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Geographic perspectives on the provincial norths / edited by Margaret E. Johnston. 971.1 GEO ; Brodie Special Collections:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL c1994
Berkeley Square [dvd]/ produced by Alison Davis. DVD BER ; Brodie DVDs:IN LIBRARY DVD 2004
Sharpe's Waterloo [dvd] / directed by Tom Clegg. DVD SHA ; Brodie DVDs:IN LIBRARY DVD 2001
The portrait of a lady [dvd] / directed by James Cellan Jones. DVD POR ; Brodie DVDs:IN LIBRARY DVD 2002
Your entry 9780773463103 would be here
9780773505940 : Trigger, Bruce G.
Natives and newcomers : Canada's "heroic age" reconsidered / Bruce G. Trigger. 971.00497 TRI ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 1985
9780773507029 : Eber, Dorothy,
When the whalers were up North : Inuit memories from the Eastern Arctic / Dorothy Harley Eber. 639.280916327 EBE ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 1989
9780773508323 : Thompson, Elizabeth Helen,
The pioneer woman : a Canadian character type / Elizabeth Thompson. 819.309 THO ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c1991
9780773508330 : Woodman, David C.
Unraveling the Franklin mystery : Inuit testimony / David C. Woodman. 917.195041 FRA WOO ; Brodie Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c1991
9780773508613 : Dunk, Thomas W.
It's a working man's town : male working-class culture in Northwestern Ontario / Thomas W. Dunk. 305.3896220971312 DUN ; Brodie Special Collections:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 1991
9780773508934alkpaper : Buckley, Helen,
From wooden ploughs to welfare : why Indian policy failed in the Prairie provinces / Helen Buckley. 323.11970712 BUC ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c1992
9780773509450 : MacMillan, Carrie,
Silenced sextet : six nineteenth-century Canadian women novelists / Carrie MacMillan, Lorraine McMull 819.308 MACM ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c1992
9780773509764 : Surette, Leon,
The birth of modernism : Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yeats, and the occult / Leon Surette. 809.91 SUR ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c1993
9780773511446 : Nigosian, S. A.
The Zoroastrian faith : tradition and modern research / S.A. Nigosian. 295 NIG ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c1993
Justice for natives : searching for common ground / edited by Andrea P. Morrison with Irwin Cotler. 323.1197 JUS ; Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 1997
9780773521087pbk : Coates, Kenneth,
The Marshall decision and native rights / Kevin S. Coates. 323.11973 COA ; Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2000
9780773522855 : Houston, C. Stuart
Eighteenth-century naturalists of Hudson Bay / Stuart Houston, Tim Ball, and Mary Houston. 508.0922 HOU ; Brodie Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY, Brodie Special Collections:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL 2003
9780773523401 : Bennett, John.
Uqalurait : an oral history of Nunavut / compiled and edited by John Bennett and Susan Rowley ; forew 305.89712 BEN ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2004
9780773526877 : Evans, Al,
Chee Chee : a study of aboriginal suicide / Al Evans. 362.28092 EVA ; Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre:DUE 19-03-25, Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2004
9780773527546 : Wuttunee, Wanda A.
Living rhythms : lessons in Aboriginal economic resilience and vision / Wanda Wuttunee. 330.089 WUT ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2004
9780773529137 : Cole, Peter,
Coyote raven go canoeing : coming home to the village / Peter Cole. 371.829 COL ; Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2006
9780773531222 : Hall, Tony,
Earth into property : colonization, decolonization, and capitalism / Anthony J. Hall. 325.373 HAL ; MJLB Indigenous Knowledge Centre:ON SEARCH PRINTED MATL c2010
9780773531321 : Nabigon, Herb.
The hollow tree : fighting addiction with traditional native healing / Herb Nabigon. 362.292 NAB NAB ; Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2006
9780773532106 : Bird, Louis.
The spirit lives in the mind : Omushkego stories, lives, and dreams / Louis Bird ; compiled and edite 398.2 BIR ; Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2007
9780773533608 : Rieti, Barbara,
Making witches : Newfoundland traditions of spells and counterspells / Barbara Rieti. 133.43 RIE ; MJLB Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2008
9780773533769 : Stovel, Nora Foster,
Divining Margaret Laurence : a study of her complete writings / Nora Foster Stovel. 813.54 STO ; Brodie Non-Fiction:OUT OF COLL'N, Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2008
9780773535589 : Thompson, David,
The writings of David Thompson : volume 1 / edited with an introduction by William E. Moreau. 917.1204 THO ; Brodie Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2009-
9780773535732 : Hargrave, James,
Letters from Rupert's Land, 1826-1840 : James Hargrave of the Hudson's Bay Company / edited with an i 971.201 HAR ; Brodie Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2009
9780773535862 : Berens, William,
Memories, myths and dreams of an Ojibwe leader / William Berens, as told to A. Irving Hallowell ; edi 971.27 BER ; MJLB Indigenous Knowledge Centre:DUE 14-04-25 PRINTED MATL c2009
9780773535879 : McNab, David T.,
No place for fairness : indigenous land rights and policy in the Bear Island case and beyond / David 346.71304 MCN ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2009
9780773536463 : Dorais, Louis-Jacques,
The language of the Inuit : syntax, semantics, and society in the Arctic / Louis-Jacques Dorais. 497.124 DOR ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2010
The making of the Northern Ontario School of Medicine : a case study in the history of medical educat 610.7117131 MAK ; Brodie Special Collections:LIB USE ONLY PRINTED MATL c2009
9780773536869 : Flanagan, Tom.
Beyond the Indian Act : restoring Aboriginal property rights / Tom Flanagan, Christopher Alcantara, A 346.7104 FLA ; Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2010
9780773537613 : Long, John,
Treaty no. 9 : making the agreement to share the land in far northern Ontario in 1905 / John S. Long. 346.710432 LON ; Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY, County Park Indigenous Knowledge Centre:DUE 22-04-25 PRINTED MATL 2010
Aboriginal music in contemporary Canada : echoes and exchanges / edited by Anna Hoefnagels and Beverl 781.6297071 ABO ; Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2012
9780773543768 : Somerville, Margaret A.
Death talk : the case against euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide / Margaret Somerville. 179.7 SOM ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2014
9780773544314pbk : Taylor, Donald M.
Towards constructive change in Aboriginal communities : a social psychology perspective / Donald M. T 305.897071 TAY ; Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2014
9780773544499 : Eades, Gwilym Lucas,
Maps and memes : redrawing culture, place, and identity in indigenous communities / Gwilym Lucas Eade 971.004 EAD ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2015
9780773546707 : Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada,
Honorer la vérité, réconcilier pour l'avenir : sommaire du rapport final de la Commission de vérité Fre 971.00497 TRU ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2015
9780773547438 : Ray, Arthur J.
Aboriginal rights claims and the making and remaking of history / Arthur J. Ray. 346.0432 RAY ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2016
9780773547780 : Kordan, Bohdan S.
No free man : Canada, the Great War, and the enemy alien experience / Bohdan S. Kordan. 940.31771 KOR ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2016
9780773547841 : Potter, Russell A.,
Finding Franklin : the untold story of a 165-year search / Russell A. Potter. 919.8 POT ; Brodie Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2016
9780773547995 : Dagg, Anne Innis,
Smitten by giraffe : my life as a citizen scientist / Anne Innis Dagg. 590.92 DAG DAG ; MJLB Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2016
9780773548008 : Ray, Arthur J.,
An illustrated history of Canada's native people : I have lived here since the world began / Arthur J 971.00497 RAY ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2016
9780773551558 : Keevil, Norman B.
Never rest on your ores : building a mining company, one stone at a time / Norman B. Keevil. 338.7622 KEE ; Waverley Non-Fiction:ON SEARCH PRINTED MATL 2017
9780773553132 : Antoniou, Helen,
Le retour à la bière ... et au hockey : l'histoire d'Eric Molson / Helen Antoniou ; traduit de l'angl Fre 663.42 MOL ANT ; Brodie French Language:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2018
9780773556256 : Barman, Jean,
Iroquois in the West / Jean Barman. 971.200497 BAR ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2019
9780773556386 : Roach, Kent.
Canadian justice, Indigenous injustice : the Gerald Stanley and Colten Boushie case / Kent Roach. 345.7124 ROA ; Brodie Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2019
9780773556393 : Sioui, Georges E.,
Eatenonha : native roots of modern democracy / Georges Sioui. 971.00497 SIO ; Waverley Indigenous Knowledge Centre:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2019
9780773558595 : Burke, Andrew,
Hinterland remixed : media, memory, and the Canadian 1970s / Andrew Burke. 306.0971 BUR ; Brodie Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2019
9780773558762 : Dufresne, Todd,
The democracy of suffering : life on the edge of catastrophe, philosophy in the Anthropocene / Todd D 304.25 DUF ; Brodie Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2019
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