Is Parks and Recreation Stealing Adam Scott From Party Down?
Variety is reporting that Adam Scott — whom you may recognize as Will Ferrell’s jerk brother in Step Brothers or Danny McBride’s jerk agent in Eastbound and Down — will be joining Parks and Recreation, as Leslie Knope’s love interest, for the last two episodes of this season and as a regular in the third season. This is great news for Adam Scott and the supportive members of his family and friend group, but we’re a little sad: Does this mean he’s definitely leaving Party Down?! Scott’s Starz comedy, about an L.A. catering company full of Hollywood wannabes and has-beens, is beloved by the critics (and, you know, us), but ratings challenged, so it’d make sense for him to make the leap; plus, he’s only under contract for three episodes of Party Down’s third season (second season premieres April 23! Woo!), so he wouldn’t even have to renegotiate. (The similarly excellent Jane Lynch made the jump full time to Glee towards the end of the show’s first season, making us wonder who’s handing out these weak-ass contracts over at Starz). We’re sure Party Down’s severely underrated cast (Martin Starr, Lizzy Caplan, Ken Marino) could handle the departure, but, come on, isn’t Parks and Recreation funny enough as is? Still, there’s hope for Down: Scott is playing a love interest on Parks, after all, and everyone knows that love interests introduced mid-season are predestined to fizzle out. Here’s hoping your fictional love fizzles, Amy Poehler and Adam Scott!
’Party’ boy looks for ‘Recreation’ [Variety]