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Histories -> Shiji -> 列傳 -> 呂不韋列傳 -> 7Character | Composition | Variants | Reading | Meaning | Hanyu | Kangxi | Cihai |
秦 | 禾+5 | 𣜈 | qín ㄑㄧㄣˊ | feudal state of Qin; the Qin dynasty (from which the name 'China' comes) | v4,p2597#05 | p.851#30 | p.990r6c05 |
王 | 玉+0 | wáng ㄨㄤˊ | King, title of supreme ruler of the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties. / Ruler of a vassal state in the warring states period. / Highest title in feudal China. / Meet with the emperor. / Respectful term for one's paternal grandparents. | v2,p1099#10 | p.727#02 | p.888r1c02 | |
wàng ㄨㄤˋ | Rule as king, control all under heaven. / Enfeoff as king. / Flourish, abound. | ||||||
wǎng ㄨㄤˇ | To, go to. | ||||||
立 | 立+0 | 立 | lì ㄌㄧˋ | (9) 君王登位,即位。 Become ruler, enthrone. | v4,p2706#01 | p.870#17 | p.1002r5c01 |
一 | 一+0 | 弌 壹 | yī ㄧ | one; a, an; alone | v1,p0001#01 | p.75#01 | p.1r1c01 |
年 | 干+3 | 秊 𠫺 | nián ㄋㄧㄢˊ | year; new-years; person's age | v1,p0037#06 | p.340#01 | p.483r6c01 |
薨 | 艸+13 | hōng ㄏㄨㄥ | death of prince; swarming | v5,p3302#03 | p.1062#07 | p.1171r3c01 | |
謚 | 言+10 | 諡 谥 | shì yì xì ㄕˋ ㄧˋ ㄒㄧˋ | to confer posthumous titles | v6,p4008#08 | p.1175#23 | p.1253r4c01 |
為 | 火+5 | 爲 为 | wéi ㄨㄟˊ | Create, make. / Build, construct. / Do. / Plant, grow. / Govern. / Research, study. / Serve as. / Change into, become. / As, in the role of. / Count as, be considered as. / Called, named. / Expresses judgement: is. / Make, cause (to). / Have. / Take part in. / Write, author. / Connective: if. / Particle used in the middle of a sentence to move forward the object. / Modal particle used at the end of a sentence to express a rhetorical question. | v3,p2198#11 | p.669#10 | p.844r4c03 |
wèi ㄨㄟˋ | Help, assist. / Preposition: for, on behalf of. / Preposition: by (passive). / Preposition: because of, due to. / Preposition: with, together with. / Connective: because. / Say. / False, fake. | ||||||
孝文王 | 子+4 文+0 玉+0 | 㒚 穩 | xiào wén wáng ㄒㄧㄠˋ ㄨㄣˊ ㄨㄤˊ | Same as 「秦孝文王」 qín xiào wén wáng ㄑㄧㄣˊ ㄒㄧㄠˋ ㄨㄣˊ ㄨㄤˊ: 姓名:å¬ ́柱,在位前250-前250。 King Xiao Wen of Qin (ruled 250 BC-250 BC) | v2,p1011#04 v3,p2169#01 v2,p1099#10 | p.278#11 p.477#01 p.727#02 | p.398r5c03 p.608r4c02 p.888r1c02 |
太子 | 大+1 子+0 | 㜽 𢀈 𢀉 𡐫 𣕓 只 | tài zǐ ㄊㄞˋ ㄗˇ | 諸侯王的正式繼承人。 Crown prince, legitimate successor to a ruler. | v1,p0524#01 v2,p1006#06 | p.248#10 p.277#01 | p.354r5c01 p.395r1c01 |
子楚 | 子+0 木+9 | 㜽 𢀈 𢀉 𡐫 𣕓 只 椘 𣕪 檚 | zǐ chǔ ㄗˇ ㄔㄨˇ | Same as 「秦莊襄王」 qín zhuāng xiāng wáng ㄑㄧㄣˊ ㄓㄨㄤ ㄒㄧㄤ ㄨㄤˊ: 姓名:å¬ ́åæ\š,在位前249-前247。 King Zhuang Xiang of Qin (ruled 249 BC-247 BC) | v2,p1006#06 v2,p1244#09 | p.277#01 p.539#23 | p.395r1c01 p.708r5c03 |
代 | 人+3 | dài ㄉㄞˋ | replace, replacement (of person or generation); era, generation | v1,p0113#05 | p.93#11 | p.86r2c03 | |
是 | 日+5 | 昰 𣆞 | shì ㄕˋ | (4) 指示代詞:此。 Demonstrative pronoun: this. | v2,p1497#05 | p.493#26 | p.639r1c01 |
為 | 火+5 | 爲 为 | wéi ㄨㄟˊ | (12) 表示判斷,相當於現代漢語的「是」。 Expresses judgement: is. | v3,p2198#11 | p.669#10 | p.844r4c03 |
莊襄王 | 艸+7 衣+11 玉+0 | 荘 㽵 𤖄 𤖈 𦻊 𠗎 𤕶 庄 㐮 𡣿 𠆝 𧞜 | zhuāng xiāng wáng ㄓㄨㄤ ㄒㄧㄤ ㄨㄤˊ | Same as 「秦莊襄王」 qín zhuāng xiāng wáng ㄑㄧㄣˊ ㄓㄨㄤ ㄒㄧㄤ ㄨㄤˊ: 姓名:å¬ ́åæ\š,在位前249-前247。 King Zhuang Xiang of Qin (ruled 249 BC-247 BC) | v5,p3226#05 v5,p3109#12 v2,p1099#10 | p.1033#22 p.1123#31 p.727#02 | p.1140r1c01 p.1219r6c01 p.888r1c02 |
所 | 戶+4 | 𢨷 | suǒ ㄙㄨㄛˇ | Place. / Location. / A suitable place or location. / Measure word, used for counting buldings. / Used before a verb, creates a noun-like phrase. / If. Mainly used in oaths and curses. / Used together with 為 to indicate the passive tense. / Indicates an approximate number. / Number, number of times. / Meaning. | v3,p2259#01 | p.415#16 | p.556r1c01 |
母 | 毋+1 | mǔ mú wǔ wú ㄇㄨˇ ㄇㄨˊ ㄨˇ ㄨˊ | mother; female elders; female | v4,p2380#03 | p.588#25 | p.745r1c03 | |
華 | 艸+8 | 崋 䔢 蕐 华 | huá huā huà ㄏㄨㄚˊ ㄏㄨㄚ ㄏㄨㄚˋ | flowery; illustrious; Chinese | v5,p3213#01 | p.1039#14 | p.1144r1c02 |
陽 | 阜+9 | 昜 阦 氜 阳 𨹈 𨼘 𨽐 𣆄 | yáng ㄧㄤˊ | 'male' principle; light; sun | v6,p4144#03 | p.1355#15 | p.1429r3c02 |
后 | 口+3 | 后 後 | hòu ㄏㄡˋ | queen, empress, sovereign; (simp. for 後) behind, rear, after | v1,p0580#01 | p.176#01 | p.255r4c01 |
太 | 大+1 | tài ㄊㄞˋ | very, too, much; big; extreme | v1,p0524#01 | p.248#10 | p.354r5c01 | |
真 | 目+5 | 眞 | zhēn ㄓㄣ | real, actual, true, genuine | v1,p0249#07 | p.805#01 | p.950r2c04 |
夏 | 夊+7 | 𡔰 𠍺 昰 𡕾 | xià jiǎ ㄒㄧㄚˋ ㄐㄧㄚˇ | summer; great, grand, big | v2,p0869#10 | p.245#12 | p.335r1c08 |
姬 | 女+7 | 姫 㚦 | jī ㄐㄧ | beauty; imperial concubine | v2,p1049#15 | p.260#23 | p.386r2c07 |
尊 | 寸+9 | zūn ㄗㄨㄣ | respect, revere, venerate; honor | v1,p0509#06 | p.295#10 | p.435r4c01 | |
以 | 人+3 | 㠯 | yǐ ㄧˇ | Use. / Believe. / Command. / Lead. / Connect, implicate. / Have. / Cause, reason. / Preposition: because. / Preposition: from, in. / Preposition: at [some time]. / Preposition: using. / Preposition: in accordance with. / Preposition: relying upon. / Preposition: in the capacity of. / Preposition: with, together with. / Connective: indicates the following action is the objective of the preceding one. / Connective: used between adverbial clause and verb to express modification. / Connective: and. / Connective: but. / Connective: and so, thus. / Particle: used together with some words expressing direction and time. / Modal particle. / Same as 「已(1)」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Stop, discontinue. / Same as 「已(7.2)」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Adverb: already. / Same as 「已(7.3)」 yǐ ㄧˇ: Adverb: extremely. | v1,p0105#07 | p.94#01 | p.87r6c01 |
元年 | yuán nián ㄩㄢˊ ㄋㄧㄢˊ | 1st year of the reign of King Zhuang Xiang of Qin (秦莊襄王), 249 BC. | |||||
呂不韋 | 口+4 一+3 韋+0 | 呂 吕 不 𠀚 𠙐 𣍄 𡙝 𡚈 韦 | lǚ bù wéi ㄌㄩˇ ㄅㄨˋ ㄨㄟˊ | [人名] [Name of a person] | v1,p0577#12 v1,p0011#06 v7,p4503#01 | p.181#03 p.76#15 p.1393#06 | p.261r4c01 p.30r1c01 p.1469r5c07 |
丞 | 一+5 | chéng ㄔㄥˊ | assist, aid, rescue | v1,p0019#08 | p.78#05 | p.37r1c02 | |
相 | 目+4 | xiāng ㄒㄧㄤ | Mutual. / In succession. / Together. | v4,p2470#13 | p.800#18 | p.945r1c01 | |
xiàng ㄒㄧㄤˋ | Watch. / Appearance. / Fortune-telling by appearance. / Help, assist. / Guide for the blind. / Prime minister, most senior minister. / Ceremonial officer. | ||||||
封 | 寸+6 | 𡉘 𡊽 | fēng ㄈㄥ | letter, envelope; feudal | v1,p0504#14 | p.294#07 | p.432r4c04 |
文 | 文+0 | 㒚 穩 | wén ㄨㄣˊ | Mixture of colours. / Decorative design. / Portray in words or pictures. / Adornment, embellishment. / External appearance. / Characters, words. / Books, works. / Confucian doctrine. / Civilian, non-military. / Drum (musical instrument). / Measure word for money. | v3,p2169#01 | p.477#01 | p.608r4c02 |
wèn ㄨㄣˋ | Adorn, embellish. / Conceal, gloss over. | ||||||
信 | 人+7 | 伩 㐰 䚱 | xìn ㄒㄧㄣˋ | True, words fitting the truth. / As expected. / Really, actually. / Trust, trustworthy. / Reliable, orderly. / Believe, have confidence in. / Clarify, determine. / Clear, clear-cut. / Certificate, (object of) proof. / Sealed letter, written proof. / Envoy, messenger. / Freely, as one wishes. / Stay for two nights in succession. | v1,p0165#01 | p.105#25 | p.109r2c01 |
shēn ㄕㄣ | Straight, linear. / Uphold, promote. | ||||||
侯 | 人+7 | 𥎦 | hóu hòu ㄏㄡˊ ㄏㄡˋ | marquis, lord; target in archery | v1,p0167#01 | p.103#07 | p.104r3c06 |
食 | 食+0 | 饣 𩚁 飠 𩚃 餐 | shí sì yì ㄕˊ ㄙˋ ㄧˋ | eat; meal; food; KangXi radical number 184 | v7,p4440#01 | p.1415#29 | p.1489r2c03 |
河 | 水+5 | hé ㄏㄜˊ | river; stream; yellow river | v3,p1582#03 | p.613#09 | p.774r2c02 | |
南 | 十+7 | 𡴖 𡴟 | nán nā ㄋㄢˊ ㄋㄚ | south; southern part; southward | v1,p0065#02 | p.157#05 | p.217r3c01 |
雒 | 隹+6 | luò ㄌㄨㄛˋ | black horse with white mane | v6,p4099#16 | p.1367#11 | p.1440r3c02 | |
十 | 十+0 | 拾 拾 | shí ㄕˊ | ten, tenth; complete; perfect | v1,p0058#09 | p.155#17 | p.207r5c02 |
萬 | 禸+8 | 万 卍 㸘 𤍚 𢁭 | wàn ㄨㄢˋ | ten thousand; innumerable | v5,p3247#08 | p.1042#33 | p.1149r4c02 |
戶 | 戶+0 | 戸 㦿 𣥘 户 | hù ㄏㄨˋ | door; family, household | v3,p2257#01 | p.414#32 | p.555r1c02 |
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