This is the LinuxWiki bus stop. You are now in the German part of the wiki world. This wiki is called LinuxWiki and is one of the fastest growing German wiki communities. It concentrates on Linux, FreeSoftware and related stuff. Take your time to look around.
Für eine deutsche Beschreibung gehe zur TourBusHaltestelle.
Bus lines:
Bus Nr. 03 - German Community Tour - takes you to LugKr Wiki
Special Bus line: WikiNode
Famous sites to visit here at the LinuxWiki:
StartSeite : The frontpage of the LinuxWiki is also its main roadmap - all important sites are listed there. And there is a lot more to explore:
LinuxDistribution Debian Hacker OpenSSH LinuxKernel LinuxUserGroup PaketManager
In case of questions or problems: turn to the BusManagement