If you think "Modern" and "C" don't belong in the same sentence, think again. The C standards committee actively reviews and extends the language, with updated published C standards as recently as 2018. In Modern C, author Jens Gustedt teaches you the skills and features you need to write relevant programs in this tried-and-true language, including Linux and Windows, device dri...
If you think "Modern" and "C" don't belong in the same sentence, think again. The C standards committee actively reviews and extends the language, with updated published C standards as recently as 2018. In Modern C, author Jens Gustedt teaches you the skills and features you need to write relevant programs in this tried-and-true language, including Linux and Windows, device drivers, web servers and browsers, smartphones, and much more!
Modern C teaches you to take your C programming skills to new heights, whether you're just starting out with C or have more extensive experience. Organized by level, this comprehensive guide lets you jump in where it suits you best while still reaping the maximum benefits.
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Jens Gustedt has been a senior scientist at the French National Institute for Computer Science and Control (INRIA) since 1998, working in areas including algorithms, scientific experimentation, models for coarse-grained parallelism, and distributed locking. Currently, he's conducting the Modular C project, which has given rise to libraries such as arbogast and EiLck.
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Takeaway Don't use NULL.
NULL hides more than it clarifies. Either use 0 or,if you really want to emphasize that
the value is a pointer, use the magic token sequence (void*)0 directly.
0 有用 1thinc0 2020年04月20日 22:18:40
2 有用 et 2022年05月19日 10:54:02
C 的书只推荐 2 本。先看 K&R 那本,然后看这本就可以了
0 有用 盐午 2024年03月14日 10:34:55 美国
查缺补漏;C99 之后的新特性
1 有用 heisen 2019年12月31日 18:24:35
这本书讲的就是C99的一些可以用在C上的新规范,属于类似coding style规范的书,穿插的讲解了部分原理和tricks,假如专门需要写C可以好好看一看,假如是为了好好了解C的内存模型之类的东西的话,就看看第二部分就好了。
1 有用 林二熱 2020年10月21日 17:09:06
美亚上有人评价说,这其实是一本数学书。也的确如此。第一章通过一个简单且不是 hello world 的例子,把 C 的最核心语法元素全部覆盖到了。第二章开始难度陡升,直接用 c 写了个 Heron 求倒数的算法,而且我认为 0.5 那个系数写错了,1/34,估计一下也是 34 * 0.05 嘛,不然你 2 - 34 * 0.5 岂不是负数了?我就没搞懂,然后翻了一下后面,大部分都是聚焦数学...我想看... 美亚上有人评价说,这其实是一本数学书。也的确如此。第一章通过一个简单且不是 hello world 的例子,把 C 的最核心语法元素全部覆盖到了。第二章开始难度陡升,直接用 c 写了个 Heron 求倒数的算法,而且我认为 0.5 那个系数写错了,1/34,估计一下也是 34 * 0.05 嘛,不然你 2 - 34 * 0.5 岂不是负数了?我就没搞懂,然后翻了一下后面,大部分都是聚焦数学...我想看操作系统啊!只能以后再来翻看了。 ()