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4022589434 : Sazae-san to norimono / Hasegawa Machiko.
Sazae-san to norimono / Hasegawa Machiko. J JPN FIC HASEGAWA ; Asian Library Children's:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2015
4022589442 : Wakame-chan to risu / Hasegawa Machiko
Wakame-chan to risu / Hasegawa Machiko J JPN FIC HASEGAWA ; Asian Library Children's:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2015
4022589450 : Tara-chan to oyatsu / Hasegawa Machiko.
Tara-chan to oyatsu / Hasegawa Machiko. J JPN FIC HASEGAWA ; Asian Library Children's:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2015
4022590009 : Makete tamaruka : Aoiro hakko daiodo kaihatsusha no ibun / Nakamura Shūji.
Makete tamaruka : Aoiro hakko daiodo kaihatsusha no ibun / Nakamura Shūji. JPN BIO NAKAMURA ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2014
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4022645369paperback : Mōichido aitai / Morishige Hisaya.
Mōichido aitai / Morishige Hisaya. JPN 895.645 MORISHIGE ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2000
4022645377paperback : Hinkaku to iroke to aishū to / Morishige Hisaya.
Hinkaku to iroke to aishū to / Morishige Hisaya. JPN 895.645 MORISHIGE ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2001
4022646284paperback : Kumo no tōjūrō : otasukeyado hikaechō / Toba Ryō.
Kumo no tōjūrō : otasukeyado hikaechō / Toba Ryō. JPN FIC TOBA ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2011
4022647140 : Gozen gogo / Anno Mitsumasa.
Gozen gogo / Anno Mitsumasa. JPN 910.4 ANNO ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2013
4022648597 : Umebā gyōjōki / Ueza Mari.
Umebā gyōjōki / Ueza Mari. JPN FIC UEZA ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2017
4022648732 : Monogatari no owari / Minato Kanae.
Monogatari no owari / Minato Kanae. JPN FIC MINATO ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2014
4022650591 : Gōman to zenryō / Tsujimura Mizuki
Gōman to zenryō / Tsujimura Mizuki JPN FIC TSUJIMURA ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2023
4022650923 : Sutā / Asai Ryō.
Sutā / Asai Ryō. JPN FIC ASAI ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2023
40226smithsonianfolkwaysrecordings : Roll Columbia [sound recording]. : Woody Guthrie's 26 Northwest songs.
Roll Columbia [sound recording]. : Woody Guthrie's 26 Northwest songs. CD FOLK GUTHRIE ; Main Library:CHECK SHELF, Rockridge Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2017
4022732385 : Ichinichi isshō / Sakai Yūsai.
Ichinichi isshō / Sakai Yūsai. JPN 294.344 SAKAI ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2008
4022gschirmer : Lullaby = Schlummerlied / Ed.Lassen ; English version by James D. Trenor.
Lullaby = Schlummerlied / Ed.Lassen ; English version by James D. Trenor. BOX SONGS LA-LE ; Main Library Storage Ask at Desk:In-library Use Only PRINTED MUSIC 1883
4022portablemusiccompany : Sunny / words and music by Bobby Hebb.
Sunny / words and music by Bobby Hebb. BOX POP SONGS 1965 ; Main Library Storage Ask at Desk:In-library Use Only PRINTED MUSIC c1966
40230smithsonianfolkwaysrecordings : Smithsonian anthology of hip-hop and rap [sound recording].
Smithsonian anthology of hip-hop and rap [sound recording]. CD RAP SMITHSONI ; Main Library:DUE 04-03-25, Rockridge Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2020
4023203568delrecords : Recuerden mi estilo [sound recording] / Los Plebes del Rancho de Ariel Camacho.
Recuerden mi estilo [sound recording] / Los Plebes del Rancho de Ariel Camacho. CD LATIN PLEBES ; Chavez Library:CHECK SHELF, M. L. King Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2016
4023313289paperback : Pekorosu no haha no tamatebako / Okano Yūichi.
Pekorosu no haha no tamatebako / Okano Yūichi. JPN 362.196 OKANO ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2014
4023332208 : Setsuyaku chochiku toshi no mae ni imasara kikenai okane no chokihon : Bijuaruban./ Sakamoto Ayako.
Setsuyaku chochiku toshi no mae ni imasara kikenai okane no chokihon : Bijuaruban./ Sakamoto Ayako. JPN 332.024 SAKAMOTO ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS 2018
40234waltdisneyhomeentertainment : The little mermaid [videorecording] / Nina Saxon Film Design ; Silver Screen Partners IV ; Walt Disney Pictures ; writers, Roger Allers, Ron Clements, John Musker ; directors, Ron Clements, John Musker.
The little mermaid [videorecording] / Nina Saxon Film Design ; Silver Screen Partners IV ; Walt Disne J DVD F LITTLE DVD/VCD 2006
4023esmxcolumbiapicturespublications : Emergency / words and music by George Brown, James Taylor and Kool & the Gang.
Emergency / words and music by George Brown, James Taylor and Kool & the Gang. BOX POP SONGS 1984 ; Main Library Storage Ask at Desk:In-library Use Only PRINTED MUSIC c1984
40240 : Nominations of Judy Shelton and Christopher Waller : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, second session, on nominations of: Judy Shelton, of California, to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Christopher Waller, of Minnesota, to be a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, February 13, 2020.
Nominations of Judy Shelton and Christopher Waller : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing GOV DOCUMENTS 2020
40240sonypictureshomeentertainment : Hatfields & McCoys [videorecording] / History & Thinkfactory Media present ; a Leslie Greif production ; producers, Kevin Costner, Darrell Fetty, & Herb Nanas ; screenplay by Ted Mann (Nights 1-3) and Ronald Parker (Nights 2-3) ; directed by Kevin Reynolds.
Hatfields & McCoys [videorecording] / History & Thinkfactory Media present ; a Leslie Greif productio DVD F HATFIELDS ; Asian Library:CHECK SHELF, Main Library:MENDING DVD/VCD c2012
40243sonypictureshomeentertainment : Tonight you're mine [videorecording] / Sigma Films, Head Gear Films ; director, David Mackenzie ; screenplay writer, Thomas Leveritt.
Tonight you're mine [videorecording] / Sigma Films, Head Gear Films ; director, David Mackenzie ; scr DVD F TONIGHT DVD/VCD 2012
40253 : Attacks on U.S. diplomats in Cuba : response and oversight : hearing before the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women's Issues of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, second session, January 9, 2018.
Attacks on U.S. diplomats in Cuba : response and oversight : hearing before the Subcommittee on Weste GOV DOCUMENTS 2020
4025463021269 : The piano of the opera [sound recording] / Myron Romanul.
The piano of the opera [sound recording] / Myron Romanul. CD PIANO ROMANUL ; Main Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2012
4025onyxclassics : Violin concerto [sound recording] : Serenade for strings, op. 20 / Edward Elgar.
Violin concerto [sound recording] : Serenade for strings, op. 20 / Edward Elgar. CD CONCERTOS ELGAR ; Main Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD p2007
40261 : Reexamining the economic costs of debt : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, first session, hearing held in Washington, D.C., November 20, 2019.
Reexamining the economic costs of debt : hearing before the Committee on the Budget, House of Represe GOV DOCUMENTS 2020
40275 : Status of the B61-12 life extension and W88 alteration 370 programs : hearing before the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, first session : hearing held September 25, 2019.
Status of the B61-12 life extension and W88 alteration 370 programs : hearing before the Subcommittee GOV DOCUMENTS 2020
40276 : Emerging external influences in the Western Hemisphere : hearing before the Subcommittee on Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women's Issues of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, May 10, 2017.
Emerging external influences in the Western Hemisphere : hearing before the Subcommittee on Western H GOV DOCUMENTS 2020
40283 : Safeguarding American agriculture from wild, invasive, and non-native species : hearing before the Subcommittee on Livestock and Foreign Agriculture of the Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, first session, November 14, 2019.
Safeguarding American agriculture from wild, invasive, and non-native species : hearing before the Su GOV DOCUMENTS 2020
40284 : Member day : hearing before the Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, first session, December 11, 2019.
Member day : hearing before the Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, One Hundred Sixte GOV DOCUMENTS 2020
4028warnerhomevideo : Looking for comedy in the Muslim world [videorecording] / Warner Independent Pictures presents a Shangri-La Entertainment production ; produced by Herb Nanas ; written and directed by Albert Brooks.
Looking for comedy in the Muslim world [videorecording] / Warner Independent Pictures presents a Shan DVD F LOOKING ; Main Library:CHECK SHELF DVD/VCD 2006
40290 : Venezuela: options for U.S. policy : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, March 2, 2017.
Venezuela: options for U.S. policy : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States GOV DOCUMENTS 2020
40291 : Resolving the conflict in Yemen : U.S. interests, risks, and policy : hearing before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, March 9, 2017.
Resolving the conflict in Yemen : U.S. interests, risks, and policy : hearing before the Committee on GOV DOCUMENTS 2020
40294topicsentertainment : James Earl Jones reads the Bible [sound recording] : [includes the entire New Testament, King James version].
James Earl Jones reads the Bible [sound recording] : [includes the entire New Testament, King James v CD 225 BIBLE ; Golden Gate Library:ON HOLDSHELF, Main Library:CHECK SHELF BOOKS ON CD p2006
4029759118480 : Infinite [sound recording] / Deep Purple.
Infinite [sound recording] / Deep Purple. CD ROCK DEEP ; Montclair Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2017
4029759126195 : Deeper [sound recording] / Lisa Stansfield.
Deeper [sound recording] / Lisa Stansfield. CD POP STANSFIEL ; Main Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2018
4029759140382 : The new adventures of... P. P. Arnold [sound recording] / P. P. Arnold.
The new adventures of... P. P. Arnold [sound recording] / P. P. Arnold. CD RB ARNOLD ; Main Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2019
4029759158882 : The best of the MPS years [sound recording] / Oscar Peterson.
The best of the MPS years [sound recording] / Oscar Peterson. CD JAZZ PETERSON ; Rockridge Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2022
4029759197126 : Twentyfour [sound recording] / Al Di Meola.
Twentyfour [sound recording] / Al Di Meola. CD JAZZ DI MEOLA ; Main Library:DUE 03-25-25 MUSIC CD 2024
4029jfischer : In the hall of the mountain king : [from Peer Gynt, suite no. 1] / Edvard Grieg ; arranged by Alfred J. Silver ; [text after Henrik Ibsen's Peer Gynt by Frederick H. Martens.].
In the hall of the mountain king : [from Peer Gynt, suite no. 1] / Edvard Grieg ; arranged by Alfred SCO 784.883 CHORAL GRIEG ih ; Main Library:CHECK SHELF PRINTED MUSIC 1916
4030433600726 : Chatma [sound recording] / Tamikrest.
Chatma [sound recording] / Tamikrest. CD WORLD TAMIKREST ; Main Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2013
4030433603123 : Abbar el hamada [sound recording] / Aziza Brahim.
Abbar el hamada [sound recording] / Aziza Brahim. CD WORLD BRAHIM ; Main Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2016
4030433603420 : Mezcla [sound recording].
Mezcla [sound recording]. CD LATIN M.A.K.U. ; West Oakland Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2016
4030433604328 : Kidal [sound recording] / Tamikrest.
Kidal [sound recording] / Tamikrest. CD WORLD TAMIKREST ; Main Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2017
4030433604526 : Ṭarg [sound recording] / Bargou 08
Ṭarg [sound recording] / Bargou 08 CD WORLD BARGOU ; Main Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2017
4030433605325 : At least wave your handkerchief at me [sound recording] : the joys and sorrows of Southern Albanian song / Saz'iso.
At least wave your handkerchief at me [sound recording] : the joys and sorrows of Southern Albanian s CD WORLD SAZ'ISO ; Rockridge Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2017
4030433606223 : Istikrarli hayal hakikattir [sound recording] / Gaye Su Akyol.
Istikrarli hayal hakikattir [sound recording] / Gaye Su Akyol. CD WORLD AKYOL ; 81st Avenue Library:CHECK SHELF MUSIC CD 2018
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