Religious Communities in Anglicanism

Project Canterbury

Religious Communities in Anglicanism


Community of Saint Mary

Order of the Holy Cross

Sisterhood of the Good Shepherd

Sisterhood of Saint John the Divine

Society of Saint John the Evangelist

The Nashotah Liturgy. Office of Devotion of the United Brethren of the religious house established at Nashotah W.T.
Nashotah, Wisconsin: no publisher, no date, c. 1845.

Sisters of Mercy in the Church of England.
London: Joseph Masters, 1850.

A Letter to Miss Sellon, Superior of the Society of Sisters of Mercy, at Plymouth.
By Henry Phillpotts.
London: John Murray, 1852.

Two Letters on Protestant Sisterhoods
By William Augustus Muhlenberg
New York: Hobart Press, 1852.

On Sisterhoods
By the Rev. F. D. Maurice
From Victoria Magazine, August, 1863.

Women Labouring in the Lord: A Sermon Preached at Wantage, on St. Mary Magdalen's Day, July 22, 1863.
By John Keble
Oxford and London: John Henry and James Parker, 1863.

Practical Thoughts on Sisterhooods. In Reply to a Letter of Inquiry.
With Extracts from the Principles of Association and Rules of the Sisterhood of the Holy Communion, Now at St. Luke's Hospital.
By Anne Ayres.
New York: T. Whittaker, 1864.

Seed-Time and Harvest
[Sermon "preached at Hursley, Sept. 15, 1864, at a Farewell Service to the Hawaiian sisters"]
From Mission Life, Vol. I (first series) (October 1, 1866), pages 311-317.

The Virgin's Lamp: Prayers and Devout Exercises for English Sisters.
By John Mason Neale.
London: Rivingtons, 1868. [External link]

S. Margaret's, East Grinsted, Sussex.
Brighton: G. Wakeling, 1871.

A Sermon preached upon the Occasion of a Eucharistic Commemoration of the Clergy and Sisters Who Fell Victims to the Fever in the South.
By J. Jay Joyce. St. John's Church, Washington, D.C. All Saints Day, 1878.

The Sisters of St. Mary at Memphis: with the Acts and Sufferings of the Priests and Others Who Were There with Them during the Yellow Fever Season of 1878.
New York: Printed, but not Published, 1879.

The Sisterhood of S. John the Divine, Toronto.
Toronto: Timms, Moor and Co., 1882.

A Letter addressed to the Members of the Society of S. John the Evangelist
By Charles Chapman Grafton
No place: no publisher, 1883.

Sisterhood Life and Woman's Work, in the Mission-Field of the Church
By the Right Rev. Allan Becher Webb, D.D., Bishop of Grahamstown.
London: Skeffington & Son, 1883.

Harriet Monsell: A Memoir
By Thomas Thellusson Carter
New York: E.P. Dutton, 1884.

Anglican Sisterhoods: Their Inestimable Value in Rescue Work among Fallen Women. A Speech of the Right Rev. the Bishop of Peterborough, at the County Assembly Rooms, Leicester, on the 15th of April, 1886.
By William Connor Magee.
Torquay: The Directory Office, 1886. [External link]

William West Skiles
A Sketch of Missionary Life at Valle Crucis in Western North Carolina 1842-1862
Edited by Susan Fenimore Cooper
New York: James Pott & Co., 1890.

Addresses on "The Glorious Church"
Delivered by Father Ignatius, O.S.B. (Rev. Joseph Leycester Lyne), Evangelist Monk of the Church of England, at Westminster Town Hall.
Edited, with a short Preface, by J.V. Smedley, M.A.
London: Reginald Berkeley, 1891.

Deacons, Deaconesses and a Proposed Adaptation, in Part, of the Third Order of S. Francis, or a Proposed Outer Order for Men and Women Living in the World.
By the Author of "A Suggestion for the Times."
London: Skeffington and Son, 1891.

Extracts from the Sisters' Letters, August 11th to December 29th, 1895.
[Letters of Missionary Sisters of the Community of Saint Peter, Kilburn, working in Korea]
no place: no publisher, [c. 1895]

Harriet Starr Cannon: First Mother Superior of the Sisterhood of St. Mary.
A Brief memoir by Morgan Dix, Sometime Pastor of the Community.
New York: Longmans, Green, and Co. 1896.

Mother Harriet of the Sisterhood of St Mary: A Sketch
By the Rt. Rev. George F. Seymour, D.D., LL. D., Bishop of Springfield.
No place: no publisher, no date.

Memories of a Sister of S. Saviour's Priory
With a Preface by Father Stanton, S. Alban's Holborn.
London: A. R. Mowbray, 1903.

The Witness of the Religious Life. A Sermon Preached in the Chapel of Saint Mary on Occasion of the Dedication of the Convent of Saint Mary on Mount Saint Gabriel, Peekskill, N.Y., Wednesday, October 21, 1903.
By Morgan Dix.
New York: E. S. Gorham, 1903.

A Garden Enclosed: Practical Studies in the Religious Life: by a Sister of the Community of Saint Mary.
Peekskill, NY: The Convent Press, 1907.

The Society of the Oblates of Mount Calvary.
West Park, New York: Holy Cross Press, [c. 1910]

The Benedictines of Caldey Island: Containing the History, Purpose, Method, and Summary of the Rule of the Benedictines of the Isle of Caldey, S. Wales (Formerly of Painsthorpe, York).
The Abbey, 1912. [External link]

Memories of A Sister of S. Saviour's Priory.
London: A. R. Mowbray, 1912. [External link]

From Essays in Appreciation
By George William Douglas, D.D., S.T.D.
New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1913.

Sister Anne Ayres

Sister Henrietta, Community of St. Michael and All Angels
Edited by the Dowager Lady Loch and Miss Stockdale
London: Longmans, 1914.

From The Works of the Rt. Rev. Charles C. Grafton (Volume 5),
edited by B. Talbot Rogers, New York: Longmans, Green, 1914.

Vocation; Or, the Call of the Divine Master to a Sister's Life

The Religious Life: Meditations

A Religious Order for Men

Further Letters of Richard Meux Benson
Student of Christ Church; Founder and First Superior of the Society of S. John the Evangelist, Cowley
Edited by W.H. Longridge of the Same Society
Milwaukee: Morehouse, 1920.

Mother Eva Mary, C.T.: The Story of a Foundation
By Mrs. Harlan Cleveland
With Foreword by The Rt. Rev. Irving P. Johnson, D.D. Bishop of Colorado, Visitor of the Community of the Transfiguration. Afterword by The Rt. Rev. Paul Matthews, D.D. Bishop of New Jersey, Chaplain General of the Community of the Transfiguration
Milwaukee: Morehouse, 1929.

Transfigured Tales: Talks to Children in the Chapel of the Transfiguration Glendale, Ohio.
By Mother Eva Mary, C.T.
Boston The Stratford Publishers, 1930.

Richard Meux Benson.
London: The Catholic Literature Association, 1933.

Priscilla Lydia Sellon
London: The Catholic Literature Association, 1933.

Mother Kate [Warburton]
London: The Catholic Literature Association, 1933.

"Ta'ina:" Some lines on a new movement in Melanesia.
[By Walter Hubert Baddeley]
Sydney, New South Wales: The Melanesian Mission, 1935.

William McGarvey and the Open Pulpit
An Intimate History of a Celibate Movement in the Episcopal Church, and of Its Collapse, 1870-1908.
By Edward Hawks
Philadelphia: The Dolphin Press, 1935.

Melanesian Mission: The Community of the Cross
Rochester and Chatham: Parrett and Neves, 1946.

The Statutes and the Rule of the Order of S. Anne.
Authorized Edition, as written, revised, and approved by the Father Founder.
[No place: no publisher,] 1946.

An American Cloister: The Life and Work of the Order of the Holy Cross.
By Shirley Carter Hughson, O.H.C.
West Park, New York: Holy Cross Press, 1948.

The Community of the Holy Cross, Haywards Heath, 1857-1957: A Short History of Its Life and Work. [PDF]
By Alan Russell.
Haywards Heath: Holy Cross Convent, 1957.

Ten Decades of Praise: The Story of the Community of Saint Mary during Its First Century.
By Sister Mary Hilary, CSM
Racine, WI: The DeKoven Foundation for Church Work, 1965.

Into the Deep: The Story of the Confraternity of the Divine Love and the Order of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. [PDF]
By Mother Elizabeth of the Order of St. Elizabeth of Hungary.
London: The Confraternity of the Divine Love, 1967.

Spearhead: The Story of the Melanesian Brotherhood
By Father Brian Macdonald-Milne
Formerly Chaplain and Tutor of the Melanesian Brotherhood.
Watford, England: The Melanesian Mission, c. 1975.

Sister Lilian: Autobiography of Sister Lilian Takua Maeva of Anuta, Solomon Islands, the Community of the Sisters of the Church, and the Church of Melanesia.
Recorded and edited by Richard Feinberg.
Honiara, Solomon Islands, September 2000.

The Rule of the Community of Saint Mary: A Study in Development
By the Reverend Dr. Terrence Gleeson
The General Theological Seminary, New York, 2002.

Some Thoughts on Identity in Anglican Religious Life
By Petà Dunstan
Faculty of Divinity and St Edmund's College, University of Cambridge, UK
First published in Religious Life Review 41 (Jan/Feb 2002)

A Life in Order: The Memoirs of Brother Francis SSF.
Brisbane: The Society of Saint Francis, 2003.

The Role of Religious Communities in Peacemaking: The Solomon Islands
By the Right Reverend Dr Terry Brown, Bishop of Malaita, Church of the Province of Melanesia.
First published in Anglican Religious Life Journal, Issue No. 1 Canterbury Press, Newark (UK), 2004, pages 8-18.

Bishops and Religious 1897-1914
By Petà Dunstan
Faculty of Divinity and St Edmund's College, University of Cambridge, UK
First published in Anglican Religious Life Journal 1 (March 2004)

Making Space, Taking Space: Spatial Discomfort, Gender, and Victorian Religion
By Susan Mumm, Mount Saint Vincent University (2006)

Religious Communities of the Anglican Communion: Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific.
By Thomas William Campbell.
Braddon, ACT: Published privately, 2007.

One Man's War as Remembered after 40 Years
By Ernest Robert Ball, SSM (no date)

Anglican Versions of the Breviary
By the Reverend Thomas J. Williams (undated)

The Relation of Religious to Their Bishops.
Westminster, Maryland: Order of the Holy Cross, no date.

The Traditions of the Society of St. Margaret: Being the Rule of Life, the Internal Rule, and the Spirit of the Founder.
Boston: Society of St. Margaret, no date.

Travels in America: Aelred Carlyle, His American "Allies," and Anglican Benedictine Monasticism
By the Reverend Rene Kollar, O.S.B.

Was Father Field a Christian Socialist?
By the Reverend Robert Rea (undated)

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