Álbuns: Parachutes - A Rush of Blood to the Head - X&Y - Viva la Vida or Death and All His Friends - Mylo Xyloto - Ghost Stories - A Head Full of Dreams - Everyday Life - Music of the Spheres - Moon Music
Canções: Don't Panic - Shiver - Yellow - Trouble - In My Place - God Put a Smile Upon Your Face - The Scientist - Clocks - Fix You - Talk - Speed of Sound - The Hardest Part - Lost! - Viva la Vida - Violet Hill - Strawberry Swing - Life in Technicolor II - Hurts Like Heaven - Paradise - Charlie Brown - Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall - Princess of China - Magic - Ink - True Love - A Sky Full of Stars - A Head Full of Dreams - Hymn for the Weekend - Everglow - Adventure of a Lifetime - Up&Up - Arabesque - Orphans - Higher Power - Let Somebody Go - My Universe - feelslikeimfallinginlove