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Distributed September 18, 2003
Contact Mary Jo Curtis
Prime Minister José Maria Neves of the Republic of Cape Verde will give a Stephen A. Ogden Jr. Memorial Lecture on International Affairs on Thursday, Oct. 2, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. in the Salomon Center for Teaching, located on The College Green. Neves will speak on New Horizons for African Leadership in a Globalizing World. The lecture is free and open to the public.
PROVIDENCE, R.I. – José Maria Neves, prime minister of the Republic of Cape Verde, will give a Stephen A. Ogden Jr. Memorial Lecture on International Affairs, titled New Horizons for African Leadership in a Globalizing World, on Thursday, Oct. 2, 2003, at 6:30 p.m. in the Salomon Center for Teaching, located on The College Green.
NevesAfrican Leadership in a Globalizing World
José Maria Neves, prime minister of the Republic of Cape Verde, will deliver an Ogden Memorial Lecture Thursday, Oct. 2 at 6:30 p.m.
The lecture is free and open to the public.
Born on the island of Santiago in 1960, José Maria Neves became interested in the politics and government of Cape Verde as a teen-ager, when he was the leader of a nationalist youth organization during the country’s transition from Portuguese rule to independence and democracy in 1975. After studying public administration in Brazil, he returned to Cape Verde and held positions as director of the National Public Administration Training Center and coordinator of the Administration Reform and Modernization Projects. He was elected mayor of the District of Santa Catarina (on the island of Santiago) in March 2000, after serving from 1996 to 2000 as the district’s representative to the Cape Verdean parliament. During this time, as a member of the opposition party – Partido Africano da Independhência de Cabo Verde (PAICV) – he became second vice president of the Parliament.
Neves was elected president of PAICV in June 2000 and led the party to victory in the legislative elections of January 2001; he became prime minister of the Republic of Cape Verde on February 1, 2001. As prime minister, Neves has pledged to increase jobs, fight poverty and restore dignity to his West African archipelago nation. The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have commended his government for its progress toward alleviating Cape Verde’s impoverished financial status.
The Ogden Lectures were established in memory of Stephen A. Ogden Jr., a member of the Brown Class of 1960, who died in 1963 from injuries he suffered in a car accident. His family established the lecture series in 1965 as a tribute to his interest in international relations. Previous Ogden lecturers have included former President of Brazil Fernando Henrique Cardoso, Queen Noor of Jordan, former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell, media mogul Ted Turner and former Sen. John Glenn, among others.
For more information on this event, call (401) 863-2474.
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