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9783598225949 : Library Use Only
World directory of moving image and sound archives / edited by Wolfgang Klaue. Film and Television Library; PN1993.4 .W68 1993 BOOKS 1993
9783598234002 : Available
Cataloging of the hand press : a comparative and analytical study of cataloging rules and formats emp Social Science Library; Z695.3 .S69 1994 BOOKS 1994
Corporate Memory : Records and Information Management in the Knowledge Age Electronic Book EBOOKS
9783608935608 : Available
Wien Metropolis : Roman / Peter Rosei. Humanities Library; PT2678.O74 W54 2005 BOOKS 2005
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Die Revolution 1848/49 in Brandenburg : Eine Quellensammlung Electronic Book EBOOKS 1998
Befehle der Sowjetischen Militaeradministration des Landes Brandenburg 1945-1949 Electronic Book EBOOKS 1997
Die Enteignung von «Nazi- und Kriegsverbrechern» im Land Brandenburg : Eine verwaltungsge Electronic Book EBOOKS 1999
9783631332597 : Available
The missionary factor in Ethiopia : papers from a Symposium on the Impact of European Missions on Eth Humanities Library; BV3560 .S95 1998 BOOKS 1998
Die Bezeichnung «experience» im Werk John Deweys : Eine Untersuchung zur historischen Sem Electronic Book EBOOKS 1999
Zwischen Koenigtum und Volkssouveraenitaet : Die Revolution von 1848/49 in Brandenburg Electronic Book EBOOKS 1999
9783631349021 : Available
Jean-Jacques Rousseau on adult education and revolution : paradigma of radical, pedagogical thought / Education Library; LC5219 .D35 1999 BOOKS 1999
Im Dienste von Verwaltung, Archivwissenschaft und brandenburgischer Landesgeschichte : 50 Jahre Brand Electronic Book EBOOKS 2000
Neumaerkische Staende (Rep. 23 B) : Bearbeitet von Margot Beck und eingeleitet von Wolfgang Neugebaue Electronic Book EBOOKS 2001
Education, knowledge, and economic growth : France and Germany in the 19th and 20th centuries / Claud Business Library; HB74.9.F8 D53 2003 BOOKS 2003
9783631383728 : Available
Innovation and continuity in English studies : a critical jubilee / Herbert Grabes, ed. Humanities Library; PE65 .I56 2001 BOOKS 2001
Innovation and continuity in English studies : a critical jubilee / Herbert Grabes, ed. Humanities Library; PE65 .I56 2001 BOOKS 2001
Das Geld des Koenigs : Zu den finanziellen Beziehungen zwischen Krone und Adel in England 1154-1216 Electronic Book EBOOKS 2002
9783631391747pbk : Available
Optimal growth with many sectors / Franz Gehrels. Business Library; HD75.5 .G44 2002 BOOKS 2002
Inventar der Offenen Befehle der Sowjetischen Militaeradministration des Landes Brandenburg : Nach de Electronic Book EBOOKS 2002
9783631396841 : Available
Competition, environment, and trade in the globalized economy / Gustav Dieckheuer, Boguslaw Fiedor (e Business Library; HF1418.5 .C657 2002 BOOKS 2002
9783631398869 : Available
Sequencing of institution building in the transition process of Central and Eastern Europe's financia Business Library; HG186.E82 B83 2002 BOOKS 2002
9783631500866 : Available
Discourse formation in comparative education / edited by Jürgen Schriewer. Education Library; LB43 .D57 2003 BOOKS 2003
9783631505274 : Available
Communication in organizations : structures and practices / Andreas P. Müller, Alfred Kieser (e Business Library; HD30.3 .C6417 2003 BOOKS 2003
9783631506950 : Available
Communicating corporate ethics on the World Wide Web : a discourse analysis of selected company web s Business Library; HF5387 .P65 2003 BOOKS 2003
9783631507476 : Available
Nuclear policies in Central Europe : environmental policy and enlargement of the European Union : Aus Business Library; HD9698.A92 G48 2003 BOOKS 2003
9783631508473 : Available
Trade and technology as competing explanations for rising inequality : an endogenous growth perspecti Business Library; HC79.I5 G7445 2003 BOOKS 2003
Urkunden der Stadt Beeskow in Regesten (1272-1649) Electronic Book EBOOKS 2003
9783631515587 : Available
Der dis/kontinuierliche Status des Seins : über vom Nationalsozialismus aus Österreich ve Humanities Library; DB91.2 .I55 2004 BOOKS 2004
9783631519738 : Available
Sustainability creates new prosperity : basis for a new world order, new economics, and environmental Business Library; HC79.E5 S86635 2004 BOOKS 2004
9783631526040 : Available
Communicating ideologies : multidisciplinary perspectives on language, discourse, and social practice Humanities Library; P302 .I53 2002 BOOKS 2004
Robert Lowell : uncomfortable epigone of the grands maîtres / Grzegorz Kość. Humanities Library; PS3523.O89 Z698 2005 BOOKS 2005
9783631537725 : Available
Fielding's Tom Jones and the European novel since antiquity : Fielding's Tom Jones as a final joinder Humanities Library; PN3451 .G68 2005 BOOKS 2005
9783631538029 : Available
The international classroom : challenging the notion / Vittorina Cecchetto, Magda Stroińska (ed Education Library; LC1090 .I55164 2006 BOOKS 2006
Regesten der Urkunden «Kurmaerkische Staende» (Rep. 23 A) des Brandenburgischen Landeshau Electronic Book EBOOKS 2006
Die Vogtei Salzwedel : Land und Leute vom Landesausbau bis zur Zeit der Wirren Electronic Book EBOOKS 2006
9783631549414 : Available
L'Europa che comincia e finisce : la Sicilia : approcci transculturali alla letteratura siciliana / a Humanities Library; PQ5902.S52 E97 2006 BOOKS 2006
9783631555095 : Available
The wider scope of English : papers in English language and literature from the Bamberg Conference of Humanities Library; PE23 .I57 2006 BOOKS 2006
Urkunden der Stadt Pritzwalk in Regesten (1256-1703) : Bearbeitet von Friedrich Beck Electronic Book EBOOKS 2007
Aufgaben und Struktur der Bezirkstage und Raete der Bezirke in der DDR 1952-1990/91 am Beispiel des B Electronic Book EBOOKS 2007
9783631577349pbk : Available
Ira Aldridge, 1807-1867 : the great Shakespearean tragedian on the bicentennial anniversary of his bi Humanities Library; PN2287.A457 I73 2009 BOOKS 2009
9783631579893 : Available
Intercultural philosophy : new aspects and methods / Fritz G. Wallner, Florian Schmidsberger, Franz M Humanities Library; B59 .I58 2010 BOOKS 2010
Brandenburgische Kirchenbuchduplikate 1794-1874 : Ein Verzeichnis der Ueberlieferung im Brandenburgis Electronic Book EBOOKS 2008
9783631581520 : Available
Boris Pasternak, Kurt Wolff : im Meer der Hingabe : Briefwechsel 1958-1960 / herausgegeben von Evgeni Paolo Mancosu Collection; PG3476.P27 Z483 2010 BOOKS 2010
Understanding Body Movement : A Guide to Empirical Research on Nonverbal Behaviour - With an Introduc Electronic Book EBOOKS
9783631600283 : Available
Indirect and direct aggression / Karin Österman, editor. Social Science Library; BF575.A3 I53 2010 BOOKS 2010
Der Holocaust in der polnischen Erinnerungskultur Electronic Book EBOOKS 2012
9783631610466 : Available
The competent public speaker / Sherwyn P. Morreale. Humanities Library; PN4121 .M647 2010 BOOKS 2010
9783631614891 : Available
Imperfect worlds and dystopian narratives in contemporary cinema / edited by Arthur Blaim and Ludmi Film and Television Library; PN1995.9.D97 I474 2011 BOOKS 2011
9783631615744 : Available
From habits to social structures : pragmatism and contemporary social theory / Antti Gronow. Humanities Library; B832 .G76 2011 BOOKS 2011
9783631618899 : Available
Hegel was right : the myth of the empirical sciences / José Porfirio Miranda de la Parra ; tran Humanities Library; B2948 .M52813 2011 BOOKS 2011
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