Iodine and selenium speciation in natural waters and their concentrating at landscape-geochemical barriers
- Published:
- Volume 52, pages 500–514, (2014)
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- E. M. Korobova 1 ,
- B. N. Ryzhenko 1 ,
- E. V. Cherkasova 1 ,
- E. M. Sedykh 1 ,
- N. V. Korsakova 1 ,
- V. N. Danilova 1 ,
- S. D. Khushvakhtova 1 &
- ...
- V. Yu. Berezkin 1
134 Accesses
10 Citations
Drinkable waters in Bryansk oblast are generally poor in I and Se. Possible I and Se speciation in the drinkable waters and their means of migration and concentration in soils at geochemically contrasting conditions are analyzed, and the possible reason for the high mobility of I is demonstrated to be predetermined not only by its occurrence in the form of iodide and organic complexes but also by solute mineral species (CaI+ and MgI+), with the former and the latter types of the complexes spread more widely in the polessky and opolny landscape types, respectively. Iodine complexation with alkali-earth cations under reduced neutral-weakly alkaline conditions facilitates, on the one hand, vertical iodine migration and, on the other hand, its precipitation on the carbonate barrier. The predominant solute species of Se in these environments is hydroselenide, which can form FeSe in the presence of significant Fe concentrations and be precipitated on the reduced barrier in soils of hydromorphic landscapes. The generally low total I and Se concentrations in the drinkable waters and the migration of solute compounds of radioactive I in the form of organic and inorganic complexes could likely result in a higher thyroid morbidity rate over the whole territory of Bryansk oblast, including areas contaminated with radioactive I isotopes after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
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Original Russian Text © E.M. Korobova, B.N. Ryzhenko, E.V. Cherkasova, E.M. Sedykh, N.V. Korsakova, V.N. Danilova, S.D. Khushvakhtova, V.Yu. Berezkin, 2014, published in Geokhimiya, 2014, No. 6, pp. 554–568.
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Korobova, E.M., Ryzhenko, B.N., Cherkasova, E.V. et al. Iodine and selenium speciation in natural waters and their concentrating at landscape-geochemical barriers. Geochem. Int. 52, 500–514 (2014).
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