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I’m very sorry I’m being silent here for ages, I promise I’m not being lazy, I’m just working on something bit different, which is my working portfolio, and I believe I will get back to squirrels now in Brno in some time soon.

It would be an extreme honour for me if you’d wish to see my work at http://www.lenkavomelova.com, and for now allow me to show a photo I took in Archway|London this January, while working with a lovely artist Jane Chedale:


and for now, good night, my sincere love, hugs and kisses


with all my love

with all my love

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Dearests, merry christmas and happy new year, loads of love, luck, good health, great fun, amazing experiences and always keep people that make you feel happy close. With all my love, only the best wishes LL.

LL script|Lenka stabilo

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sincere apologies for the long long long break, it was mainly because of the school work, but now I am proud (and anxious and excited and nervous) to present “Lenka stabilo”. Font based on my own handwriting, a part of my school project and my constant companion past two months. I am still working on it, so please consider this as a demo kind of version, I hope to finish more masterly version soon.
The name was LL script in the begining, then it was squirreLL for a tiny while, but my tutor recomended me to name it Lenka and as my housemate Mike said: Lenka even sounds like a font name! So here it is:

This is the “official” note I’m putting everywhere, so I’ll stick it here too.

I’m sending it to myfonts.com and dafont.com and pages like that right now to be approved, so links for that soon to follow (if I don’t get rejected hihihi).
Now feel free to download it here if interested:

enjoy, love


loved ones|polaroid gallery

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although I’m having a great time here, I sincerely miss you all.
Took these just before I left with my Polaroid camera and took them with me, to have you all close.
So without any special order: The loved ones, with all my heart:

Obrázek Obrázek Obrázek Obrázek Obrázek Obrázek

+ as a loveliest bonus you can ever imagine: the London crew


and as a second bonus a little quiz:

Imagine you’re walking home alone, quite late at night and a huge huge huge black guy shouts at you: “Hey, babes, I really love your hair!!!” The first thing that pops into your mind is:

a) Oh, what a nice, tall and muscular person that is! He must be working out all day long! Oh, good for him!

b) IhatemyhairIhatemyhairIhatemyhair

c) Cheers, babes, I grow them myself.

d) Mommy, I’m scared!



PS: I got defeated and admitted that my “umbrellas are stupid and unnecessary” theory has some serious flaws which resulted in buying an umbrella, but it has little squirrels on it, so I’m quite sattisfied, needless to say I quite often forget to bring it with me and get soaked anyway.


Amanda Palmer & The Grand theft orchestra|Koko London|23rd Oct ’12

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yesterday I’ve witnessed the most extraordinary show in my life. Amanda Palmer just blew my mind out of my little fucking ginger head!!

Not only she is the sexiest woman of the universe (oooh yes, girls, weep bitterly, because she is just THE WOMAN, all capitals, I wish I’d be third the woman she is, and guys, weep bitterly too because…you know…you got Neil Gaiman to hate for the rest of your lives now) but also an amazing talent in every way. As a part of the audience you feel she is there for you, she enjoys that you enjoy her and there is the atmostphere of a collective conspiracy even. I’ve been to a Radiohead gig couple weeks ago which was smashing and gorgeous, but this!! I mean I had really high expectations of Amanda, but I didn’t expect that, the show had just everything: it was funny, it was sad, it was touching, it was heart tearing, the guests were just ace, all it was intense, immense, drop-dead gorgeous…we all went home chopped into little shreds.

So just enjoy this:


+ I touched her leg!! as we all held her above our heads, floating and singing and being beautiful with a long long long veil, that covered us as a protective shield almost.

+ one of her all very awesome guests was Neil Gaiman!! which brings me to the second point I wanted to write about today: Anyone who’s going to London, or thinking about going to London, or just fancy London or maybe not even that, just please please read this book:

I’ve read it at home a few years ago and re-read it here quite recently and loved it again. Having read this book every single dull tube travel becomes a little pleasure brightening up your day, as you hear the names of the stops you are in facts constantly reminded of the book’s characters, places, stories and plots, so you can’t ever forget the book and as an outsider/non-Londonner you start to feel bit more familiar about the places around here.

So hail to Amanda & Neil, the world’s most incredible couple



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I was really very very unsure what kind of photo-equipment to take with me to my brittish design-and-soul seeking mission, it ended up quite heavy, so I took my old friend Practica with me and bunch of films, new guy to my ensemble – Polaroid 636 close up and a tiny tiny I-can’t-do-much digital camera for touristy photos (of which I actually haven’t taken any yet, sorry!!). Last week the old Practica bitch tore my film up again while I was rewinding it, as the old moody lady sometimes does, argghhh, and I lost what I hoped to be quite a nice set of photos from my school area and from Greenwich, being sad and angry about this what better to do than go to a photography exhibition. So I went to the Saatchi gallery, whis is just amazing, the exhibition spaces are spectacular, bright and clean and beautiful, spacious rooms with pale wooden floors…just bliss really. There are like ten exhibitions right now, the most fun and amazing for me was the Google view exhibition at the top floor. Huge photos taken from Google street view including pictures of streets just in the moment when a seagull flew in front of the camera, or a butterfly but also showing policemen arresting some guys, traffic accidents, little old lady throwing up at a bench by the coast, girls waiting for customers at the corners and so on…. But the main benefit of my Saatchi visit was still to follow, I went to the gallery shop (as I always do to wander around and wish to have loads of money to spend on books and postcards and design little notebooks and good-for-nothing little gifts) an discovered a sale on Action samplers!! Oh yeah!!! I’ve been quite recently thinking about starting to experiment with lomography, since all the photography lectures took all the fun and excitement from taking pictures for me, but than an opportunity came and I bought the Polaroid thing, that rescued me of “the high art of photography”, because it can’t do anything, it just takes pictures which are actually quite bad usually but there is something about them (can’t really say what) that I really love. Same with the action sampler, you don’t even see very good what are you actually taking photo of, but the concept is just oh so very refresing for me. So so so so this my friends is a new addition to my humble photo-company, I’m very very excited!!!


I solemnly swear that I’m up to no good!!

So the photos are coming I promise, it just takes more time the whole analogue thing, thanks for waiting.

loads of love, all the London squirrels!

Edward Munch – The Modern Eye – exhib. report

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So as I have already announced, there is an Edward Munch exhibition in the Tate Modern Gallery. Hunting rooms I promised to myself, I’m going to go there as a reward for finally finding a place to live, and as I already have (with 3-5 lovable housemates too) I went to see the exhib. and it was much more touching, moving, heartbreaking, encouraging than I have dared to expect.

When I was around 15 – 16 years old, being a crypto-emo-intelectual little piece of shit, Edward Munch was my huge idol, I thought I knew his work out and out, of course I didn’t. Making drawings of his paintures and prints, I considered Munch my sort of first leader to art, and although it may sound like a huge cliché I must admit to myself even now, that he really was. I even painted my own version of The Scream including my portrait in the image, of course you can find even Homer Simpson version of The Scream or Futurama-Scream, I think you could find any cover version you could possibly think of, so it may sound stupid to do so and I even thought myself naive for doing that after couple of years, but now I think it was rather sweet, childish a bit, yes, but sincere, acknowledging his huge influence on me, paying a little hommage of my own. So I went to the exhibition feeling sentimental, to meet an old friend, I did’t expect it to be so intense, to smash me so bad, to spend 4 hours inside, to come out tired, but very very happy.

In the first years I started to be interested in art and art history I thought Edward Munch to be expressionist, painter more of 20th century than 19th, leading figure in the art scene of that time, then in school we were told he is more of a symbolist, art nouveau artist a bit, late 19th century author, during era of expresionism not too up-to-date. I was so glad to realize at this exhibition, that my own first impressions were more accurate, so don’t you trust everything they tell you in school!! He never was a firm part of any art group or movement, and sure he was a symbolist too, but his work was exrtremely actual, he sure was a leading person, well admired by not only norwegians, but german, czech, french painters too. I completely melted when I realized how honest his work actually is, and that he wanted nothing in his life but to paint and be surrounded by his own paintings, which he even called his children sometimes, bringing them outside at least once a year to sunbathe, because it would do them good he would say. That is actually why there is so many reworkings on many of his subjects. Not only for the need to repeat some themes to overcome a trauma of some sorts, or to do a better version, but simply for the fact, that he had sold some painture and he just missed it! How human, warm and genuine is that?

There were many not very known paintures included, also prints, drawings and!! photos, which were a bit ghostly and some of bit pre-facebook actually, Munch’s autoportraits from the length of his arm only, from weird angles he couldn’t get a glimpse of in a mirror.

I was amazed, stunned, close to tears.

Notion no. 1.: loads of people in the gallery had sketching pads and was drawing!! I finally didn’t feel like a complete weirdo doing that on my own.

Notion no. 2.: been into a club friday night, possibly the only girl inside wearing trainers.

Notion no. 3.: squirrels in London actually DO live, quite a lot of them, as well as you can easily encounter a fox wander around.


this one probably got me the most, steep perspective, amazing background story

czech translation coming soon…