'Seeing' atoms: Our world at the nanoscale

'Seeing' atoms: Our world at the nanoscale

Megan Cowie (McGill University)

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Feb. 5, 2019 19:00

Abstract: The material world around us, from nectarines to nanotubes, from snowflakes to superconductors, is made up of atoms. But what are atoms, really? This knowledge is the culmination of a spectacular journey, from ancient natural philosophy to the prowess of modern science. Now, we are in an unprecedented position: For the first time in our history, we can manipulate atoms to build nano-scale technology, and exploit the unique and fascinating properties of the ultra-small. In fact, nanotechnology has already begun to shape our everyday lives. But how does this spectacular journey end? Are we doomed to a future dominated by ‘nanorobots’?

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