(追記) (追記ここまで)
(thing) by Chainstore Fri Sep 10 2004 at 16:22:21


Originally compiled by Ryej Corrections by Paco, Kobe27 and Dave Doty. Miscellany and monthly updates by Chainstore (wilko_3000@yahoo.com)

For a list of Vertigo trade paperback and graphic novel collections, click here

If you have any corrections, additions or suggestions, e-mail me at the above address. Currently I'm only linking to write-ups about the comics rather than their characters, unless the comic itself is mentioned at some point. If you can fill in the gaps or find any that I've missed, please let me know.

**Ann. = Annual

**SE = Special (non-series) issue. If SEs have a different name than the ongoing series, they are listed seperately under that name (eg: Transmetropolitan). If the SEs have no special name, they are listed on the same line as the regular series.

**TB = Trade Paperback/Trade Hardback. TBs are only listed if they are collecting previously non-Vertigo material (V for Vendetta), or are original graphic novels (Barnum!). TBs that collect Vertigo series such as Preacher are not included. TBs that collect "behind the scenes" extras such as character sketches (Human Target: Living in Amerika) and scripts (The Sandman: Dream Country) are not included.

**MD = Manga Digest. These are small, typically black-and-white, novel-sized TPBs designed to pull in curious manga fans (Death: At Death's Door, for example, or the My Faith In Frankie TB).

**NV = Novel. Very occasionally, Vertigo will team up with book companies to publish novels featuring their characters, such as Hellblazer: Warlord.

**(mini) = Denotes a miniseries where an ongoing series of the same name also exists (Human Target).

**(V1)/(V2) etc. = Denotes that the comic is collected in volumes (The Invisibles).

**1-X = The series is ongoing at the time of writing and has no set end date. If a series, or volume of a series, straddles the pre-Vertigo divide, all of its issues are counted as Vertigo (Hellblazer, Sandman Volume 3, Swamp Thing Volume 2). If a series moved from another imprint to Vertigo, all of its issues are counted as Vertigo (Transmetropolitan).

**(@X) = Check numbered miscellany at bottom of the file for further information.

For the record, Vertigo's first month (01/93) heralded:

1-9 100% 1-5 100 Bullets 1-X 2020 Visions 1-12 (@21) 9/11, September 11th 2001 Volume 2 TB (@16)

A Absolute Vertigo Accelerate 1-4 Adventures in the Rifle Brigade 1-3 Adventures in the Rifle Brigade: Operation Bollock 1-3 Air 1-X The Alcoholic TB American Century 1-27 American Freak, A Tale Of The Un-men 1-5 American Splendor (V1) 1-5, (V2) 1-4 American Virgin 1-23 Angel and the Ape 1-4 Angeltown 1-5 Animal Man 1-89, Ann. 1 Arcana Ann. 1 (@12) Army@Love 1-12 Army@Love: The Art Of War 1-6

B Barnum! TB Battleaxes 1-4 Beware The Creeper 1-5 Bigg Time Bite Club 1-6 Bite Club: Vampire Crime Unit 1-5 Black Orchid 1-22, Ann. 1 Blood: A Life 1-4 (@22) Blood and Shadows 1-4 Blood and Water 1-5 Blood: A Tale TB (@22) Bloody Mary TB The Books of Faerie 1-3 The Books of Faerie: Auberon's Tale 1-3 The Books of Faerie: Molly's Story 1-4 The Books of Magic 1-75, Ann. 1-3 (@12) The Books of Magic #1: The Invitation NV (@24) The Books of Magic #2: Bindings NV (@24) The Books of Magic #3: The Children's Crusade NV (@24) The Books of Magic #4: Consequences NV (@24) The Books of Magic #5: Lost Places NV (@24) The Books of Magic #6: Reckonings NV (@24) The Books of Magick: Life During Wartime 1-15 Breathtaker TB

C Cairo TB Can't Get No TB Chiaroscuro: The Private Lives of Leonardo DaVinci 1-10 The Children's Crusade 1-2 Codename: Knockout 0-23 The Compleat Moonshadow TB Congo Bill 1-4 Constantine: The Official Movie Adaptation The Cowboy Wally Show TB Crossing Midnight 1-19 Cruel and Unusual 1-4 (@28) Crusades 1-20 Crusades: Urban Decree

D The Darwin Theory (@15) The Dead Boy Detectives MD Deadenders 1-16 Deadman 1-13 Death: At Death's Door MD Death Gallery Death Talks about Life (@4) Death: The High Cost of Living 1-3 Death: The Time of Your Life 1-3 Death: The Time of Your Life TB (@18) Demo TB (@30) Destiny: A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold 1-3 Dhampire: Stillborn DMZ 1-X Dogmoon Doom Patrol (V2) 1-87, Ann. 1-2 (@9) Doom Patrol: Crawling From the Wreckage TB (@14) Doom Patrol SE: Doom Force (@10) Doom Patrol SE: Doom Patrol/Suicide Squad (@11) The Dreaming 1-60, SE. 1

E Egypt 1-7 El Diablo 1-4 The Endless Gallery Enigma 1-8 Essential Vertigo: Sandman 1-32 Essential Vertigo: Swamp Thing 1-24 The Exterminators 1-30 The Extremist 1-4

F Fables 1-X Fables SE: The Last Castle Fables: 1001 Nights of Snowfall TB Faith 1-5 Faker 1-6 Farewell, Moonshadow Faultlines 1-6 Fight for Tomorrow 1-6 Finals 1-4 The Filth 1-13 Flex Mentallo: Man of Muscle Mystery 1-4 Flinch 1-16 The Fountain TB

G Gangland 1-4 Ghostdancing 1-6 Gifts of the Night 1-4 The Girl Who Would Be Death 1-4 Goddess 1-8 God Save the Queen TB Greatest Hits 1-6 (@34) Grip: The Strange World of Men 1-5

H Happydale: Devils in the Desert 1-2 The Haunted Tank 1-X (@35) Heartland The Heart of the Beast Heartthrobs 1-4 Heavy Liquid 1-5 (@31) Hellblazer 1-X, Ann.1, SE 1 Hellblazer: All His Engines TB Hellblazer: Bad Blood 1-4 Hellblazer/Books of Magic 1-2 Hellblazer: Lady Constantine 1-4 Hellblazer: Papa Midnite 1-5 Hellblazer: Chas - The Knowledge 1-5 Hellblazer #1: Warlord NV (@23) Hellblazer #2: Subterranian NV(@23) A History of Violence TB The Horrorist 1-2 House of Mystery 1-X (@29) House of Secrets 1-25 House of Secrets: Facade 1-2 House on the Borderland TB Human Target 1-21, (mini) 1-4 Human Target: Final Cut TB Hunter: The Age of Magic 1-25

I I, Paparazzi Industrial Gothic 1-5 In the Shadow of Edgar Allen Poe The Invisibles (V1) 1-25 (V2) 1-22 (V3) 12-1 The Invisibles: The Invisible Kingdom TB (@19) It's a Bird... TB

J Jack of Fables 1-X Jonah Hex: Riders of the Worm and Such 1-5 Jonah Hex: Shadows West 1-3 Jonah Hex: Two Gun Mojo 1-5 Jonny Double 1-4 Joysuit 1-6 (@6) Junk Culture 1-2

K Kid Eternity 1-16 King David TB

L The Last One 1-6 The Little Endless Storybook TB The Losers 1-32 Lovecraft TB Loveless 1-24 Lucifer 1-75 Lucifer SE: Nirvana

M Madame Xanadu 1-X Menz Insana Mercy Michael Moorcock's Multiverse TB Midnight, Mass. 1-8 Midnight, Mass: Here There Be Monsters 1-6 Millennium Fever 1-4 The Minx 1-8 Mnemovore 1-6 Mobfire 1-6 Moonshadow 1-12 Mr. Punch TB (AKA The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr. Punch: A Romance) Muktuk Wolfsbreath: Hard Boiled Shaman 1-3 My Faith in Frankie 1-4 The Mystery Play TB Mythos: The Final Tour 1-3

N The Names of Magic 1-5 Neil Gaiman's Midnight Days TB (@17) Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere 1-9 Nevada 1-6 Northlanders 1-X

O Orbiter TB The Originals TB The Other Side 1-5 Otherworld 1-12 Outlaw Nation 1-19 (@27)

P Preacher 1-66 Preacher: Dead or Alive TB Preacher SE: Cassidy: Blood and Whiskey Preacher SE: The Good Ol' Boys Preacher SE: One Man's War Preacher SE: Saint of Killers 1-4 Preacher SE: The Story of You-Know-Who Preacher SE: Tall in the Saddle Pride of Baghdad TB Pride & Joy 1-4 Proposition Player 1-6

Q The Quitter TB Quotable Sandman

R The Remarkable Worlds of Professor Phineas B. Fuddle OGN Rogan Gosh Russian Roulette 1-3 (@3)

S The Sandman (V3) 1-75, SE 1 (@8) The Sandman #1 Special Edition (@25) The Sandman: A Gallery of Dreams The Sandman Companion The Sandman: The Dream Hunters TB The Sandman: The Dream Hunters 1-4 (@33) The Sandman: Dustcovers TB The Sandman: Endless Nights TB The Sandman Midnight Theatre Sandman Mystery Theatre 1-70, Ann. 1 Sandman Mystery Theatre: Sleep of Reason 1-5 The Sandman Presents: Bast 1-3 The Sandman Presents: The Corinthian 1-3 The Sandman Presents: Dead Boy Detectives 1-4 The Sandman Presents: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Dreams but Were Afraid to Ask The Sandman Presents: The Furies TB The Sandman Presents: Love Street 1-3 The Sandman Presents: Lucifer - The Morningstar Option 1-3 The Sandman Presents: Marquee Moon 1-3 (@13) The Sandman Presents: Merv Pumpkinhead, Agent of D.R.E.A.M. The Sandman Presents: Petrefax 1-4 The Sandman Presents: The Thessaliad 1-4 The Sandman Presents: Thessaly, Witch for Hire 1-4 Scalped 1-X Scarab 0-8 Scene of the Crime 1-4 S.C.I. Spy 1-6 Sea Guy 1-3 Sebastian O 1-3 Seekers Into The Mystery 1-15 Sentences: The Life of M.F. Grimm TB Sgt. Rock: Between Hell and a Hard Place TB Shade, The Changing Man (V2) 1-70 (@7) Shadows Fall 1-6 Silverfish TB Skreemer TB Skin Graft: The Adventures Of A Tattooed Man 1-4 Sleepy Hollow Sloth TB Stardust 1-4 Strange Adventures 1-4 Swamp Thing (V2) 1-171, (V3) 1-20, (V4) 1-29, Ann. 1-7 (@1) Swamp Thing: Dark Genesis TB (@2) Swamp Thing SE: Roots

T Tank Girl: Apocalypse! 1-4 Tank Girl Movie Adaptation Tank Girl: The Odyssey 1-4 Tattered Banners 1-4 Tell Me, Dark OGN Terminal City 1-9 Terminal City: Aerial Graffiti 1-5 Testament 1-22 Toxic Gumbo Transmetropolitan 1-60 Transmetropolitan SE: I Hate it Here Transmetropolitan SE: Filth of the City Trenchcoat Brigade 1-4 Trigger 1-8 True Faith TB

U Uncle Sam 1-2 Undercover Genie: The Bottled Up Rantings of Kyle Baker TB Unknown Soldier (V3) 1-4, (V4) 1-X (@36) The Un-Men 1-13 User 1-3

V V2K: Brave Old World 1-4 V2K: The Four Horsemen 1-4 V2K: I Die at Midnight V2K: Pulp Fantastic 1-3 V2K: Totems Vamps 1-6 Vamps: Hollywood & Vein 1-6 Vamps: Pumpkin Time 1-3 Veils TB Vertical Vertigo Encyclopedia Vertigo Gallery: Dreams and Nightmares Vertigo Jam Vertigo Pop!: Bangkok 1-4 Vertigo Pop!: London 1-4 Vertigo Pop!: Tokyo 1-4 Vertigo Preview Vertigo Rave Vertigo Secret Files: Hellblazer Vertigo Secret Files: Swamp Thing Vertigo Tarot (@26) Vertigo Verite: Girl 1-3 Vertigo Verite: Hell Eternal Vertigo Verite: Seven Miles A Second Vertigo Verite: The System 1-3 Vertigo Verite: The Unseen Hand 1-4 Vertigo Visions: The Geek Vertigo Visions: Dr. Occult Vertigo Visions: Dr. Thirteen Vertigo Visions: The Phantom Stranger Vertigo Visions: The Prez Vertigo Visions: Tomahawk Vertigo Voices: Bizarre Boys (@5) Vertigo Voices: The Eaters Vertigo Voices: Face Vertigo Voices: Kill Your Boyfriend (@32) Vertigo Voices: Tainted Vertigo: Winter's Edge 1-3 Vertigo X V for Vendetta TB Vimanarama! 1-3 The Vinyl Underground 1-12

W War Story: Archangel War Story: Condors War Story: D-Day Dodgers War Story: J for Jenny War Story: Johann's Tiger War Story: Nightingale War Story: Reivers War Story: Screaming Eagles We3 1-3 Weird War Tales 1-4, SE 1 Weird Western Tales 1-4 Welcome Back to the House of Mystery Why I Hate Saturn The Winter Men 1-8 (@20) Witchcraft 1-3 Witchcraft: La Terreur 1-3 The Witching 1-10 The Witching Hour 1-3

Y You Are Here Young Liars 1-X Y: The Last Man 1-60

Z Zatanna: Everyday Magic

MISCELLANY: 1- Swamp Thing Volume 1 was pre-Vertigo (and pre-Alan Moore).

2- Swamp Thing: Dark Genesis TB collects issues 1-10 of Volume 1.

3- Russian Roulette 1-3 was solicited and advertised but NEVER RELEASED.

4- Death Talks About Life was a pre-Vertigo AIDS awareness pamphlet written by Neil Gaiman, with inked art by Dave McKean. It was distributed in stores and included in some of the mature readers DC comics in February 1993 (Hellblazer being one of them). It can be found collected in the "Death: The Time of Your Life" TB.

5- Vertigo Voices: Bizarre Boys was solicited, advertised and was featured in the 1994 DC editorial presentation. Nevertheless, it was NEVER RELEASED.

6- Joysuit was solicited and advertised but NEVER RELEASED.

7- Shade, The Changing Man Volume 1 was written by Steve Ditko and was released years before Vertigo.

8- Sandman Volumes 1 and 2 were released long before Vertigo. They weren't about Morpheus though, so you probably don't care.

9- Doom Patrol Volume 1 was released pre-Vertigo. Doom Patrol Volume three by John Arcudi was released in the regular (non-Vertigo) DC line, as was Volume four by John Byrne. Kupperberg's Doom Patrol run (V2) had crossovers with Superman 20 and Invasion 2-3. None of these have been accepted into the list because, frankly, it's too fiddly. And Byrne's version twats up continuity anyway.

10- Doom Force, a special written by Grant Morrison, was released before Doom Patrol crossed over into Vertigo. It was been retroactively accepted into Vertigo canon with the main series.

11- Doom Patrol/Suicide Squad was a Kupperberg-era (V2) crossover special. It was released pre-Vertigo but was carried over into with the rest of the series.

12- Books of Magic Annual 1 is in this list under the heading "Arcana Ann. 1" as it was a crossover with the Children's Crusade and not really part of the BOM series. To make things even more confusing, another annual was later released as "Books of Magic Annual 1". This is included in the Books of Magic list.

13- A sequel of sorts to "Love Street", "The Sandman Presents: Marquee Moon" was a tale of punk lycanthropes in 1970s Britain and featured a young John Constantine and punk legends The Clash (whose real-life counterparts had approved the script). Despite being fully illustrated, inked, coloured and lettered it still sits to this day in some dark drawer in the Vertigo offices. It was written by Peter Hogan. NEVER RELEASED.

14- The 2004 reprint of Doom Patrol: Crawling From the Wreckage differs slighlty from the original in that it features previously unpublished "epilogues" to three of the issues. These single-page codas drawn by Grant Morrison himself would originally have featured the first appearances of several of the Brotherhood of Dada. They were cut from the original individual comics. Since they count as "new material", the revised TPB qualifies for this list. Alright?

15- The Darwin Theory by Joe Casey & Ben Templesmith was described as "The X-Files meets James Bond" and was pre-solicited on certain websites in May 2002, along with The Filth. Sadly, it was NEVER RELEASED.

16- In one of those occasional moments of inter-company co-operation, DC and Marvel collaborated on the 9/11 books, which used DC/Marvel characters, authors and artists to tell stories inspired by the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon that day. Although the second volume was really released as a mainstream DC title (the first being released by Marvel), some of the stories featured Vertigo characters. I, Paparazzi's Kyle Jacobs learns about true heroism when a cop saves his life. Hellblazer's John Constantine hears the story of an insurance company that tried to rip-off the families of 9/11 victims, and the con-artist that changed their mind. Jack Herriman from Scene of the Crime talks to the widow of a fireman who died rescuing civilians from the towers. The Sandman's librarian, Lucien, takes us on a tour of the American Dream. And in Neil Gaiman and Chris Bachalo's "The Wheel," Death and Destruction, The Sandman's siblings, stop a young boy from taking his own life.

17- The Midnight Days TPB collects several pre-published Gaiman stories: Hellblazer #27, Sandman Midnight Theatre (with Matt Wagner), and Swamp Thing annual #5. However, it also contains Gaiman's previously unpublished first audition story for DC, a short story about a 16th century Earth elemental illustrated by classic Swamp Thing artists Steve Bissette and John Totleben, hence its inclusion in the list.

18- The TPB edition of Death: The Time of Your Life features four additional pages not found in the original issues. Between pages 21 and 22 of the final issue, Hazel and Foxglove attend funerals and contemplate their future. Then Foxglove has an epiphanic dream that gives her the strength to go on with her life.

19- Although The Invisible Kingdom collects the 12 pre-published issues of volume 3 of The Invisibles, it does feature revised artwork in issue 2 and corrected dialogue in issue 6. For more information, click here.

20- Advertised in 2003's Vertigo X as a 12-part miniseries, The Winter Men went into hiatus for two years before emerging from the Wildstorm company as an eight-part mini.

21- Vertigo declined to reprint 2020 Visions in TPB format, so its author, Jamie Delano, took it to Speakeasy Comics, who put out a black and white trade in June 2005. It included an introduction by Richard Kadrey and an afterword by Delano.

22- Blood: A Life was reprinted in TPB format as Blood: A Tale following the success of vampire miniseries such as Bite Club and Blood and Water.

23- In February 2006, Vertigo teamed up with Pocket Star Books to publish the first Hellblazer novel, Warlord, written by John Shirley with cover art by Tim Bradstreet. It was followed by the sequel, Subterranian.

24- In May 2003, Eos books began releasing novelisations of the Books of Magic stories, beginning with "The Invitation", a retelling of the original graphic novel series.

25- Released in October 2006, The Sandman #1 Special Edition was a reprint of the first-ever issue of The Sandman, recoloured for the Absolute Sandman vol. 1 hardback and released as a promo tie-in. It also featured special ads for Absolute Sandman vol. 1.

26- Released as a hardbacked book with a complementary deck of cards, Vertigo Tarot is probably the best example of the imprint strip-mining the gothic/wiccan/alt. relgion subcultures in the wake of The Sandman. It features Vertigo characters as representatives of the Major Arcana (eg, John Constantine as The Fool, Shade the Changing Man as The Hanged Man, the Wesley Dodds Sandman as Justice etc).

27- Like 2020 Visions, writer Jamie Delano bought back the rights to Outlaw Nation and printed the entire run as one massive B&W TPB thorugh Desperado Publishing and Image.

28- Writer Jamie Delano bought back the rights to Cruel & Unusual and released it as a B&W TPB through Desperado Publishing and Image, as he had done with 2020 Visions and Outlaw Nation.

29- The first issue of House of Mystery shipped with two covers; for every 10 copies of the standard edition (with cover by Sam Weber), comic shop owners could also order one with the alternate cover by Bernie Wrightson.

30- Demo was originally published in 12 issues by AiT/Planet Lar in 2003. In 2007, writer Brian Wood and artist Becky Cloonan bought back the full rights and it was subsequently published by Vertigo in 2008.

31- The October 2008 re-release of Heavy Liquid was completely recoloured and included bonus sketch material.

32- The October 2008 re-release of Kill Your Boyfriend (made without the Vertigo Voices banner) includes an afterword by Grant Morrison and an origami fortune-teller, designed by Morrison.

33- The Dream Hunters was originally released as a prose story by Neil Gaiman, with illustrations by Yoshitaka Amano. In 2008 it was re-released as a four-issue miniseries, adapted and illustrated by P Craig Russell, to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the first release of The Sandman. Each issue had a cover by Yuko Shimizu and a variant cover by someone else. Issue one's variant was by P Craig Russell, issue two's was by Mike Mignola and issue three's was by Paul Pope.

34- The first issue of Greatest Hits was released with two covers: one by Glenn Fabry and an alternate cover by Ethan Scriver.

35- For the first issue of Haunted Tank, two artists were asked to do covers: guest artist Joe Kubert and series interior artist Henry Flint.

36- The fourth volume of Unknown Soldier began with two covers: one by Igor Kordey and a variant by Richard Corben.

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