
〜Kitakyushu Hibikinada Offshore Wind Farm Project〜
The Kitakyushu Hibikinada Offshore Wind Farm is located in the Hibikinada Sea off the coast of Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu,
within an area of 1-10km from north to south and 11 km from east to west. The wind farm consists of 25 large wind turbines
with the unit capacity of 9,600 kW and its maximum total output is 220,000 kW with operating over 20 years.
The Kitakyushu Hibikinada Offshore Wind Farm will be the largest offshore wind farm in Japan upon its completion in terms
of the generating output power scale.
It is expected to annually generate 500 million kWh of electricity, which is enough to supply power for 170,000 households.
The amount of this electric generations of the farm is equivalent to 40% of the households in Kitakyushu City.
The wind farm construction is scheduled to be completed within FY2025.
Project Overview
Size of wind turbine (image)
Sea level
Sea bed
Rotor diameter 174m
approx. 200m
Diameter of Ferris wheel
(approx. 50m)
Cha-cha town
Ferris wheel
Name of Farm
Project Area / Water Depth
Maximum Total Output
Type of Foundation
Kitakyushu Hibikinada Offshore Wind Farm
Approx.2,700ha / Approx.8〜30m
220,000 kW
9,600k×ばつ25174mApprox.200m above sea-level
Jacket Type (Fixed Bottom)
Unit Capacity ×ばつ No.of WTGs
Rotor Diameter
Height (Tip Top)
Wind Turbine
We are proactively working towards the further development of Kitakyushu City and the "Collaborative
Basic DataWTG Development of the Offshore Wind Farm with the Local Community and Stakeholders".
A consortium, consisting of the current five shareholders of Hibiki Wind Energy Co., Ltd.,
was selected as the developer and operator for the Kitakyushu Hibikinada Offshore Wind
Farm Project by Kitakyushu City through a public tender process in February 2017.
Then, Hibiki Wind Energy Co., Ltd. was formally established in April soon after the
determination and the company has started to conduct the wind resource assessment,
site investigations, the environmental
impact assessments and other studies.
Based on those results, we have
deeply studied the project plan,
including the detailed design and
construction work methods, and have
completed various screening process
and permit procedures, including Wind
Farm Certification, with the construction
work commenced on 13 March 2023.
Development History
WTG Image
*Photo courtesy of Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Groundbreaking Ceremony
Mr. Kazuhisa Takeuchi, Mayor of Kitakyushu City (Left)
Mr. Yutaka Mizumachi, President of Hibiki Wind Energy (Right)
Project Area Map
Port Area of Kitakyushu
Shirasu Lighthouse
Hibiki Wind Energy Office
Shirashima Museum
Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center
O&M Base Port
Pre-assembly Yard
*Google Earth/Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO/image@2023 TerraMetrics
Designated area for offshore wind farm project under the public tender
Project area:approx. 2,700ha
Project will be carried out jointly by Hibiki Wind Energy Co., Ltd. and the construction companies in charge
of each responsible fields.
The construction work will be carried out with Safety as the first priority, leading the project to be
familiarized for the local community.
Construction Scheme
Construction works at site have been started in March 2023, followed by offshore works for WTG Foundations,
Submarine Cables and WTG Installations, in that order, with the operation scheduled to commence in FY2025.
In addition to offshore construction works, WTG Pre-assembly works and Substation construction works will be
carried out onshore.
Construction Schedule
Hibiki Wind Energy Co., Ltd. is a developing and operating company comprising five
shareholding companies: Kyuden Mirai Energy Co., Inc., Electric Power Development
Co., Ltd. (J-Power), Hokutaku Co., Ltd., Saibu Gas Co., Ltd. and Kyudenko Corporation.
We develop, operate and maintain the wind farm towards the "Collaborative
Development of the Offshore Wind Farm with the Local Community and Stakeholders".
About Hibiki Wind Energy
WTG Supply
Installation Works
Vestas Japan
Penta Ocean &
Nippon Steel
Engineering JV
Penta Ocean
& Wakachiku JV
Tokyo Kisen
Foundation Supply
Installation Works
Onshore Electrical
O&M Base Port
O&M (Operation & Maintenance) CTV(Crew Transfer Vessel)
Project Area Map
Port Area of Kitakyushu
Shirasu Lighthouse
Hibiki Wind Energy Office
Shirashima Museum
Kitakyushu Eco-Town Center
O&M Base Port
Pre-assembly Yard
*Google Earth/Data SIO, NOAA, U.S. Navy, NGA, GEBCO/image@2023 TerraMetrics
Designated area for offshore wind farm project under the public tender
Project area:approx. 2,700ha
Shareholders and Composition Ratio
30% (Kyuden Mirai Energy Co.,Inc.),40% (Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.),
10% (Hokutaku Co., Ltd.), 10% (Saibu Gas Co., Ltd.), 10% (Kyudenko Corporation)
2022 2023 2024 2025 (Fiscal Year)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3
WTG Foundation Works
Subsea Cable Laying Works
Pre-assembly Yard Preparation・WTG Pre-assembly Works
WTG Installation
Substation Construction Works
O&M Port Construction
Operation Start(within FY2025)
(注記)The diagram below is a planned schedule as of June 2023, subject to change due to future construction progress and other factors.
Offshore Works Onshore Works
Saibu Gas Kyudenko
Outline of Construction Activities
Foundations are installed with large-type working vessels. Steel piles are installed into the seabed ground
by pile-driving vessel or SEP vessel, and following that the jacket foundations, fabricated at onshore factory,
are transported offshore by a hoist vessel (floating crane vessel) for installation at site.
1. Foundation Installation
Specialized work vessels for cable laying are used to install subsea cables.
2. Subsea Cable Laying
After the completion of pre-assembly of the towers and other main components at the Pre-assembly yard,
the WTG components are transported offshore by SEP vessel and then the towers, nacelles and wind
turbines are installed on each foundation.
3. WTG Installation
3WTG Component Loadout (image) 4WTG Installation (image)
1Pile Installation (image) 2Jacket Installation (image)
Substations and other equipment are installed which are utilized to transmit the electricity generated to the
power grid of the Kyushu Electric Power Transmission and Distribution Co., Inc.
4. Substation Construction (Onshore works)
After the commencement of the operation of the wind farm, inspections and repair works of the offshore
wind farm equipment will be carried out with CTV (Crew Transfer Vessel).
An O&M base port (maintenance base port) will be constructed near the wind farm as a base site for CTVs.
5. O&M Base Port Construction Works
Our Missions for Tomorrow
Offshore wind power is an indispensable renewable energy source due to its great potential for achieving Carbon Neutral by
2050. When completed, this wind farm will become the largest offshore wind farm in Japan, with attracting a great attention
from the public and also making a significant contribution to the Green Energy Port Hibiki project promoted by Kitakyushu City.
Through Hibikinada, we will create a new landscape of offshore wind farm as a new challenge to carbon neutral and also as a
new initiative for regional friendships.
-Site investigation
-Construction, Operation, Maintenance
and Decommissioning
Offshore wind farm
-Temporary storage of components and
turbine assembly
-Pre-shipping inspection
Storage Site for Wind Turbine Components
-Receiving and loading of turbine components
-Loading of turbine foundations
Quay side for wind turbine installation vessels
Image as a general hub port
for offshore wind turbines
-Base for operation and
-Manufacturing of turbine
Back yard
Hibikinada could be a world‐leading wind power industrial town
1‐122‐16, Hibikimachi, Wakamatsu‐ku, Kitakyushu, Japan
Phone / +81‐93‐981‐4362 FAX / +81‐93‐981‐4738
Vessel Image
SEP (Self Elevating Platform) vessels are workable
barges with four legs that land on the seabed in a stable
position. These specialized vessels are indispensable for
offshore wind farm construction.SEP(Jack-up)
The constant flow of persons and commodities for offshore wind business will be created through logistic activities of
wind turbine and its component at the based port facilities developed by the Government and the Kitakyushu City.
Hibiki Wind Energy Initiatives for co-creation and co-prosperity with local communities.
Exhibition at Ecotechno
Hibiki Wind Energy Co., Ltd.
We are working on the wind power business co-creation with local proactive companies to develop the Hibikinada
area toward a hub place for Japan's offshore wind power in the future.
With a view to securing human resources for the offshore wind industry, we also actively cooperate with local
educational institutions and organize seminars for citizens.
Communication activities to local businesses / local industry
くろまるExhibition and PR at Ecotechno, a leading wind industry seminar in Kitakyushu
くろまるLocal businesses consultations (matching with manufacturers, etc.)
くろまるCommunication with fishermen
Public relationship with citizens
くろまるOrganizing offshore wind farm seminars
くろまるBriefing sessions for citizens on offshore wind farm projects
Source of information: "Guidebook for Green Energy Port Hibiki" published by the Kitakyushu City with some modification and addition made by our company

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