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9780521786133pbk : Roach, Peter,
English phonetics and phonology : a practical course / Peter Roach. 421.5 ROA ; Brodie Literacy:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2000
9780521788076 : Haines, Simon.
Advanced grammar in use : supplementary exercises, with answers / Simon Haines and Mark Nettle with M 428.24 HAI ; Brodie Literacy:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Literacy:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2007
9780521788649 : McCarthy, Michael,
Basic vocabulary in use / Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell, with Ellen Shaw. 428.1 MCC ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2001
9780521790475 : Knox, MacGregor.
Hitler's Italian allies : Royal Armed Forces, Fascist regime, and the war of 1940-43 / MacGregor Knox 940.541245 KNO ; MJLB Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2000
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9780521813068 : Lang, Kenneth R.
The Cambridge guide to the solar system / Kenneth R. Lang. 523.2 LAN ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2003
9780521815482 : Chomsky, Noam.
On nature and language / Noam Chomsky ; edited by Adriana Belletti and Luigi Rizzi. 401 CHO ; Brodie Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2002
9780521871662 : Romer, John.
The Great Pyramid : ancient Egypt revisited / John Romer. 932 ROM ; Brodie Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2007
9780521897334v1 : Hemingway, Ernest,
The letters of Ernest Hemingway / edited by Sandra Spanier & Robert W. Trogdon. 813.52 HEM ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2020
9780521897341v2 : Hemingway, Ernest,
The letters of Ernest Hemingway / edited by Sandra Spanier & Robert W. Trogdon. 813.52 HEM ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2020
9780521897358v3 : Hemingway, Ernest,
The letters of Ernest Hemingway / edited by Sandra Spanier & Robert W. Trogdon. 813.52 HEM ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2020
9780521897365v4 : Hemingway, Ernest,
The letters of Ernest Hemingway / edited by Sandra Spanier & Robert W. Trogdon. 813.52 HEM ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2020
9780521897372v5 : Hemingway, Ernest,
The letters of Ernest Hemingway / edited by Sandra Spanier & Robert W. Trogdon. 813.52 HEM ; Waverley Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2020
9780525243748 : Oates, Joyce Carol,
Marya : a life / by Joyce Carol Oates. FIC OAT ; Waverley Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c1986
9780525244981 : Marsden, Simon.
The haunted realm : ghosts, spirits and their uncanny abodes / photographs and text by Simon Marsden 914.1 MAR ; Brodie Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 1987
9780525276555 : Williams, Barbara.
Chester Chipmunk's Thanksgiving / by Barbara Williams ; illustrated by Kay Chorao. E WIL ; MJLB Children's Seasonal:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c1978
9780525286172 : Turkle, Brinton.
Deep in the forest / by Brinton Turkle. E TUR ; Waverley Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c1976
9780525364559 : Blume, Judy.
Otherwise known as Sheila the Great / Judy Blume. FIC BLU ; County Park Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 1972
9780525401155 : Frost, Robert,
Stopping by woods on a snowy evening / Robert Frost ; illustrated by Susan Jeffers. 811 FRO ; Brodie Children's Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Children's Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 1978
9780525405221 : Blume, Judy.
Superfudge / by Judy Blume. FIC BLU ; Waverley Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c1980
9780525420682 : Compestine, Ying Chang.
The runaway wok : a Chinese New Year tale / by Ying Chang Compestine ; illustrated by Sebastia Serra. E COM ; Brodie Children's Picture Books:DUE 26-03-25, Waverley Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2011
Winnie-the-Pooh's 1,2,3 [board book] / inspired by A.A. Milne ; with illustrations after the style of W ; Brodie Children's Board Books:IN LIBRARY, MJLB Children's Board Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2009
9780525421399 : Garland, Michael,
Miss Smith and the haunted library / Michael Garland. E GAR ; Brodie Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY, MJLB Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2009
Winnie-the-Pooh tells time [board book] / inspired by A.A. Milne with decorations by Ernest H. Shepar W ; MJLB Children's Board Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 1995
9780525421498 : Stoeke, Janet Morgan.
Minerva Louise on Halloween / Janet Morgan Stoeke. E STO ; Brodie Children's Seasonal:IN LIBRARY, County Park Children's Seasonal:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2009
9780525421627 : Helakoski, Leslie.
Big chickens go to town / by Leslie Helakoski ; illustrated by Henry Cole. E HEL ; Brodie Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Children's Picture Books:DUE 31-03-25 PRINTED MATL 2010
9780525421658 : Jay, Alison.
1 2 3 a child's first counting book [board book]. J ; Brodie Children's Board Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2009
9780525421665 : Hawkins, Emily.
Little snow goose / Emily Hawkins ; illustrated by Maggie Kneen. E HAW ; Waverley Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2009
9780525421900 : Stoeke, Janet Morgan.
The Loopy Coop hens / Janet Morgan Stoeke. E STO ; Waverley Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2011
9780525421955 : Thomas, Shelley Moore.
A Good Knight's rest / Shelley Moore Thomas ; pictures by Jennifer Plecas. E THO ; Waverley Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2011
9780525422112 : Sobol, Donald J.,
Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the carnival crime / by Donald. J. Sobol ; illustrated by James Be FIC SOB ; Waverley Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2011
9780525422143 : Wellington, Monica.
Gabby & Grandma go green / Monica Wellington. E WEL ; County Park Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY, MJLB Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2011
9780525422211 : Jeffers, Susan.
Hansel and Gretel / by Susan Jeffers. 398.2 JEF ; Waverley Children's Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2011
9780525422280 : Schachner, Judith Byron.
Skippyjon Jones class action / by Judy Schachner. E SCH ; Waverley Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY MIXED MAT 2011
9780525422297 : Kargman, Jill.
Pirates & Princesses / by Jill Kargman & Sadie Kargman ; illustrated by Christine Davenier. E KAR ; MJLB Children's Picture Books:DUE 04-02-25 PRINTED MATL 2011
9780525422372 : Pfeffer, Wendy,
The longest day : celebrating the summer solstice / by Wendy Pfeffer ; illustrated by Linda Bleck. 394.263 PFE ; Waverley Children's Non-Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2010
9780525422594 : Ernst, Lisa Campbell.
The Gingerbread Girl goes animal crackers / by Lisa Campbell Ernst. E ERN ; MJLB Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2011
9780525422761 : Mackall, Dandi Daley.
Listen to the silent night / by Dandi Daley Mackall ; paintings by Steve Johnson & Lou Fancher. E MAC ; Waverley Children's Seasonal:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2011
Lola and the boy next door / Stephanie Perkins. FIC PER ; Brodie Young Adult Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2011
Lola and the boy next door / Stephanie Perkins. FIC PER ; MJLB Young Adult Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2011
9780525423331 : Repka, Janice.
The clueless girl's guide to being a genius / Janice Repka. FIC REP PRINTED MATL c2011
9780525423348 : Gidwitz, Adam.
A tale dark & Grimm / Adam Gidwitz. FIC GID ; Waverley Children's Picture Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2010
9780525423652 : Condie, Allyson Braithwaite.
Crossed / Ally Condie. FIC CON ; MJLB Young Adult Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2011
9780525423669 : Condie, Allyson Braithwaite.
Reached / Ally Condie. FIC CON ; County Park Young Adult Fiction:IN LIBRARY, MJLB Young Adult Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2012
9780525423720 : Wellington, Monica.
Mr. cookie baker [board book]. W ; MJLB Children's Board Books:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2011
9780525423843 : Grisham, John.
Theodore Boone. Kid lawyer / John Grisham. FIC GRI ; Brodie Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY, County Park Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2010
9780525425571 : Grisham, John.
Theodore Boone. The abduction / John Grisham. FIC GRI ; County Park Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY, MJLB Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2011
9780525425632 : Perkins, Stephanie.
Isla and the happily ever after / Stephanie Perkins. FIC PER ; Brodie Young Adult Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2014
9780525425762 : Grisham, John.
Theodore Boone. The accused / John Grisham. FIC GRI ; MJLB Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2012
9780525425779 : Grisham, John.
Theodore Boone. The activist / John Grisham. FIC GRI ; County Park Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY, MJLB Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL 2013
9780525425816 : Gidwitz, Adam.
In a glass Grimmly / Adam Gidwitz. FIC GID ; MJLB Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2012
9780525425823 : Sobol, Donald J.,
Encyclopedia Brown and the case of the soccer scheme / Donald J. Sobol ; illustrated by James Bernard FIC SOB ; County Park Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY, MJLB Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY, Waverley Children's Fiction:IN LIBRARY PRINTED MATL c2012
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