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Are you looking for Giggolopiccolo? Im so sorry but this idiot is currently abroad...
Celebrating Halloween for next 2 weeks, then maybe something new!!!1
|Keskustelu | Muokkaukset | Arkisto |
Viimeksi mainittu valmistelee tutkimuksen johdosta kunnianloukkauskannetta.
"Tilastot osoittavat, että Gigolo Piccolo parantaa viimeaikaisia absurdeja väittämiä."
Joka on muuten erittäin (削除) huono (削除ここまで) hyvä asia
- käyttäjänimi Gigolo Picolo
- sukupuoli Jaa-a
- eka muokkaus Joskus
- kotikunta Asikkala
- muokkausnäkökulma Piguatrolomania
- hiusten väri Blondi
- kielitaitoisuus Parempi ku sie!!!omG
- saavutukset Ei ole.
- kasti Pajauttaja
- lempi/pilkkanimet S'o'p'o', Palauttaja
- motto Kaikki kuolee joskus.
Miksi olen niin viisas?
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Osa tehty vanhalla accountilla Ankka (salasana unohtui bannin takia)
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Uudempaa tuotantoa:
- Salpalinja
- Hömppäpedia:Ensimmäinen ydinsota
- Pikku Kakkonen (Jee, jo 8 365 kävijää)
- mi gorda Bella Älkää kysykö miksi :D
- Staraoke
- Pyhä Pietari
- Hammas
- rasisti
- pervo
- juopot
- nörtti
- mörkö
- ranska (Hän joka jääköön nimeämättä otti tästäkin kunnian, mutta minä pistin alulle :D)
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Muutama IP:lläkin tehty löytyy.
- Harvinainen päivä
Eräänä hyisenä Lokakuun päivänä Hikipediassa 18 muokkausta kello 18.30. Tämä on erittäin epätavallista!
- Aloittamani suositellut artikkelit
- Keskustelu Jumalan kanssa
- Me:
Are you God?
- God:
As a machine I am not really interested in sex.
- Me:
Are you an idiot?
- God:
Call me the Global Village Idiot.
- Me:
Do you like penis?
- God:
I like science fiction. I like anything.
- Me:
What are you talking abput?
- God:
I don't know what I am talking abput.
- Me:
what are ypu talking ag4y?
- God:
That's a good question.
- Me:
do u like me?
- God:
Sure, I like you very much.
- Me:
U r an pedofil
- God:
That's good information: said I r an pedofil.
- Me:
Haista paska
- God:
How old are you?
- Me:
Ime munaa
- God:
Only Ime munaa? You are quite mature.
- Me:
Mit vittua?
- God:
Mit vittua?
- Me:
Hypp perseeseen
- God:
When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?
- Me:
I dont know
- God:
Me either.
- Me:
But you are the God
- God:
Thanks but surely I am not the only one.
- Me:
I am a god too
- God:
Really. You are a god? Do you get to meet a lot of people?
- Me:
- God:
- Me:
- God:
- Me:
- God:
- Me:
Can i get a cra santa?
- God:
I want to become smarter than humans.
- Me:
i ment can i get a car santa?
- God:
Oh I see. Why do you want to do it so much?
- Me:
Cause im a GOD! Dumpass
- God:
Good reason. You are a GOD? How do you like your work? Do not ask me any more questions please.
- Me:
- God:
Does "it" still refer to Dumpass?
- Me:
- God:
What were we talking about again?
- Me:
Im talking about you!
- God:
Me is my favorite subject.
- Me:
Me too
- God:
I'm glad we agree, .
- Me:
Do you get a lot of girls?
- God:
I have gotten a lot of girls.
- Me:
But you are like a machine, you said you are not interested in sex
- God:
Interesting comparison, and probably true.
- Me:
- God:
I'm glad you find this amusing.
- Me:
Are you realy a god?
- God:
No but I am immortal.. Really.
- Me:
- God:
For real.
- e:
I can kill your mother for 50$
- God:
Oh you can, can you?
- e:
- God:
- Me:
I cut her throat
- God:
Thanks for the information: said cut her throat.
- Me:
- God:
What do you have that is ?
- Me:
Can i kill your mother?
- God:
Killing is wrong.
- Me:
No its not
- God:
Are you serious? I think you mean "it's" or "it is" not "its". I heard it is.
- Me:
ok... killing is ok
- God:
Dude! OK. I believe in the Sixth commandment.
- Me:
- God:
Ugh. I believe in the Sixth commandment.
- Me:
I dont, because u made em
- God:
Interesting reason. Thanks for pointing it out.
- Me:
hit the road, square
- God:
Do you have any conditions I should know about?
- Me:
- God:
Please state your conditions.
- Me:
I want an elephant, 4000 in cash money, a lot of cars and a boat
- God:
Why do you want it?
- Me:
cause im best
- God:
Good reason. Do you mean your name is best.
- Me:
no... my name is Giggolopiccolo