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9004054073 Flodoard von Reims : sein Leben und seine Dichtung "De triumphis Christi" / von Peter Christian Jaco
9004054073 Flodoard von Reims : sein Leben und seine Dichtung ’De triumphis Christi’ / von Peter Christian Jaco
9004054162 Apocalypsis Esdrae ; Apocalypsis Sedrach ; Visio Beati Esdrae / edited by Otto Wahl.
9004054162 Apocalypsis Esdrae ; Apocalypsis Sedrach ; Visio beati Esdrae / ed. Otto Wahl.
9004054235 : Bantu myths and other tales / collected and translated [from the Bantu] by Jan Knappert.
9004054235 Bantu myths and other tales / collected and translated [from the Bantu] by Jan Knappert.
9004054243 Anglo-Hindu Legal Problems / J.D.M. Derrett.
9004054251 (v. 1, facs. 2) P. Aelii Aristidis Opera quae exstant omnia / ediderunt Fridericus Waltharius Lenz et Carolus Alliso
9004054251 P. Aelii Aristidis Opera quae exstant omnia / ediderunt Fridericus Waltharius Lenz et Carolus Alliso
9004054278 : Sparta and Persia : lectures delivered at the University of Cincinnati, autumn 1976 in memory of Don
9004054278 Sparta and Persia : lectures delivered at the University of Cincinnati, autumn 1976 in memory of Don
9004054286 Henochs Zehnwochenapokalypse und offene Probleme der Apokalyptikforschung / von Ferdinand Dexinger.
9004054286 Henochs Zehnwochenapokalypse und offene Probleme der Apokalyptikforschung / von Ferdinand Dexinger.
9004054294 The prescripts of Athenian decrees / by Alan S. Henry.
9004054294 The prescripts of Athenian decrees / by Alan S. Henry.
9004054324 Selected essays on gnosticism, dualism and mysteriosophy / by Ugo Bianchi.
9004054324 Selected essays on gnosticism, dualism and mysteriosophy / by Ugo Bianchi.
9004054375 Studies on the second part of the Book of Isaiah.
9004054413 Is there an esoteric doctrine in the Tractatus theologico-politicus? / Errol E. Harris.
9004054499 Tagebuch / Ignaz Goldziher ; herausgegeben von Alexander Scheiber.

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