1966)

Experimental Philosophy, Professorship in


Experimental Physics, Cavendish Professorship of

Established by grace of 9 February 1871 and named to commemorate the munificent endowment by William Cavendish, seventh Duke of Devonshire, for building the laboratory of experimental physics ('the Cavendish'). The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Physics and Chemistry. By grace of 21 January 1970 the title was changed to the 'Cavendish Professorship of Physics' with effect from the end of Professor Mott's tenure.

1879 Baron Rayleigh
1884 Sir
1919 Sir (Baron Rutherford of Nelson, 1931)
1938 Sir (resigned 1954)
1954 Sir

Experimental Physics, Professorship of


Experimental Psychology, Professorship of

Established for Bartlett by grace of 7 February 1931 and placed in Schedule B of the Statutes.

1931 Sir

Family Research, Professorship of


Farm Animal Health, Food Science and Food Safety, Marks and Spencer Professorship of

Established by Grace 10 of 19 July 1995 from a benefaction

1996 (previously Lecturer in the Department of Biochemistry at Imperial College, London)

Finance and Accounting, P. D. Leake Professorship of

Established by grace of 12 June 1954 for one tenure, from funds given by the P. D. Leake Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Economics and Politics.

1955 (retired 1980)

Financial Accounting, Price Waterhouse Professorship of

Established for a period of ten years from 1 October 1988, and re-established for a further five years for Professor Whittington by grace 1 of 21 January 1998. Re-titled PricewaterhouseCoopers Professorship by grace 3 of 26 May 1999.


Fine Art, Slade Professorship of

Founded in pursuance of the will of Felix Slade and established by grace of 24 June 1869. Tenable for three years, renewable. From June 1907 the regulations were altered to allow the Professor, once re-elected after serving for three years, to have tenure until death or resignation. The Professor was not required to be resident on account of the smallness of the stipend, but there was an obligation to deliver at least twenty-four lectures, and to encourage the study of art. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor (with a casting vote), three persons on the electoral roll elected by the Senate, the President of the Royal Academy, the Vice-Chancellor of London University, and the Director (and from June 1911) the Secretary of the Victoria and Albert Museum. Assigned by grace of 22 April 19276 to the Faculty of Fine Arts. The regulations for the election were altered by grace of 8 June 1928, and other details were amended by grace of 11 May 1929. A statute (D.xiv.A) relating to age-limits for election and re-election was approved by the King in Council on 2 January 1931. Among other amendments to the regulations approved by grace of 6 February 1960 and by Order in Council dated 7 June 1960, the maximum length of tenure is restricted to three years. Grace 1 of 15 December 1962 empowered the electors to make an election at any time up to three years before the term or vacation in which a vacancy will occur.

1869 Sir
1873 Sir
1895 Sir
1901 Sir
1904 Sir again
1912 (d. 1932)
1949 (re-elected in 1952)
1965 Sir
1966 Sir
1984 accent: Polish crossed 'l'
1985 Sir
1990 (vice David Hockney, who had withdrawn)
1991 (Professor of History of East Asian Art, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Heidelberg)
1992 (Professor in the Department of the History of Art, Johns Hopkins University)
1994 (Gleason Professor of Fine Arts, Harvard University)
1996 (Professor of Fine Arts, Harvard University)
1997 (Senior Lecturer, University of East Anglia)
1998 (Power Professor of Fine Art, Sydney University)
1999 (Senior Lecturer in History of Art, Utrecht University)

Fluid Mechanics, G. I. Taylor Professorship of

Established by grace 3 of 23 October 1991 from sums given in memory of Sir Geoffrey Taylor (1885-1975) formerly Royal Society Research Professor and Fellow of Trinity.

1992 (previously Professor in the Institute of Oceanography, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Retired 1994.)
1996 (previously Professor of Applied Mathematics, Leeds University)

Fluid Mechanics, Professorship of


Fluid Mechanics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1990 for Dr Hunt.

1990 (resigned 1992)

French Literature, Professorship of

Established for one tenure by grace of 20 March 1954 from funds offered by the French Government. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages.

1954 (retired 1982)

French, Drapers' Professorship of

Established by grace of 16 May 1919 with a guarantee of 800ドル a year for ten years from the Worshipful Company of Drapers. The election was governed by Statute B.IX and the residence and duties by Statute B.XI. An offer by the Drapers' Company to renew their annual grant for a further seven years from April 1939 was accepted by grace of 12 March 1937.

1980 (retired 1983)
1985 (Dr T. C. Cave was elected to the chair, but withdrew before taking office.)

French, Professorship of

Established by grace of 3 May 1972 for Dr Fairlie; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages.

1972 (retired 1980)

French, Professorship of

Established by grace of 4 June 1975 for Dr de Mourgues; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages.

1975 (retired 1981)

French, Professorship of

Established by grace of 13 June 1973 for Dr Leigh; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages.

1973 (retired 1982)

General Practice, Professorship of

Established by grace 3 of 14 February 1996

1997 (previously Professor of Primary Medical Care, Southampton University)

Genetics, Arthur Balfour Professorship of

Established by grace of 9 November 1912 in accordance with Statute B.VI.6 and endowed by an anonymous benefaction of 20,000ドル for the experimental study of heredity and of development by descent. The first election was made jointly by the Prime Minister and the Rt Hon. A. J. Balfour; subsequent elections were under Statute B.IX. Residence and duties are defined by Statute B.XI. The Professorship was assigned to the Special Board for Biology and Geology and transferred by grace of 22 April 1927 to the Faculty of Biology 'A'.

1912 (d. 1940)
1943 Sir (retired 1957)
1959 (retired 1983)
1984 (retired 1991)
1992 (previously Principal Scientist of the Imperial Cancer Research Campaign. Resigned 1996.)
1999 (previously Professor of Molecular Genetics, Dundee University)

Geography, Professorship of

Established by grace 1 of 20 October 1993


Geography, Professorship of

Established by grace of 15 May 1974 for Dr Chorley; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Geography and Geology.

1974 (retired 1994)

Geography, Professorship of

Established, for F. Debenham in the first instance, by grace of 7 February 1931, and placed in Schedule B of the Statutes.

1976 (retired 31 Dec. 1995)
1996 (previously Professor of Geography at LSE)

Geology, Woodwardian Professorship of

Founded by John Woodward, M.D., in 1728, and endowed with estates in Norfolk. By Woodward's will the first holder was to be elected by his executors, and subsequent holders by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Ely, the Presidents of the Royal Society and College of Physicians, the Members of Parliament for the University, and 'by the whole Senate', 'or a majority of the above specified illustrious and excellent persons'. Candidates were to be bachelors, and to vacate the office on marriage, and a preference was to be given to laymen. The professor was to be available at set times on three days a week to give access to the founder's collection of fossils. His stipend was 100ドル a year. From 1917 the stipend was to be 700,ドル bating 200ドル for Heads and Fellows. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Biology and Geology. The Professorship was assigned to the Special Board for Biology and Geology and transferred by grace of 22 April 1927 to the Faculty of Biology 'A', and by grace of 5 December 1931 to the newly constituted Faculty of Geography and Geology.

1966 (retired 1983)

Geometric Topology, Professorship of


Geophysics, Professorship of

Established for Sir Edward Bullard by grace of 20 May 1964 and limited to his tenure. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Geography and Geology. Re-established on a permanent basis by grace of 20 May 1964, with effect from 1 January 1966.

1964 Sir
1974 (retired 1983)
1984 (resigned 1988)

German Literary and Intellectual History, Professorship of


German, Schröder Professorship of

Endowed by a benefaction of 20,000ドル offered by Messrs J. H. Schröder & Co., accepted by grace of 28 October 1909. Income from the fund in excess of that required for the stipend, which was not to exceed 800,ドル was added to a fund for the furtherance and study of the German Language and Literature in the university in any way recommended by the General Board and approved by the Senate.

1932 (retired 1941)

Gravitational Physics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 11 May 1977 for Dr Hawking; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Mathematics.

1977 (elected to the Lucasian Professorship, 1979)

Greek and Latin, Professorship of


Greek History, Professorship of


Greek, Professorship of


Greek, Regius Professorship of

Founded in 1504 by Henry VIII with a stipend of 40ドル per annum and further endowed in 1848 with a canonry at Ely Cathedral transferred in 1899 to the Ely Professorship of Divinity. The original electors were the Vice-Chancellor, the Master and two most senior Fellows of Trinity, the Provost of King's, and the Masters of St John's and Christ's, with the President of Queens' in the event of any of the above Heads being Vice-Chancellor. From 1860 to 1921 the Professor was elected by the Council of the Senate. By grace of 5 March 1921 the election was governed by the then Statute B; later, in the 1926 statutes, by Statute D. In 1915 the stipend was 360ドル from the University and 290ドル from Trinity College.

1540 Sir
1666 (son of R. Creighton, 1625)
.&checktime(1672,10,30,':') Hon.
1695 EM
1889 Sir
1950 Sir
1974 (retired 1982)
1994 (previously Professor of Greek, University College, London)

Haematological Medicine, Leukaemia Research Fund Professorship of

Established by grace of 24 July 1968 for Dr Hayhoe and for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Medicine.

1968 (retired 1988)

Haematology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 May 1985 as from January; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Department of Haematological Medicine.


Haemato-oncology, Professorship of

Established by Grace 1 of 3 March 1999

1999 (previously Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Science and Honorary Consultant in the Department of Heamatology)

Health Management, Dennis Gillings Professorship of

Established by grace 1 of 19 November 1997 from a benefaction.

1999 (previously Professor of Health Policy, and of Surgery, Virginia University)

Health Research and Development, Professorship of

Established by grace 5 of 7 May 1992

1993 (previously Regius Professor of Medicine, Aberdeen University)

Hebrew, Regius Professorship of

Founded by Henry VIII in 1504 with a stipend of 40ドル per annum, and further endowed by a canonry of Ely Cathedral in 1848. The original electors were the Vice-Chancellor, the Master and two most senior Fellows of Trinity, the Provost of King's, and the Masters of St John's and Christ's, with the President of Queens' in the event of any of the above Heads being Vice-Chancellor. From 1860 to 1921 the Professor was elected by the Council of the Senate. By grace of 5 March 1921 the election was governed by the then Statute B; later, in the 1926 statutes, by Statute D.

1540 (appointed for life by Letters Patent but, as a Catholic, replaced from 1549 until his death in 1575 by Paulus Fagius, Johannes Immanuel Tremellius, Antoine Rodolphe Chevallier, and Philippe Bignon, none of whom was formally admitted)
1549 (Buchlein)
1622 c.
1748 T

Histology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 December 1965 for Dr Willmer and for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'B'. Re-established on a permanent basis by grace of 12 February; terminated by grace of 27 July 1983 as from 1984.

1969 (retired 1984)

Histopathology, Professorship of

The Professorship of Morbid Anatomy and Histopathology was so retitled on the retirement of Professor Gresham in 1992.

1997 (previously Professor of Tumour Pathology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm)

History and Philosophy of Science, Professorship of

Established by grace of 22 October 1986 for one tenure. Re-established by grace 2 of 5 June 1996 from the retirement of Professor Redhead.


History and Philosophy of the Sciences, Professorship of


History of Classical Antiquity, Professorship of


History of International Relations, Professorship of

Established by grace of 28 May 1969 for Mr Hinsley, limited to one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and primarily assigned to the Faculty of History.

1969 Sir (retired 1983)

History of Mathematics and Exact Sciences, Professorship of

Established by grace of 7 May 1987 for Dr Whiteside.

1987 (retired 1999)

History of the British Commonwealth, Smuts Professorship of

Established by grace of 25 October 1952. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and primarily assigned to the Faculty of History. Retitled Smuts Professorship of Commonwealth History from 1994 by grace 5 of 4 March 1992.

1953 (resigned 31 March 1970)
1970 (died 1981)

History of Western Art, Professorship of

Established by grace of 13 June 1973 for Mr Jaffé; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Architecture and History of Art.

1973 (retired 1990)

Hulsean Professor

1901 (resigned 1934)

Human Cancer Genetics, Cancer Research Campaign Professorship of

Established by grace 2 of 18 November 1992 from a benefaction.

1992 (CRC Professor of Clinical Oncology, 1996)

Human Ecology, Professorship of

Established for one tenure by a named incumbent by grace of 21 June 1949, the professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Medicine.

1949 (resigned 1970)

Human Geography, Professorship of

Establishedd by grace 4 of 24 November 1999.

2000 (previously Professor of Geography, Sheffield University)

Human Physiology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 23 May 1984 for Dr Merton; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Department of Physiology.

1984 (retired 1988)

Human Population Biology and Health, Professorship of


Human Reproduction, Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 May 1985 for Dr Edwards and for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Department of Physiology.

1985 (retired 1989)

Immunobiology, Professorship of


Immunology, Professorship of

Established by grace 3 of 19 October 1994.

1997 (previously Principal Scientist with the I.C.R.F. Human Immunogenetics Laboratory in London)

Immunology, Sheila Joan Smith Professorship of

Previously Sheila Joan Smith Professorship of Tumour Immunology; re-titled, and assigned to the Department of Medicine by grace of 17 February 1988. Re-established on the retirement of Professor Lachmann by grace 2 of 6 May 1999.

1988-1999 (retired 1999)

Imperial and Naval History, Vere Harmsworth Professorship of

Established by grace of 16 May 1919 as a Professorship of Naval History from a benefaction of 20,000ドル offered by Lord Rothermere in memory of his second son, who had been due to come up to Trinity College in 1914 but, after distinguished military service was killed on 31 November 1916 at the battle of Ancre. The first appointment was made by Lord Rothermere. The election since is governed by Statute B.IX and the residence and duties by Statute B.XI. The Professor was assigned to the Special Board for History and Archaeology. In 1933 the title changed to 'Imperial and Naval History'. By grace of 25 February 1939 Viscount Rothermere's gift of securities for the further endowment of the professorship was accepted. See also 'Naval History'.

1971 (died 1980)

Indian Studies, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1990 for Dr Norman.

1990 (retired 1992)

Industrial Relations, Montague Burton Professorship of

Mr Montague Burton's endowment of this professorship was accepted by grace of 14 November 1930, and the professorship placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Economics and Politics.

1931 (d. 1943)
1944 (resigned 1963)
1964 (retired 1983)

Infectious Diseases, Professorship of


Information Engineering, Professorship of


Information Engineering, Professorship of

Established by grace 8 of 15 June 1994


Information Engineering, Professorship of

Established by grace of 18 May 1983 for Dr Fallside, for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Engineering.

1983 (died 24 March 1993)

Inorganic Chemistry, Professorship of

Established for Emeléus by grace of 7 June 1946. The professorship placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. On Professor Emeléus' retirement in 1970 the professorship was replaced (grace 5 of 15 May 1968) by a Professorship of Chemistry.


Intellectual History and English Literature, Professorship of


Intellectual Property Law, Herchel Smith Professorship of

Established by grace 2 of 20 October 1993 from an endowment made by the American Friends of Cambridge University.


International Law, Professorship of

Established by grace of 28 May 1969 for Dr Parry, for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Law.

1969 (died 1982)

International Law, Whewell Professorship of

Founded in 1867 in accordance with the will of William Whewell, Master of Trinity. The professor's lectures were 'to lay down such rules and to suggest suich measures as may tend to diminish the evils of war and finally to extinguish war between nations. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor, the Master of Trinity (with a casting vote), the Regius Professor of Civil Law, the Knightbridge Professor of Moral Philosophy, the Downing Professor of the Laws of England and the Professor of Political Economy.

1869 Sir
1887-88 Sir
1920 Sir
1935 Sir
1981 (retired 1991)
1992 (previously Challis Professor of International Law, Sydney University)

International Macroeconomics, Professorship of

Established by grace 11 of 19 May 1993

1994 (previously Juan Trippe Professor of International Economics, Yale University. Resigned 2000.)

International Politics, Professorship of


International Public Law, Professorship of


International Relations, Sir Patrick Sheehy Professorship of

Established by grace 1 of 5 June 1996, confirmed by ballot (placet: 1128; non placet: 583). Assigned to the Faculty of History for the first tenure.

1998 (previously Professor of International Relations at LSE)

Investigative Plant Ecology, Professorship of


Italian, Serena Professorship of

Established by grace of 25 October 1918 from a benefaction of 10,000ドル offered by Mr Arthur Serena. The election is governed by Statute B.IX and the residence and duties by Statute B.XI.


Jewish and Early Christian Studies, Professorship of


Land Economy, Professorship of

Established by grace of 28 February 1968 for Mr Denman, for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Department of Land Economy. Re-established by grace of 28 February 1979 for Mr Cameron; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Department of Land Economy.

1968 (retired 1978)
1980 (died 1990)
1991 (previously Professor of Law, University College, London)

Land Use and Transport Studies, Professorship of


Latin, [Kennedy] Professorship of

Founded by funds gathered by subscriptions from the friends and former pupils of Benjamin Hall Kennedy on his retirement in 1865 from the Headmastership of Shrewsubury School, with the object of founding a chair in Latin named after him. Kennedy himself subscribed 500ドル on the condition that the chair be not so named. (This proviso was overturned, with the consent of Kennedy's family, in 1911, when the title changed to 'Kennedy Professor'.) The Professorship was established by grace of 29 April 1869, and the stipend augmented by the university in 1872. The electors were originally the Vice-Chancellor, the Regius Professor of Greek, the Orator, the Professor of Sanskrit, the members of the Special Board for Classics, the Professor of Latin at Oxford and the Headmaster of Shrewsbury School. By grace of 16 March 1911, the electoral board was altered to: the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Classics.

1936 (retired 1942)
1944 Sir (resigned 1953)
1974 (retired 1982)

Latin-American Studies, Simón Bolívar Professorship of

Endowed by a gift of 1,280,000 bolivares (approximately 120,000ドル) from the Venezuelan Government, accepted in 1968. Established by grace of 15 May 1968. Tenure is for one year. By grace of 7 February 1973 the professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes, but also governed by the special provisions of Statute G.I.10. The faculty to which the professorship is assigned varies according to holder and is shown in parentheses after each name.

1968 (Medicine)
1969 (Modern and Medieval Languages)
1970 (Biology 'B')
1971 (History)
1972 (History)
1973 (Economics and Politics)
1974 (History)
1975 (Archaeology and Anthropology)
1976 (Economics and Politics)
1977 (Modern and Medieval Languages)
1978 (History)
1979 (Biology 'B')
1981 (Economics and Politics)
1982 (Economics and Politics)
1986 His Excellency D. (Spanish)
1988 (Classics)
1988 (Divinity)
1991 (Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Buenos Aires University)
1992 (Professor of the International Institute of Advanced Studies, Caracas. (Social and Political Sciences))
1993 (Associate Professor of Sociology, Sao Paulo University)
1994 (Professor of the International Institute of Advanced Studies, Caracas. (Physiology))
1995 (Professor of Hispanic Studies, Brown University. (Spanish and Portuguese))
1996 (Professor of Mexican History, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos de Lima. (History))
1997 (Professor at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro. (Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology))
1998 (Social and Political Sciences)
1999 (Professor of History, University of Buenos Aires. History)
2000 (Professor in the Department of Political Science at the National Autonomous University of Mexico)

Law and Public Policy, Professorship of

2000 (Director of the Institute of Criminology)

Law of Taxation, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1990 for Mr Tiley.


Law, Professorship in

1996 Sir (Vice-Chancellor Emeritus, and Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of English Law)

Law, Professorship of


Law, Professorship of

Established by grace 4 of 7 May 1992

???? (previously Professor of Law and Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London)

Law, Professorship of

Established by grace of 21 July 1971, replacing the Professorship of Comparative Law; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Law.

1990 (Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law, 1995)
1995 (Master of Clare)

Laws of England, Downing Professorship of the

Founded in 1800 in pursuance of the will of Sir George Downing, Bart. The original electors were the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the Masters of Clare, St John's and Downing, and the stipend 500ドル more than the dividend payable to each Fellow of Downing. In 1915 the electors were The Vice-Chancellor, the Master of Downing, or, if the Mastership were vacant or the Master a candidate, the senior member of the Governing body of Downing, not being a candidate, and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Law.

1788 (appointed in advance of the foundation of the college; brother of Fletcher; 'passed away in the full vigour of his incapacity')
1919 (retired 1942)
1962 Sir

Legal Science, Arthur Goodhart Visiting Professorship of

Established by grace of 20 October 1971, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Law. By grace of 7 Febuary 1973, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes but also governed by the special provisions of Statute G.I.10. Tenure is for one year.

1996 Sir

Linguistics, Professorship of

Established by grace 7 of 27 October 1999.

2000 (previously Professor of English Linguistics, Stuttgart University)

Linguistics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 27 February 1980 for Mr Matthews; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Department of Linguistics.


Literary History, Professorship of


Macromolecular Biochemistry, Professorship in


Magnetic Resonance, John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of

This is the John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of Physics, re-titled by grace 2 of 22 July 1987.

1987 (retired 1999)

Mammalian Cell Biochemistry, Professorship of


Mammalian Genetics, Professorship of

1994 (resigned 1999)

Management Studies, Beckwith Professorship of

Established by grace 3 of 19 June 1996 from a benefaction.

1998 (previously Adjunct Professor in the Anderson School, U.C.L.A. Resigned 31 Dec. 2000.)

Management Studies, Diageo Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1990 as the Guinness Professorship of Management Studies and assigned to the Institute of Management Studies. Retitled the Diageo Professorship by grace 3 of 28 April 1999.

1991 (previously Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Aston University. Resigned 2000.)

Management Studies, Peat, Marwick, and Mitchell Professorship of

Established by grace of 22 May 1985; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Department of Engineering.

1986 (resigned 1994)
1995 (previously Professor of Organizational Behaviour at Imperial College, London)

Management Studies, Professorship of

1996 (previously Professor of Mathematics, Essex University)

Management, Professorship of


Manufacturing Engineering, GKN Professorship of

Established by grace 1 of 9 August 2000 from a benefaction.


Manufacturing Engineering, Professorship of

This is the Professorship of Mechanics, re-titled by grace 3 of 19 March 1986.


Materials Chemistry, Professorship of

1996 (previously Professor of Mineral Engineering, Leeds University)

Materials Science, Goldsmith' Professorship of

The Goldsmith's Professorship of Metallurgy was so retitled by grace 4 of 19 June 1991


Materials Science, Professorship of

Established by grace 2 of 26 October 1988.

1990 (Goldsmiths' Professor of Materials Science, 1992)

Mathematical Astrophysics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 7 May 1987 for Dr Weiss.


Mathematical Biology, Professorship of


Mathematical Physics, John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of

Established by grace of 7 November 1931 from the Plummer bequest, placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Mathematics. In 1938 Mr Fowler was re-elected after resignation. By grace of 1 November 1958 the vacant professorship was to be continued in the subject either of Experimental Physics or Theoretical Physics. In 1960 Dr A. B. Pippard was elected to the chair (Experimental Physics) and, in view of the nature of his work, the title was changed, by grace of 30 July 1960, to 'Physics' and assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry.

1932 Sir (died 1944)
1946 (died 1958)

Mathematical Physics, Professorship of (1967)

Established by grace of 16 November 1966, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Mathematics.

1968 (resigned 1979)
1980 (retired 1995)
1996 (previously Professor of Physics at Princeton)

Mathematical Physics, Professorship of (1978)

Established by grace of 30 March 1973 to replace the Professorship of Theoretical Astronomy which lapsed on Professor Lyttleton's retirement in 1978.


Mathematical Physics, Professorship of (1994)


Mathematical Physics, Professorship of (1998)


Mathematical Sciences, Rothschild Visiting Professorship at the Isaac Newton Institute for

Established by grace 1 (V) of 24 October 1990 from a benefaction of 250,000ドル from N. M. Rothschild and Sons. The Professors normally hold office for not more than six months.

1992 (Professor of Mathematics, Moscow University)
1992 (Professor of Mathematics, University of California at Berkeley)
1993 (Higgins Professor of Mathematics at Harvard)
1994 (Professor of Physics, University of California at Santa Barbara)
1994 (Professor of Mathematics at Harvard)
1995 (Regents' Professor, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology)
1995 (Hillman Professor of Computer Science, Philosophy, and Mathematical Logic, Carnegie Mellon University)
1996 (Head of the Department of Meteorology, Reading University)
1996 (Professor of Chemical Engineering, University of California)
1997 (Professor in the Mehta Research Institute for Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences in India)
1997 (Harold W. Cheel Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Yale University)
2000 (Professor of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
2000 (Professor of Mathematics at the California Institute of Technology)

Mathematical Statistics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 2 December 1961, after general approval had been given by grace of 30 July 1960. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned to the Faculty of Mathematics.

1992 (previously Professor of Mathematics, Bristol University)

Mathematics for Operational Research, Churchill Professorship of

Endowed from a donation from the Esso Petroleum Company Limited, for a professorship of this title, accepted by grace of 2 February 1966. The professorship was established, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Mathematics.


Mathematics of Systems, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1990 for Dr Kelly.


Mathematics, Lucasian Professorship of

Founded in 1663 in pursuance of the will of Henry Lucas, M.A., M.P. for the University, and endowed with an estate at and near Thirleigh, Bedfordshire. By Grace of the Senate of 27 May 1886 the Professor came under Statute B. The electors were the Vice-Chancellor and the Heads of Colleges until 1928 when, by grace of 3 March, the board of electors was reconstituted in accordance with Statute D.XIV.2. See also 'Pure Mathematics'.

1664 resigned in favour of Newton
1669 Sir with royal leave not to take holy orders
1826 Sir
1849 Sir
1903 Sir
1969 Sir

Mathematics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 17 March 1971 for Mr Swinnerton-Dyer; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Mathematics.

1971 Sir (resigned 1988)

Mathematics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 18 May 1983 for Dr Conway, for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics.

1983 (resigned 1987)

Mathematics, Rouse Ball Professorship of

Founded from a sum received from the trustees of the late Walter William Rouse Ball, Fellow of Trinity, with no limitation to any particular branch of the subject, and assigned to the Faculty of Mathematics. See also 'Pure Mathematics'.

1958 (died 1969)
1971 (retired 1993)
1994 (previously Professor of Mathematics, Warwick University. Resigned 1997)

Mathematics, Visiting Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 May 1968, limited to one tenure of not more than five years, and assigned to the Faculty of Mathematics. Lapsed on the election of Professor Thompson to the Rouse Ball Professorship of Mathematics.


Mechanical Engineering, Professorship of


Mechanical Engineering, Professorship of

Established by grace 12 of 5 February 1997.

1998 (previously Professor of Structural Dynamics, Southampton University)

Mechanics of Materials, Professorship of (1997)


Mechanics of Materials, Professorship of (1999)


Mechanics of Solids, Professorship of

Established by grace of 3 May 1972 for Dr Hill; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Mathematics.

1972 (retired 1979)

Mechanics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 30 July 1960. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Engineering. Re-titled 'Manufacturing Engineering' by grace 3 of 19 March 1986.

1962 (resigned 1964)
1975 (retired 1982)

Mechanism and Applied Mechanics = Mechanical Sciences, Professorship of

Established by grace of 28 October 1875. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Physics and Chemistry. Transferred from the Special Board for Physics and Chemistry to the Special Board for Engineering Studies on its constitution in 1923. In 1934 the title of the chair was changed, by statute, from 'Mechanism and Applied Mechanics' to 'Mechanical Sciences' and by grace of 23 November 1966 to 'Engineering (1875)'.

1875 Rt Hon.
1890 Sir
1919 (retired 1940)
1943 Sir

Medical Genetics, Professorship of (1994)

Established by grace 4 of 20 July 1994.

1995 (previously Prince Philip Professor of Paedriatric Research, United Medical and Dental Schools of Guy's and St Thomas's Hospitals, London)

Medical Genetics, Professorship of (1997)

Established by grace 5 of 18 October 1995.

1998 (previously Wellcome Trust Principal Research Fellow of the Centre for Human Genetics, Oxford University)

Medical Materials, Professorship of

Established by grace 8 of 27 January 1999

2000 (previously Professor of Materials and Director of the IRC in Biomedical Materials at Queen Mary and Westfield College, London)

Medical Physiology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1990 for Dr Fitzsimons.

1990 (retired 1995)

Medicinal Chemistry, Herchel Smith Professorship of

Established by grace of 6 May 1982; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine. Re-titled 'Organic Chemistry' in 1988.


Medicine, Downing Professorship of

Founded in 1800 in pursuance of the will of Sir George Downing, Bart. The original electors were the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the Masters of Clare, St John's and Downing, and the stipend 500ドル more than the dividend payable to each Fellow of Downing. In 1915 the electors were The Vice-Chancellor, the Master of Downing, or, if the Mastership were vacant or the Master a candidate, the senior member of the Governing body of Downing, not being a candidate, and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Medicine.

1800-14 Sir
1894 (d. 1930)

Medicine, Professorship of (1962)

Established by grace of 3 November 1962. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned to the Faculty of Medicine.

1963 (retired 1988)

Medicine, Professorship of (1987)

Established by grace 2 of 7 May 1987 with effect from October 1987.


Medieval and Renaissance English, Professorship of

Established by grace of 20 February 1954. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of English.

1954 (resigned 1963)
1988 (resigned 1999)

Medieval Art, Professorship of

Established by grace of 8 May 1986 for Dr Henderson.

1986 (retired 1996)

Medieval Ecclesiastical History, Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 December 1965 for Dr Ullman, for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of History. Lapsed on Professor Ullman's election to the chair of Medieval History.


Medieval Hebrew Studies, Professorship of

1998 (Senior Under-Librarian in the University Library)

Medieval History, Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 May 1937, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of History.

1937 (retired 1942)
1944 (died 1946)
1947 ('David'), Regius Professor of Modern History from 1954

Medieval Latin Literature, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1989 for Mr Dronke.


Mediterranean History, Professorship of


Membrane Biophysics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 30 July 1980 for Dr Haydon; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Department of Physiology.

1980 (died 1988)

Membrane Physiology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 4 June 1975 for Dr Glynn; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Biology 'B'.

1975 (elected Professor of Physiology, 1986)

Mental Philosophy and Logic, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 December 1896 with the aid of Henry Sidgwick who gave, until 1900, 200ドル a year towards the Professor's stipend. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Moral Science. In 1934 the title of the chair was changed to 'Philosophy' q.v.


Metabolic Medicine, Professorship of

1996 (Wellcome Senior Research Fellow in Clinical Science in the Department of Medicine)

Metallurgy, Goldsmiths' Professorship of

Established by grace of 20 November 1931 to replace the Goldsmiths' Readership in Metallurgy. A further gift of 12,500ドル was received from the Goldsmiths' Company in 1933. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. Retitled Goldsmiths' Professorship of Materials Science by grace 4 of 19 June 1991.

1932 (retired 1942)
1958 Sir (resigned 1965)
1984 (retired 1991)

Mexican History, Professorship of


Microbial Biochemistry, Professorship of


Microelectronics, Professorship of


Mineral Physics, Professorship of

1992 (Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology, 1994)

Mineralogy and Petrology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 24 April 1931, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned, originally, to the Faculty of Biology 'A' whence it was transferred, by grace of 5 December 1931, to the Faculty of Geography and Geology.

1978 (retired 1991)

Mineralogy, Professorship of

Founded by the University in 1808 for E. D. Clarke (who had already been lecturing for two years prior to the foundation) and continued after his death. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Physics and Chemistry. Discontinued on the retirement of Hutchinson (but replaced by the Professorship of Mineralogy and Petrology).

1926 (retired 1931)

Modern and Contemporary History, Professorship of


Modern British History, Professorship of


Modern English History, Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 December 1965 for Dr Plumb, for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of History.

1965 (resigned 1973)

Modern English, Professorship of

Established by grace of 3 May 1972 for Dr Holloway; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of English.

1972 (retired 1982)

Modern European History, Professorship of


Modern French Literature, Professorship of


Modern History, Professorship of

By grace of 13 June 1930 a chair was established, to be held in the first instance by H. W. V. Temperley, the title of the professorship was to be taken, in the absence of a specific chair for that subject, to include medieval history. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned to the Faculty of History.

1930 (d. 1939)
1944 Sir
1963 (resigned 1979)
1980 (retired 1997)
1998 (previously Professor of History at Birkbeck College, London)

Modern History, Regius Professorship of

Instituted by George I in 1724 and continued by succeeding sovereigns. The professor was to maintain, out of his stipend of 400,ドル at least two teachers of modern languages who were to give free instruction to twenty scholars nominated by the King, one of the aims being to equip graduates for diplomatic service. In 1915 the stipend was 800ドル (or 600ドル for Heads or Fellows). Appointment is by the Crown.

1849 Sir
1869 Sir
1895 Sir
1927 (resigned 1941)
1943 Sir
1954 ('David')
1963 Sir
1968 Sir
1983 Sir

Modern Indian History, Professorship of

1991 (Vere Harmsworth Professor of Imperial and Naval History 1992)

Modern Japanese Studies, Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 August 1984; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Oriental Studies. Retitled Japanese Studies by grace 1 of 19 March 1997.


Modern Languages, Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 December 1965, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages.

1966 (elected Schröder Professor of German 1979)

Molecular Endocrinology, Professorship of

Established by grace 2 of 23 May 1990.


Molecular Enzymology, Professorship of


Molecular Microbiology, Professorship of

1996 (previously Professor of Microbiology, Warwick University)

Molecular Parasitology, Glaxo Professorship of

Established by grace 14 of 24 July 1991 from the endowment of Glaxo Holdings plc.

1991 (previously Reader and Wellcome Trust Senior Lecturer, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

Molecular Pharmacology, Professorship of

1999 (previously Deputy Chief Scientific Officer at the Babraham Institute, Cambs)

Molecular Sciences Informatics, Unilever Professorship of

Established by grace 1 of 20 May 1998 from a benefaction.

1999 (previously Vice-President of Discovery Research, Tripos Inc., St Louis, USA)

Moral Philosophy, Knightbridge Professorship of

Founded in 1683 as a Professorship of 'Moral Theology or Casuisticall Divnity' (and sometimes referred to as the Professorship of Casuistry) in pursuance of the will of John Knightbridge, D.D., Fellow of Peterhouse; further endowed in 1707 by a bequest from the first holder, Dr Smoult. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Moral Science. By grace of 20 October 1965 the title of the professorship was changed to the 'Knightbridge Professorship of Philosophy' with effect from the end of Professor Braithwaite's tenure.


Morbid Anatomy and Histology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 13 June 1973 for Dr Gresham; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Biology 'B'. Retitled Morbid Anatomy and Histopathology on the retirement of Professor Gresham.

1973 (retired 1992)

Morbid Anatomy and Histopathology, Professorship of

Established by grace 3 of 9 May 1991. Retitled Histopathology by grace 18 of 27 July 1994.

1992 Sir (retired 1996)

Music, Professorship of

Founded, the first such, by the University in 1684, on the recommendation of the Crown, but carrying no stipend until 1868. Full residence was not required until 1935, but the Professor was obliged to give at least four lectures annually, and to take part in all the examinations for degrees in music and in the Special Examinations in Music for the Ordinary B.A. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Music. By grace of 2 May 1920, amended in 1926-7, the regulations provided that (1) the appointment be for a period of five years, renewable; (2) the professor be not bound to reside; (3) that he lecture and be available to students in Michaelmas and Lent Terms and act as an examiner in all degrees in music; (4) that any fees charged for his lectures be paid into a Faculty Fund and used to pay for any illustrations to his lectures. By grace of 6 December 1929 paragraph 4 was amended to allow for payment from the same fund to the professor for any teaching undertaken at the request, and on the behalf, of the Faculty of Music. By grace of 17 May 1935 it was determined that from the next tenure the professorship should be governed only by Statute D.XIII.5.

1856 Sir
1875 Sir
1887 Sir
1926 (retired 1941)
1962 (resigned 1964)
1999 (previously Professor of Music, Oxford University)

Mycenean Greek, Professorship of

1997 (retired 1999)

Mycology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 17 March 1971 for Dr Garrett; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Biology 'A'.

1971 (resigned 1973)

Nanotechnology, Professorship of


Natural (Experimental) Philosophy, Jacksonian Professor of

Founded in 1783 in pursuance of the will of the Rev. Richard Jackson. The professor was to 'have an eye more particularly to that opprobrium medicorum called the gout' but was otherwise allowed great latitude in the choice of subjects, provided they were experimental in character. He was expected to exhibit the natural bodies on which he lectured and to perform chemical analyses of them. Election was originally by the Regent House, preference being given to members of Trinity and to men from Staffordshire, Warwickshire, Derbyshire or Cheshire. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Physics and Chemistry. The stipend, after Dewar's tenure, was to be 800,ドル bating 200ドル for Heads and Fellows. Appointments were twice suspended after Professor Wilson's retirement in June 1935. By grace of 25 February 1939 it was decided that the Professor's duties should no longer be specially prescribed, but that the rules for Professors in general should be applied. By grace of 1 December 1965 it was decided that the work of the professor should be permanently concerned with physics.

1874 Sir (d. 1923)
1925 (retired 1935)
1936 Sir
1939 Sir (resigned 1946)
1972 (retired 1990)
1991 (previously Professor of Astronomy, Edinburgh University, Astronomer Royal for Scotland, and Director of the Royal Observatory at Edinburgh)

Naval History, Vere Harmsworth Professorship of

Established by grace of 16 May 1919 from a benefaction of 20,000ドル offered by Lord Rothermere in memory of his second son, who had been due to come up to Trinity College in 1914 but, after distinguished military service was killed on 31 November 1916 at the battle of Ancre. The first appointment was made by Lord Rothermere. The election since is governed by Statute B.IX and the residence and duties by Statute B.XI. The Professor was assigned to the Special Board for History and Archaeology. In 1933 the title was changed to 'Imperial and Naval History'. By grace of 25 February 1939 Viscount Rothermere's gift of securities for the further endowment of the professorship was accepted.

1919 (resigned 1933)
1934 Admiral Sir

Nehru, Jawaharlal, Visiting Professorship

Established by grace of 3 November 1982. The title of the professorship is determined at the time of election. It is placed in Schedule B and H of the Statutes and governed by special regulations.

1983 (Physical Chemistry)
1984 (Economics and Politics)
1985 (Architecture)
1986 (Physics)
1987 (History)
1989 (Engineering)
1992 (Social and Political Sciences)

Neurological Genetics, Professorship of

Established by grace 1 of 18 November 1998.


Neurology, Professorship of

Established in 1988 for one tenure.


Neuropathology, Professorship of


Neurophysiology, Professorship of


Neuroscience, Professorship of (1986)

Established by grace of 8 May 1986 for Dr Burrows.

1986 (Professor of Zoology, 1996)

Neuroscience, Professorship of (1994)


Neuroscience, Professorship of (1999)


Neurosensory Physiology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 18 May 1983 for Dr Campbell, for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Department of Physiology.

1983 (retired 1991)

Neurosurgery, Bayer Professorship of

Established by grace 3 of 28 February 1990. By grace 2 of 1 March 2000 'Bayer' was removed from the title.

2000 (previously Professor of Clinical Neurological Sciences, Southampton University)

Nonlinear Dynamics, Professorship of

1995 (previously Professor of Mathematics, Warwick University. Resigned 2000)

Nuclear Medicine, Professorship of

Established grace 3 of 25 February 1998.

1998 (previously Professor of Diagnostic Radiology, Royal Postgraduate Medical School, Hammersmith Hospital)

Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations, Professorship of


Numismatics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 17 March 1971 for Dr Grierson; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of History.

1971 (retired 1978)

Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Professorship of (1975)

Established by grace of 26 February 1975; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.


Ocean Geochemistry and Palaeochemistry, Professorship of


Organic and Polymer Chemistry, Professorship of


Organic Chemistry, Herchel Smith Professorship of

Previously entitled 'Medicinal Chemistry'.


Organic Chemistry, Professorship of (1702)

This is the 1702 chair in Chemistry renamed 'Organic Chemistry' by grace of 26 February 1943. Retitled the BP Professorship of Organic Chemistry by grace 9 of 1 May 1991 in acknowledgement of a benefaction.

1944 (Lord Todd, 1962) (resigned 1971)
1992 (previously Professor of Organic Chemistry at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine)

Organic Chemistry, Professorship of (1969)

Established by grace of 26 February 1969 for A. R. Battersby, for one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry.

1959 (elected Professor of Organic Chemistry (1702) in 1988)

Organic Chemistry, Professorship of (1998)


Paediatrics, Professorship of (1978)

Established by grace of 1 February 1978; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.

1979 (retired Dec. 1988)

Paediatrics, Professorship of (1998)

Established by grace 6 of 17 June 1998.

2000 (previously Reader in Paediatrics, Oxford University)

Palaeoecology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 4 June 1975 for Dr West; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Biology 'A'.

1975 (elected Professor of Botany, 1977)

Palaeography and Cultural History, Professorship of


Palaeontology and Biostratigraphy, Professorship of


Pathology, Professorship of

Established by Grace of 6 December 1883. The Professor was forbidden to undertake the private practice of medicine or surgery. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Medicine. By grace of 9 February 1924 the professorship was transferred from the Special Board of Medicine to the Special Board for Biology and Geology; but by grace of 21 November of the same year, it was returned to Medicine. By grace of 22 April 1927 it was assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'B'.

1922 (died 1961)
1975 (died 1987)
1998 (previously Professor of Experimental Pathology, Edinburgh University)

Persian, Professorship of

Established for Dr Levy by grace of 6 May 1950. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Oriental Languages.

1950 (retired 1958)

Petroleum Science, BP Professorship of

Established by grace 4 of 21 October 1998.

2000 (previously Professor of Applied Mathematics, Bristol University)

Pharmacology, Sheild Professorship of

Established for the tenure of E. B. Verney by grace of 7 June 1946. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'B'. By grace of 11 March 1961 the professorship was re-established on a permanent basis.

1962 (resigned 1971)
1973 (resigned 1978)
1999 (previously Halliburton Professor of Pharmacology, King's College, London)

Philosophy of Science, Professorship of

Established by grace of 4 June 1975 for Miss Hesse; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Department of History and Philosophy of Science.

1975 (retired 1985)

Philosophy (previously Mental Philosophy and Logic), Professorship of

The title of the chair was altered by a Statute approved in 1934. See also 'Mental Philosophy and Logic'.

1952 (resigned 1968)
1986 (retired 1999)

Philosophy, Knightbridge Professor of

This is the previous Knightbridge Professorship of Moral Philosophy, re-named by grace of 20 October 1965.

1967 (retired 1979)

Philosophy, Professorship of (1999)


Physic, Regius Professor of

Founded by Henry VIII in 1504 with a stipend of 40ドル. In 1652 John Crane bequeathed to the university, for the use of the professor, a house on a site subsequently required for the building of the Senate House and so exchanged, in 1724, for one in Market Street. Re-assigned from the Faculty of Clinical Medicine to the Department of Medicine by grace 3 of 18 March 1987. Appointment is by the Crown.

1554 c.
1555 c.
1793-1817 Sir
1872-92 Sir
1892 Sir
1925 Sir
1932 Sir
1935 (resigned 1943)
1945 Sir (died 1956)
1975 Sir (took up appointment on 1 Jan. 1976)

Physical Chemistry, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1978 for Dr Thrush; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry.

1978 (retired 1995)

Physical Chemistry, Professorship of

Established by the University by grace of 14 February 1920, the stipend being charged to the income of a Fund established by a benefaction made by the British Oil Companies. The election is governed by Statute B.IX and the residence and duties by Statute B.XI.

1965 (died 1975)
1978 (resigned 1986)

Physical Electronics, Professorship of


Physical Metallurgy, Professorship of


Physics (1966; grace 7 of 1 Dec. 1965), Professorship of

A professorship of Physics was established by grace 7 of 1 December 1965, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, and was discontinued by grace of 3 December 1969, with effect from January 1966, for so long as the Visiting Professorship of Theoretical Physics, established by grace of 2 November 1966 should remain in being.


Physics (1966; grace 7 of 1 Dec. 1965), Professorship of

This is the new title of the Professorship of Radio Astronomy, made permanent and re-titled, by grace 19 of 1 Dec. 1965, with effect from the end of Professor Ryle's tenure in 1982, at which time the professorship was revived, but not filled. Released from abeyance by grace of 30 July 1986.

1997 (previously Head of the Theoretical Physics Department at the Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, New Jersey)

Physics, Cavendish Professorship of

This is the new title of the Cavendish Professorship of Experimental Physics, re-named by grace of 21 January 1970.

1971 Sir (retired 1982)
1984 Sir

Physics, John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of

By grace of 1 November 1958 the John Humphrey Plummer professorship of Mathematical Physics, vacant by the death of Professor Hartree, was to be continued in the subject either of Experimental Physics or Theoretical Physics. In 1960 Dr A. B. Pippard was elected to the chair (Experimental Physics) and, in view of the nature of his work, the title was changed, by grace of 30 July 1960, to 'Physics' and assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. By grace of 22 July 1987 the professorship was re-titled 'Magnetic Resonance'.

1960 Sir (elected Cavendish Professor, 1971)
1972 Sir (elected Cavendish Professor, 1984)
1987 (retired 1999)

Physics, Professorship of (1919)

Established by the University by grace of 16 May 1919 to provide for Thomson, who had resigned the Cavendish chair to make way for Ernest Rutherford. Rooms and other facilities were provided at the Cavendish, but no stipend. The professorship lapsed on Thomson's death. (See also 'Experimental Physics'.)

1919 Sir (d. 1940)

Physics, Professorship of (1973)

Two professorships were established by grace of 13 June 1973 for Drs Shoenberg and Tabor; each of them limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry.

1973 (retired 1981)

Physics, Professorship of (1974)

Established by grace of 15 May 1974 for Dr Josephson; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry.


Physics, Professorship of (1986)

Established by grace of 8 May 1986 for Dr Howie.


Physics, Professorship of (1990)

Established by grace of 10 May 1990 for Mr Brown.


Physiology of Reproduction, Mary Marshall (and Arthur Walton) Professorship of

By grace of 22 January 1954 the bequest of Francis Hugh Adam Marshall, Sc.D., sometime Reader in Agricultural Physiology, for the establishment of a professorship of the Physiology and Reproduction in member of his mother, Mary Marshall, was accepted, and by grace of 30 May 1959 general approval was given to the establishment of such a professorship for one tenure. By grace of 13 May 1961 an offer from the Milk Marketing Board and Private Centres Group to provide a sum of 32,000ドル to convert the chair to a permanent one was accepted, and the title of the professorship changed to commemorate also the work of the late Dr Arthur Walton of Downing College.

1992 (previously Chief Scientific Officer at the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics Research at Babraham)

Physiology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1883, largely in recognition of the work of Michael Foster, Praelector in Physiology at Trinity College since 1870. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Biology and Geology. Assigned by grace of 22 April 1937 to the Faculty of Biology 'B'.

1883 Sir
1925 Sir
1937 (Baron Adrian)
1952 Sir
1986 (retired 1995)
1996 (previously Professor of Physiology, Bristol University)

Plant Biochemistry, Professorship of

Established by grace of 3 May 1972 for Dr Northcote; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Biology 'B'.

1972 (retired 1989)

Plant Biophysics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 7 May 1987 for Miss MacRobbie.

1987 (retired 1999)

Plant Cytogenetics, Professorship of

1996 (Director of the Botanic Garden; previously Head of the Department of Botany, Reading University)

Plant Ecology, Professorship of

Established by grace 7 of 27 October 1999

2000 (previously Professor of Plant Ecophysiology, Newcastle University)

Plant Molecular Biology, Professorship of


Plant Physiology, Professorship of

Established for the tenure of G. E. Briggs by grace of 7 June 1946. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'A'. It lapsed on Briggs' election to the Professorship of Botany.


Political Economy, Professorship of

The title was first conferred by grace of 21 May 1828 on George Pryme, and was estagblished by grace of 29 October 1863. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Economics and Politics.

1908 (retired 1943)
1944 Sir
1957 Sir (resigned 1968)
1980 (retired 1991)
1992 (previously Tooke Professor of Economic Science and Statistics, LSE. Resigned 1994.)
1995 Sir (previously Edgeworth Professor of Economics, Oxford University)

Political Science, Professorship of

Endowed by a donation from the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial, accepted by grace of 13 November 1926, of 150,000ドル. The professor was, with the approval of the General Board, allowed to devote one term in each year to research, in addition to the allowances under Statute D.xii.5, provided only that he be not absent for more than three terms in succession. The professor was assigned to the Faculty of History, and was also a member of the Faculty Board of Economics and Politics.

1939 Sir
1978 (Regius Professor of Modern History, 1996)

Political Theory, Professorship of

Established by grace of 7 May 1987 for Mr Dunn. Originally assigned to the Faculty of History; re-assigned to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, 9 December 1987.


Prehistory and Human Evolution, Professorship of


Primary Education, Professorship of

Established by grace 5 of 27 October 1999.

2000 (previously Professor of Education, Bristol University)

Process Innovation, Professorship of


Psychiatry, Professorship of

Established by grace 6 of 22 March 2000.

2000 (previously Professor of Psychiatry and Community Mental Health, Nottingham University)

Psychiatry, Professorship of (1976)

Established by grace of 28 January 1976; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.

1977 Sir

Psychiatry, Professorship of (1999)

Established by grace 5 of 21 October 1998.

1999 (previously Wellcome Trust Advanced Research Training Fellow and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry, King's College, London)

Psychoanalysis and Gender Studies, Professorship of


Psychological Criminology, Professorship of


Public Health, Professorship of

This is the Professorship of Community Medicine, re-titled on Professor Acheson's retirement in 1988.

1989 (resigned 1999)

Pure Mathematics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 15 May 1974 for Dr Baker; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Mathematics.


Pure Mathematics, Sadleirian Professorship of

Lady Sadleir, widow first of William Croome, M.D., Fellow of Emmanuel and the proposer of the scheme, and then of Sir Edwin Sadleir, by her will dated 25 September 1701, made provision for lectures in the different colleges 'for the full and clear explication and teaching that part of mathematical knowledge commonly called algebra'. Lady Sadleir died in 1706 and the lectures started in Emmanuel at Michaelmas, 1710, and subsequently at other colleges. The scheme proved unsatisfactory, and by statute approved by the Queen in Council in 1860, the lectureships were replaced by a professorship. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor, three Heads of Colleges, elected by those on the electoral roll, to have tenure for the duration of their headship, and the Lucasian, Plumian and Lowndean Professors, all these corporately know as the Sadleirian or Algebra Trustees. By grace of 3 March 1928 the board of electors was re-constituted in accordance with Statute D.xiv.2.

1931 (retired 1942)
1967 (retired 1984)

Quantum Chemistry, Professorship of


Quaternary Palaeoclimatology, Professorship of

1991 Sir

Quaternary Prehistory, Professorship of

Established by grace of 11 May 1977 for Dr McBurney; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology.

1977 (died 1979)

Radio Astronomy, Professorship of (1971)

Established by grace of 13 June 1959 for M. Ryle and limited to one tenure. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. By grace 19 of 1 December 1965 the professorship was re-established on a permanent basis with effect from 1 January 1966, and was, with effect from the end of Professor Ryle's tenure, to carry the title 'Professorship of Physics' [(1966; grace 19 of 1 Dec. 1965)]. However, by grace of 10 December 1969 a further professorship of Radio Astronomy was established as from 1 October 1971, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry.

1959 Sir (retired 1982)
1971 (retired Dec. 1989)

Radioastronomy, Professorship of (1989)

Established by grace of 10 May 1989 for Dr Baldwin.

1989 (retired 1999)

Radiology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 23 February 1977; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.


Radiotherapeutics, Professorship of

Established for the tenure of J. S. Mitchell by grace of 1 March 1946. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned to the Faculty of Medicine. It lapsed on the appointment of J. S. Mitchell as Regius Professor of Physic but by grace of 8 May 1974 was re-established for Professor Mitchell; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine.

1946-57 (Regius Professor of Physic from 1957)
1975-76 (retired 1976)

Reproductive Immunology, Professorship of


Reproductive Sciences, Professorship of


Respiratory Biology, Professorship of

Established by grace 7 of 22 July 1998.


Respiratory Medicine, Professorship of

Established by grace 2 of 8 May 1997.

1998 (previously Reader and Senior Wellcome Research Fellow in Clinical Science, Edinburgh University)

Rheumatology, Professorship of

Established by grace 1 of 1 March 1995.

1992 (previously Professor of Experimental Rheumatology, Birmingham University)

RNA Biochemistry, Professorship of


Sanskrit, Professorship of

Established by grace of 16 May 1867. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Oriental Studies. Abolished on the death of Professor Brough in accordance with grace 1 of 8 June 1983.

1936 Sir
1967 (died Jan. 1984)

Scandinavian Studies, Professorship of

Established for the tenure of B. W. Downs by grace of 27 May 1950. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned to the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages. The professorship lapsed on the retirement of Professor Downs.

1950 (retired 1960)

Signal Processing, Professorship of


Slavonic Studies, Professorship of

Established for the tenure of Miss E. M. Hill by grace of 7 August 1948. The professorship is placed in Schedule B of the statutes and is assigned to the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages. Re-established on a permanent basis by grace of 7 December 1966 with effect from 1 October 1968.

1968 (retired 1984)

Social Anthropology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 3 May 1972 for Mr Leach; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology.

1972 Sir (retired 1978)

Social Anthropology, William Wyse Professorship of

Established partly with the support of Trinity college from money bequeathed to them by William Wyse, formerly Fellow and Honorary Fellow of Trinity, by grace of 18 June 1932. The Professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropology.

1984 (retired 1992)
1993 (previously Professor of Social Anthropology, Manchester University)

Social History, Professorship of

1998 (resigned 1999)

Social Theory, Professorship of

A visiting professorship, with tenure of one year, established as from 1 October 1953 by graces of 7 June and 2 August 1952.


Sociology, Professorship of

Established by grace of 15 May 1968 for Mr Barnes, for one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Economics and Politics. Re-established for one further tenure by grace of 13 February 1985.

1969 (retired 1982)
1985 (resigned 1997)
1998 (previously Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Foundation Professor of Sociology, Deakin University, Australia)

Soil Mechanics, Professorship of


Spanish Golden-Age Literature, Culture and Society, Professorship of


Spanish, Professorship of

Established by grace of 27 May 1933 for a single tenure, placed placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages. The professorship was continued, by grace of 7 June 1952, after the resignation of Professor Trend.

1975 (retired 1990)
1991 (previously Reader in Hispanic Studies, Queen Mary and Westfield College, London)

Statistical Science, Professorship of

Established by grace 5 of 26 May 1993; amended by grace 9 of 27 April 1994.

1994 (previously Professor of Statistics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Stroke Medicine, Professorship of

Established by grace 6 of 27 October 1999.

2000 previously Director of Research (Neurosciences) at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research at Caen)

Structural Biochemistry, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1989 for Dr Perham.


Structural Biology, Professorship of


Structural Dynamics, Professorship of


Structural Engineering, Professorship of


Structural Mechanics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 8 May 1986 for Dr Calladine.


Superconductivity, Professorship of

Established by grace 15 of 16 June 1993.


Surface Chemistry, Professorship of


Surface Physics, Professorship of

Established by grace 12 of 1 December 1965 for Dr Bowden, for one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry.

1965 (died 1968)

Surgery, Professorship of

Established by grace of 10 May 1883, the chair was suspended in 1896, and re-established by grace of 11 June 1903. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Medicine. The Professorship was discontinued by grace of 4 June 1921. By grace of 10 March 1965 it was again established, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Medicine.

1883-1896 Sir
1965 Sir (retired 1998)

Surgery, Professorship of (1996)

Established by grace 4 of 14 February 1996.

1997 (previously Professor and Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Glasgow University)

Tectonics, Professorship of


Theoretical Astronomy, Professorship of (1969)

Established by grace of 28 May 1969 for Dr Lyttleton, for one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and primarily assigned to the Faculty of Mathematics. By grace of 27 October 1972 assigned primarily to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. By grace of 30 May 1973 it was determined that the professorship, on the termination of Professor Lyttleton's tenure should be re-established on a permanent basis as the Professorship of Mathematical Physics (1978).

1969 (retired 1978)

Theoretical Astronomy, Professorship of (1999)


Theoretical Astrophysics, Professorship of


Theoretical Chemistry, John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of

Established by grace of 7 November 1931 from the J. H. Plummer bequest originally under the title of 'Inorganic Chemistry', which was changed to 'Theoretical Chemistry' by grace of 19 December 1932. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. Discontinued by grace of 15 May 1968.

1932 Sir (resigned 1953)
1954 (resigned 1967)

Theoretical Geography, Professorship of


Theoretical Geophysics, Professorship of

Established by grace of 8 March 1989 for Dr Huppert.


Theoretical Physics, John Humphrey Plummer Professorship of

Established by grace 1 of 21 October 1992

1993 (previously Professor of Physics and Queen Mary and Westfield College, London)

Theoretical Physics, Professorship of (1992)


Theoretical Physics, Professorship of (1997)


Theoretical Physics, Professorship of (1998)


Theoretical Physics, Professorship of (1999)


Theoretical Physics, Professorship of (2000)


Theoretical Physics, Visiting Professorship of

Established by grace of 2 November 1966 for Dr Anderson, limited to one tenure of not more than three years, and assigned to the Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. Extended by grace of 10 December 1969 for a further period of five years from 1 October 1970.

1967 (resigned 1975)

Theoretical Solid Mechanics, Professorship of

Established by grace 3 of 27 January 1993.

1994 (previously Professor of Applied Mathematics, Bath University. Resigned 2000.)

Therapeutic Immunology, Kay Kendall Professorship of

Established by grace 1 of 22 November 1989.

1989 (resigned 1994)

Transfusion Medicine, Professorship of

Established by grace of 14 February 1990 and assigned to the Department of Haematology.

1991 (previously Director of Medical Affairs at the Abbott Laboratories, Chicago)

Tropical Botany, Professorship of

Established by grace of 1 December 1965 for Dr Corner, for one tenure, placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'A.

1965 (retired 1973)

Tumour Immunology, Sheila Joan Smith Professorship of

Established by grace of 2 November 1977; limited to one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned primarily to the Faculty of Biology 'B'. Re-assigned to the Faculty of Clinical Medicine by grace of 21 January 1987. Further re-assigned to the Department of Medicine, and re-titled 'Immunology', by grace of 17 February 1988

1977-1988 (Immunology, Sheila Joan Smith Professorship of, 1988)

Turbomachinery Aerodynamics, Professorship of


Veterinary Clinical Studies, Professorship of

Established by grace of 4 March 1950. The professorship was placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Medicine. Transferred on 1 January 1975 to the Department of Veterinary Clinical Studies.

1963 (died 1977)
1979 (retired 1990)
1991 (previously Professor of Veterinary Clinical Studies, Melbourne University)

Veterinary Science, Professorship of

Established by grace 2 of 22 May 1991.

1994 (previously Professor of Veterinary Pathology, Edinburgh University)

Virology, Professorship of

Established by grace 1 of 30 January 1991.


Visual Neuroscience, Professorship of


Visual Physiology, Professorship of

Established by grace 16 of 1 December 19065 for Dr Rushton, for one tenure; placed in Schedule B of the Statutes and assigned to the Faculty of Biology 'B'.

1965 (resigned 1968)

Zoology (and Comparative Anatomy), Professorship of (1866)

Founded by the University in 1866. The electors in 1915 were the Vice-Chancellor and eight persons elected by the Senate, two being nominated by the Council of the Senate, three by the General Board, and three by the Special Board for Biology and Geology. Assigned by grace of 22 April 1927 to the Faculty of Biology 'A'. The words 'and Comparative Anatomy' were dropped from the title by a Statute approved in 1934.

1937 Sir
1966 (died 1975)
1978 (retired 1995)

Zoology, Professorship of (1997)

Established by grace 10 of 17 July 1996, to be held concurrently with the Directorship of the Museum of Zoology.

1997 (previously Research Professor of Developmental Genetics and Wellcome Principal Fellow of the Wellcome Trust and Cancer Research Campaign Institute)

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