Kyushu University, TATE LABO | HOME

Recent Activities:

2024年09月25日 Upcoming Oral talk entitled "Emission variation of mass-produced microdisks for advanced artifact metrics" will be held at "The 74th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu [9.25-26,Kagoshima]" by W. Wang (M2).
2024年05月30日 Paper Original paper by Assoc. Prof. Tate had been published (N. Tate, S. Yamaguchi, S. Sakai, S. Shimomura, T. Nishimura, J. Kozuka, Y. Ogura, and J. Tanida, "Demonstration of quantum dot reservoir computing based on spatio-temporal optical processing," Applied Optics, Vol. 63, Issue 28, pp. G30-G36 (2024)).
2024年05月06日 Talk Oral presentation entitled "Spectral-Polarization-Selective Magneto-Optical Effect by Al-doped 4H-SiC Device with DPP-Assisted Annealing" had been held at "Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) [5.5-10,Charlotte, USA]" by Assoc. Prof. Tate. photo
2024年04月01日 LABO Seigo Kitazaki (get into M1) and Ryotaro Suga (get into B4) were assigned to TATE LABO.

Past Activities are listed HERE

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