Tuesday, August 06, 2024
Jazz and Politics
This blog has been dormant for some time, probably since 2015, but that does not mean that my passion for this uniquely American music has waned. I have written about jazz mostly since then at All About Jazz. But I offer a short reflection on jazz and politics sparked by a book I started reading.
As a jazz aficionado and political conservative (but not a Trump fan), I sometimes observe that conservatives are hostile to jazz as a destructive force. Richard Weaver thought so, and I responded to this screed at All About Jazz some time ago. On the other hand, today I was reading a book of jazz history and interpretation called Living Space, which casually dropped a line that the progress made in free jazz was somehow counteracted by a turn to the right in politics. This was offered as self-evidence and not elaborated on. Perhaps the author will elaborate later in the book.
Jazz is sometimes tied to cultural and political rebellion. It gave voice and expression to many African- Americans during segregation and Jim Crow. Rebelling against evil is good. Rebelling against good is evil. But conservativism in politics does not mean to conserve racism, but rather allow for liberty under law for the common good. There is nothing anti-jazz about that nor is jazz against that.
Later this year, a book will be published called "Theology and the Blues," which will feature a chapter by me called, "Racial Progress Through American Music: Spirituals, Blues, Jazz, and Beyond," which outlines how blacks have advanced their cause through music. This was originally a chapter in my book, "Fire in the Streets," which is a critique of Critical Race Theory. However, when the manuscript swelled beyond the original word limit, it had to be excised. My appreciation for black achievement in music and politics through music is not contradictory to the Christian-conservative vision I articulate in "Fire in the Streets."
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
"Most Reluctant Convert"
Kathleen and I just finished watching "Most Reluctant Convert," which is the story of C. S. Lewis's conversion. The entire narration and much of the dialogue is taken directly from Lewis's writings, such as "Surprised by Joy" and "Mere Christianity." As the story progresses, a compelling apologetic for Christianity is built up. I have never beheld anything like this: a full apologetic argument told through narrative based on a brilliant man's story and performed well--despite the inexplicably inapt beginning and ending of the film.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
Monday, June 02, 2014
This Blog Has Moved!
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Monday, May 26, 2014
On Miles Davis
Sunday, May 25, 2014
After attending a jazz performance last night, I realized again the hospitality and conviviality of jazz--the easy enjoyment, fellow-feeling, and buoyancy of the music. Jazz musicians tend to smile at each other during performances--and root each other on--more than any other musical form I have seen. Jazz musicians know the standards--the canon of traditional tune--and can play them without rehearsal. They esteem history and deep feeling.
I love jazz. You should, too.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Beyond Crood: A Film Review
First, the computer animation is stunning (at least to me). The characters' expressions and gestures, the landscapes, and the animals (all hybrids of known animals) are so far from the animation that I saw as a child that it seems to come from another civilization. (Maybe it does.)
Second, while the films assumes a naturalist view of the world, it undermines itself wonderfully. The Crood family begin as fear-based pre-humans (or semi-humans) whose only goal is not to die. But their teenage daughter wants more. She wants to live and be curious. By meeting a more evolved character, the Croods begin to think about "tomorrow" and end up "following the light."
It is all delightfully done, mind you--the hyper-slapstick and constant verbal and physical humor can be nearly hysterical. But it does not fit Darwinism, which allows for no transcendence of the material world. The Croods, you, see begin to act beyond instinct and conditioning. They dream; they explore; they hope. They are not merely evolved animals.
Thus, the human essence, made in God's image and likeness, shines through even this supposedly Darwinian tale, which makes it even better. This also chimes in with a New York Times article which recently related that an atheist group was holding "services" and wanted more of a sense of "transcendence."