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Il The Legislative Council met at 2 I -p.m. I The Commission for opening Parlialr ment were the Speaker (Sir W. Fitzi herbert), the Hon. Mr Whitaker, and the Hon. Major Richmond, C.B. Having taken their seats, the usual formal announcement was made. Tlie members of the Lower House were then sent for, when 47 entered, headed by Major Campbell (clerk of Parlia- | ment), the Sergeant-at-arms, and Mm I isters. The proclamation was then | read. The Lower House was directed I to elect a Speaker, and to present him f_ for his Excellency's approval at noon I to-morrow; it being also stated that | , his Excellency would deliver his openI ing Speech at 2 p.m. I This ended the proceedings, and the 1 Council adjourned at 2.10 p.m. I Only six councillors, beside the ConiI mission, attended. Neither of the four | new members attended to be sworn in, | but Mr Oliver was sworn in by the I Governor during the forenoon. I The House of Representatives met at I 2pm. The members attended the CommisI eaoners in the other Chamber, and on y returning 56, including Mr Pilliet, as 4 member for Stanmore, took the oath v and their seats. Mr Wason, for Wa- | kanui, and Major Harris, for FrankJ lyn, were called, but did not appear. £しかく The Hon. Major Atkinson, address- ' ing the Clerk of Parliament, moved r that Sir G. M. O'Rorke be elected : Speaker. He referred to the fact that I he had held the position on previous - occasions, and bore ample testimony to the highly efficient manner in which he had discharged the duties appertaining ; thereto. Mr Macandrew, as one of the oldest y representatives in the new Legislature, expressed the pleasure it afforded him : in seconding the nomination. He cor- : , dially endorsed all that had been said as to the manner in which Sir G. M. O'Rorke had already discharged the ; duties. Indeed he considered that it ;.: was a fortunate thing for both the Legislature and the country that they had such a one to place in the responsible position. Mr Levestam expressed regret in having to oppose the motion- He bore testimony to the excellence of Sir G. M. O'Rorke's personal character and conduct, but in an unhappy moment he had forfeited the many claims he had established to their confidence by tho - action he took in connection with the passing of the Representation Bill last session. He argued from the records in Hansard that the action taken by the Chairman of Committees on that occasion was due to the influence exercised by Sir G. IL O'Rorke as Speaker. Moreover, Sir G. M. O'Roi ko had himself, in 1875, adopted exactly similar proceedings to those so severely condemned by himself. He believed, however, that Sir G. M. O'Rorke had acted merely upon an error of judgment and excess of zeal He spoke as a matter of duty to his constituents in condemning Sir G. M. O'Rorke's past actions, but he was not prepared to go the length of offering any more active opposition. No other candidate was named. Sir G. M. O'Rorke, speaking from the floor of the House, said he had sat in that House for a period of 21 years, and he had had the advantage of all the experience to be gathered from such a lengthened term, and the example of those who had preceded him. It was impossible, however, that a Speaker could at all times command the approbation of all parties in the Housa Still, it had all along been his endeavour to hold the balance of justice equitably as between all parties. On being conducted to the chair by the Hon. Major Atkinson and Mr Macandrew, he, standing on the steps of the chair, returned thanks for his election, spoke in defence of Parliamentary government, and asked members to aid him in upholding its prerogativa Mr Kelly and Mr Hutchison both spoke in congratulatory terms upon the election of Sir G. M. O'Rorke, the latter adding that he hoped steps would be taken to amend their standing orders so as to avoid a repetition of the difficulties of last session, to which one of the previous speakers had just alluded. At 3.15 p.m. the House adjourned tfll 1.45 p.m. to-morrow.

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Clutha Leader, Volume VIII, Issue 450, 26 May 1882, Page 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 18. Clutha Leader, Volume VIII, Issue 450, 26 May 1882, Page 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 18. Clutha Leader, Volume VIII, Issue 450, 26 May 1882, Page 3

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