REPUBLIC OF NIGER LEGISLATIVE ELECTION OF 31 JANUARY 2011 =================================================================== Source: African Elections website Parties ------------------------------------------------------------------- * ANDP - Alliance Nig駻ienne pour la D駑ocratie et le Progr鑚 (Nigerien Alliance for Democracy and Progress) * CDS - Convention D駑ocratique et Sociale (Democratic and Social Convention) * MDNFA - Mouvement D駑ocratique Nig駻ien pour une F馘駻ation Africaine (Nigerien Democratic Movement for an African Federation) * MNSD - Mouvement National pour la Soci騁? de D騅eloppement (National Movement for Society of Development) * PNDS - Parti Nig駻ien pour la Democratie et le Socialisme (Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism) * PSDN - Parti Social Democrate du Niger (Niger Social Democratic Party) * RDP - Rassemblement pour la D駑ocratie et le Progr鑚 (Rally for Democracy and Progress * UDR - Union pour la D駑ocratie et la R駱ublique (Union for Democracy and the Republic) * UNI - Union des Nig駻iens Ind駱endants (Union of Independent Nigeriens) NATIONAL SUMMARY OF VOTES AND SEATS =================================================================== Registered voters: 6,740,493 Votes cast: 3,317,935 49.2 Invalid votes: 87,437 02.6 Valid votes: 3,230,498 97.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Party Votes % Seats ------------------------------------------------------------------- ANDP 242,770 07.5 8 CDS 105,828 03.3 3 MDNFA 637,108 19.7 23 MNSD 664,525 20.6 25 PNDS 1,066,011 33.0 34 RDP 209,622 06.5 7 UDR 175,876 05.4 6 UNI 32,018 01.0 1 PSDN 29,905 01.3 1 Others 66,835 02.1 - ------------------------------------------------------------------- Total 3,230,498 108 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Six results were invalidated by the courts.