Honorary Members
MSA Honorary Member
Application deadline: February 1stbefore midnight, Pacific Time.
The MSA Honorary Member Award is
2023 MSA Honorary Member, Peter Johnston
offered annually to a distinguished senior scientist with significant contributions to fungal biology.
The MSA Honorary Award is administered by the Honorary Committee.
To view all other awards offered by the Mycological Society of America, see the MSA Awards Chart.
Award Requirements
- The nominee must be a distinguished senior scientist with a long record of significant contributions to the science of fungal biology.
- The nominee should reside in and work in countries other than the U.S. and Canada.
- The nominee does not need to be a current member of the MSA.
Documents Required
The nomination package should contain:
- Brief curriculum vitae
- Three letters of support
To Apply
The nominator should prepare a single electronic file, preferably in PDF format, containing all of the items listed above and email it as an attachment to:msafungi@reesgropuinc.com with the subject heading “Honorary Members”.
Note:The committee may choose to issue no award in a given year, if it is appropriate. Presentation of the award, a plaque, will take place at the awards ceremony during the annual meeting of the MSA. The recipient will be notified in time to plan to attend the presentation. The name of the awardee will be published in the annual meeting program and inInoculum.
Diversity Statement
The MSA encourages and welcomes nominations of all individuals regardless of race and ethnicity, country of origin, sex, gender identity, religion, age, education level, socioeconomic status, marital status, parental status, physical ability, neurological differences, political affiliation, and sexual orientation. See full MSA Diversity Statement
See a list of past MSA Honorary Awardees