OpenMoji 15.1.0
Open source emojis for designers, developers and everyone else!
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OpenMoji is an open source project of 80+ students and 2 professors of the HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd and many external contributors
Free to use
Free to use
All emojis are free to use under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license
4284 Emojis
4284 Emojis
So far more than four thousand emojis over many categories have been designed
Emoji Version
Emoji v15.1
OpenMoji carefully supports the Unicode Emoji standard
All emojis follow a single style guide and fit perfectly together
Supporting a wide range of use cases with colored and outlined emojis
OpenMoji supports the Fitzpatrick skin tones scale and multiple skin tone combinations
269 flags
269 Flags
From Andorra to Zimbabwe to Pirates
Special Interest Categories
Special Interest Categories
OpenMoji ships with various special interest categories beyond standard unicode
All emojis have been carefully designed, tested and reviewed over many iterations