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Notodontidae / Alexander Schintlmeister.

Schintlmeister, Alexander (författare)
ISBN 9789004260993
Publicerad: Stenstrup, Denmark : Apollo Books, 2013
Engelska online resource (482 sidor)
Serie: Palearctic Macrolepidoptera ; 1
Relaterad länk:
https://doi.org/10.1... (Table of contents)
  • E-bok
Innehållsförteckning Sammanfattning Ämnesord
  • Classification of the Palaearctic Notodontidae -- Check-list of the Palaearctic Notodontidae -- Biogeography and Faunal Elements -- Systematic part -- 1. Dudusinae -- 2. Scranciinae -- 3. Ceirinae -- 4. Cerurinae -- 5. Dicranurinae -- 6. Notodontinae -- 7. Ptilodontinae -- 8. Phalerinae -- 9. Pygaerinae -- 10. Platychasmatinae.
  • The book is the first comprehensive work on Palaearctic Notodontidae since the famous Seitz work of nearly a century ago. In Seitz (including the supplement) 211 species were known - the present book covers in detail each of the not less than 716 species and their subspecies known from the Palaearctic Region. All species are illustrated on 40 plates in both sexes with a total number of 2109 specimens. This first Volume in the series has distribution maps of each species on which non-palaearctic distribution is also shown and genitalia photos of the male and female are provided, together more than 2200 illustrations. The book contains descriptions of 59 new notodontid taxa, reports 44 new synonymies and gives 17 changes of status. The book also has chapters on Classification, Biogeography and biographical notes on selected Entomologists.


Notodontidae -- Palearctic -- Classification. (LCSH)


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