Index Number |
Entry |
9780810876590 (ebook) |
Movies made for television, 2005-2009 / Alvin H. Marill. |
9780810876606 (hardback : alk. paper) |
The concise encyclopedia of the great recession, 2007-2010 / Jerry M. Rosenberg. |
9780810876613 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
The concise encyclopedia of the great recession, 2007-2010 / Jerry M. Rosenberg. |
9780810876620 (cloth : alk. paper) |
Encyclopedia of national anthems / edited by Xing Hang. |
9780810876651 (hardcover : alk. paper |
Masterworks of George Enescu : a detailed analysis / Pascal Bentoiu ; translated by Lory Wallfisch. |
9780810876668 (cloth : alk. paper) |
West Side story : cultural perspectives on an American musical / Elizabeth A. Wells. |
9780810876675 (cloth : alk. paper) |
Historical dictionary of Jesus / Daniel J. Harrington. |
9780810876682 (ebook) |
Historical dictionary of Jesus / Daniel J. Harrington. |
9780810876712 (cloth : alk. paper) |
What makes music European : looking beyond sound / Marcello Sorce Keller. |
9780810876736 (ebook) |
What makes music European : looking beyond sound / Marcello Sorce Keller. |
9780810876743 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
American classic screen interviews / edited by John C. Tibbetts, James M. Welsh ; foreword by Kevin |
9780810876750 (ebook) |
American classic screen interviews / edited by John C. Tibbetts, James M. Welsh ; foreword by Kevin |
9780810876767 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
American classic screen profiles / edited by John C. Tibbetts, James M. Welsh. |
9780810876774 (ebook) |
American classic screen profiles / edited by John C. Tibbetts, James M. Welsh. |
9780810876781 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
American classic screen features / edited by John C. Tibbetts, James M. Welsh ; foreword by Gene D. |
9780810876798 (ebook) |
American classic screen features / edited by John C. Tibbetts, James M. Welsh ; foreword by Gene D. |
9780810876804 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
The last silent picture show : silent films on American screens in the 1930s / William M. Drew. |
9780810876811 (ebook) |
The last silent picture show : silent films on American screens in the 1930s / William M. Drew. |
9780810876828 (pbk. : alk. paper) |
The fall of Buster Keaton : his films for M-G-M, educational pictures, and Columbia / James L. Neiba |
9780810876835 (ebook) |
The fall of Buster Keaton : his films for M-G-M, educational pictures, and Columbia / James L. Neiba |