Therefore, simply add meta-data to the top of a wiki (or other enhanced-plain-text format) page using a RFC 822 header, prefixing the page like an e-mail:
Title: RFC 822 Meta-data Syntax Abstract: A popular human-readable syntax for adding meta-data Is-Part-Of: RdfForWikis Has-Format: PeriPeri:PeriPeri+FacetWiki:RdfForWikis Conforms-To: RFC 822
(These fields may be called statements, to conform to ResourceDescriptionFramework parlance.)
Since Wiki pages can represent concepts, one may need to distinguish statements about the concept from statements about the representation. Representation metadata is prefixed with an asterisk (allowed by RFC 822):
Title: Chris Purcell *Creator: ChrisPurcell *Created: 2001 *Contributor: SunirShah Identifier: Chris Purcell, born Bath, UK, 1981年02月17日 Created: 1981年02月17日
A different set of metadata tags may be permitted for representation metadata.
More complex meta-data, where a statement about a page itself has qualifying statements, can be made by creating a separate page and using [reification vocabulary]:
Subject: ChrisPurcell Predicate: Attends Object: Cambridge University Coverage: 1999-09 - 2006-06
[Text::Header] is convenient, although it doesn't really handle metadata with multiple datum for a single field. Is there any better existing code?