Ouvir Estrelas
for Soprano and Piano
Written: 2017
Duration: ca. 4'
Instrumentation: soprano and piano
Text by Olavo Bilac
Commissioned by George Dennis O'Brien and is dedicated to Bernardo Andrade and His Family, in Loving Memory of Their Father, José Luís Andrade (1959-2017).
World Premiere: American Modern Ensemble, Juliana Franco, Soprano; Blair McMillen, piano, National Sawdust, November 2, 2017
Publisher: Bill Holab Music
View Score | This work is currently unavailable for purchase
Ouvir Estrelas ("Listen To Stars") is a setting of a poem by Olavo Bilac, a Brazilian Parnassian poet, journalist and translator. Alongside Alberto de Oliveira and Raimundo Correia, he was a member of the "Parnassian Triad", an acclaimed trio of Brazilian poets.
Ouvir Estrelas was commissioned by George Dennis O’Brien and is dedicated to Bernardo Andrade and His Family, in Loving Memory of Their Father, José Luís Andrade (1959-2017).
Ouvir Estrelas
for Soprano and PianoOuvir Estrelas
"Ora (direis) ouvir estrelas! Certo
Perdeste o senso!" E eu vos direi, no entanto,
Que, para ouvi-las muita vez desperto
E abro as janelas, pálido de espanto...E conversamos toda noite, enquanto
A Via Láctea, como um pálio aberto,
Cintila. E, ao vir o sol, saudoso e em pranto,
Inda as procuro pelo céu deserto.Direis agora: "Tresloucado amigo!
Que conversas com elas? Que sentido
Tem o que dizes, quando não estão contigo?"E eu vos direi: "Amai para entendê-las!
Pois só quem ama pode ter ouvido
Capaz de ouvir e de entender estrelas".— Olavo Bilac
Olavo Bilac, do poema ‘Via-Láctea - XIII (1888), no livro "Antologia: poesias". São Paulo: Martin Claret, 2002. p. 37-55: Via Láctea. (Coleção a obra-prima de cada autor).
Ouvir Estrelas
for Soprano and PianoListen to Stars
"Oh, come now (you’ll say), listening to stars! It’s clear
You’ve lost your mind!" And I’ll tell you anyways,
I often wake to hear what they say
And I open the windows, pale with fear...And we talk all night long, while high
The Milky Way, like an outspread robe, appears
To shine. Then - at the sun’s arrival, longing and in tears -
I look for them in the deserted sky.And now you’ll say: "My poor, crazed friend!
Of what do you speak with them? What sense
Has what they say, when your ears they bend?"And I’ll say unto you: "To hear them, you must love!
For only he who loves may have ears awake enough
To hear and understand the stars above."— Olavo Bilac
translated by Bernardo Portillo Andrade
Press Quotes
"Robert Paterson’s first offering was from a Brazilian poet, Olavo Bilac’s, Ouvir Estrelas ("Listen to stars"), wonderful verses in English. The original Portuguese was sung by Ms. Franco here as an operatic aria in her highest range. The result was enthralling."