Yes To Tour With Replacement Singer
- by Rob Rockitt
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The classic rock band Yes, which was forced to cancel their 40th anniversary tour this year due to the illness of its lead singer, has decided to relaunch the tour with an “understudy” — a Yes tribute band singer.
Benoit David, who sings in several Yes tribute bands in Montreal, will replace Jon Anderson on the “In the Present” tour, which kicks of Nov. 4 in Ontario, Canada, according to bassist Chris Squire. “I think it’s all going to work out fine,” Squire told The Associated Press on Wednesday. “Of course, realistically, there’s an element of risk, but there always is.”
Yes, which consists of Squire, Anderson, guitarist Steve Howe and drummer Alan White, scrapped their anniversary tour in June after Anderson suffered acute respiratory failure and was ordered by doctors to rest six months.
Squire found David on the Internet after a friend sent him a YouTube clip of David’s tribute band, Close To The Edge. Squire liked what he saw and called David to offer an audition.
“The first thing he said to me was, ‘Well, I’m looking around to see where the cameras are in case I’m being punked,'” Squire said. Yes has taken a page from another classic rock group, Journey, who selected Arnel Pineda, a sound-a-like of old lead singer Steve Perry, to be their singer after the group discovered him singing Journey songs on YouTube. Pineda sang on the group’s successful comeback album this year and has also been touring with them.
It’s not the first time Yes has had a singer besides Anderson. Trevor Horn sang on the 1980 Yes album “Drama” when Anderson briefly left the band. Squire hopes to work songs from that album into the set for the upcoming tour, plus a few songs he said were not Anderson’s favorites to perform live but the rest of the band likes.
“You can’t ever really replace Jon Anderson, because he’s been such a force in the music business,” Squire said. “We look upon his replacement as more of an understudy.” Squire said he is hopeful Anderson will be well enough to do shows next year.
Yes’ hits include “I’ve Seen All Good People” and “Owner of a Lonely Heart.”
Yup – I agree with that guy. Fans have supportted your lazy butts for 40 years and this is how you treat us ?? With an “I think it’s all going to work out fine…” SHAME. Say NO to YES with a fake frontman.
I must say, as a retired Pulmonologist son, the first thing I did when I heard the 40th tour was cancelled because Jon had acute respiratory failure was consult with my father, who has more than 40 years experience as a respiratory failure expert. His remarks were quite clear based on the press release that was issued, his comment was he should be fine in 6-8 weeks with proper treatment. Although he did say that he could have more wrong than mentioned. It could be copd, or emphasima, or even quite possibly lung cancer. All of these conditions have similar symptoms at the onset.
I just wish that if any of the above was truly the case, that Jon would make a formal press release to confirm. If he truly only has a temporary condition, I wish the band would wait for his full recovery. If Jon was just ready to hang up his microphone, then why doesn’t he come out and say so, and endorse Benoit David.
Nevertheless, as a long term Yes fan since JFK in Philadelphia in 1976, and speaking honestly for all of the other true blue Yes fans out there, Jon owes us some kind of response. We have all suported all of their carreers and family fortune’ for 40 years.
The up side is that we may be able to hear things like Machine Masiah, and Tempus Fugit in their entirety.
In the end, Jon owes us a response to this news, and his condition, we all love him and with a response or endorsement, we should all be able to support the new project.... Remember one thing if nothing else, " With Truth, Comes Compassion!" If Jon truly has health issues that prevent him from touring, he needs to come clean with the whole truth.
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