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9780786459322 : The European struggle to settle North America : colonizing attempts by England, France and Spain, 1521-1608 / Margaret F. Pickett and Dwayne W. Pickett.; Pickett, Margaret F.
The European struggle to settle North America : colonizing attempts by England, France and Spain, 152 BJL; E 101 P5 BOOK c2011
9780786459599 : Literature of the global age : a critical study of transcultural narratives / Maurizio Ascari.; Ascari, Maurizio,
Literature of the global age : a critical study of transcultural narratives / Maurizio Ascari. BJL; PN98.P67 A83 2011 BOOK c2011
9780786460403 : Ska : an oral history / Heather Augustyn.; Augustyn, Heather,
Ska : an oral history / Heather Augustyn. BJL; ML 3535.8 A9 BOOK c2010
9780786460441 : The Vikings on film : essays on depictions of the Nordic Middle Ages / edited by Kevin J. Harty.
The Vikings on film : essays on depictions of the Nordic Middle Ages / edited by Kevin J. Harty. BJL BOOK 2011
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9780786461622 : Of muscles and men : essays on the sword and sandal film / edited by Michael G. Cornelius.
Of muscles and men : essays on the sword and sandal film / edited by Michael G. Cornelius. BJL; PN 1995.9 E79 O3 BOOK c2011
9780786461769 : Remaking the Middle Ages [electronic resource] : The Methods of Cinema and History in Portraying the Medieval World; Elliott, Andrew B.R.
Remaking the Middle Ages [electronic resource] : The Methods of Cinema and History in Portraying the Online materials EBOOKS 2010
9780786462018 : Dracula in visual media : film, television, comic book and electronic game appearances, 1921-2010 / by John Edgar Browning and Caroline Joan (Kay) Picart ; with a foreword by Dacre Stoker and an afterword by Ian Holt.; Browning, John Edgar,
Dracula in visual media : film, television, comic book and electronic game appearances, 1921-2010 / b Online materials EBOOKS 2011
9780786462834 : Lines of resistance : essays on British poetry from Thomas Hardy to Linton Kwesi Johnson / edited by Adrian Grafe and Jessica Stephens.
Lines of resistance : essays on British poetry from Thomas Hardy to Linton Kwesi Johnson / edited by BJL; PR 503 L7 BOOK c2012
9780786463312 : Murdering Miss Marple : essays on gender and sexuality in the new golden age of women's crime fiction / edited by Julie H. Kim.
Murdering Miss Marple : essays on gender and sexuality in the new golden age of women's crime fiction BJL; PR 888 D4 M9 BOOK c2012
9780786463503 : Theorizing Twilight : critical essays on what's at stake in a post-vampire world / edited by Maggie Parke and Natalie Wilson.
Theorizing Twilight : critical essays on what's at stake in a post-vampire world / edited by Maggie P BJL; PS 3613 E979 Z68 BOOK c2011
9780786464647 : Afterimages of slavery : essays on appearances in recent American films, literature, television and other media / edited by Marlene D. Allen and Seretha D. Williams.
Afterimages of slavery : essays on appearances in recent American films, literature, television and o BJL; PS 374 S58 A2 BOOK c2012
9780786465729 : Horror film festivals and awards / Thomas M. Sipos.; Sipos, Thomas M.
Horror film festivals and awards / Thomas M. Sipos. BJL; PN 1995.9 H6 S6 BOOK c2012
9780786466368 : Feminism in the worlds of Neil Gaiman : essays on the comics, poetry and prose / edited by Tara Prescott and Aaron Drucker.
Feminism in the worlds of Neil Gaiman : essays on the comics, poetry and prose / edited by Tara Presc BJL; PR6057.A319 Z63 BOOK 2012
9780786466535 : Cyberpunk women, feminism and science fiction : a critical study / Carlen Lavigne.; Lavigne, Carlen,
Cyberpunk women, feminism and science fiction : a critical study / Carlen Lavigne. BJL; PN 3433.6 L4 BOOK 2013
9780786468188 : Sherlock and transmedia fandom : essays on the BBC series / edited by Louisa Ellen Stein and Kristina Busse.
Sherlock and transmedia fandom : essays on the BBC series / edited by Louisa Ellen Stein and Kristina BJL; PN 1992.77 S552 S5 BOOK c2012
9780786468560 : North Carolina Civil War monuments : an illustrated history / Douglas J. Butler.; Butler, Douglas,
North Carolina Civil War monuments : an illustrated history / Douglas J. Butler. BJL; E573.4 .B87 2013 BOOK 2013
9780786468645 : Approaching the Hunger Games trilogy : a literary and cultural analysis / Tom Henthorne.; Henthorne, Tom,
Approaching the Hunger Games trilogy : a literary and cultural analysis / Tom Henthorne. BJL; PS 3603 O495 Z64 BOOK 2012
9780786469253 : Mexican cinema : reflections of a society, 1896-2004 / Carl J. Mora.; Mora, Carl J.
Mexican cinema : reflections of a society, 1896-2004 / Carl J. Mora. BJL; PN 1993.5 M6 M8 BOOK c2005
9780786469321 : Going to pieces : the rise and fall of the slasher film, 1978-1986 / Adam Rockoff.; Rockoff, Adam,
Going to pieces : the rise and fall of the slasher film, 1978-1986 / Adam Rockoff. BJL; PN 1995.9 H6 R6 BOOK c2002
9780786470198 : Of bread, blood and The Hunger Games : critical essays on the Suzanne Collins trilogy / edited by Mary F. Pharr and Leisa A. Clark.
Of bread, blood and The Hunger Games : critical essays on the Suzanne Collins trilogy / edited by Mar Online materials EBOOKS 2012
9780786470778 : Found footage horror films : fear and the appearance of reality / Alexandra Heller-Nicholas.; Heller-Nicholas, Alexandra,
Found footage horror films : fear and the appearance of reality / Alexandra Heller-Nicholas. BJL; PN 1995.9 H6 H4 BOOK 2014
9780786471515 : Japanese aesthetics and anime : the influence of tradition / Dani Cavallaro.; Cavallaro, Dani.
Japanese aesthetics and anime : the influence of tradition / Dani Cavallaro. BJL; BH 221 J33 C3 BOOK 2013
9780786472918 : Unraveling Resident Evil : essays on the complex universe of the games and films / edited by Nadine Farghaly.
Unraveling Resident Evil : essays on the complex universe of the games and films / edited by Nadine F BJL; GV 1469.35 R47 U5 BOOK 2014
9780786473236 : Class and culture in crime fiction : essays on works in English since the 1970s / edited by Julie H. Kim.
Class and culture in crime fiction : essays on works in English since the 1970s / edited by Julie H. BJL; PS 374 D4 C6 BOOK 2014
9780786474691 : Subversive horror cinema : countercultural messages of films from Frankenstein to the present / Jon Towlson ; foreword by Jeff Lieberman.; Towlson, Jon,
Subversive horror cinema : countercultural messages of films from Frankenstein to the present / Jon T BJL; PN 1995.9 H6 T7 BOOK 2014
9780786475766 : Orbiting Ray Bradbury's Mars : biographical, anthropological, literary, scientific and other perspectives / edited by Gloria McMillan ; foreword by Peter Smith.
Orbiting Ray Bradbury's Mars : biographical, anthropological, literary, scientific and other perspect BJL; PS 3503 R18 Z67 BOOK 2013
9780786478033 : Great books written in prison : essays on classic works from Plato to Martin Luther King, Jr. / edited by J. Ward Regan.
Great books written in prison : essays on classic works from Plato to Martin Luther King, Jr. / edite Online materials; PN494 .G74 2015 EBOOKS 2015
9780786478347 : The 9/11 novel : trauma, politics and identity / Arin Keeble.; Keeble, Arin,
The 9/11 novel : trauma, politics and identity / Arin Keeble. BJL; PS 374 S445 K2 BOOK 2014
9780786478439 : Under the bed, creeping : psychoanalyzing the Gothic in children's literature / Michael Howarth.; Howarth, Michael,
Under the bed, creeping : psychoanalyzing the Gothic in children's literature / Michael Howarth. Online materials; PN1009.A1 .H69 2014 EBOOKS 2014
9780786478781 : Talking animals in children's fiction : a critical study / Catherine L. Elick.; Elick, Catherine L.,
Talking animals in children's fiction : a critical study / Catherine L. Elick. BJL; PR 830 C513 E4 BOOK 2015
9780786485123 : British outlaws of literature and history : essays on medieval and early modern figures from Robin Hood to Twm Shon Catty / edited by Alexander L. Kaufman.
British outlaws of literature and history : essays on medieval and early modern figures from Robin Ho Online materials EBOOKS c2011
9780786485352 : Literature of the global age : a critical study of transcultural narratives / Maurizio Ascari.; Ascari, Maurizio,
Literature of the global age : a critical study of transcultural narratives / Maurizio Ascari. Online materials EBOOKS 2011
9780786485932 : Ridley Scott : a critical filmography; Parrill, William B.
Ridley Scott : a critical filmography Online materials EBOOKS 2011
9780786486922 : Rape-revenge films : a critical study / Alexandra Heller-Nicholas.; Heller-Nicholas, Alexandra,
Rape-revenge films : a critical study / Alexandra Heller-Nicholas. Online materials EBOOKS 2011
9780786490035 : Murdering Miss Marple [electronic resource] : essays on gender and sexuality in the new golden age of women's crime fiction; Kim, Julie H.
Murdering Miss Marple [electronic resource] : essays on gender and sexuality in the new golden age of Online materials EBOOKS 2012
9780786490165 : Afterimages of slavery : essays on appearances in recent American films, literature, television and other media; Allen, Marlene D.,
Afterimages of slavery : essays on appearances in recent American films, literature, television and o Online materials EBOOKS 2012
9780786490431 : The horror sensorium : media and the senses; Ndalianis, Angela.
The horror sensorium : media and the senses Online materials EBOOKS 2012
9780786490776 : Mary Elizabeth Braddon [electronic resource] : a companion to the mystery fiction / Anne-Marie Beller.; Beller, Anne-Marie.
Mary Elizabeth Braddon [electronic resource] : a companion to the mystery fiction / Anne-Marie Beller Online materials; PR4989.M4 Z526 2012 EBOOKS 2012
9780786493234 : Approaching the Hunger Games trilogy : a literary and cultural analysis / Tom Henthorne.; Henthorne, Tom.
Approaching the Hunger Games trilogy : a literary and cultural analysis / Tom Henthorne. Online materials EBOOKS 2012
9780786497478 : The age of Netflix : critical essays on streaming media, digital delivery and instant access / edited by Cory Barker and Myc Wiatrowski.
The age of Netflix : critical essays on streaming media, digital delivery and instant access / edited BJL; HD9697.V544 N482 2017 BOOK 2017
9780786499823 : The rhetorical origins of apartheid : how the debates of the Natives Representative Council, 1937-1950, shaped South African racial policy / Mia Roth.; Roth, Mia,
The rhetorical origins of apartheid : how the debates of the Natives Representative Council, 1937-195 BJL; DT1928 .R68 2016 BOOK 2016
9780786499861 : Mandela's dancers : oral histories of program participants and organizers / Rodreguez King-Dorset ; foreword by Anya Sainsbury.; King-Dorset, Rodreguez.
Mandela's dancers : oral histories of program participants and organizers / Rodreguez King-Dorset ; f BJL; GV1785.A1 K58 2016 BOOK 2016
9780786629541 : Wes Montgomery : the early years / transcribed by Dan Bowden.
Wes Montgomery : the early years / transcribed by Dan Bowden. BJL; q M 128 W5 PRINTED MUSIC c1995
9780786646951 : Traditional Afro-Cuban concepts in contemporary music / Arturo Rodriguez.; Rodriguez, Arturo.
Traditional Afro-Cuban concepts in contemporary music / Arturo Rodriguez. BJL; q MT 663.6 R6 BOOK c2003
9780786649617 : Arranging music for the real world : classical and commercial aspects.; Corozine, Vince.
Arranging music for the real world : classical and commercial aspects. BJL; q MT 70.5 C8 BOOK c2002
9780786659548 : Rumba : Afro-Cuban conga drum improvisation / by Cliff Brooks.; Brooks, Cliff.
Rumba : Afro-Cuban conga drum improvisation / by Cliff Brooks. BJL; q MT 663.2 B8 BOOK 2005
9780786668878 : Rumba : Afro-Cuban conga drum improvisation / by Cliff Brooks.; Brooks, Cliff.
Rumba : Afro-Cuban conga drum improvisation / by Cliff Brooks. BJL; q MT 663.2 B8 BOOK 2005
9780786700103 : Black Americans : the FBI files / Kenneth O'Reilly ; edited by David Gallen.; O'Reilly, Kenneth,
Black Americans : the FBI files / Kenneth O'Reilly ; edited by David Gallen. Departmental Locations; E 185.615 O6 BOOK 1994
9780786700271 : Black Americans : the FBI files / Kenneth O'Reilly ; edited by David Gallen.; O'Reilly, Kenneth,
Black Americans : the FBI files / Kenneth O'Reilly ; edited by David Gallen. Departmental Locations; E 185.615 O6 BOOK 1994
9780786711345 : Memorie. English.; Giorgio.
Memoirs of an Italian terrorist / Giorgio ; translated with an introduction by Antony Shugaar ; forew BJL; HV 6433 I8 G5 BOOK 2003
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