Current number of known NEAs:38061
Current number of known asteroids with good orbital information:1293399
Asteroids are small and often irregularly-shaped Solar System bodies. The known majority of them orbit the Sun in the so-called main asteroid belt, between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter. However, due to gravitational perturbations caused by planets, as well as non-gravitational perturbations, a continuous migration brings main-belt asteroids closer to Sun. They therefore cross the orbits of Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury. An asteroid is called a near-Earth asteroid (NEA) when its trajectory brings it within 1.3 au from the Sun and hence with in 0.3 au of Earth's orbit.
Browse through the whole asteroid database filtering on both dynamical, physical properties, observational parameters, and impact solutions. Orbital elements are presented at the present day, while exceptionally Epoch is queried at the near middle of the observation arc. Observational parameters refer to the next midnight in UTC and are available for NEAs only. The user can also perform faster searches and use wildcard characters like the question mark (?) and asterisk (*) similarly to Unix-like languages.
- Semimajor Axis
- Eccentricity
- Inclination
- Ascending Node
- Arg. of Perihelion
- Mean Anomaly
- Epoch (near-mid obs. arc)
- Perihelion
- Aphelion
- Asc. Node-Earth Sep.
- Desc. Node-Earth Sep.
- Orbit Period
- U parameter
- A1
- A2
Epoch (near-mid obs. arc)
- Right Ascension
- Declination
- V Magnitude
- Solar Elongation
- Galactic Latitude
- Distance from the Earth
- Distance from the Sun
- Sky Plane Velocity
- Sky Plane Uncertainty
- Days Unobserved
- Arc Length
- Radar
- Rotation Direction
- Taxonomy
- Absolute Magnitude (H)
- Slope Parameter (G)
- Albedo
- Diameter
- Color Index Information
- Spinvector L
- Spinvector B
- Rotation Period
- Amplitude
- Sightings
- Palermo Scale
- Cumulative Palermo Scale
- Impact Probability
- Cumulative Impact Probability
- Impact Velocity
- Torino Scale
- Year of Impact
- Expected Energy
Cumulative Impact Probability
We kindly acknowledge Gerhard Hahn (ex-DLR) for having provided the EARN data and kept our physical properties database updated until end of 2018