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############# The Danny Kaye Show ############
############## TV Guide Article ##############
Danny Kaye's special recipe for Szechuan chicken was the only non-Cantonese dish
served. It was so peppery that
if left some guests gasping. "All Szechuan cooking makes Mexican cooking taste
like malted milk," said Kaye.
"In the old days it was very difficult to get salt in Szechuan Province, so they
learned to cook with red peppers."
Danny Kaye's special recipe for Szechuan chicken is minus measurements because
the famous comedian belongs to the
taste-as-you-cook school Steam a chicken (broiler fryer) for about 20 minutes in
(chicken) stock. Drain and dryit
and deep fry it until golden brown. Chop into small pieces with a cleaver or
heavy knife and dip pieces into a sauce
made by heating a few tablespoons of tomato catsup with Chinese rice wine
seasoned with chopped fresh ginger, garlic,
green onion and hot chili peppers and thickened slightly with cornstarch. The
chicken pieces should be lightly coated,
not immersed in sauce. [RF]
############# The Danny Kaye Show ############
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