1. Installing ChatZilla

2. Getting Started

3. Basic Usage

4. Customizing ChatZilla

5. Documentation and Resources

1. Installing ChatZilla

1.1. How do I install ChatZilla?

ChatZilla is available from the Mozilla Add-ons site as an extension for Mozilla Firefox and is an optional component during installation for SeaMonkey.

If you have downloaded SeaMonkey, you can install ChatZilla by selecting the Full or Custom options when installing. If you didn't do this, you can install the extension normally.

Note: On all platforms, you will need to restart your browser after installing - this includes exiting the Quick Launch feature.
1.2. How do I uninstall ChatZilla?

ChatZilla can be uninstalled as follows:

  1. Mozilla Firefox: Select the menu FirefoxAdd-ons.
    SeaMonkey: Select the menu ToolsAdd-on Manager.
  2. Select Extensions.
  3. Select ChatZilla in the list.
  4. Mozilla Firefox: Either click the button Remove or right-click and select the menu Remove.
    SeaMonkey: Either click the button Uninstall or right-click and select the menu Uninstall.
  5. Confirm the uninstall operation if asked.
  6. Restart to complete.
1.3. How do I make irc: URLs open my default IRC client instead of ChatZilla?

You must disable the ChatZilla extension; do this as follows:

  1. Mozilla Firefox: Select the menu FirefoxAdd-ons.
    SeaMonkey: Select the menu ToolsAdd-on Manager.
  2. Select Extensions.
  3. Select ChatZilla in the list.
  4. Either click the button Disable or right-click and select the menu Disable.
  5. Restart to complete.

2. Getting Started

2.1. How do I start ChatZilla?
  • Mozilla Firefox: Select the menu FirefoxChatZilla.
  • SeaMonkey: Select the menu WindowIRC Chat.
  • Place the ChatZilla toolbar button on the main toolbar.
  • Start Mozilla Firefox or SeaMonkey with the -chat command-line option.
  • Enter an IRC URL into the location bar (e.g. irc:).
2.2. How do I connect to an IRC network or server?

Connect to any IRC server with the command /attach. For example (2nd and 3rd include the password "secret"):

/attach irc.example.org
/attach irc.example.org:6667/?pass=secret
/attach ircs://irc.example.org:6697/?pass=secret

ChatZilla also has a selection of IRC networks, displayed by the command /networks. Simply click the network's name in the list or use the command /attach to connect (e.g. the command /attach moznet will connect to the "moznet" network).

If you prefer not to use the URL-style of the command /attach, you can also use the commands /server and /sslserver:

/server irc.example.org
/server irc.example.org 6667
/server irc.example.org 6667 secret
/sslserver irc.example.org 6697
/sslserver irc.example.org 6697 secret

Tip: Remember to check which port number the server is running on, especially for secure (SSL) connections. The defaults are 6667 and 9999 for normal and secure, respectively.
2.3. What if I get an error connecting?

Don't panic - it all depends on the error. We have covered the most common errors and possible causes in the list below, but if you are getting a different error or you can't solve the problem, you can join us in our IRC channel and we'll do our best to help you. If you can't even connect there, please post to the newsgroup instead.

Unknown host "irc.example.com" connecting to irc://irc.example.com/ (irc.example.com:6667).

  • Check DNS settings. Can you get to other IRC servers or websites? If not, you might need to adjust your DNS settings or your ISP's DNS servers might be experiencing problems.
  • Check the server name. Make sure you are attempting to connect to the correct server. Check with the network's website if you can.

Connection to irc://irc.example.com/ (irc.example.com:6667) timed out.

  • Check anti-virus and firewall settings. Your anti-virus or firewall could be responsible for this error. Check to make sure they are not blocking "IRC" or "TCP port 6667 outgoing".

Connection to irc://irc.example.com/ (irc.example.com:6667) refused.

  • Check the server port. Make sure you are attempting to connect on the correct port (6667 in the example above). Check with the network's website if you can.
  • Check anti-virus and firewall settings. Your anti-virus or firewall could be responsible for this error. Check to make sure they are not blocking "IRC" or "TCP port 6667 outgoing".

Connection to irc://irc.example.com/ (irc.example.com:6667) closed.

  • Check ZoneAlarm Internet Security settings. If you have ZoneAlarm Internet Security installed, make sure the "Block IRC" option in "IMSecurity" > "Settings" > "Advanced" is not selected.
  • Check anti-virus and firewall settings. Your anti-virus or firewall could be responsible for this error. Check to make sure they are not blocking "IRC" or "TCP port 6667 outgoing".

Connection to irc://irc.example.com/ (irc.example.com:6667) reset.

  • Check McAfee Anti-Virus settings. If you have McAfee Anti-Virus installed, make sure the rules for ports 6666 - 6669 in "VirusScan Console" > "Access Protection" are disabled.
  • Check anti-virus and firewall settings. Even if your anti-virus and firewall are not listed above, they could still be responsible for this error. Check to make sure they are not blocking IRC or port 6667.

ERROR Closing Link: irc.example.com (Install IdentD)

  • Check IdentD settings. The server is requiring you to enable the identification service (IdentD).
  • Check gateway/router/NAT settings. If you already have an identification service running, check to make sure computers on the internet can contact it. This usually means allowing inbound connections to TCP port 113 in your firewall, and forwarding the same port in your gateway, router or NAT device.
2.4. How do I connect with a proxy?

ChatZilla automatically uses your browser's SOCKS proxy. You can override this by setting the Proxy Type preference:

  • none: Force direct connection.
  • http: Force HTTP proxy.
  • empty (default): SOCKS proxy if set, otherwise direct connection.
Note: Proxies which require authentication are not supported.
Tip: The Proxy Type preference can be found in both Global Settings and individual networks, on the General tab, in the Connection group.
2.5. How do I connect with a bouncer?

To connect to a bouncer running on "irc.example.com", port 12345, with password "secret", use the command:

/server irc.example.com 12345 secret

Tip: If the bouncer requires a specific username as well as passwords for authentication, use the command /name to set the username to use on the next connection attempt.
Note: If the bouncer uses a secure (SSL) connection, use the command /sslserver instead.
2.6. How do I enable 'ident'?

Some networks or servers will require you to be running an "identification server" (IdentD) to connect to them, even though this service is only useful if you run a multi-user computer (where many people can connect and share a single computer).

  • Windows: You can enable this service in ChatZilla in the Preferences by selecting "Enable Identification Server during connection process" for networks and Global Settings, on the General tab, in the Connection group.
  • Linux, Mac: You must use the system-provided identification server (usually called "identd") as these OSes prevent normal programs from providing their own.
Note: The idententification service runs on TCP port 113 and this will need to be opened in your firewall (incomming) and forwarded by any NAT device as appropriate.
2.7. How do I connect to a server or join a channel that requires a password?

There are examples for connecting to servers with the password "secret" and joining channels with the key (password) "surprise" elsehwere in this FAQ.

The following examples show a range of combinations of providing a server password ("secret"), joining a channel, and providing a channel key ("surprise"):

/attach irc.example.org
/attach irc.example.org/?pass=secret
/attach irc.example.org/channel
/attach irc.example.org/channel?key=surprise
/attach irc.example.org/channel?pass=secret&key=surprise

Tip: The command /attach accepts IRC URLs - without the "irc://" prefix - so all the above examples can be turned into complete URLs by adding "irc://" to the start. For example, irc://irc.example.org/channel?key=surprise.
2.8. How do I join a channel?

If you know the channel name you wish to connect to, use the command /join from the correct network. For example (2nd includes channel key (password) "surprise"):

/join #example
/join #example surprise

You can also browse and join existing channels on a network by connecting and then selecting the menu IRCJoin channel....

Note: If you omit the channel prefix (#, &, + or !) ChatZilla will prepend the network's default prefix, usually #.
Tip: If you wish to connect to a network or server and join a channel there in one go, you can use the command /attach (e.g. the command /attach irc.mozilla.org/chatzilla will connect to "irc.mozilla.org" and join the "#chatzilla" channel.
2.9. How do I list the channels on a network?

To list all the public channels on a network or server, select the menu IRCJoin channel.... The dialog will list all the channels with sorting by name, user count and topic, as well as searching and filtering.

The command /list can also be used to display all the available channels inline in ChatZilla. However, this can take a painfully long time on large networks, and sometimes result in being kicked off for "Excess Flood".

The command /rlist can be used to display the channels like /list, but additionally filter them using a Regular Expression on the topic (e.g. the command /rlist chatzilla will list channels with "chatzilla" in their topic, case-insensitively).

2.10. How do I find the channel I want?

IRC is made up of multiple, disjoint networks, so finding the channel you want can be challenging. As a result, there are entire websites dedicated to finding channels. Here are some popular sites:

Once you've found the channel you want, connect to the network or server it is hosted on, and then join the channel.

Tip: You can connect to a server and join a channel with a single /attach command. For example, /attach irc.mozilla.org/chatzilla will connect to "irc.mozilla.org" and join the "#chatzilla" channel.
2.11. What do the symbols/colored blobs in the userlist mean?

The different symbols and colored blobs to the left of each user in the userlist indicate their respective status within the channel. Available levels, from most to least powerful are:

  • / - Founder - ultimate power. Can do anything to the channel and those within it. Usually represents the user who registered the channel. Only certain networks support founders.
  • / - Admin - a normal operator, but protected from being kicked by anyone except the founder. Only certain networks support admins.
  • / - Operator (op) - the user can grant and revoke operator, half-operator and voice status, change the topic, kick other users and generally control the channel.
  • / - Half-operator (half-op) - the user has the power to moderate the channel, change the topic and kick people, but cannot kick other half-operators nor higher-ranking users, nor can he/she create new operators/half-operators. Only certain networks support half-operators.
  • / - Voice - the user can talk in the channel when it is moderated. Often used to mark people as trusted or helpful without giving them any real power.
  • / - Normal - the user has no special status.
2.12. How can I hide my IP address?

In general, you can't. The way IRC works, your IP address is distributed to every user you communicate with. Depending on where you hang out, and who your enemies are, this may or may not be a problem. In practice, it's not a problem for most users.

However, an increasing number of servers are supporting a user mode "x" which hides your hostname (and thus your IP) from other users (IRC Operators can still see your real host). You can start using this user mode by adding "x" to the "Usermode" box on the General tab in preferences, either in Global Settings, or for individual networks.

Note: Remember that not all servers support this. Ones that don't will simply ignore it, so don't worry about adding it if you're not sure.
2.13. How do I select a character set? Why can't other users read my text?

ChatZilla allows you to select character encodings at multiple levels. The default character encoding used by ChatZilla is UTF-8 and it is recommended that you leave this setting wherever possible. This default avoids a number of unsolvable problems, such as how to know what encoding has been used for particular channel names without prior knowledge.

If text is showing up with a lot of question-marks (?) or completely unexpected characters (for example, Japanese characters in a Danish channel) then it is likely that ChatZilla is not using the same character encoding as the other clients. All the clients must be using the same or very similar character encodings to exchange text successfully.

To view the character encoding being used on the current view (network, channel or user), use the command /charset. The character encoding can be changed using the same command (e.g. the command /charset ISO-8859-15 will switch to the "ISO-8859-15" character encoding).

Tip: Some common character encodings sometimes used by other clients are:
English ISO-8859-15
Hebrew ISO-8859-8-I
Russian Windows-1251

3. Basic Usage

3.1. Does ChatZilla have nickname, channel or command completion?

Yes! In all cases, you type the start of the nickname, channel or command, and hit tab. ChatZilla will expand it as much as possible, based on the matches available. If the text you entered is unique to the start of one item, ChatZilla will complete the entire thing; otherwise, the longest common prefix of all matches will be used. A second tab in quick succession will display the list of matches.

  • Nickname completion will match any user in the current channel, or all users in all open channels on the current network when used in other views.
  • Channel completion will match any open channel on the current network.
  • Command completion will match any standard commands and any additional aliases defined when used at the start of the input box, with the first character being the command character, "/".
Tip: On a channel view, enter just "#" and press tab to get the current channel name immediately.
Tip: On a channel view, press tab when the input box is empty to complete to the name of the last person in that channel to trigger your stalk function - useful for replying to messages addressed to you.
Tip: You can shorten command names as much as you like - so long as they are unique - without having to use tab to expand them.
3.2. How do I use DCC for direct chats and file transfers?

ChatZilla includes basic support for the direct chat and file transfer systems.

  • To start a direct chat (DCC CHAT): Right-click on a user in the userlist or chat area and select User CommandsDirect Chat. This will send the other user an offer, which they must accept to complete the connection.
  • To send a file (DCC FILE): Right-click on a user in the userlist or chat area and select User CommandsSend File.... A file browse dialog will appear, where you must select the file to send to the other user. After this, an offer will be sent to the other user, which they must accept to start transferring the file.
  • To accept or reject an offer: When a user offers you a direct chat or file transfer, a message similar to those below will appear in the chat area. You should click "Accept" or "Decline" as desired to start or ignore the direct chat or file transfer.

    Got DCC Chat offer from "Silver" ( [Accept] [Decline].
    Got DCC File Transfer offer from "Silver" ( of "application.ini" (289B) [Accept] [Decline].

  • To check the status of DCC: At any time, the command /dcc-list will show the current status of all active, pending and recent direct chats and file transfers. For any that are still waiting for an accept/decline decision, the options will be provided again; for any that are active, the option to "Cancel" will be provided.
Tip: All of the DCC action are also available as commands; see /help dcc for a list and instructions.
Note: ChatZilla currently does not support UPnP, DCC resume or DCC reverse. If you are behind a NAT or firewall and want to start direct chats or transfer files, you must configure a port-forward through to ChatZilla and set up the list of ports in ChatZilla's preferences, on the DCC tab in Global Settings.
3.3. Hiding and showing joins, parts, quits and nickname changes? Why are they not showing up?

ChatZilla calls this feature Conference Mode and it will hide all join, part, quit and nickname change messages when it is enabled. By default, this occurs only in channels with more than 150 users.

The Conference Mode limit can be set on the Appearance tab in preferences for Global Settings, an entire network, or for a single channel.

Tip: You can set the limit to 0 to never or 1 to always hide join, part, quit and nickname change messages.
3.4. What is a stalk list?

A stalk list is a list of words and nicknames that you want ChatZilla to consider important. A message containing an important word or from an important nickname is treated differently. For example:

  • The message will appear different, perhaps bold or with a border, in the message area.
  • If the menu ViewCopy Important Messages is checked, the message is copied into the network view.
  • The channel's tab will turn red instead of the usual green.
  • A "beep" or other configured sound will play.
  • The ChatZilla window will flash if it is not the focused window.

Your nickname is always in the stalk list. Other words and nicknames can be added from the Lists tab in preferences, in Global Settings.

3.5. How do I use color, bold or underline in my text?

Before you can input any colors, bold or underline in ChatZilla, you must enable this feature. To do so, select the "Enable sending color codes" option, in Global Settings, on the Global tab, in ChatZilla's Preferences window. You can also use the command /pref outgoing.colorCodes true. This only needs to be done once.

Entering color, bold and underline is as simple as typing the appropriate few characters - which always start with a percent ("%"):

  • %O - resets all colors, bold and underline.
  • %B - toggle bold.
  • %U - toggle underline.
  • %R - swaps foreground and background colors.
  • %Cnumber - sets the foreground color.
  • %Cnumber,number - sets the foreground and background colors.
  • %% - inserts the next character literally, if it is one of O, B, U, R or C.
Tip: Always use two-digit numbers to avoid problems when following a color code with other numbers. For example, to style "42" in red, use %C0442.
Tip: Color Chart
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
3.6. How do I use emoticons/smilies/faces in my text?

Simple - just type them out as you would in an e-mail, and ChatZilla will automatically display an image in its place for any it recognises. Here is what is available:

:-) happy :") blushing :-? questioning
;-) winking :-P tongue out 9_9 rolling eyes
:-D laughing :-| flat, undecided o_O dizzy
:-DD laughing more :-S confused O_O "eek", wide-eyed
X-D laughing hard :-( sad >:-( angry
:-O surprised :~( crying >:-D evil
B-) cool And one more that you'll have to find yourself...

Most of the emoticons work without the nose (-) or with a ^ or v replacing it. Apart from :-) and ;-), the eyes (:) may be replaced with ; or = too.

Tip: To find out what text someone else used to create an emoticon, just hover your mouse over it for a second.
3.7. How do I load ChatZilla in a tab?
Note: We do not support running ChatZilla in a tab.

To try anyway, enter chrome://chatzilla/content/ into the location bar.

Warning: There are some problems with running ChatZilla in a tab and most are things we can do nothing about. Below is a list of what is known to break.
  • Right-clicking the chat area shows the browser's context menu instead of ChatZilla's.
  • Clicking an irc: URL in the chat area will open a separate ChatZilla window. This problem might be fixable, but it could well be harder to fix than the final point.
  • Clicking web links in the chat area will usually replace ChatZilla with the webpage. If you try to open the link in a new tab or window (either from the context menu or using a modifier key), it should leave ChatZilla unaffected.
  • Clicking an irc: URL from a webpage will also open a separate ChatZilla window, instead of loading it in the ChatZilla running in a tab. This is the only problem we believe we can fix.
  • Bug 286651 is attempting to remove the special permission extensions get when loaded in a tab, which would basically be the end of this working at all.
3.8. Why are my tabs sometimes colored red, green or blue?

The different colors indicate different degrees of activity.

  • Black: There is no new activity. A tab will go back to this state when you focus it.
  • Blue: The channel changed in some way. This is usually caused by people joining or leaving, a mode change or a topic change.
  • Green: A message appeared on the tab. The message can be a normal chat message, an action, or a notice. Messages sent just to you will color the tab red instead.
  • Red: Someone used your name or something on your stalk list in a message on that tab, or someone sent a message to you specifically.
3.9. What are some useful keyboard shortcuts?

ChatZilla shares a number of basic keyboard shortcuts with web browsers as well as its own for IRC. Here are some of the useful shortcut keys:

  • Escape - Focus the input box.
  • F6/Shift+F6 - Cycle focus through the input box, chat area and userlist.
  • Page Up/Page Down - Scroll the chat area by about one screen.
  • Up/Down - Scroll through recent inputs.
  • Control+Tab/Control+Page Down - Switch to the next/previous tab.
  • Control+Shift+Tab/Control+Page Up - Switch to the next/previous tab.
  • Control+1...Control+8 - Switch to tab 1 through 8.
  • Control+9 - Switch to the last tab.
  • Control+Plus/Control+Minus - Make the text larger/smaller.
  • Control+J - Join a channel.
  • Control+Shift+X - Switch the text direction between left-to-right and right-to-left.

4. Customizing ChatZilla

4.1. How do I automatically perform commands when connecting?

There is an "auto-perform" preference, which can be set on the Lists tab for each network in ChatZilla's Preferences, listing commands to run when connecting. Any commands, including custom aliases, can be used here - they will all run as if typed into the network's view directly.

Warning: This preference, like all the others, is saved to your hard disk in plain text. If you use auto-perform to identify or authenticate yourself with services or bots, remember this.
Tip: If you're happy with the above warning, you can identify yourself with the popular IRC Service NickServ by adding an auto-perform entry of /msg NickServ IDENTIFY secret (where "secret" is your password).
4.2. How do I change the appearance of the message area?

There are a number of ways to change the appearance of the message area:

  • The menu ViewFont Family and Size lets you change the size of text and which font is used for most messages.
  • The menu ViewColor Scheme lets you switch between some built-in motifs - files which describe how to display the messages.
  • Browse the motifs available on this website. When you've selected one you like, simply drag the name from the list onto ChatZilla.
  • The ChatZilla Preferences let you configure the font family, font size and motif globally, per-network and per-channel, should you wish to vary the appearance between views.
Tip: You can change the font size using the same Control+Plus and Control+Minus shortcuts as web browsers.
4.3. How do I make my own motif to change the appearance of the message area?

ChatZilla motifs are nothing more than Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) which are applied to the HTML used to display the messages. The messages are layed out using a standard HTML table with a variety of attributes, mostly set on the rows and a few on the individual cells. There are a few ways to learn motifs:

  • Use DOM Inspector to look at the HTML structure created by ChatZilla.
  • Read one of the existing motifs and match up the CSS to what you see.
  • Read (and even save and experiment locally with) the motif preview log, onto which motifs are applied for the website's preview.
4.4. How do I create new commands or use aliases?

To create simple groups of commands or pre-fill arguments to existing commands, aliases can be used. Aliases can call any command you can enter in the input box, and will replace certain sequences with values provided by you or ChatZilla; they cannot, however, make decisions or use loops - full scripting will have to be used for that.

In its simplest form, an alias is just a short name for an existing set of commands and arguments. For example, to create the alias /moz which executes the command /attach moznet, you'd add moz = attach moznet to the "Command aliases" list, on the Lists tab, for Global Settings, in ChatZilla's Preferences.

To make an alias execute more than one command, separate them with semi-colons (;). For example, to configure an alias /mychannels to join some channels, add mychannels = join #chatzilla; join #venkman; join #xul; join #js in the preferences.

There are a few replacements parameters you can use in an alias, each of which gets replaced before the commands are executed.

  • $(N) - Gets the Nth argument passed to the alias. The alias requires at least N arguments.
  • $(N+) - Gets the Nth argument passed to the alias and all those following it. The alias requires at least N arguments.
  • $(M-N) - Gets the Mth through to Nth argument (inclusive) passed to the alias. The alias requires at least N arguments.
  • $(all) - Gets all the arguments passed to the alias. The alias does not require any arguments.
  • $(recip) - Gets the name of the target of the alias. This is the name of the view the alias is run on, e.g. channel name.
  • $(nick) - Gets your current nickname.

For example, if you wished to create an alias to reclaim your nickname via the NickServ IRC Service, you could use the following alias. It requires two arguments - the nickname to reclaim and the password for it, e.g. /reclaim TARGET_NICKNAME PASSWORD.

reclaim = msg NickServ GHOST $(1) $(2); nick $(1); msg NickServ IDENTIFY $(2)
4.5. How do I write scripts?

ChatZilla is entirely written in JavaScript, and so are its scripts. Scripts can be loaded at startup, or manually at any time, and reloaded while running. As the scripts have direct access to ChatZilla's code, they can do pretty much anything and everything ChatZilla could do.

Getting started can be tricky, as there is limited information currently available to help, but here's a few pointers:

  • The sample script covers some of the basics.
  • For a list of default menus in ChatZilla, see menus.js.
  • For examples of the default commands, see commands.js.
  • Default preferences are defined in prefs.js.
  • You can search the Internet for "ChatZilla scripts" or "ChatZilla tutorials" to find various other resources contributed by those who could.
Tip: You can always join us in our IRC channel to ask for scripting help. We won't write your scripts for you, but we'll answer specific questions and point you in the right direction when we can.
4.6. How do I install scripts?

Select the menu ChatZillaInstall Plugin..., browse to a local file or paste the URL containing the script (which must be .js, .zip or .jar) and click OK. Information about the installation will be displayed in the chat area.

Warning: All scripts have full access to both ChatZilla and your computer; do not install any script from a source you do not trust.
4.7. How do I uninstall scripts?

Use the command /list-plugins to display a list of all installed scripts and their respective locations. To prevent a script from loading, rename the file indicated by the output of /list-plugins (usually init.js). To completely remove the script from your computer, delete the directory containing the file.

Tip: Many scripts can be disabled, preventing use of their functionality, without uninstalling them. Use the command /disable-plugin to disable a script, specifying the id from the command /list-plugins. The command /enable-plugin can be used to enable a script again.
4.8. How do I add/remove/replace the built-in network list and their servers?

To make changes to the ChatZilla built-in network list, a text file called networks.txt describing the changes must be present in the profile directory. The profile directory is shown when executing the command /pref profilePath:

Preference "profilePath" is "C:\Users\James\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\ChatZilla\Profiles\random.default\chatzilla".

Tip: You don't need to add a new network just to connect to it.

The text file uses a structured format that represents an array of objects, one for each network to be added, removed or replaced. Each block starts with "START" and ends with "END". Here is an example file which replaces the "moznet" network with a single secure server on port 6697 and removes the "dalnet" network.

START <Array>
"name" "moznet"
START <Array> servers
"hostname" "irc.mozilla.org"
"port" 6697
"isSecure" true
"name" "dalnet"
"isDeleted" true

The network names must be in lower-case and must be formed of alphanumeric characters only. Each network may have either a list of servers or"isDeleted" true. The servers must have a "hostname" and "port"; if they are secure (SSL), they also need "isSecure" true. If a network is listed in networks.txt with servers, the list replaces those built-in to ChatZilla.

5. Documentation and Resources

5.1. Is there an IRC channel for ChatZilla?

Of course there is! #chatzilla on irc.mozilla.org.

Tip: If you have a question or problem you wish to get help with, please just ask it - don't wait for someone else to talk! A lot of people idle in #chatzilla and won't say anything until someone asks a question; equally, don't expect an immediate answer, as we're not always at our computers or able to offer help to every problem.
5.2. Is there a newsgroup/forum for ChatZilla?

There is a newsgroup, mozilla.dev.apps.chatzilla. There isn't much traffic there normally, but you are welcome to post questions and ask for information or help there if you don't want to stay in our IRC channel for a bit or the issue isn't that urgent.

5.3. Where is the source code for ChatZilla?

ChatZilla's source code is located in the chatzilla Mercurial repository. To work with the code, a local copy is needed:

hg clone http://hg.mozilla.org/chatzilla

Within the repository, the libraries are mostly in js/lib/ and the front-end is mostly in xul/content/.

5.4. How do I make a localized version of ChatZilla?

See the localization guide for instructions on how to translate ChatZilla into other languages.

5.5. What do I do if I find a bug in ChatZilla?
  1. Search for duplicates. You can scan the entire ChatZilla bug list or search for a particular bug on the list.
  2. If you can't find a duplicate, then please file a bug.
5.6. How do I submit new questions for the FAQ?

This is usually best discussed in our IRC channel, but posting to the newsgroup or filing a bug is good too.

AltStyle によって変換されたページ (->オリジナル) /