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9789521211737 : Beckholmen i Åbo : ett maritimt lokalsamhälle och dess omvandling.; Westerlund, Kasper.
Beckholmen i Åbo : ett maritimt lokalsamhälle och dess omvandling. Departmental Locations; DL 1180 T9 W5 BOOK 2003
9789521655378 : Free speech in its forgotten years / David M. Rabban; Rabban, David M.,
Free speech in its forgotten years / David M. Rabban BJL; KT 199 R1 BOOK 1998
9789523690172 : Scraps of hope in Banda Aceh : gendered urban politics in the Aceh peace process / Marjaana Jauhola.; Jauhola, Marjaana,
Scraps of hope in Banda Aceh : gendered urban politics in the Aceh peace process / Marjaana Jauhola. Online materials; DS646.15.B27 EBOOKS 2020
9789523690219 : Digital histories : emergent approaches within the new digital history / edited by Mats Fridlund, Mila Oiva & Patri Paju.
Digital histories : emergent approaches within the new digital history / edited by Mats Fridlund, Mil Online materials; D16.117 EBOOKS 2020
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9789525264784 : Acoustic environments in change / H. Järviluoma, M. Kytö, B. Truax, H. Uimonen & N. Vikman (eds) ; Five village soundscapes / R. M. Schafer (ed.)
Acoustic environments in change / H. Järviluoma, M. Kytö, B. Truax, H. Uimonen & N. Vikma BJL; TD 893.5 E8 A1 BOOK 2009
9789525265002 : Minorities and women : a report from the Åland Minority Days in October 1997 / [editor, Robert Jansson].
Minorities and women : a report from the Åland Minority Days in October 1997 / [editor, Robert BJL; HQ 1233 M6 BOOK 1998
9789525363357 : Theory and analysis of classic heavy metal harmony / Esa Lilja.; Lilja, Esa.
Theory and analysis of classic heavy metal harmony / Esa Lilja. BJL; MT 50 L5 BOOK 2009
9789529002238 : Två skepp : en sann saga från allmogesj̈fartens tid.; Karlsson, Elis.
Två skepp : en sann saga från allmogesj̈fartens tid. Departmental Locations; VM 395 A46 K1 BOOK 1988
9789529015276 : Galeasen Albanus : ett åländskt skeppsbygge och dess historiska bakgrund / Per-Ove Högnäs, Jerker Örjans ; foto Rita Jokiranta.; Högnäs, Per-Ove.
Galeasen Albanus : ett åländskt skeppsbygge och dess historiska bakgrund / Per-Ove H Departmental Locations; VM 395 A32 H7 BOOK 1989
9789529016617 : Sjöhistorisk årsskrift för Åland.
Sjöhistorisk årsskrift för Åland. Departmental Locations; VK 96 F5 S62 BOOK 2002
9789529020744 : The naval fortesses in the Baltic area : V Baltic Seminar in Kotka, 30.7-1.8.1987 / [participants Sampo Ahto et al.].; International Baltic Seminar
The naval fortesses in the Baltic area : V Baltic Seminar in Kotka, 30.7-1.8.1987 / [participants Sam Departmental Locations; UG 429 B2 I6 BOOK 1987?
9789529028603 : Ålands sjöfartsmuseum / [författare : Håkan Skogsjö].; Ålands sjöfartsmuseum.
Ålands sjöfartsmuseum / [författare : Håkan Skogsjö]. Departmental Locations; p V 13 F52 A3 BOOK 1991
The Åländ Maritime Museum / [author, Håkan Skogsjö ; translation, Peter Ander Departmental Locations; p V 13 F52 A3 BOOK 1991
Guide to the Åländ Maritime Museum and a short history of the Association of the Äl Departmental Locations; p V 13 F52 A3 BOOK 1981
Vägledning genom Ålands sjöfartsmuseum och kort historik över Ålands Na Departmental Locations; p V 13 F52 A3 BOOK 1982
9789529052523 : Från hav och hamn : dikter.; Kåhre, Karl.
Från hav och hamn : dikter. Departmental Locations; PT 9876.21 A25 F8 BOOK 1993
9789529070329 : Åländsk sjöfart med maskindrivna fartyg.; Harberg, Justus.
Åländsk sjöfart med maskindrivna fartyg. Departmental Locations; HE 843.3 H2 BOOK 1995
9789529107957 : Fornlämningar och fornfynd i Hitis utskär.; Edgren, Torsten.
Fornlämningar och fornfynd i Hitis utskär. Departmental Locations; p DL 1170 H6 E2 BOOK 1999
9789529112487 : Åländska sjömän under andra världskriget.
Åländska sjömän under andra världskriget. Departmental Locations; D 765.3 A3 BOOK 1999
9789529138418 : Åländska sjökaptener genom tiderna : en biografi.
Åländska sjökaptener genom tiderna : en biografi. Departmental Locations; VK 139 A3 BOOK 2001
9789529139545 : Lundqvist Rederierna, Ångfartygs Aktiebolaget Alfa, Rederiaktiebolaget Hildegaard / [translation into English : Jocelyn Palmer].; Sundberg, Göte.
Lundqvist Rederierna, Ångfartygs Aktiebolaget Alfa, Rederiaktiebolaget Hildegaard / [translatio Departmental Locations; HE 945 L87 S9 BOOK 2001
9789529520947 : Context and policies for the transformation and growth of SMEs : the case of Hungary with Russian implications.; Dallago, Bruno,
Context and policies for the transformation and growth of SMEs : the case of Hungary with Russian imp BJL; q HD 2346 H9 D1 BOOK 1999
9789529573998 : When the bones are left : a study of the material culture of central Sulawesi.; Kotilainen, Eija-Maija.
When the bones are left : a study of the material culture of central Sulawesi. South East Asian Collection; GN 637.9 K8 BOOK 1992
9789529745029 : The Northeast Passage : from the Vikings to Nordenskiöld / [authors of articles, Christoffer H. Ericsson ... et al ; editor, Nils-Erik Raurala].
The Northeast Passage : from the Vikings to Nordenskiöld / [authors of articles, Christoffer H. Departmental Locations; q G 680 N8 BOOK 1992
9789529848003 : Internationella avtal och document rörande Åland = International treaties and documents concerning Åland Islands, 1856-1992 / [compiled and edited by Peter Wahlberg].
Internationella avtal och document rörande Åland = International treaties and documents c Departmental Locations; KZ 4214 I6 BOOK 1993
9789540715582 : Renaissance refractions : essays in honour of Alexander Shurbanov / edited by Boika Sokolova and Evgenia Pancheva.
Renaissance refractions : essays in honour of Alexander Shurbanov / edited by Boika Sokolova and Evge BJL; PR 424 R3 BOOK 2001
9789546420480 : Biodiversity of the Srebarna Biosphere Reserve : checklist and bibliography / edited by T. Michev ... [et al.].
Biodiversity of the Srebarna Biosphere Reserve : checklist and bibliography / edited by T. Michev ... BJL; QH 77 B9 B6 BOOK 1998
9789546422484 : Analytical methods in nonlinear wave theory.; Molotkov, I. A.
Analytical methods in nonlinear wave theory. BJL; QA 927 M7 BOOK 2005
9789547457140 : A career in speech and language therapy / Jannet A. Wright and Myra Kersner.; Wright, Jannet A.
A career in speech and language therapy / Jannet A. Wright and Myra Kersner. BJL; RC 428.5 W9 BOOK 2009
9789548238120 : Byron and the isles of imagination : a romantic chart / edited by Alistair Heys, Vitana Kostadinova.
Byron and the isles of imagination : a romantic chart / edited by Alistair Heys, Vitana Kostadinova. BJL; PR 4398 B9 BOOK 2009
9789548537537 : Roma, gypsies : texts issued by international institutions / collection assembled by Marielle Danbakli ; with a foreword by Rachel Morris.
Roma, gypsies : texts issued by international institutions / collection assembled by Marielle Danbakl BJL; DX 145 R7 BOOK 2001
9789549402049 : R.S. Thomas & Romanticism.; Heys, Alistair.
R.S. Thomas & Romanticism. BJL; PR 6039 H59 Z64 BOOK 2004
978955258619 : Race equality in local communities : a guide to its promotion / by Frank Reeves.; Reeves, Frank,
Race equality in local communities : a guide to its promotion / by Frank Reeves. BJL; HT 1521 R3 BOOK 2007
9789559068006 : Contemporary Sri Lankan short stories in English / edited by Ashley Halpe.
Contemporary Sri Lankan short stories in English / edited by Ashley Halpe. BJL; PR 9440.8 A6 BOOK 1990
9789562841368 : La educación privada en Chile : un estudio histórico-analítico desde el período colonial hasta 1990.; Aedo-Richmond, Ruth.
La educación privada en Chile : un estudio histórico-analítico desde el perío BJL; LC 52 C5 A2 BOOK 2000
9789562915717 : Guerrilla warfare / Ernesto Che Guevara.; Guevara, Che,
Guerrilla warfare / Ernesto Che Guevara. BJL; U240 .G8313 BOOK 2007
9789567083251 : La luna, el viento, el ano, el dia.; Pizarro, Ana.
La luna, el viento, el ano, el dia. BJL; PQ 8098.26 I9 L9 BOOK 1994
9789567906529 : Isabel Allende : hija de la fortuna : rediagramación fronteriza del saber histórico.; Coddou, Marcelo.
Isabel Allende : hija de la fortuna : rediagramación fronteriza del saber histórico. BJL; PQ 8098.1 L54 Z62 BOOK 2001
9789570031492 : The Republic of China yearbook.
The Republic of China yearbook. BJL; DS 799 R4 PERIODICAL
9789570284225 : Aquaculture and fisheries resources management : proceedings of the Joint Taiwan-Australia Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources and Management Forum / editors-in-chief: I. Chiu Liao and Joe Baker.; Joint Taiwan-Australia Aquaculture and Fisheries Resources and Management Forum
Aquaculture and fisheries resources management : proceedings of the Joint Taiwan-Australia Aquacultur BJL; q SH 3 A6 BOOK 2001
9789573309840 : Ren Jian You Qing.; Zhang, Cang Song.
Ren Jian You Qing. BJL; PL 2929.5 C2 R3 BOOK 19--?
9789573326748 : Se, jie : duan pian xiao shu ji san : yi jiu si qi nian yi hou / [zuo zhe Zhang Ailing].; Zhang, Ailing.
Se, jie : duan pian xiao shu ji san : yi jiu si qi nian yi hou / [zuo zhe Zhang Ailing]. BJL; PL 2837 E35 S4 BOOK 2010
9789575651428 : Diana and her troubled marriage.; Davies, Nicholas.
Diana and her troubled marriage. BJL; DA 591 A45 D5 BOOK 1994
9789575934255 : Nan Ren Chu Fang.; Hsi, Sha.
Nan Ren Chu Fang. BJL; PL 2862 S5 N1 BOOK 19--?
9789576262517 : Nu Shen Tan Puo Qian.; Hsia, Shu Ching Tsu.
Nu Shen Tan Puo Qian. BJL; PL 2862 S55 N9 BOOK 19--?
9789576714412 : Proceedings of the Czech-Taiwan symposium on Biotechnology : Prague, Czech Republic, June 5-8, 1995.; Czech-Taiwan Symposium on Biotechnology
Proceedings of the Czech-Taiwan symposium on Biotechnology : Prague, Czech Republic, June 5-8, 1995. BJL; q QP 521 C9 BOOK 1996
9789586080590 : Diccionario de computacion : [ingles tecnico, ingles-espanol, espanol-ingles].; Edgard Sanchez, S.
Diccionario de computacion : [ingles tecnico, ingles-espanol, espanol-ingles]. BJL; QA 76.15 E2 BOOK 1987
9789586122825 : Monumentos nacionales de Colombia : epoca colonial : catálogo.
Monumentos nacionales de Colombia : epoca colonial : catálogo. Departmental Locations; NA 1586 M8 BOOK 1997
9789586280921 : Literatura hispanoamericana entre la modernidad y la postmodernidad.; Volek, Emil.
Literatura hispanoamericana entre la modernidad y la postmodernidad. BJL; PQ 7081 V9 BOOK 1994
9789587100181 : Competitividad y estructura de la economía colombiana / Carlos Alberto Restrepo Rivillas, Jairo Guillermo Isaza Castro, Clara Inés Acosta Niño.; Restrepo Rivillas, Carlos Alberto.
Competitividad y estructura de la economía colombiana / Carlos Alberto Restrepo Rivillas, Jairo BJL; HC 197 R4 BOOK 2005
9789587163353 : Rutas de libertad : 500 años de travesía / Roberto Burgos Cantor, editor
Rutas de libertad : 500 años de travesía / Roberto Burgos Cantor, editor Departmental Locations; F 2299 B55 R9 BOOK 2010
9789589177464 : Patrimonio cultural para todos : una guía de fácil comprensión.; Colombia.
Patrimonio cultural para todos : una guía de fácil comprensión. Departmental Locations; F 2260 C7 BOOK 2010
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