
Researches for providing synoptic views of ocean currents in coastal and marginal seas, where small and fast-moving phenomena are dominant, are conducted by mainly analyzing remote sensing (satellite and ocean radar) data; they include development of the coastal altimetry, sea surface height measurements by the GPS interferometry, and cheap & robust surface drifting buoys. Such synoptic views will be used to study the movement/diffusion of materials/physical properties in the upstream Kuroshio area, which could be caused by variations of the Kuroshio due to interaction with westward-propagating mesoscale eddies in the Pacific Ocean originated from far eastern areas. Except these research activities, I have committed educational activities in Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Science, and academic/social activities as a council member of Japan Oceanographic Society and Japan-French Oceanographic Society.

See my interview video from CNES Interview from CNES