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Virtuosity is thenew age of 3D VRML. Step into the 3rd dimension with these models of the Round Chapel and the Solar System. Watch out for more updates.

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By Labour and Constancy

The Martinian Coat of Arms

This was designed by Major General Claude Martin himself. It is supported by seven flags each bearing the design of a fish, the emblem of Oudh. These flags represent his journey over "the seven seas" to India. The devices on the escutcheon (shield) epitomize Claude Martin's career: The ship recalls his voyage to India where, center of the shield, he firmly established his fortunes in Oudh, as an officer of the East India Company. This is represented by the lion with the pennant. The setting sun behind the castellated building on the right, indicates the sunset of his days and the important part which the building of "Constantia" played in his twilight years.

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This image is an old picture of our school's main building... The round Chapel. Look for a VRML model of the building in the Virtual Reality Section.

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The School Song : Vive La Martiniere

The School Song was composed by Frederick James Rowe who was an
assistant master in LMC from 1868-1870. After his death on 5th Jan,
1909, the school alumni placed a bronze tablet in his memory in what is
now the Memorial Corner inside the Visitor's Lounge.


Hail! Hail! the name we own,
Hail! to the giver;
Blessing and bright renown,
Be his forever!

All his martial deeds may die,
Lasting still his charity,
This his laurel blooms for aye
Dead-he lives in us to-day,
This then our song shall be,
As we chant his eulogy -
"May our Founder's name endure,
Ever spotless, ever pure !"


Faithful may we ever be
Followers of his constancy,
Firm of hand against the foe.
Soft of heart to succour woe,
This then our song shall be,
As we chant his eulogy -
"May our Founder's name endure,
Ever spotless, ever pure !"



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[画像:claude.jpg (89418 bytes)]In 1752, a 17-year old Frenchman named Claude Martin came to India as a humble private in the armies of the East India Company. But Claude Martin was no ordinary soldier of fortune. He rose rapidly to the rank of Major General and also spent many years in the service of Shuja-ud-Daulah, the Nawab of Oudh. By the time of his death in September 1800, he had amassed property worth over half a million pounds sterling.

So far, Claude Martin's career reads like that of so many other Europeans who found fame and fortune under the powerful patronage of the East India Company. And indeed, if that was all there was to the man, he would have soon been forgotten in the musty pages of history.

However, Claude Martin was a man of vision and he left generous endowments to start schools in Lucknow, Calcutta and in Lyon, in his native land of France. La Martiniere Schools, Calcutta, were the result of his desire to start an educational institution for the "public good of the town of Calcutta".

It took 30 years to dispose off the litigation arising out of Claude Martin's will. Finally, as a result of a supreme court decision, La Martiniere Schools opened in Calcutta, on 1st March, 1836.

La Martiniere for Boys offers an all-round education up to the Higher Secondary level. It is affiliated to the Council for the ISC Examinations, New Delhi, which conducts the ICSE and ISC Examinations at the close of Classes X & XII.

The school has a very wide spectrum of co-curricular activities which receive as much importance as the academic disciplines. Through this extensive range of activities, the students are exposed to varying situations and issues. They regularly participate in Inter-School Competitions at the local, State, National and occasionally at the International levels.

The scholastic, the intra- and the extra-mural programmes of La Martiniere are geared to nurturing academic excellence, independent and creative thought, tapping of diverse talents, leadership training and a deep commitment to serving the community.

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I am an Indian

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It is thoughts like these that makes La Martiniere a great and famed Institution.


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Created by Prateek Sureka & Maintained by the Web-Board of the Computer Club Of LMB
Copyright ゥ 1998 La Martiniere for Boys Calcutta
All rights reserved.

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