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Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminium, with the chemical formula Cu Al 6 (PO 4) 4 8 ·4H 2 O. It is rare and valuable in finer grades and has been prized as a gemstone for millennia due to its hue.
Turquoise is a blue to green gemstone that has been valued for thousands of years. Learn about its colors, occurrence, treatment, jewelry care, and more. · crystal-encyclopedia · turquoiseTurquoise Meanings and Uses - Crystal Vaults
Learn about the history, properties and benefits of Turquoise, a stone of protection, wisdom and immortality. Find out how to use Turquoise for healing, communication, travel, fidelity and more.
- Lander Blue Turquoise. Lander Blue turquoise is famous for its striking, vivid blue color that captures attention right away. It’s known as one of the rarest and most valuable turquoises because of its rich hue and the dramatic matrix that runs through it.
- New Lander Turquoise. New Lander turquoise is known for its striking color palette that ranges from deep greens to vibrant blues, often in the same stone.
- Carico Lake Turquoise. Carico Lake turquoise is a stunning gem known for its vibrant and lively color. Its most striking feature is its wide range of colors, from light blue to bright lime green, depending on the minerals in the area where it’s mined.
- Bisbee Turquoise. Bisbee turquoise is renowned for its deep, rich blue color that often contains hints of green. It stands out for its "smoky" matrix, which is a web of dark lines adding depth and interest to each stone.
Turquoise, with its vibrant blue-green hues and natural vein patterns, has been revered as a calming and protective stone since ancient times. Its color is so unique that the English language uses the word “turquoise” as the name of the greenish-light-blue color typical for high-quality turquoise.
- CuAl6 (PO4)4 (OH)8 · 4H2O
- 5-6
- Triclinic
Turquoise is an opaque colored stone that can be marketed both as a gem for jewelry & is found in only dry & barren regions on earth.
People also ask
What does turquoise mean?
- ‘Turquoise’ is a colour between blue and green. It’s not that common in everyday conversation, but if you use it to describe water or the sea, you usually mean that the water looks beautiful. What about you? If you live in a city, what’s the surrounding countryside like? Are there forests, fields, or mountains? Do you live near the coast?
25 Phrases to Talk About Nature and Landscapes in English ... - Yreaders is turquoise Crystal meaning?
- The Turquoise crystal meaning is highly versatile. Because of the stone’s connection to the throat chakra and the energy of water, plus its long history of being used for spiritual and energetic healing, the ways to connect with the Turquoise crystal stone meaning are endless.
Turquoise Meaning & Healing Properties | Energy Muse is a turquoise stone?
- A precious and beautiful variety of the stone that is mined from Sleeping Beauty mines, located in Arizona, USA. The mines are called so because the shape of the mountain where they’re located resembles the silhouette of a woman lying on her back, with her hands crossed. What Is Turquoise Stone Good For?
Turquoise Stone - Colour, Characteristics & Properties - TJC are a few types of rare turquoise you should be looking for: Carico Lake Turquoise. The mine in Nevada produces turquoise with an astoundingly vibrant color palette, ranging from electric greens to mossy, earth greens. This mine has also produces blue turquoise in a range of colors as well.
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